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Author:  Shedinjamaster800 [ Fri Jan 06, 2012 3:50 pm ]

So I just evolved my nincada, and now I'm wondering if I should use ninjask or shedinja to continue in ny journey to the elite four.Any suggestions?

Author:  JsXtm [ Fri Jan 06, 2012 8:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SHEDINJA OR NINJASK?

Shedinja is an interesting option but with only 1 HP, it can be difficult to train. Ninjask is a speedster, and offers decent offensive power, but realistically most bug types are weak compared to other options.

Author:  King_Charizard [ Fri Jan 06, 2012 9:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SHEDINJA OR NINJASK?

I agree bug pokemon are generally weak imo.

Author:  DNA [ Sat Jan 07, 2012 12:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SHEDINJA OR NINJASK?

If it's ingame you're planning, and you want to pick Shedinja or Ninjask, I would highly recommend Shedinja.

Why? Even though it will instantly die to any super-effective attack (Fire, Flying, Rock, Ghost, Dark), it will receive 0 damage from basically anything else. Against certain opponents, you should keep Shedinja in the back row safely in hiding (like against Flannery/Winona, or Team Magma/Aqua), but against others you can deploy Shedinja without fear as you just sit there and chip away slowly at their health. Just watch out for burn, poison, and sandstorm/hail - Wonder Guard will not block external damage.

I've never used Shedinja myself (as I usually play through the game with Pokemon more of my favorites), but I definitely think he's worthy of consideration. Go for it. Slapping a few status moves on him will let you kick back and having your opponent rage in frustration about being unable to hit you.

Author:  Mektar [ Sat Jan 07, 2012 2:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SHEDINJA OR NINJASK?

On my second SS playthrough, I used a Shedinja. They're great against the stupid AI, but they fail competitively. They can wall entire movesets quite often. Case in point: Clair's Kingdra. It destroyed all my other mons, and the Smokescreen was annoying, but he pulled through in the end.

Author:  Shedinjamaster800 [ Tue Jan 10, 2012 3:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SHEDINJA OR NINJASK?

I got through looking at the miveset for both of them, and ninjask is great, but shedinjas diffrent. Plus I've looked at the egg moves for them and I think silverwind would help alot better than furycutter, and leechlife.
My friend is also woundering if it would be better to start the game completly over or just breed untill he gets the moves that he wants for specific pokemon, and level up from there.
P.S. all of his pokemon are at lv 52. and hes getting ready for the elite four.
Thanks for the suggestions.

Author:  King_Charizard [ Wed Jan 11, 2012 3:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SHEDINJA OR NINJASK?

Just keep breeding, whats his current team maybe Shedinja isnt the best choice. Try this as a team
Either {swampert} {sceptile} {blaziken}
{alakazam} or {gardevoir}
My team was, {walrein} , {salamence} , {rayquaza} , {swampert} , {alakazam} , {tyranitar} hope this helps with the decision! :D

Author:  Shedinjamaster800 [ Thu Jan 12, 2012 2:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SHEDINJA OR NINJASK?

He used my account a couple of weeks ago, and his team is in the RSE Team Rater section, pg22 last entry
As for me Im going to use pokemon that arn't used to much, but Im still having a hard time finding bagon.

Oh I almost forgot, what is the diffrent b/w in-game, and competitive teams, and how does that effect the movesets for the pokemon?

Author:  Archfiend_Bugsy [ Thu Jan 12, 2012 4:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SHEDINJA OR NINJASK?

{shedinja} {shedinja} {shedinja} {shedinja} {shedinja} {shedinja}
Hands Down!!!
{shedinja} has always been one of my absolute favorites, I have always used it in every team I have. {shedinja} 's wonder veil is the know all end all of abilities. Team it up with sableye with skill swap and your golden.
Now {shedinja} 's health is an issue for status attackers, toxic ect. Ect. And spikes is no bueno. Fortunately most in game teams don't take advantage of entry hazards!
Side note is {shedinja} is FUN!!! It has room to wiggle. Find a move that changes Shedinja's type. In gen V, if you shift it over, Golduck is a super sidekick! Soak and Cloud Nine is super aid for {shedinja} . Cloud nine eliminates weather and soak gives it weaknesses to only grass and electric. That throws off the current weaknesses.

Author:  Shedinjamaster800 [ Thu Jan 12, 2012 4:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SHEDINJA OR NINJASK?

Archfiend_Bugsy wrote:
{shedinja} {shedinja} {shedinja} {shedinja} {shedinja} {shedinja}
Hands Down!!!
{shedinja} has always been one of my absolute favorites, I have always used it in every team I have. {shedinja} 's wonder veil is the know all end all of abilities. Team it up with sableye with skill swap and your golden.
Now {shedinja} 's health is an issue for status attackers, toxic ect. Ect. And spikes is no bueno. Fortunately most in game teams don't take advantage of entry hazards!
Side note is {shedinja} is FUN!!! It has room to wiggle. Find a move that changes Shedinja's type. In gen V, if you shift it over, Golduck is a super sidekick! Soak and Cloud Nine is super aid for {shedinja} . Cloud nine eliminates weather and soak gives it weaknesses to only grass and electric. That throws off the current weaknesses.

I can't even remotely say how much I love you haha. Also I didn't know that sableye could learn skillswap

Author:  DNA [ Thu Jan 12, 2012 5:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SHEDINJA OR NINJASK?

@Archfiend Bugsy: Clearly you forgot that Skill Swap cannot affect Wonder Guard. Other than that...your points were all very good.

Author:  Archfiend_Bugsy [ Fri Jan 13, 2012 3:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SHEDINJA OR NINJASK?

O SHABOIGAN!!! I didn't know about the skill swap thing. My Bad!!
And I totes appreciate the Love :)

Author:  Shedinjamaster800 [ Sat Jan 14, 2012 8:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SHEDINJA OR NINJASK?

Archfiend_Bugsy wrote:
O SHABOIGAN!!! I didn't know about the skill swap thing. My Bad!!
And I totes appreciate the Love :)

Ahh its ok, plus I my shedinja Will definatly destroy the elite four, especially sidney

Author:  DNA [ Mon Jan 16, 2012 11:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SHEDINJA OR NINJASK?

Shedinjamaster800 wrote:
Ahh its ok, plus I my shedinja Will definatly destroy the elite four, especially sidney

Careful, boyo. Dark beats Ghost, so unless you have some solid Bug-type offense (which doesn't really exist before Generation 4), Shedinja should definitely stay in the back lines when fighting Sidney.

Author:  Shedinjamaster800 [ Wed Jan 18, 2012 10:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SHEDINJA OR NINJASK?

DNA wrote:
Shedinjamaster800 wrote:
Ahh its ok, plus I my shedinja Will definatly destroy the elite four, especially sidney

Careful, boyo. Dark beats Ghost, so unless you have some solid Bug-type offense (which doesn't really exist before Generation 4), Shedinja should definitely stay in the back lines when fighting Sidney.

Through extensive breeding, training and a lot of patience, my shedinja will have silver wind!!

Author:  Wongz [ Wed Feb 01, 2012 5:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SHEDINJA OR NINJASK?

I think Ninjask is better.
Shedinja has Winder Guard, but it has so many weakness.
Also, you can use a Ninjask to Baton Pass its Speed raises to a slow Pokémon.
But both Pokémon are weak. So, choose another one.

Author:  Skeleton [ Thu Feb 02, 2012 4:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SHEDINJA OR NINJASK?

Ninjask can at least be used to Swords Dance, Speed Boost and Baton Pass to something else for lethal results (or in Furret's case, something resembling competence). There're a million and a half simple ways to crush Shedinja that no party worth its salt should ever be without, or cornered into being unable to use. Even on a moveset without any super-effective moves, should that happen. Confuse it. Poison it. Burn it. Leech Seed it. Curse it. Sandstorm. Hail. Spikes. Nightmare. Destiny Bond. Perish Song. Gastro Acid. Sticky Barb, Switcheroo. Mold breaker. Worry Seed.

Author:  DNA [ Thu Feb 02, 2012 6:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SHEDINJA OR NINJASK?

Yeah, but for in-game purposes in RSE, Shedinja is definitely a viable option. Both of them have their pros and cons on an in-game team, but just pick one and stick with it.

Author:  ShadowSpriting [ Tue Jul 03, 2012 9:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SHEDINJA OR NINJASK?

{ninjask} is a good pokemon and all, but I highly recommend {shedinja}

Why? Bcuz it basically takes 0 damage from a not-very-effective attack and can learn many moves through TM's, whick makes it the ultimate weapon against any foe.(except for super-effective foes).

Author:  GhostPony750 [ Thu Jul 12, 2012 9:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SHEDINJA OR NINJASK?

Ninjask is really good. It has extremely high speed and deals alot of damage.
Also, its not rare that you get critical hit with slash, for exemple.

An exemple of Moveset:
-Aerial Ace
-Sword Dance
-Double Team

If you want to boost your next pokemon:
-Sword Dance
-Double Team
-Baton Pass
And the Speed Boost ability.

He is really good against grass and fighting types.

Shedinja is a pretty usefull one. He get wonder gard, making it hard to kill. but watch out for super effectives and status problems/hail sandstorm

An exemple of moveset:
-Double Team
-Confuse Ray/ Toxic
-Shadow Ball/ Psychic

My Opinion: Ninjask is better, because Shedinja is getting pwned easily :(
Wish I helped you! :P

Author:  sesha [ Wed Aug 28, 2013 12:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SHEDINJA OR NINJASK?

Shedinja is absolutely awesome! 8-) But get a pokemon(Golduck, for example) which has cloud nine ability and soak move. cloud nine
eliminates weather conditions while soak will switch weaknesses to grass and electric for shedinja. shedinja can defeat electric
opponents with earthquake(nincada should know it because its a bug/ground type) and topple grass enemies with silver wind,
signal beam or other powerful bug-type moves like X-scissor,u-turn and bug buzz.Hope this Helped. :) :)

Author:  DNA [ Wed Aug 28, 2013 9:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SHEDINJA OR NINJASK?

Nincada doesn't get Earthquake.
Dig and Mud-Slap are the only Ground-type moves that line can learn. Oh, and Sand-Attack if you count that.

Shedinja's best set usually involves Swords Dance and Shadow Sneak as 2 of the moves.

Author:  vaporterra [ Fri Aug 30, 2013 1:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SHEDINJA OR NINJASK?

I would go with Ninjask but if you really feel inclined to use Bug, Flying, or Ghost types, there's better options for in-game purposes like Heracross, Armaldo, Swellow, Altaria, Dusclops, Banette...

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