
Black 2 / White 2: Icy Terrain Ideas
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Author:  bottomsupfellas [ Sun Apr 15, 2012 8:04 am ]
Post subject:  Black 2 / White 2: Icy Terrain Ideas

What do you think the new iced-over Unova is going to be like?
Do you think there will be changes to the areas or we wont be able to access them at all?
And how do you think it ties in with the story?


Author:  PowerPeanut [ Sun Apr 15, 2012 12:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black 2 / White 2: Icy Terrain Ideas

I figure that since Kyurem is part Ice type, we'll have access to the icy areas once we deal with Kyurem (i.e.–kill it or catch it or something else to advance the plot). If you look at the map for BW2, you'll see on the southwest corner a small city (with a pokémon center), from where I assume we start our journey. :)

Also, it's interesting to consider the fact that BW2 takes place two years after BW, and there are already plenty of new cities and gym leaders.

One last thing: look at the rival's pants. What the heck is he wearing? XD

Author:  Haunted Water [ Sun Apr 15, 2012 1:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black 2 / White 2: Icy Terrain Ideas

PowerPeanut wrote:
One last thing: look at the rival's pants. What the heck is he wearing? XD

My fanny pack, my fanny pack!

Author:  OshawottFTW [ Mon Apr 16, 2012 11:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Black 2 / White 2: Icy Terrain Ideas

Well there is one thing we know for sure: There was a big lack of ice-Type pokemon in BW1 - So we can tell by the map that we might see a lot more this time round!

Author:  DragoBoy [ Mon Apr 16, 2012 1:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black 2 / White 2: Icy Terrain Ideas

OshawottFTW wrote:
Well there is one thing we know for sure: There was a big lack of ice-Type pokemon in BW1 - So we can tell by the map that we might see a lot more this time round!

Bulbapedia wrote:
Generation V introduced the most Ice-type Pokémon of any Generation, with eight

That's 1/4 of all ice-types.

Author:  Mektar [ Mon Apr 16, 2012 5:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black 2 / White 2: Icy Terrain Ideas

Of all the Pokemon created in Gen V, Ice and Poison had the lowest number (they tied at 8). With the addition of the new terrain and a poison type gym (the first one since Fuchsia!), those two types should get some more of the spotlight. Ideally, there should be an equal number of each in a region, maybe with exceptions for Normal and Water.

Author:  Arekasune [ Tue Apr 17, 2012 12:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Black 2 / White 2: Icy Terrain Ideas

Except aside from new forms, I don't think we're getting any new pokemon. Maybe there will be more ice types, but chances are they'll just be from previous games.

Author:  OshawottFTW [ Thu Apr 19, 2012 8:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Black 2 / White 2: Icy Terrain Ideas

DragoBoy wrote:
OshawottFTW wrote:
Well there is one thing we know for sure: There was a big lack of ice-Type pokemon in BW1 - So we can tell by the map that we might see a lot more this time round!

Bulbapedia wrote:
Generation V introduced the most Ice-type Pokémon of any Generation, with eight

That's 1/4 of all ice-types.

Bulbapedia wrote:
I'm not very reliable, don't listen to me. ;)

Author:  Haunted Water [ Thu Apr 19, 2012 11:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Black 2 / White 2: Icy Terrain Ideas

Actually, Bulbapedia is very reliable. Its as reliable as this site is! But I hope there is more ice types, because I do love using fire types!

Author:  OshawottFTW [ Fri Apr 20, 2012 8:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Black 2 / White 2: Icy Terrain Ideas

Samurott wrote:
Actually, Bulbapedia is very reliable. Its as reliable as this site is! But I hope there is more ice types, because I do love using fire types!

... I still don't think Bulbapedia is reliable but that's my opinion. However, I do agree that there should be more ice types and I love using fire types too.

Author:  Big J 0526 [ Fri Apr 20, 2012 10:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black 2 / White 2: Icy Terrain Ideas

There are probably going to be a lot of places like Route 216/217 and Acuity Lakefront from Gen 4 with high snow, lots of hail and low visibility.

Author:  IM_JUST_THAT_GREAT [ Sun May 06, 2012 6:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black 2 / White 2: Icy Terrain Ideas

Sorry, I'm new to fourms in general.
Anyway, I thought at first it would be like silver where you beat the main story first then you get to go to the area from the last game. Thinking about it now makes me uncertain though.

Author:  Mewsie [ Sun May 13, 2012 3:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black 2 / White 2: Icy Terrain Ideas

I was guessing that the iced over areas is where Kyrem is trying to TAKE OVER AND KILL US ALL erm, attampt to take control/attack/make its territory. But thats just a guess.
Or maybe thats where Zekrom and Reshiram are fighting Kyurem?

Author:  Alister Krios [ Mon May 21, 2012 10:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black 2 / White 2: Icy Terrain Ideas

I'm hoping some iced over areas might be unfrozen underneath. sort of like an underground city accessible via cave or underground tunnel. with the advance in graphics the DS systems have made as of late I think it might be a nice twist on the ice theme. there's also a chance, and I'm guessing this mainly for the section where we have to go deal with Kyurem on this part, that we might run into a combination of the Chargestone cave(or in white 2s case a thawed area with steam or another heat related area condition) , and Articunos locations the Kanto and Johto areas.were ice and the respective versions other element run rampant. (even though to be honest after dealing with seafoam islands without any sort of guide during Generation 1, ice dungeons leave a bad taste in my mouth in general).

story wise I could see them spinning it like emerald with the whole raised sea level or lowed sea level thing.a sort of "we must stop team plasma from trying to freeze humanity in a block of cold icy doom" apocalyptic type scenario, mayhem , destruction, mutant zombies in the streets on weekends you know...the usual.

editing note: sorry spell check didn't kick in on the first attempt.

Author:  ulquiorra [ Tue May 22, 2012 2:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Black 2 / White 2: Icy Terrain Ideas

So why is this frozen over in the first place? Maybe it's cos the hero of the first game woke and pissed Kyurem off? Have you guys seen the animated trailer for the game yet? If not head to IGN RIGHT NOW and watch it. (sorry, I'll add a link later) there is a part where the hero runs into a city that has been engulfed in ice, but it looks like the area will still be accessible. It does show the hero having some sort of battle there, so maybe team plasma is using it as some kind of hideout?

Aaaaanyways, I highly doubt that team plasma is trying to do some kind of apocalyptic end of the world type thing, cos their goal is to liberate pokemon, my thought is that N will try to step in and try and be a hero and try to stop Kyurem

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