
Island 6 - Pattern Bush
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Author:  Peanut-Lover [ Sat Apr 28, 2012 6:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Island 6 - Pattern Bush

What do Heracross and Ledyba, and Spinarak have in common?

a.) They are available in the Emerald Safari Zone
b.) They are available in FireRed/LeafGreen without the safari Zone
c.) All of the above

Can you guess? It is actually C
While noted in the Psydex under their locations as being in Pattern Bush, the walkthrough omits this area ENTIRELY.

Pokemon - FireRed Availability - LeafGreen Availability
Heracross - 20 - 20
Ledyba - 5 - 30
Spinarak - 30 - 5
(55% chance of running into these GSC pokemon without futsing around with the safari zone)
Caterpie - 10 - 10
Metapod - 5 - 5
Weedle - 10 - 10
Kakuna - 20 - 20
(45% chance of finding ordinary bugs)

There is also a slew of trainers, most of which I have not fought. The walkthrough, however, mentions NONE of this, save for one sentence:
First is the Forest, accessed by surfing north to another island. There are many battlers here in this maze and eventually you'll reach the exit. If you continue on, you'll see a small island with a cave entrance and a Team Rocket member outside. This cave is the Altering Cave - currently it has only Zubat in it, but the Pokemon will change when you use certain e-Cards.

Pattern Bush is just before altering cave. The location and encounter rates are not even mentioned.

(I came across it because I want to go through Emerald, again, and get the Johto starters, but suck at the Safari Zone. Looked for Heracross, saw that its location was not mentioned in the guide, asked a friend to go to 6 Island on his game, and ran across the Johto bugs!)

Author:  Skeleton [ Tue May 01, 2012 12:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Island 6 - Pattern Bush

They're all bug-type
They were all introduced in Generation 2
They are all exclusively in the Bug egg group
They can all learn Toxic, Double Team, Rest, Protect, Return, Frustration, Hidden Power, Substitute, and Round by TM :B
All have two-word species names
Each has two normal abilities outside of Dream World, one of which is Swarm
The second non-dream world ability for each has something to do with status problems for each one
All are dual-type
In HeartGold and SoulSilver, each can be found by headbutting trees (although Spinarak remains exclusive to HG and Ledyba is only found in SS)

Am I winning?

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