I just got Black 2, so I thought I'd post some screenshots I took.. obviously, there are going to be spoilers, so don't read any further if you don't want to have the surprise taken out of the game for you..
Here are some shots of the title screen. I didn't like how DPPt and BW lazed out on the opening sequence by simply showing some overworld shots panned in and out, so to have actual art is a big improvement but I would have enjoyed an opening tag like FRLG or RS much more I think.
Just some starting shots, you can see who the new gym leaders are and also the Town Map shows you that you start off your adventures in Unova but in an unexplored town. Just for reference, my name is DP and my rival's name is Josh. Cheren's gym is in your Town.
Some shots of your town. I didn't go into any of the buildings because I was too lazy and I bet that none of them give you free items anyway (seeing as it's just the first town anyway).
Bianca gives me my first Pokemon, and I chose Snivy, who I nicknamed Brad. Rival choose Tepig.. and after this battle you get the Running Shoes straight away! YES!!
After this you head off to the next town, and then Alder appears out of nowhere and jumps off a cliff and makes you... do errands for him. Certain trainers have lost their Herdier and you and rival have to find it.
You battle your rival again (his Tepig goes from Level 5 to Level 8), and when you find the Herdier he's being... bullied? by a Team Plasma grunt (I think, I don't know because he actually doesn't battle you). The offender then throws TM-Frustration at you (which is handy!) and then Herdier gets reunited with the trainers.
Added a Riolu to my party I nicknamed Alex, and then Alder takes you to his house where he makes you battle two trainers (Level 9 Pansour and Level 9 Pansear, pretty sure this would depend on your starter). Then he suggests you go back to your hometown and battle Cheren. (I think this is what he says).
Cheren's gym is like a Trainer's school in the front, but out back is the outdoor area where you battle him. Two gym trainers both have Lv9 Lillipup and Patrats. Cheren has Lv11 Patrat and Lv13 Lillipup, and gives out the Work Up TM.
So far, pretty easy, cleared Cheren's gym in 45 minutes without knowing much Japanese. Might post more later if people are interested but so far just meant to be a selection of shots to generate discussion on aethetic changes - like or dislike?
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