
New Starters oddly related to the Original Starters
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Author:  Psyches [ Mon Sep 16, 2013 4:41 pm ]
Post subject:  New Starters oddly related to the Original Starters

So this is a little odd, but interesting nonetheless.

Froakie is a Frog. The Bulbasaur line are Toad-like. Frogs and Toads are similar but retain major differences. Also, Froakie's line are Water-Frogs while Bubasaur's line are Grass-Toads. Arguably, they could be polar opposites.

Fennekin's line look like Knights, the stick in the tail could later be used as a sword in the final evo, and Charmander's line end up looking like a traditional Dragon. A Knight and a Dragon, again, arguably polar opposites.

Lastly, and unfortunately the most speculative, Chespin's line introduces a reference to the title "paladin" in the second evolutions English name- Quilladin. A Paladin is a Warrior, in this case a Grass-Warrior, or a Warrior of Nature. Squirtle, particularly in its final evolutionary forms, resembles an Army Tank, animalistic in nature but with obvious mechanical incorporation. A Grass Paladin Warrior and an Aquatic Army Tank. Polar Opposites? Maybe...

Until we see the final forms it's hard to be certain, but I think we can expect to see some good matching when pairing the original and final starter Pokemon in battle.

Author:  Kiga [ Mon Sep 16, 2013 6:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Starters oddly related to the Original Starters

I don't know…this seems largely speculative to me. I can see where you're going between Bulbasaur and Froakie, kind of, but you could make similar arguments about Torchic and Piplup, who are two different species of bird, and both are incapable of sustained flight. One just stays on land, and the other hunts in the sea. Charmander and Treecko, to some extent could be compared as well; they are both based off of a type of lizard, the tree gecko who lives in living trees, and the mythical salamander who is said to live in dead trees.

Fenniken looks like a fox, and looks in no way like a knight. Braixen looks more closely related to a kitsune-witch hybrid, which would be more in line with Merlin, if you want to stretch it that far. The screen shots revealing the evolutions in-game showed Braixen using the stick as a wand, not a sword. If any of these starters is like a knight, it would be Quilladin, if only because of the 'armor' aspect, but not by the description of the general personality. Honestly, Fennekin doesn't seem to have any design relationship with the Kanto starters to me. She seems closer to Torchic, who goes from a basic animal design to something humanoid; Braixen is more humanoid than Combusken is, at any rate. You could argue the same of Tepig and Piplup, to a point.

You have Squirtle's description right, if you are trying to compare a Tank to a Knight. That's more of an evolution of warfare than a comparison of opposites, though.

Author:  DNA [ Tue Sep 17, 2013 2:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Starters oddly related to the Original Starters

You stretched an outlandish thought so far out, I actually heard the elastic snap.

Author:  Thebluepik1 [ Wed Sep 18, 2013 11:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Starters oddly related to the Original Starters

:| Psyches, I think you tought about this too much. It doesn't matter if they are related unless they make it become obvious or make it signifigant to the story line. So, unless one of the two happen, it doesn't really matter. Don't get me wrong, I think its interesting.

Author:  CuteKirlia [ Thu Sep 19, 2013 4:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Starters oddly related to the Original Starters

Interesting, but not unheard of. I frequently compare pokemon to each other, and there's nothing to it unless Nintendoe put it there on purpose, and it's obvious then. For example, Gothitelle is like Gothic Gardevoir, but it really has no real connection whatsoever. Now, if they gave Gothitelle a Knight evolution counterpart, that would be obviously copying off of Gallade.

Author:  Psyches [ Fri Sep 20, 2013 4:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Starters oddly related to the Original Starters

Ahhhhh what an imagination I have... But seriously, I can't help but think there's something in the whole "two" starters in this gen. I agree that Braxien is probably more like a wizard/merlin than a knight, but that still ties in with Charizard with the whole Camelot/dragon relation. Obtaining these two starters at the beginning of a quest obviously means there's some link. At least in my over-active imagination.

Author:  Miyo [ Sat Sep 28, 2013 3:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Starters oddly related to the Original Starters

I think it might just be a "then and now" thing by offering us both. Sort of a "we're done remaking the Gen I games now, so here's a nod to our Gen I'ers". It seems they have listened to a lot of what people want from their Pokémon experience for Gen VI.

I do like how you tried to link them though. Would have been kind of cool.

Author:  RedRum [ Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Starters oddly related to the Original Starters

From what I read the Kalos starters might have been intended to be RPG themed because Delphox is like a mage or something. I am a dunce in this area as I don't play RPGs but yeah someone elsewhere theorized it and there was a response that seemed to confirm that it was the intention.
My apologies but though your thought process is very clever and something I have commonly done myself I'm afraid in this case it didn't work. I'm not seeing the relation in what you describe nor do I agree that Bulbasaur is toad like.

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