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 Pokemon Analysis: Granbull 
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Ace Trainer
Ace Trainer
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Base stats: 90 hp, 120 atk, 75 def, 45 spd, 60 satk, 60 sdef

Abilities: Intimidate

No Resistances
Weaknesses: fighting
Immunities: ghost

+ Awesome attack stat and one of the broadest physical movepools in the game
+ Good HP, slightly above average defense, and intimidate make it a solid UU physical wall
+ Heal bell with its solid HP and defenses makes it one of the few good UU clerics
+ Roar with its solid HP and defenses makes it a decent UU p-hazer
+ That Bad-ass look

- Low base special defense leaves it someone vulnerable without sdef EVs
- Weakness to fighting limits its physical walling potential somewhat
- Frighteningly low speed

General counters: It really depends on the set. Bulky water types counter it nicely. Metagross can overpower it with clearbody and STABed meteor mash. Skarmory and the other OU physical walls can generally counter, unless it has fireblast or overheat or some such move. T-tar, Aggron, Rhydon, Golem, etc counter it if it doesn't have BB, EQ, or sub/punch.


Granbull (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Intimidate
EVs: 124 HP / 134 Def / 252 SDef
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Heal Bell
- Return
- Shadow Ball / Earthquake
- Thunder Wave / Roar
Utilibull is a monster of my own creation. I've tried a number of the other Granbull sets, but for me at least, it always comes back to this one. Even without EVs, adamant Granbull has an attack stat of 303, which still means one mean return attack. My EV spread gives it equal defenses and HP divisible by 16, but if you would rather use that Intimidate ability to help make it an even better physical wall, dump some of those SDef EVs into HP and Def. Thunderwave is useful in slowing down DDers, Agilisweepers, pinch sweepers, and just plain fast sweepers in addition to just stalling for time on fully paralyzed turns, while Roar is an option if your UU team lacks a P-hazer. Heal Bell, well, you know that that's there for. Kill off that Jynx, Jumpluff, or whatever thats harrassing you with status effects, and heal it all away. Return is for general coverage and STAB, Shadow Ball if you fear ghosts/psychics, EQ if you fear steels/rocks.

Granbull (M) @ Choice Band
Trait: Intimidate
EVs: 138 HP / 252 Atk / 120 SDef
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Earthquake
- Focus Punch
- Return
- Shadow Ball
With that monstrous attack stat and its ability to take a couple hits, the CB set can be mean, though not a pure menace like the CB Ursaring. Other options for attacks on this set include Sludge Bomb, Brick Break, Rock Slide, Hidden Power (don't know why you would want hidden power with all those other attacks available, but it's an option) and Fireblast/Overheat (for the most part only if you are playing in OU, and if you do use either of these, go with a Brave nature). Like I said, one of the broadest physical movepools in the game. Your EVs are up to you, but you will definitely want 252 attack on your CBer. The spread between HP and defenses are completely dependent on what your team need more though.

Granbull (M) @ Leftovers / Chesto Berry
Trait: Intimidate
EVs: 190 HP / 68 Def / 252 SDef
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Bulk Up
- Rest
- Return
- Shadow Ball / Earthquake
A fairly common Granbull set, the concept is simple. Bulk up while you are in no danger, sweep, and when your HP gets low or if you want to get rid of a status ailment, rest. Chesto is an option for obvious reasons, but with Granbull's solid HP, leftovers is probably advisable. The EV spread transfers some of the Def EVs into HP to give it more longevity since a single bulkup will give it more than enough Defense to stall most physical attacks.

Granbull (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Intimidate
EVs: 124 HP / 134 Def / 252 SDef
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Return
- Shadow Ball
- Substitute
- Focus Punch
The subpuncher set. Granbull, like any physically bulky set with a solid attack, makes a pretty good sub-puncher. Focus punch eliminates the need for Earthquake, so stick with Shadow Ball on this set. Again the concept is simple, just like any other subpuncher. Sub on the switch (who is going to keep a pokemon with -1 attack in), and deal whatever comes in a nice hit or KO it. Again, my EV spread is more defensive. The CB-Granbull's EV spread would also work nicely here.

Other options: With that sexy defense and Intimidate, Counter is a very viable option. Toxic is always an option on something with bulky defenses. Reflect if you like the pseudo-stat passing. Of cource the Thunder Wave / Smelling Salt set is always fun, but I wouldn't suggest it on a competitive set.

Final Analysis: Granbull is one of the better UU walls. Though it can't compare to your Cloyster for physical walling or you Hypno for special walling, in terms of general walling with the ability to bite back, it's one of the best. Even in OU it can sometimes work with intimidate and its bulky defenses and HP, though it is far more effective in UU. STAB + Return + Base 120 attack gives it one of the single most powerful attacks in the UU metagame. Combine that with its respectable defenses and high HP, and Granbull is certainly not a pokemon to be laughed at.


Last edited by Lynx on Wed May 10, 2006 6:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Jan 18, 2006 4:16 pm
Dragon Tamer
Dragon Tamer
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Joined: Fri Jun 17, 2005 1:46 pm
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Granbull's T-Wave support is pretty much great for any UU team.

This think also handles Miltank + any other Cleric UU can throw at you so..T-wave their team to death, then Trapinch, ftw.

This thing likes to work with Magneton/Nosepass.

Wed Jan 18, 2006 5:37 pm
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