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 The Ultimate Plot-Twisting Medievil Pokemon RP Ever! 
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Gasping, she ran to his side again. "Damean, stop doing this..." she muttered nervously. Looking up, she studied the area. It looked old, far too old. It didn't make sense to her. None of this had ever been created - you just didn't use Pokemon for battling! They were pets, or servants, not warlings! This wasn't right for her time..

Shaking him gently, Seraphina called Damean's name.

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Sun Jan 29, 2006 8:00 pm
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The woman strided over to the girl, she took her hand, "Come on Presea, we have to make the match on time or they won't let us in." she said, heading for the large dome, Damean followed not out of his own will, "Why do we have to go to this barbaric event?" a voice said, Daeman looked to his side, a blonde boy that looked like Damean almost exactly was moping, "Mom, it's just so boring to see pokemon fight, if I wanted to see that I would've watched Damean fight with that Rhydon again." he muttered, "Now Gabriel, you know Presea loves these things, it's her birthday so just try not to complain to much." the woman said, "It's your sister's day today." Gabriel grumbled, "Yes, mother" he said.

Damean woke up, "Mother..." he said staring at the ceiling, moss hung down from it, "That's what she looked like..." he muttered.

Sun Jan 29, 2006 8:15 pm
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"Damean? Damean, are you alright? Why do you keep fainting like this?" Seraphina peered down at him nervously, running a slightly shaking hand through her hair.

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Sun Jan 29, 2006 8:43 pm
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"It's nothing, the graphite is just knocking me out." he said, pulling his knife from it's binding, he stabbed himself in the neck, where a black mark was, the black mark went away as the stab wound healed. "There." he said contently, "I'll be fine now."

Mon Jan 30, 2006 6:44 pm
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"Are you sure?" Seraphina watched him closely, still nervous. "How does that knife heal it?"

Meanwhile Raptar was sniffing around the edge of one of the domes. Tilting his head, he picked up a piece of dark material and brought it over, dropping it gently onto Damean's lap.

"What's that?" Seraphina asked. "What did you find, boy?"

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Mon Jan 30, 2006 10:51 pm
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"Looks like old clothes or something." Damean picked it up, it had some letters stiched into a dark cloth, it read

lcome to the Inid

guess it was a flag, he said tossing it aside, then noticing his hands were red form touching it, "Blood?" he said, looking around, "Where'd you find that Raptar?"

Tue Jan 31, 2006 7:15 pm
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"Blood?" Seraphina repeated quietly. She turned to watch Raptar as he stretched happily, clearly not listening to a word Damean said.

"Raptar! Where did you find that?" He sat up and looked at her, then turned and scampered over the the edge of a dome, nosing it and whining. Slowly Seraphina made her way over to where he was.

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Tue Jan 31, 2006 10:40 pm
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Damean walked over to the edge of the dome where Raptar was, he bent down and noticed there was blood trickling out of a crack in the dome, "No." he said, "Not again!" he ran around the dome trying to find a way in, he found rusted doors and slammed them, they fell almost as if they were nothing. He looked around the dome, it was a clean metal interior, he walked ovfer to where he heard Raptar whining on the other side, a pool of blod was there, it was placed as if it were water. "We have to leave, a curse from the god of sea has befallen this place." he said rushing back to Seraphina, "The water is now blood, drinking it will result in illness and possibly death." he said.

Wed Feb 01, 2006 8:24 pm
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((No Bible stories thanks))

"B-blood? But that's impossible!" Seraphina stood up slowly and picked up Raptar. "What do you mean, how could the water be blood, that's impossible!"

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Thu Feb 02, 2006 2:43 am
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((Wasn't thinking about that... >< Thanks for letting me know, I don't want this to become biblical and stuff.))

"Well, it's pretty much just adding poisonous food coloring to it, not exactly blood but it tastes like it." Damean said, "We have to leave the area, the water is very deadly, and it won't look like normal water to us." he picked up Raptar and handed him to Seraphina, "It looks like blood to tell us to stay away, but to the target of the curse it'll look normal. And don't let Raptar out of your sight, we can't risk him taking a drink."

Damean looked around, "I wonder who the target was..." then a thought of dread crossed over his face, What if I'm wrong? What if it actually is blood? he thought, "We have to leave." he said, then he heard a laugh and a loud noise sounded the area and pain shot his heart, he turned to see a man holding an odd weapon, it had a barrel at the end, and a trigger like a cross bow, smoke came from the barrel as a shakey man laughed, "Bang!" he said, "...Run..." Damean said, pain in his heart building rapidly, his other set of wings came out the red marks burning, "Run!" he said, his voice changing.

Last edited by Magus on Fri Feb 03, 2006 9:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Feb 02, 2006 8:17 pm
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((No offence to any religious readers we might have, of course.))

((Uhh, Magus? I really don't know what to write. This doesn't seem to be going anywhere, and I don't know what you have in mind. I can't really reply till I can actually do something ><))

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Fri Feb 03, 2006 2:56 am
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((Yes, no offense, I'm an atheist, so I don't really believe in thoae sorts of things anyway...

EDIT: Very odd plot twist I added here, a guy with a gun!))

Fri Feb 03, 2006 9:31 pm
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((Enough with the being shot and turning evil thing >_<

On a different note you might be thinking along the same lines as me..))

Seraphina froze, watching him. "That thing must have graphite in it.." she muttered, thinking hard. Raptar growled and sneezed, sending a jet of flames shooting out. Watching him, Seraphina had an idea. Holding Raptar close, she transformed into a Suicune. Rearing back, she aimed a jet of water at Damean.

If you're reading this, you're looking through old posts, getting nostalgic... send me an email, if you want. I'd love to hear from you. flareyworks (a) gmail

Sun Feb 05, 2006 3:58 am
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((Yeah, how 'bout I get stabbed a few times!! :P And Seraphina needs to fight somebody, and I actually need to use my pokemon for a change! ><))

Damean was knocked foward from teh blast, his wings began to get cold, really fast, "Stop it!" he yelled, suddenly regaining sanity, "Seraphina stop it!" he said, "It's okay!" his wings turned back to normal, the man with the odd weapon laughed, "Demon! Must kill it, yes!" he aimed the weapon at Damean again, "Kills it I will!" he said, then cackling a little insanly.

Sun Feb 05, 2006 11:45 am
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((Sorry about the wait - I just wasn't feeling like RPing for quite a while. I'm better now ^_^))

Seraphina scowled at the man, shooting a jet of ice at him. Transforming back, she watched Damean.

"Are you alright now?"

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Thu Feb 09, 2006 3:37 am
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Water dripped from his hair as Damean got up, "I'm wet..." he muttered, the man was't totally frozen, he head managed to escape the jet of freezing air, "Demons!" he shrieked, struggling with the ice, doing nothing but wasting strength. "Don't waste your strength." a deep voice said, Damean looked swiftly to the side, a large man stood there, his hair seeming like a lion's mane, he walked over to Damean and Seraphina, "Thank you for disarming him." he said, "Smeagol has been a dangerous threat to us for quite sometime." Damean looked at the man with confusion H'e not afraid... he thought, "Who are you?" Damean asked.

Thu Feb 09, 2006 5:37 pm
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Seraphina swished her long tail nervously, watching Damean and the man. Raptar whined quietly and she shushed him, stroking his back. For some reason the big man unnerved her, and she waited quietly, trusting Damean to judge him accurately.

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Fri Feb 10, 2006 8:16 pm
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"I," the man said taking a slight bow, "am Gryphor." Damean looked at te man he was almost stunned by his bow, the man seemed to have so much power, yet he was bowing to Damean. "I'm Damean." Damean said, he also took a bow, he folded his wings, I think it's safe to trust him... he thought, "Do you know where this place is?" Gyphor asked, staring at Damean calmly, he wasn't even phased by Damean's wings, "No." Damean said, "We stumbled here escaping a nearby village." Gryphor smilied cooly, "This my friend, is the base of Midnight, clan of Death. I am the clan's leader." Clan of Death!?! Damean thought, That's... he remembered reading the wall in Seraphina's home, the passage about the five stars, One of sea, one of land, one of sun, one of moon and one of mind. Damean remembered the part e kept to himself, Sea power to control water, land to control fire, sun to control life, moon to control death, mind to govern them all.

Sun Feb 12, 2006 12:05 pm
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((Woot! Yeah! Govern em all! Am liking that one :P ))

((And Gryphor - not modelled on our beloved Gryphflame is he? Only male?))

((Lol multiple brackets))

"Clan of Death?" Seraphina repeated. Could Midnight be related to that inscription on my amulet..? she wondered to herself. Without realizing it she reached into her sash and pulled out the small amulet, keeping it concealed in her hand. A small golden disc, it was unremarkable save the engraving on it, and the symbol on one side. The symbol was that of an eye, open and peering up at the holder, and even without looking at it, Seraphina had long ago memorized the enscription. One of mind, one with the power to See, thus of mind shall thee conceive. Rival of death, ally with sea, enemy to sun shall be. It hadn't meant anything to her, but maybe this mysterious stranger could decifer the strange words' meaning..

((Lol mysterious-like stuff))

Mon Feb 13, 2006 2:27 am
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((Actually, Gryphor is based off of a character named Griffca, who can transform into a tiger (looks like he should be a lion, not a tiger.) I changed it around a bit :) But Gyphflame also deserves a good character to honoer her to so it's kinda both now.))

Gyphor looked at Seraphina, "And what's your name?" he asked, "And what do you have in your hand?" Damean stepped in between them, "She's Seraphina, as to that second question... probably nothing." he said, lying, he knew she had something important to her and until he could trust the man he wouldn't let him lay a hand on Seraphina. "Hmph, very well." Gryphor said, he turned his attention to Damean, "You should come inside, the wind is starting to pick up." he then walked away and Damean followed, grabbing Seraphina's hand, "Come on," he said, "Let's not keep our host waiting." he looked her in the eyes, "Keep close." he silently said to her.

Mon Feb 13, 2006 5:03 pm
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Seraphina nodded, waving her tail slowly. Realizing that she'd been fiddling with the amulet again, she slipped it back into her sash and called softly to Raptar, who had been lying contentedly a few feet away. Happily he jumped to his feet and bounded after them as they followed the strange man.

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Mon Feb 13, 2006 11:10 pm
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Gryphor entered a large dome, it was covered in moss and rust, and appeared to almost fall apart, "Opunus an ire un hien deamun!" Gryphor said, Damean looked in shock, He spoke the Language of the Gods... e thought just as he reallized what he said, "Down!" he yelled to Seraphina as a stream of arrows shot from a hole that started to open in the floor, the ends were tipped with a rusty colored metal, "Blast..." Damean muttered as he tackeld Seraphina to the ground, he narrowly dodged a few arrows while he ducked.

Tue Feb 14, 2006 8:18 pm
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((My evil mind just had a brilliantly evil way of .. well you'll see))

Seraphina gasped as she hit the floor, but her next words were blocked out by a high-pitched cry of pain. As the arrows came up from the ground, several had speared Raptar through the stomach as he leapt after his mistress.
"No! Raptar!" Seraphina cried, reaching to him. He whimpered and collapsed on his side, bleeding badly. Kneeling next to him, Seraphina bit her lip in distress.
"Damean, what do we do?!"

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Wed Feb 15, 2006 1:05 am
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Damean got up, "You son of a..." he muttered, Gryphor stood as if nothing had happened, "I'd like to test the abilities of the 'Angel of Death'" he said calmly, Damean stared at the man with disgust and hatred, "You murdered the legendary beat of fire!" Damean yelled at him, Gryphor remained calm, "He will be reborn shortly." he replied, "You..." Damean said rage boiling inside him, "Damean, are you angry right now?" Gryphor asked, "Do you want to kill me?" he smiled evily, "That's okay, it's understandable as I just gave the order that killed one of your conpanions..." Damean was becomeing more angry by the minute, "Come, fight me." Gryphor said, he pulled a copper sword from his belt, it seemed large but yet small compaired to the man's largness, "Muin yur 'ouse wraught 'en hein undier orld." Damean said, "You curse my family?" Gryphor laughed, "To bad my family's already dead." He waved his sword, "Bring it on." Damean called upon his katans, they came in a flurry of black smoke, "Masa and Mune?" Gryphor asked, "Swords from long before even your time..." Damean charged at the man, his katanas seeming like a nothing but silver streaks, Gryphor blocked each blow with ease, "Come on, I know you can fight better than that." he swung at Damean, who dodged as if the blow were slower than a snail, and hit Gryphor with a blizzard of blows, each seemed like they would kill the man but they were all blocked, "So the Angel of Death's rage is just this?" Gryphor asked, "According to my men you murdered an entire city on your own..."

Wed Feb 15, 2006 6:31 pm
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((I'm so evil. I make Leona look friendly and merciful. Wait - no I don't :P ))

Picking up Raptar's body with shaking hands, Seraphina chewed her lip in distress. "No.. Raptar.." she said softly. Moving back slowly, she pulled out the amulet again and fingered it, watching Damean battle tensely, knowing she was powerless to do anything.

Thu Feb 16, 2006 1:53 am
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