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 class of '06 
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hey everyone post here if you graduated this year. it doesnt have to be high school, it can be from any school. just tell us when and which school...

ill start things off

i graduated from middle school this year at Pompano Beach Middle School.

sry if theres already a post like this...

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Sun May 28, 2006 1:26 pm
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Graduating from Danville Middle School, 8th grade. Next year: 9th grade at DHS. (I didn't want to go to Vo-Tech.)

I get out of school on Friday. Cool thing is, I heard Mrs. Craig (math teacher and SGA/Student Council person) talking about me getting an award on Thursday at the Awards Ceremony. I think she said the Patience award. Yay if I do :)

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Sun May 28, 2006 2:11 pm
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graduating from Beall High School, thursday.... YAY FOR ME!

Sun May 28, 2006 2:50 pm
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nice :D ... congrats guys... lucky u tesser u get to finish high school im just beginning...

i got outta school on Friday (last friday) and my graduation was the day bfore... i got the President's Award!!! even though i dont care bout Bush lol

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Sun May 28, 2006 2:55 pm
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Lite Four
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I haven't graduated, but I will at the end of the year, from college.

The education system works differently here. Basically we undergo six years of basic, or Primary education, followed by four years of Secondary education. Then there's two years of college, or pre-university education, or three years in vocational institutes, where you can graduate with a basic diploma. I took the former path, and this is my second and final year. After graduation, I'm off to serve the army for two years, after which I will enter university.


Sun May 28, 2006 6:55 pm
Dragon Tamer
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i respect u 10 times more having learned that about u snowball

for fighting i say thank u sir

{tentacruel} {tropius}

Mon May 29, 2006 2:02 am
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sN0wBaLL wrote:
I haven't graduated, but I will at the end of the year, from college.

The education system works differently here. Basically we undergo six years of basic, or Primary education, followed by four years of Secondary education. Then there's two years of college, or pre-university education, or three years in vocational institutes, where you can graduate with a basic diploma. I took the former path, and this is my second and final year. After graduation, I'm off to serve the army for two years, after which I will enter university.

Good on you! I hope that Singapore doesn't get into any wars for the next couple of years... I'm graduating in a couple of years from Secondary school (I think that it's the English equivalent of High School. Probably. I don't know much about foreign forms of education).


Last edited by goldenquagsire on Wed May 31, 2006 12:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Mon May 29, 2006 2:08 am
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Ferrari wrote:
for fighting i say thank u sir

You misunderstand me. In Singapore, serving in the army is mandatory, meaning it is made compulsory by law for all fit males aged 18 years (or thereabouts) to serve 2 years in what is termed as "National Service". To summarise the reasons behind such a system, the country's population is too small to support a regular army. Hence, there is no fighting whatsoever. It's merely military training and such, nothing like going to war or what. And since Singapore has good political ties with several other countries, it's highly unlikely that such a situation will arise.


Mon May 29, 2006 4:37 am
Frontier Brain
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This is a minor graduation, but I'm happy about it anyway. In my town, we have two high schools--one for freshmen and sophomores, the other for juniors and seniors. There are people who have to walk to their opposite school because of certain classes, but that's besides the point. :P

I'm excited to leave my current building because the upperclassmen building is a lot less strict, and several of the rules that were enforced with an iron fist in the past two years are not followed. It'll be great! :D

FML wrote:
Today, in the midst of foreplay, this girl tells me I am so hot, I respond "Ditto." She heatedly responds "I love ditto," to which I suavely reply "I didn't know you were into Pokemon. That may make you even sexier." She knows nothing about Pokemon, but I sure know how to kill the mood. FML


Mon May 29, 2006 5:37 am
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I'm graduating from highschool in a couple of weeks, and will be off to university next year. According to other people who've graduated from my school, university is actually much easier, so hopefully I'll have more time for the 'net :)

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Mon May 29, 2006 11:00 am
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I'm starting "High school" next year! I go from home school to Nars/homeschool. :P It means i'll probably get on more often, (during brakes) since I'll be doing a lot of my work at the college library where my Dad works. (Has WI-FI :D )

I'm not here all the time, though I do pop back in occasionally, if you want to contact me, you can dropped me a line at

Tue May 30, 2006 6:36 pm
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Class of '02 (High School).

good luck in the future and which ever path you choose.


Sun Jun 04, 2006 7:23 am
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Congrats Gryph! I'm happy to hear you're graduating. :) My older sister is in the class of '06 as well; she graduated just last week. 8)

I am only moving up to 10th grade though. I will be a sophomore next year. Huzzah! Hooray for class of '09. :P

Anyways, congrats to all graduates of '06...I wish you all great luck in the future. And remember these words...

"The Force will be with you. Always."
~Obi-Wan "Ben" Kenobi


Sun Jun 04, 2006 1:37 pm
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Frontier Brain
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I graduated high school this year. I take my ceremonial walk to get my diploma this Tuesday. I can't wait!


=02:47:08= <pop10> probably means your staff or soethingwich in that case i could getyou fired or i could report to nintendo how bad of website you run because you dont follow your own rules on the chats

Sun Jun 04, 2006 2:46 pm
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i for one am nto walking, screw ceremonies, i just want the diploma... ^_^

Sun Jun 04, 2006 3:38 pm
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Two more days before I graduate from grade school. Can't wait for high school.




Mon Jun 05, 2006 3:45 pm
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