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This is sort of a wierd topic, but it's really late, I'm feeling rather twisted, and I figure I'll take a crack at sparking some new conversation in here.

We all know that school is a breeding ground of chaos. A festering tide pool spilling over with busted lockers, mysterious odors wafting from the chem lab, mentally unstable teachers, and get the idea.

This being said, what is the oddest, funniest, or all around most memorable thing that has ever happened to you within the walls of the education system?

Mine was the time that I was walking down the hall with my friend Steven. He was a Freshman at the time, I was a Sophmore (Off topic: I'm a Senior this year!! Rock on!!!) and apparently a couple of bullies that had picked on him in middle school ended up going to our high school. They spotted him as we were walking, and started harassing him. They called him various names, including "gay". Well, these kids had never dealt with me before. I hate bullies, especially ones that target my friends, and I hate when people use homosexuality as an insult. (A very good friend of mine is bisexual, so I take HUGE offense to that kind of crap.) Anyway, I realized that my friend wasn't going to stand up for himself, so I walked up to one of the boys, put a hand on his shoulder, and in my absolute best gay dude imitation voice, said "Oh sweetie, you shouldn't go around doing that. You might hurt somone's feelings, silly buns." Ha! The jerk was speechless! Then I winked at him and they both walked off VERY fast, muttering to themselves and glancing over their shoulders at me. Later, I saw the same two boys in the hall, so I called "Hey there, silly buns!" The two of them looked at each other, then high tailed it in the opposite direction. They never bothered my friend again, and the rest, as they say, is history.

Last edited by Miasma on Wed Jun 07, 2006 5:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Jun 06, 2006 11:11 pm
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I drove one Teacher insane my whole freshman year and it was his first year teaching there. At the end of the year and he came up to me and said "You win I quit.". Now everytime I see him somewhere He runs away.

<img src="images/trainercards/disehmoh.png">

Tue Jun 06, 2006 11:15 pm
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Where do I start? The limitless incidents with temp. teachers? Driving a teacher literally to tears? A whole year group messing about in assembly? I will post more here as soon as I get home, 'kay?


Wed Jun 07, 2006 6:18 am
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Hmm.. well, we've sung the Quadratic Formula in math before.

I've been crawling through the duct system with a video camera in an attempt to get some good angles for a video yearbook type thing.

I almost blew up a computer; probably done so on several occassions, really.

I have fixed computers that run in languages I can't read (ie: Korean and Japanese).

Towards the end of the year, my geography teacher (who wouldn't be coming back next year) made a mistake as he was writing out notes for us to copy. When someone pointed it out, he wrote it off as "Must've had too much crack with my coffee this morning" and just kept on teaching.

In that same World History/Geography class, when we were starting the Japan unit, we got a "How much do you already know about Japan" quiz, one question being "What kind of natural disasters does Japan suffer?" Several people put "zombies" and "GODZILLA!!!!!"

It's not uncommon to be walking through the halls an hear someone singing Weird Al's "Albuquerque" in its entirity. I've yet to hear verse three of "Hardware Store," but I wouldn't be surprized.

I've heard teachers talk of shotguns (turns out it was for the play), I've signed someone's pants just because I was asked to, I've been introduced to people who say they had a dream about me, met someone else with a "Hey, you there! Would you marry me?" and to top it all of, I ate some liquid nitrogen in chem this year. Tasty.


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prima meas ancestras necavit // et nunc me necat

Wed Jun 07, 2006 10:25 am
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Ah, here we go... last year, someone tossed blue powder (Sulper?) into another girl's eyes. Not really funny, but still! Not forgetting all the hilarious jokes that arise whenever our Science teacher mis-pronounces "Organism" (but that's PG-13, so I won't go into any more detail!), all the times that we've had a temp. teacher who got the wrong end of the stick... Heh, my school's a laugh-riot! BTW, Jigglypuff, why does your school have computers that run in Korean??? :shock:

Jiggz: Since I'm too lazy to made a new post, it's because it was a laptop belonging to a Korean girl. Similarly, a laptop belonging to one of the Japanese guys. The school computers are in English, though perhaps a senior prank is in order....


Wed Jun 07, 2006 10:32 am
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Speaking of school chaos.

Today there was a bomb threat at our local Middle school. Skull Kid and I decided to take a stroll up to the school and see what was going on. There were helicopters surrounding our houses, Bomb squad, hundreds of police, every house evacuated etc.

They found a brief case with tear gas we hear.

I will fill everyone in when I hear more.

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Wed Jun 07, 2006 11:31 am
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Ahhhh Our school wasn nicknamed "Crack High" and here's why:

1st Semester: Kid made hashbrownies and fed them to his homeroom. The smart kids in there were even loopy it was quite funny. We had more arrests made that semester then the previous 2 yrs combined. We also started to wear ID tags, all students and facilty becuase of the "Drugs", and "Intruders"

2nd Semester: I was offered serveral times to buy, store, or sell "Aregano". The locker owner next to me wanted to me to do these things, and the most amount of "Aregano" he had on him was 2 bricks. On average both my A&B day 1st hour classes had about 2 kids that were high.

<img src="images/trainercards/disehmoh.png">

Wed Jun 07, 2006 12:24 pm
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Today is my birthday and a BOY was giving me birthday bashings, at the moment I'm doing extra Irish courses with my best freind. Anyway this guy was punching me so i unscrewed the cork on his drink and poured it on his head :D

Earlier this year I opened my locker and the door came off.... and then right that moment the persons locker above me collapsed into mine!!!
I went to the caretaker and it seemed he had gotten some new plants.
His office is overflowing with long vines reaching down to the ground and creeping to the door!!! :!:

Our irish teacher teacher taught us how too say: shut your mouth or i'll break your face. IN IRISH :lol:


Wed Jun 07, 2006 1:32 pm
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Since I graduated today, all we did was clean our lockers and fool around in class. In History, a couple people in our class put latex gloves over their heads and blew them up. Some of the gloves got to be absolutly massive, I wish I had pictures.




Wed Jun 07, 2006 2:39 pm
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We've had some pretty nasty fights in school during the year. One was so bad, they had to use pepper spray to break it up, and another one was between 2 girls in which Girl A slammed the head of Girl B on one of the cafeteria tables, several times. I only saw the latter one.

Other than that, it was pretty tame, although the school buses can get really hectic without warning.


Wed Jun 07, 2006 4:16 pm
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Ah, this conversation is priceless...

Me: Hey, Eileen.
Eileen: What?
Me: You know those little birdies that live in the school's furnace chimney?
Eileen: Yeah...
Me: You ever wonder where chicken nuggets come from?
Eileen: 0.0

Ah, my school's nuts... like, when we had to do a 'Welcome to DMS' movie for the to-be sixth graders, my group (Michael, Andrew, and me) decided to add a weird section to it and teamed up with another group (Kelly and Tisen). Anyway.

Andrew stood in front of the school, Mike ran up and jumped, Andrew caught him, Tisen did a forward roll in front of them, and Michael did a kamikaze yell. Right after that, Andrew took the videocamera and Mike hid in the bushes. Andrew started the camera and said "You never know what's gonna be hiding in the bushes at Danville Middle School." and Mike popped out of the bushes and yelled. Andrew yelled, and after that there's a scene where the camera's going psycho and Andrew's got this creepy yell going on...

This kid at my school (Deshon), he's afraid of spiders like you wouldn't believe. Eileen caught one and put it on his shoulder. Deshon screamed in a very high pitch/key and did a girly 'OMG GET IT OFF OF ME' dance. It was priceless :lol:

Mrs. Kreis (Earth Science) was talking about something and Chris did something (can't remember what).
Mrs. Kreis: Adams...
Chris: It wasn't me! It was Yeagley!
Drew: Nuh-uh! It was Dietzie!
Greg: Hey!

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The statement above is true

Wed Jun 07, 2006 4:45 pm
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One of my classmates deficated in random spots throughout the school for a few months. Everyone knew who it was, but no one of authority ever found out.

Wed Jun 07, 2006 9:23 pm
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None of the school staff realised that there where lumps of poo everywhere???


Wed Jun 07, 2006 11:57 pm
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goldenquagsire wrote:
None of the school staff realised that there where lumps of poo everywhere???

I'm thinking he meant the staff never found out who was doing it. I'm pretty sure they knew about the poo itself...who wouldn't?


Thu Jun 08, 2006 12:01 am
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Flaming_Wuzzle wrote:
goldenquagsire wrote:
None of the school staff realised that there where lumps of poo everywhere???

I'm thinking he meant the staff never found out who was doing it. I'm pretty sure they knew about the poo itself...who wouldn't?

Oh yeah... I wasn't thinking straight... Anyway, you must have a serious code of secrecy at your school, DatVu. The perp would have been ratted out by now at my school.
Anyway, to stay on-topic, yesterday, our school's Headtecher (Principal to you yanks) proved conclusivly that he has issues. We (as in, me and a bunch of other random people) were waiting outside the library for it to open (no, I only went there to get out of the sun! :P ) and the door began to open. Then, our head marched in and told us to wait outside. We all complained, and the librarian said that the library was open, but our head replied that we must obey his orders first. None of the other teachers ever do that. Issues? Yep, he has them.


Thu Jun 08, 2006 8:08 am
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Well, having a fight everyday is normal (hey, I go to a special school, you EXPECT harmony?)
But having eight staff restrain one kid? Bit over the top.

<FireStarter>I'm sure Psyducks will be at stakes too

Thu Jun 08, 2006 8:17 am
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Yeah, somethhing tells me that no one would really notice the defecation incident at my school. They're all to worried about the latest 50 Cent album (**gag**) and who's winning American Idol. That or they're too busy beating each other's brains out on the football field. (I'm not too fond of my school, can you tell?)

Thu Jun 08, 2006 10:47 am
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I haven't been to my school in a long time, but when I went there, crazy stuff happened. I had one teacher in my art class who wanted to be TOO involved with students. His name is Mr. Moore. When it comes to girls, he tries to be "close" to them. Whenever my girlfriend was in class, he would put his hand on her shoulder and slowly move it towards her chest. I didn't attend the class at the same time as her, but if I did, I might have done something very mean to him. All the other girls he stares at their chests and winks at them. And we had this guy as a teacher WHY?!


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Thu Jun 08, 2006 1:00 pm
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ryan_dan wrote:
I haven't been to my school in a long time, but when I went there, crazy stuff happened. I had one teacher in my art class who wanted to be TOO involved with students. His name is Mr. Moore. When it comes to girls, he tries to be "close" to them. Whenever my girlfriend was in class, he would put his hand on her shoulder and slowly move it towards her chest. I didn't attend the class at the same time as her, but if I did, I might have done something very mean to him. All the other girls he stares at their chests and winks at them. And we had this guy as a teacher WHY?!


*cough* Micheal Jackson-alike *cough* Seriously, you should report this guy before he does something worse. He's never been sent to jail, why?


Fri Jun 09, 2006 11:19 am
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I think the most amusing joke I have heard performed around these parts was on played upon the librarians.

The librarians in question had started up a new slogan around the school, proclaiming that "Books are Doorways", a slogan accompanied by many a sign and image of books and doors. Several boys decided that the matter was humorous, and proceeded to place a sign directly beneath the aforementioned one, stating that "Librarians are Doorknobs." Needless to say, the librarians did not find this amusing. However, a good 80% of the students, and indeed teachers, did.

Another humorous incident, if not a tad unbelievable, was one not performed by the students, but by the librarians themselves. A boy was kicked out of the library for "incorrect browsing etiquette". That is, he was not standing close enough to the shelves.

If you're reading this, you're looking through old posts, getting nostalgic... send me an email, if you want. I'd love to hear from you. flareyworks (a) gmail

Fri Jun 09, 2006 5:38 pm
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i "went" to an alternative school (graduated) so, yeah, there were drug deals there every day, people coming in high, and fights every day. pretty fun stuff watchign drug busts, and hearign people complaining that they got house arrest, when its there own friggin fault. so yah, the dumbest thing that has ever happened at my HOME school of beall is someone, ahem, well, i can't tell you, pg-13 and such, but if you want to find out, just PM me.

Sat Jun 10, 2006 4:45 am
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Well, I don't know how to do the thingy with the box and it saying over it "Wierd Person Said:" so I'm afraid this is how I reply to previous statements. The reason why that guy who was my art teacher didn't get busted is because I never actually saw it, but I know girls who say they did. So I can't say I'm a witness. Plus, I wasn't the best student in there. For example, I pretty much slept through every art class! Also, he is highly respected, and no one would believe me. I live in a redneck community. Who cares if a teacher is a pervert? Respect for women is just as low here as anywhere else. Don't believe me? Ask my older brother. But you won't get much of a good response from him. He still lives with my dad, even though I have ALREADY moved out about a year ago. He shows up late for work sometimes high or drunk. Or he doesnt show up at all. Has no intentions for a future of his own. Not to mention, all of his girlfriends seem to always look like supermodels. And the relationships never last more than 3 months. When they break up, he gets REALLY violent! So, yeah. Some people cannot believe we are even related. I have a good job, where lots of customers think I am very sweet. I live with my fiancee, whom i have been together with for 3 years and five months. And I couldnt be happier. But yeah, redneck community. Schools here are kinda crazy in there own rights.

But they still suck when it comes to good education.


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Tue Jun 13, 2006 2:18 pm
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two kids pretended to be selling crack to eachother in religion class.

This kid accidently died his hair pink in science class

A fat kid started a slug holocaust

The hallway was completely doused in red glitter

A fifth grader threw a ball at this horrible teacher, broke her nose, and then the teacher had to have a $2000 dollar plastic surgery done

And this kid left lemonaide sit in his locker for the entire school year (it turned black) And then gave it to our math teacher, who rejected it, do then the kid shoved it into my backpack


My friends and I stole everything out of someones locker, funniest moment ever when he came in looking for his math book, we gave it back though.


Tue Jun 27, 2006 8:03 pm
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On the last day of school, the teachers and the highest-grade were having a kickball game. One of the teachers kicked the ball really hard, so it flew through the air and hit a second-grader in the head. I think it was a dodgeball...
Oh, and in Kindergarten, my teacher was showing us how to play right on the playground. She was showing us how to go through the tunnel and she got her butt stuck. It was hillarious.


Tue Jun 27, 2006 8:14 pm
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School is chaos. I hate chaos -> I hate school.

In the final week things got realy out of hand. Hardly anyone would come to classes (even teachers) so we climbed to the last floor and started throwing water bags on people's heads. Windows were beeing broken all the time so they put guard on the school grounds to "keep us safe". Thank God it's over!

Free Tibet!

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Wed Jun 28, 2006 1:55 am
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