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 What's in your backpack? 
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Pokemon Ranger
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let's see now...

+ Homework Folder
+ Pepsi Bottle
+ 6 Rulers
+ Pencil
+ Scrunched Up Paper

cool stuff in there 8) (by cool stuff I mean Pepsi bottle 8) )

Thu Apr 13, 2006 12:42 pm
Dragon Tamer
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i don't really want to look but i think i have a old wrap from my lunch like.........3 months ago!!!!ewwwww! i really need to clean it out!!>.<

pencil case
pencil crayon case
random case
scrunched paper
jewerly that i don't want to take out right now
o and the old wrap!!ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!>.<got to take that out!!>.<

hey....yah...this place just isn't the same anymore....yah gone for good now....just thought i would stop by.....see yah in the future.....

Thu Apr 13, 2006 1:14 pm
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Bug Catcher
Bug Catcher
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What do I carry, good question. Usually it is:

    Mp3 Player
    Pencil Case
    Homework Diary
    Random book for reading if I get bored in class

That's about it.


Thu Apr 13, 2006 1:18 pm
Gym Leader
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When I last cleaned my book bag out I had a few things in it.

I had two Star war pepsi bottle's and a large figurine of Luke Skywalker. I haven't had anything educational for a long time. (Home schooling at it's finest)

[b]I'm Back Jack
Crosman/Bambino 2013[/b]

Fri Apr 14, 2006 3:54 am
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Art Commentator
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I just keep whatever I use at school in my backpack, apart from the stuff that the teachers keep. NO, I'm not a super-nerd! I'm just too lazy for a locker! :) So that means, at any given day...

3 science exersice books (as I said, I'm too lazy to remove the first two!)
Homework-carrying folder-like thing
Homework diary
Pencil case (not as full as the other people's pencil cases. Some people have entire colour pencil sets in theirs!!!)
Random reading book (at time of writing, it's Howle's Moving Castle)
Clarinet music (Wednesdays only, thank goodness!)
Another random exersice book
Old maths exersice book (see note for science exersice books)
ICT folder
Lunch (it hurts your back at first, but you get used to it after a month or so!)
If I'm really unlucky, another exersice book!

I literally carry all of this around every time I'm standing up for more than a minute! I hope that didn't sound like bragging, 'cause honestly I would love never to have to carry that around again!

P.S. Despite the backpack, I am not very strong or good at sports!


Thu Apr 20, 2006 11:36 am
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Pokemon Master
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Well since my backpack is really like a basketball bag I don't have much inside.Just:

Folder full of self made comics
Big binder cludered with work
Bass Clarinet music

and that is it since this is the last week of school most of my textbooks and work are turned in.

click to visit my site

Mon May 15, 2006 3:12 pm
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Psychic Trainer
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I have nothing much in my back pack.

In my back pack i got:
my books
pencil case
coat ( sometimes )
luch ( sometimes) reason why i somrtimes have school meals.

plus more at other times.


Fri Jun 16, 2006 10:49 am
Pokemon Master
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Papers from school, pictures I drew, and loads of trash... :?


Wed Jun 21, 2006 9:20 pm
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Pokemon Ranger
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A whole lot of nothing (Hey, don't blame me. School's over for the summer!).

Wed Jun 21, 2006 9:26 pm
Pokemon Ranger
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I use the same bag for school / going out / sport / etc. However, I'm much more clever than all you people, I don't bring my school books when going camping! [i have a shoulder bag, BTW]

My bag during school time (yeh, it's winter hols for me, so I can do w/e I want now)

- 25275 massive textbooks
- My pencil case [+ calc, pacers, erasers, sharpeners, highlighters]
- Sand [no matter HOW hard I clean out my bag, it just happens to be there]
- 6 lecture pads
- Sneakers
- Random T-Shirt
- Plastic bags [i've got about ten]
- Violin music book
- Visual diary
- School diary
- Lunch box ;p
+ OH yeah, can't forget tennis balls!

IMO it's kinda silly to keep your DS's and PSP's in your bag. I have to go to the city for school and MANY people are silly leave their bags and stuff lying about on trains, trams n stuff. Half the school knows each other's locker combination as well, it's just safer to keep your wallets, iPods, etc in your pocket.

[As much as I love sport, at my school it's horrific, especially with the amount of shifty people at our school. >_> Phones get stolen like EVERYDAY.]

Sponsor a pokemon today to guide them through the knockout tournament! (2,000 Psybucks up for grabs)

Wed Jun 21, 2006 9:44 pm
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Bug Catcher
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Nothing, since its summer vacation. :P

Lela avatar by me.

Thu Jun 22, 2006 10:12 pm
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Ace Trainer
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Ok hm lets see.............

I got some pencils
my friends Homework
my friends "heart" (A bunch of tape stuck together, why we call it his heart, I dunno............)
MY homework
My math binder (in horrible condition)
Some tissues (??)
some bits of candy(??)
my summer homework (that I should burn and say my dog ate)
My summer reading book (should burn too)
My binders (that I am ABSOLUTELY going to burn)
A disguising sock (this kid Travis stuck it in there, he must sweat a lot, it is almost completely black........)
And some 4-month old lemonade(again, Travis stuck it in there for me :) )
and, eww, when I opened the lemonade, it was black inside ew (it was one of those lemonade in a puch things, like Capri Sun)

Well, know you know.........


Sun Jun 25, 2006 1:30 am
Bug Catcher
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lets see in my bag theres

- a broken pencil
- paper
- sketch pad
- last months homework that was never finished nor handed in
- my pencil case

Mon Jun 26, 2006 10:21 am
Dragon Tamer
Dragon Tamer
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Lots of Naruto manga
Game case
Pokemon R/S Guide
Science Book
Candy wrappers
L.A. book
Lord of the Flies
Binder full of paper

I think that's it...


Sun Jul 02, 2006 9:25 pm
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