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 internet bullying 
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Bug Catcher
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I get internet bullied and racially called bad names all the time. Whenever I enter a site like serebii or, people call me any type of these bad names that threaten me. What's your story?

J: Let's avoid the personal attacks, even if the people are from another site, mmKay?

Wed Jun 28, 2006 7:13 pm
Bug Catcher
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Just ignore them. They're punks. Why o they do it anyway? Jut report them :wink: They just most likely want attention.


Wed Jun 28, 2006 7:21 pm
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Just remembered they're idiots if they're mean...I have been called a n00b before. So annoying.


Wed Jun 28, 2006 8:21 pm
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Well, Lessee... flaming (what has happened to you) is against pretty much every forum I know of's rules. Report the offenders to the appropriate Forum Administrators, and action will be taken (the evidence is right there, after all; it's not exactly like there's anywhere for someone to hide written abuse on a forum).

As to why, well, two reasons pop into mind.
1) (highly unlikely): They're just feeling mean, and decide to pick on you randomly.
2) (much more likely): You've done something in the past that has made them have bad feelings about you, and they lash out at you. So, the problem would be with both you and them.

Which is the case? I have no idea, seeing as I don't go to serebii or pokerealms. I'd bet #2 (disclaimer: like I said, I have no basis for this guess other than general forum knowledge). For instance, I don't even think of people as n00bs unless they act like one: asking stupid, easily answered questions (although that part isn't bad) with horrific spelling, punctuation, and grammar. If you type pretty much correctly most of the time, and don't do anything terribly immature, I will pretty much just develop a neutral feeling towards you, at worst. At best, you'll become one of my favorite people to see a new post from on a given site. So, at least in my case, I only think you're annoying/a n00b/whatever is you've proven yourself to act annoying/like a n00b/whatever. And, I pretty much never voice my opinions, although I like to think of myself as pretty mature in that regard (if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all).


Wed Jun 28, 2006 8:37 pm
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I think bullying on the internet is rather hard...I mean, you hardly know anybody, how could you say something mean? I've made a few smart remarks, but only because people would ask questions like this:
sonebutty helpp meh! plz, plz, plz!!!
That throws me off.


Last edited by Valentine on Thu Jun 29, 2006 8:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Jun 28, 2006 8:42 pm
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I, for one, try to be patient with newbies. I remember when I first joined Psypokes (which is the first forum I've ever joined, by the way) it took me a while to get used to the rules and what was frowned upon. I only necromanced a few times, but boy did I make some stupid topics (IE: "Don't try the duplication trick in Crystal...."). Anyway, my point is that although I was a bit shaky the first week or so, no one said a word about it, save for the MODs trying to show me the error of my ways. That is what made me want to keep coming back to Psypokes. I think that if people were like, "Gosh, stupid n00b" and all that jazz, the likelyhood of me staying here would've been slim.

Moral of the story: Be nice to people, even if they seem dense. You might just make them want to stick around long enough for you to see what kind of person they really are.

Wed Jun 28, 2006 9:44 pm
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I've never seen anyone really get rude on this site, except for two occasions, and those times it was newbies acting like idiots. To be honest, I was a bit of a n00b when I first came to the site. I necromanced, and I accidently double-posted a few times. Oh, and I spammed. Extra moral of the story: Don't be harsh on newbs, and n00bs deserve a second chance sometimes. Oh yeah, and to sworddigger: what everyone else said, but also, maybe don't give out your race then. It's not acceptable to be racist, but maybe that would be the only way to stop it.


Wed Jun 28, 2006 11:02 pm
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well, I'd personally agree with you guys, but even the admins of pokerealm bully and ban me.

probably heard about me, my real name's DavidUm.

Thu Jun 29, 2006 12:06 pm
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Never. Even if my signature in another site contains a ridiculous, Poke-related image, there's no difference.

Of course, I've been victim of some trollings on sites I go to, but that went for everybody on those boards.


Thu Jun 29, 2006 12:34 pm
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lol, crying on the internet.

Seriously, use LiveJournal. Maybe there someone will care about all of your "omg I get bullied on the internet" drama. Either that, or get a great deal of lulz at your expense.

Thu Jun 29, 2006 1:02 pm
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Complaining about internet bullying (ON THE INTERNET) is probably the silliest thing I've ever heard of. While bullying in real life is probably a large problem in our society, "internet" bullying definitely is not. A child who is bullied at school cannot nessesarly get away from the abuse, he cannot just change schools and start a new life, he must live with it. For the internet, there is something called the ignore function which works really well. Plus, nobody is forcing you to stay at a community if you're getting "picked on." You can simply get up, walk away, and join a new community, hoping you don't act like a n00b there and gain a rather bad reputation again.


<Eswin> Is it me, or is the internet a harsher place than real life?
<Darkk> I think its just you, i have the power of the off switch


Last edited by Krisp on Thu Jun 29, 2006 7:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Jun 29, 2006 1:18 pm
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That is a valid point, Krisp, however I think the basic principal of the whole thing is that this thread shouldn't have had to have been created in the first place.

Yes, you can ignore Internet bullies, join another community, etc., but the question that I think everyone should really stop for a moment and reflect upon is "why should anyone have to?". People deserve to be treated with respect, if not for who they are then how about the fact that they are another human being? Internet or real world, spiteful harassment is wrong.

Will we ever solve it? No, but that does not mean that it isn't a tangible problem.

Thu Jun 29, 2006 2:12 pm
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If internet bullying is your biggest probelm then i can safley say you are the happyest person on Earth.

Free Tibet!

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Thu Jun 29, 2006 2:22 pm
Bug Catcher
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I also get bullied at school some time ago.

Thu Jun 29, 2006 2:37 pm
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Eh, I get teased around all the time (especially in the chat room >.>), but I usually just shrug it off. I mean, unless they come to your house and beat you up, then you really don't need to worry about them or take anything they say about you seriously. I've been picked on in high school because I go on an lol pogheymanz website, but I really don't care.


Thu Jun 29, 2006 5:10 pm
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I hardly ever see any bullying on Psypokes. Now my brain hurts. Complaining about this is sort of silly anyway. On another forum I have seen trolling and flaming a whole lot...yet if you said something nice to somebody they would follow you around to whatever topic you went to. It scared me.


Thu Jun 29, 2006 8:00 pm
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FireStarter Wins the Topic.

And I'm surprised that I haven't been mentioned in here yet. :roll:

"You Monster! People have died today! So many have died DARE you enjoy this!"

~ Kamille Bidan (Zeta Gundam)

Thu Jun 29, 2006 10:45 pm
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