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Pokemon Ranger
Joined: Mon May 22, 2006 9:03 pm Posts: 669 Location: Tohjo Falls
Okay, I was reviewing some history because I have no life, and I decided that a good topic would be one that was used to discuss mysteries such as the Pyramids and Stonehenge. Why? Because I think we need to start having some discussions on these boards that actually promote some thinking and brain activity.
The first mystery that I put on the table is the mystery of the pyramids. How do you think that they were made?
It has been proven that for the ancient Egyptians to construct such a monument with the tools that they had, they would have had to drag these great limestone blocks miles across the scorching desert. All this after they cut geometrically flawless blocks from the quarries? I doubt that.
I think that they had some help from someone. Now, I don't know if it was aliens, the Atlantians with all the awesome technology they supposedly had, or someone else. (Heck, it could've been Anubis for all we know!) But I seriously think that they were aided by some outside force.
So...whatcha think?
Thu Sep 14, 2006 10:42 pm |
Frontier Brain
Joined: Wed Aug 04, 2004 2:22 pm Posts: 825
Of course the Egyptians had the help of aliens in building the pyramids, because the world as a whole obviously only gets stupider as you go back in time. It couldn't POSSIBLY be that the Egyptians were one of the most advanced civilizations of their time and are really only a mystery because invaders and general bad luck wantonly destroyed most of their written knowledge.
Nah, couldn't be that, had to be aliens.
But seriously, give ancient civilizations more credit. A lot of them were geniuses for figuring out the things they did with the technology available at the time. To me, it's not really that much of a stretch to say that the Egyptians had no supernatural help with building any of their monuments.
Thu Sep 14, 2006 11:19 pm |
Okay I'm total into all of this. I really want to explain this though. I'm a pegan.. but i dont do the spells and stuff because that can just come back onto you. I always pray to Isis that is my godess. but if you dont now the story of Isis then i really dont want to go into to much detail. Anyway everything out there has a bigger and better meaning than what we pass it off for. the pyramids are to help the pharho to transend into the tests and hopfully make it to the afterlife. and the gods helped build them not aleins :roll: Im not to sure about Stonehenge though but i do intend on finding out what thats all about.
Fri Sep 15, 2006 2:01 pm |
Pokemon Master
Joined: Sun Apr 10, 2005 9:55 am Posts: 1456 Location: Stafford, UK
The pyramids were actually built by an ancient form of Sears.
But seriously as F_W said. You musn't under estimate the genius of Ancient Civilizations, hell look at the Romans. But in my books the Egyptians were the best.
What about the Sphinx? They made that out of one block of stone... Genius...
Fri Sep 15, 2006 2:24 pm |
Dragon Tamer
Joined: Fri Mar 17, 2006 5:57 pm Posts: 129
Miasma wrote:
It has been proven that for the ancient Egyptians to construct such a monument with the tools that they had, they would have had to drag these great limestone blocks miles across the scorching desert. All this after they cut geometrically flawless blocks from the quarries? I doubt that.
The Ancient Egyptians did developed the pyramids with no help from any other life form. As you stated these are monuments for their leaders. Remember the Ancient Egyptians were a very advanced civilization for their time, just like the Mayans and their great advancements in astrology.
Fri Sep 15, 2006 2:25 pm |
Pokemon Ranger
Joined: Mon May 22, 2006 9:03 pm Posts: 669 Location: Tohjo Falls
But doesn't it ever make you wonder how they developed math like that?
On the Anthropologic timeline, you can see humans developing technology at a normal pace. Flint, spears, etc. However, around the time of the ancient Egyptians, there is a huge spike in mankind's developmental rate. The Egyptians mysteriously developed their technology and thought processes within a thousand years or so, something that should have taken them many millenia to achieve. The solution? They were taught by someone.
How do you explain the ancient drawings that depict spacecraft and men descending from the heavens?
There is even a scripture that was found in the tomb of a scribe that describes in detail encounters with "Men that flew like birds".
Hmm...seems suspicious to me...
Fri Sep 15, 2006 2:37 pm |
Frontier Brain
Joined: Wed Aug 04, 2004 2:22 pm Posts: 825
Miasma wrote: But doesn't it ever make you wonder how they developed math like that?
On the Anthropologic timeline, you can see humans developing technology at a normal pace. Flint, spears, etc. However, around the time of the ancient Egyptians, there is a huge spike in mankind's developmental rate. The Egyptians mysteriously developed their technology and thought processes within a thousand years or so, something that should have taken them many millenia to achieve. The solution? They were taught by someone.
Like I said, a lot of their knowledge that was written down was destroyed by various catastrophies (the most notable being the fire at the Library of Alexandria) and invasions. Without this knowledge being previously available, society had to regain that knowledge from scratch. In my opinion, mankind would be even more advanced now if the Egyptians were able to pass down most if not all of their research and knowledge to modern man.
Miasma wrote: How do you explain the ancient drawings that depict spacecraft and men descending from the heavens?
There is even a scripture that was found in the tomb of a scribe that describes in detail encounters with "Men that flew like birds".
Hmm...seems suspicious to me...
Can I ask where you got that information? Men descending from the heavens seems believeable enough given Egyptian mythology, but I haven't ever heard of anything showing spacecraft.
Fri Sep 15, 2006 3:12 pm |
Radio Willy
Dragon Tamer
Joined: Mon Jul 24, 2006 4:40 pm Posts: 246
Isn't it obvious? The Pyramids were built by the Goa'uld.
But seriously. It could have been possible for the Egyptians to create a special way of cutting the rock from quarries (perfectly), and then transporting them across the desert. It wouldn't take milenia to do that. They had to be innovative to build the Pyramids, and I'm sure that there were a few geniuses around then.
Of course, what would I know?
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Fri Sep 15, 2006 4:18 pm |
I think that there was something mystical about all the ancient cultures. Take Sumer for instance, the first real civilization to ever be built and rise then fall. The one place in the inter ancient world I would want to see would be Babylon. I would die to go there when the hanging gardens were at there peak!! Oh just the thought of it makes me all giddy inside. LOL  Anyway I really just look beyond what our "modern textbooks" try to shovel into our heads. I don't need them telling me how our relgion is wrong...
Fri Sep 15, 2006 6:31 pm |
Pokemon Ranger
Joined: Tue May 30, 2006 11:35 am Posts: 693 Location: "One Moment I'm Digivolving."
No you are all wrong the pyramids were built by Dr.Who, lol.
Yes I do belive aliens did do it, but I also give credit to the Egyptian, they were a highly civaliced, and intelegent civilization.
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Fri Sep 15, 2006 8:56 pm |
Pokemon Ranger
Joined: Mon May 22, 2006 9:03 pm Posts: 669 Location: Tohjo Falls
Flaming Wuzzle wrote: Can I ask where you got that information?
Well, to be honest I learned this info from a show that was on Discovery a year or so back called "Ancient Aliens". Now, I will admit that I am not sure how accurate that documentary was, but it went in depth on the theory of "ancient astronauts".
I found the theory on a website for you to read and judge for yourself.
Sat Sep 16, 2006 5:34 am |
Dragon Tamer
Joined: Fri Mar 17, 2006 5:57 pm Posts: 129
I do believe in Aliens and I agree with Miasma that in old drawings or pictures they depict "space-craft " like things or "fireballs' in the sky. It's kind of narrow minded to think that we're the only intelligent lifeform out there. Everyone knows there are so many galaxies out there and I believe there is a civilizations outside our own realm. But I believe the Ancient Egyptians really did create the pyramids with no help at all. Like I said, they were on of the most advanced civilization of their time.
Sat Sep 16, 2006 6:05 am |
The Geek
Joined: Wed Aug 04, 2004 11:10 am Posts: 1535 Location: Milliways
Someone's been watching too much Stargate.. not that that's a bad thing.
The Ancient Egyptians were smart; really, REALLY smart. They did amazing things given their level of technology. Of course, they also thought the brain was a worthless chunk of stuff that took up the space in your head; whoops.
And, finally..

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Sat Sep 16, 2006 11:19 am |
Gym Leader
Joined: Wed Aug 04, 2004 6:14 am Posts: 273 Location: United Kingdom
Although they are impressive structures, how they were built isn't exactly a mystery.
Sat Sep 16, 2006 12:25 pm |
Pokemon Master
Joined: Mon Mar 28, 2005 5:12 am Posts: 1738 Location: England, with the greasy fry ups.
I had a crazy thought that Pyramids werent actually built like that at first and actually fell to be like that because of some inner structure being pyramid shaped. When sandstorms hit in Egyptian times, the wind crumbled the structures away to the foundation of a pyramid.
Mainly as it was my dream last night but bleh.
I truely think that the Egyptians used more than 10% of their brain power like some of us do according to some random person/people.
_________________ Coca Cola, 2 Litres a day, keep ma batteries onnnn.
Sat Sep 16, 2006 1:19 pm |