After you scan your picture in and you edit it until you're content with it you save the image. I suggest either PNG or GIF. GIF guarantees the background being transparent depending on your program and image. And PNG is a better quality than GIF, but GIF is a better quality than JPEG.
Then you get online and you make an acount on a site like photobucket, the one I'm using, and you upload images on there. Photobucket will then, under the images, give you 3 things. The URL, which is just a link, the HTML code for posting an image which isn't traditionally used on forum sites. And then the third is the BBCode. It is what most people will use to post images, because all forums accept that.
In a post you can copy and past any of these three and if you choose the third one your image will be seen unless something strange happens. And I think PsyPoke accepts HTML, so you could post either of the bottom two for your image to show. Or if you just want a link post the first one.
I hope that made sense.
_________________Link changed to my library.