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 The Pokemon War-The Civil Beginnings 
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Pokemon Trainer
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Ok, welcome to my FF. Just a few notes before we begin. The chapters are long. Don't get angry about the dullness of the first two chapters... they are here to set up the entire story. There will be many sections, so don't worry when the first one ends. P.S. The beginning might sound star wars-ish...

Chapter One-The Dark Times

The pokemon were restless. Something had to be done about the human problem. Wild pokemon populations had gone down over the last few months. The Pokemon Counsil was urged to hold a hearing. When it was annouced that a session would be held, pokemon from all around came to Mirage Island, the counsil base.

"This meeting of the counsil has officially begun!" stated Celebi, head of the counsil. "Blazikin, bring in your client!"

As soon as Mewtwo, the ruler of pokemon steped, in his rant began. First, the horriblness of the capture of pokemon. Then he began raving about some stupid kid, Mash Ketchup and his lame Raichu. He finished with the need to destroy the humans with a war.

"Any comments by a Counsil Member?" Celebi asked

"Yes, I got a few," said the normally quiet Swellow. "Army and Navy officials say that they have no chance of holding up against human weaponry. And here to speak on their behalf, Navy General Swampert!"

The counsil applauded as General Swampert took the stand. His firm face gave you a sense of security. He had many scars from his battles in which he never left, no matter what the odds. But despite his bravery, he would never enter a battle without consulting a counsil member, mostly his good friend Swellow. Besides his close friends, he hardly talked... but you could see his words on his face. But now he had much to say.

Swampert begun. "My troops are weak. Peace is a better option than this blasted war. If humans can capture us with the flick of the wrist, imagine how easy it would be for them to kill us. A battle would have many losses in our world. War with the humans is not an option." Swampert paused for a moment. He then started once more. "My top colonal and good friend, Manectric, has good relations with many humans. He can create a treaty that limits the capture of pokemon especially rare ones. I'm sure we all can be benificial from this. Thank you Delagate Swellow, Hoenn counsil, King Mewtwo for this opportunity to speak."

Celebi finished the meeting. "Thank you General, this matter will be finished in three days. Until then, a recess is called!"

Swampert and Swellow were joined by Manectric as they entered the hall.

"I belive we were successful today," said Manectric.

"Not a bit," replied Swellow. "Mewtwo has to much influence on half the members, he'll likely win. Now if some one asked for a release from the union..."

"A Civil War? I don't think so" screamed Manectric, "You're already in enough trouble with the council don't go changing your opinion of peace!"

Manectric was steaming mad, though he personally he agreed with Swellow. He was known for his hot-head and anger problems but he was a skilled leader and fighter along with a good sense of discution and negotiation. He normal stuck to a belief but Swellow was slowly changing his mind.

Suddenly, Zapdos, a council member walked by, with his loud, outgoing voice flying around the room. He was arrogant and annoying but a good leader. He had a strategical mind, but was easily persuaded to change his opinion.

Swampert finally broke the silence. "Who said Swellow has to request release?!!"

Tue Sep 05, 2006 6:50 pm
Ace Trainer
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Pretty cool, sounds like it could end up as a really neat story.


Sun Sep 10, 2006 2:59 pm
Pokemon Trainer
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Don't expect a new chapter for a while, my computer broke down but im using a friend's, so don't expect the second part soon.

Sun Sep 17, 2006 10:35 am
Pokemon Master
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I only see one problem. With the legnedaries, you can call them their species name. However, with non-legendaries, it doesn't make sense for them to be called their species name.

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^Image by dragoni_slayer2014^

Sun Sep 17, 2006 1:45 pm
Ace Trainer
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This sounds too familiar... Someone's been reading through my old fan fics from years ago methinks.

A good attempt, though spelling and grammar needs work.

Did you get inspiration from anything in particular?

"If I'm flying solo at least I'm flying free,"

Tue Sep 19, 2006 6:46 am
Pokemon Trainer
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A few things... My computer's fixed! Yay! Also Psyches, thanks for the constructive critism, and I acually came up with the Idea when my swampert killed my friends Mewtwo in a long battle (hint-hint). Anyway, the next one should be comming in the next few days.

Mon Sep 25, 2006 6:26 pm
Pokemon Trainer
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"And I would like to announce that I belive that due to the recent events that the Hoenn Union of Pokemon would split in regard to this problem!" chirped Zapdos with a loud voice.

"I second that!" trembled Swellow who now was starting to regret his rash thinking

"OKAY, ORDER EVERYONE!" Celebi screamed. "Mewtwo, we have wants for Mauville County to seceed from the Union!"

"Let 'em go, they'll die them traders!" Mewtwo warned. The dictator some how knew General Swampert was behind this.

Swampert, meanwhile was overviewing the construction of his base under the Mirage Tower. He had a feeling that Mewtwo would attack soon, so he started his battle plan.

"OK, Manectric, gather some troops from Mossdeep area, oh and Glalie, you go nab some bases!"

Glalie, former Leuitenent of Swampert's army, was an excelent planner and had alreadyplaced defenses in Shoal Cave and Meteor Falls. He knew Pacifidlog would give them the Regis so he decided to place a base there.

Suddenly a European swallow flying at its airspeed velocity, dove in to give Swampert the news.

"It Worked" said Swellow

Wed Oct 04, 2006 5:46 pm
Pokemon Trainer
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I think that was good ill give you 9/10 :D :D

Thu Feb 22, 2007 3:41 am
Bug Catcher
Bug Catcher
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I thought it was very good, 9.5/10[/code]

"There is always someone better than you somwhere in the world."

Thu Mar 22, 2007 4:57 pm
Dragon Tamer
Dragon Tamer
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Location: I detest Kyogre! Huh? This isn't the 'least fave pokemon thread'?
Good, I suppose... Is it just me, or do I have no idea whats going on here? They just broke away from the council... And now they're preparing for war? Huh?

Anyway, good story. Apart from a few spelling mistakes, it's all good to go!

Wed Apr 04, 2007 11:02 pm
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