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 Completing the Sinnoh Pokedex 
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Dragon Tamer
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I only need 6 more then I will have offically seen all 150 of the Shinnoh region's pokemon. If you can provide the location or trainer of which I can spot these guys, lemme know by posting or pming. Thanks.

Pokedex #s: 59, 65, 114, 115, 134, 135

Edit: I found this chart on a walkthrough on GameFaq by Marriland, so give credit to him/her. Anyways, this contains spoilers if you want to find them yourselves.

001 Turtwig | Eterna Gym, Gym Leader Natane.
002 Grotle | Route 210 (Foggy Area), Ace Trainer.
003 Torterra | Victory Road, Ace Trainer.
004 Chimchar | Route 207, Youngster.
005 Monferno | Route 215, Ace Trianer.
006 Infernape | Pokemon League, Elite Four Flint.
007 Piplup | Route 205, Picnicker.
008 Prinplup | Route 212 (Rainy Area), Pokemon Ranger.
009 Empoleon | Victory Road, Expert.
010 Starly | Route 201.
011 Staravia | Cycling Road, Cyclist.
012 Staraptor | Victory Road, Birdkeeper.
013 Bidoof | Route 201.
014 Bibarel | Route 208; Route 213, Swimmer.
015 Kricketot | Route 203, Youngster.
016 Kricketune | Route 214.
017 Shinx | Route 202, Youngster.
018 Luxio | Route 212, Rich Boy.
019 Luxray | Sunyshore Gym, Leader Volkner.
020 Abra | Jubilife City, School Boy.
021 Kadabra | Galactic Eterna Building, Scientist.
022 Alakazam | Victory Road, Psychic.
023 Magikarp | Route 204, Youngster.
024 Gyarados | Route 215, Ace Trainer.
025 Budew | Route 204, Lass.
026 Roselia | Route 208, Aroma Lady.
027 Roserade | Pokemon League, Champion Cynthia.
028 Zubat | Route 203, Youngster.
029 Golbat | Route 210 (Foggy Area), Ninja Boy.
030 Crobat | Mt. Coronet, Galactic Boss Cyrus.
031 Geodude | Oreburgh Mine, Worker.
032 Graveler | Iron Island, Worker.
033 Golem | Victory Road, Expert.
034 Onix | Oreburgh Mine, Worker.
035 Steelix | Canalave Gym, Leader Byron.
036 Cranidos | Oreburgh Gym, Leader Roark.
037 Rampardos | Victory Road, Ace Trainer.
038 Shieldon | Route 215, Ruin Maniac.
039 Bastiodon | Canalave Gym, Leader Byron.
040 Machop | Route 203, Youngster.
041 Machoke | Veilstone Gym, Leader Maylene.
042 Machamp | Victory Road, Black Belt.
043 Psyduck | Oreburgh Gate, Picnicker.
044 Golduck | Route 216, Ace Trainer.
045 Burmy | Eterna Forest, Bug Catcher.
046 Wormadam | Route 214, Beauty.
047 Mothim | Route 210 (Foggy Area), Ace Trainer.
048 Wurmple | Jubilife City, Galactic Grunt.
049 Silcoon | Floaroma Flower Garden, Galactic Grunt.
050 Beautifly | Eterna Forest, Bug Catcher.
051 Cascoon | Valley Windworks, Galactic Grunt.
052 Dustox | Eterna Forest, Bug Catcher.
053 Combee | Route 208, Aroma Lady.
054 Vespiqueen | Pokemon League, Elite Four Aaron.
055 Pachirisu | Route 204, Twins.
056 Buizel | Lost Tower, Belle and Pa.
057 Floatzel | Pastoria Gym, Leader Wake.
058 Cherubi | Route 204, Aroma Lady.
059 Cherrim | Route 221, Ace Trainer.
060 Shellos | Lost Tower, Youngster.
061 Gastrodon | Route 222, Sailor.
062 Heracross | Canalave City, Pokemon Trainer Rival.
063 Aipom | Route 210, Farmer.
064 Ambipom | Route 216, Ace Trainer.
065 Drifloon | Valley Windworks on Fridays; or Trainer in Hearthome Gym
066 Drifblim | Hearthome Gym, Leader Fantina.
067 Buneary | Route 212, Rich Girl.
068 Lopunny | Route 216, Ace Trainer.
069 Gastly | Route 214, Psychic.
070 Haunter | Victory Road, Psychic.
071 Gengar | Hearthome Gym, Leader Fantina.
072 Misdreavus | Lost Tower, Young Couple.
073 Mismagius | Hearthome Gym, Leader Fantina.
074 Murkrow | Lost Tower, Young Couple.
075 Honchkrow | Mt. Coronet, Galactic Boss Cyrus.
076 Glameow | Valley Windworks, Galactic Grunt.
077 Purugly | Valley Windworks, Commander Mars.
078 Goldeen | Route 205, Fisherman.
079 Seaking | Route 217, Ace Trainer.
080 Barboach | Route 212, Fisherman.
081 Whiscash | Victory Road, Double Team.
082 Chingling | Victory Road, Psychic.
083 Chimecho | Victory Road, Psychic.
084 Stunky | Lost Tower, Youngster.
085 Skuntank | Galactic Eterna Building, Commander Jupiter.
086 Meditite | Eterna Forest, Psychic.
087 Medicham | Snowpoint Gym, Leader Candice.
088 Bronzor | Route 207, Hiker.
089 Bronzong | Pokemon League, Elite Four Lucian.
090 Ponyta | Route 205, Camper.
091 Rapidash | Victory Road, Ace Trainer.
092 Bonsly | Route 208, Artist.
093 Sudowoodo | Route 210, Collector.
094 Mime Jr. | Route 208, Artist.
095 Mr. Mime | Route 210, Collector.
096 Happiny | Route 210, Pokemon Breeder.
097 Chansey | Route 209 and Route 210 (wild).
098 Blissey | Victory Road, Ace Trainer.
099 Cleffa | Route 209, Pokemon Breeder.
100 Clefairy | Route 210, Twins.
101 Clefable | Victory Road, Ace Trainer.
102 Chatot | Route 212, Gentleman.
103 Pichu | Route 209, Pokemon Breeder.
104 Pikachu | Route 209, Poke Kid.
105 Raichu | Route 210 (Foggy Area), Double Team.
106 Hoothoot | Route 211 (West), Birdkeeper.
107 Noctowl | Route 210 (Foggy Area), Birdkeeper.
108 Spiritomb Pokemon League, Champion Cynthia.
109 Gible Victory Road, Dragon Tamer.
110 Gabite Victory Road, Dragon Tamer.
111 Garchomp Pokemon League, Champion Cynthia.
112 Munchlax | Found by using Honey on trees.
113 Snorlax | Pokemon League, Pokemon Trainer Rival.
114 Unown | Solaceon Ruins (wild).
115 Riolu | Iron Island. See section 7.7. of the Walkthrough.
116 Lucario | Veilstone Gym, Leader Maylene.
117 Wooper | Valor Lakefront, Schoolboy.
118 Quagsire | Pastoria Gym, Leader Wake.
119 Wingull | Route 223, Swimmer.
120 Pelipper | Route 217, Ace Trainer.
121 Girafarig | Route 210, Framer.
122 Hippopotas | Route 217, Ace Trainer.
123 Hippowdon | Pokemon League, Elite Four Bertha.
124 Azurill | Route 223, Swimmer.
125 Marill | Route 212 (Rainy Area), Pokemon Ranger.
126 Azumarill | Route 223, Swimmer.
127 Skorupi | Route 210, Ninja Boy.
128 Drapion | Pokemon League, Elite Four Aaron.
129 Croagunk | Route 215, Black Belt.
130 Toxicroak | Lake Valor, Commander Saturn.
131 Carnivine | Victory Road, Ace Trainer.
132 Remoraid | Route 213, Fisherman.
133 Octillery | Sunyshore City, Leader Volkner.
134 Finneon | Route 223, Swimmer.
135 Lumineon | Route 223, Swimmer.
136 Tentacool | Route 223, Swimmer.
137 Tentacruel | Route 223, Swimmer.
138 Feebas | Route 222, Sailor.
139 Milotic | Pokemon League, Champion Cynthia.
140 Mantyke | Route 223, Swimmer.
141 Mantine | Route 223, Swimmer.
142 Snover | Snowpoint Gym, Leader Candice.
143 Abomasnow | Snowpoint Gym, Leader Candice.
144 Sneasel | Snowpoint Gym, Leader Candice.
145 Weavile | Mt. Coronet, Galactic Boss Cyrus.
146 Uxie | Lake Acuity.
147 Mesprit | Can see it in Lake Verity; catch it at random Route.
148 Azelf | Lake Valor.
149 Dialga | Mt. Coronet (Diamond); see in Celestic Town (Pearl).
150 Palkia | Mt. Coronet (Pearl); see in Celestic Town (Diamond).
151 Manaphy Receive from Pokemon Ranger. Not needed for National Dex

Platinum Pokemon locations:
152. Rotom: Old Chateau
153. Gligar: Route 207(Picnicker), Route 206, Route 215(Ace Trainer)
154. Gliscor: Pokémon League(Bertha)
155. Nosepass: Route 207(Hiker), Mt. Coronet, Route 208(Hiker), Iron Island(Hiker)
156. Probopass: Route 208(Hiker), Route 210 North(Ace Trainer)
157. Ralts: Eterna City(Interviewers in PKMN Center), Route 208, Route 209, Route 215(Ace Trainer), Veilstone City(Interviewers in PKMN Center)
158. Kirlia: Eterna City(Interviewers in PKMN Center), Veilstone City(Interviwers in PKMN Center), Route 214(Psychic), Route 212 North, Iron Island(Ace Trainer), Route 217(Ace Trainer), Veilstone Galactic Building(Scientist)
159. Gardevoir: Eterna City(Interviewers in PKMN Center), Veilstone City(Interviewers in PKMN Center), Victory Road(Psychic)
160. Gallade: Pokémon League(Lucian)
161. Lickitung: Route 215(Ace Trainer/Wild)
162. Lickilicky: Victory Road(Veteran)
163. Eevee: Receive from Bebe, Route 208(Artist), Route 209(Pokémon Breeder)
164. Vaporeon: Route 214(Collector)
165. Jolteon: Route 214(Collector)
166. Flareon: Route 214(Collector)
167. Espeon: Route 212 South(Collector)
168. Umbreon: Route 212 South(Collector)
169. Leafeon: Route 212 South(Pokémon Ranger)
170. Glaceon: Route 217(Skier)
171. Swablu: Route 210 North, Victory Road(Dragon Tamer)
172. Altaria: Victory Road(Dragon Tamer)
173. Togepi: Hatch Egg, Route 210 South(Pokémon Breeder)
174. Togetic: Route 221(Collector), Victory Road(Bird Keeper)
175. Togekiss: Pokémon League(Cynthia)
176. Houndour: Route 214, Valor Lakefront, Lake Valor(Grunt), Galactic Warehouse(Grunt), Veilstone Galactic Building(Grunt), Mt. Coronet(Grunt)
177. Houndoom: Veilstone Galactic Building(Cyrus), Pokémon League(Flint)
178. Magnemite: Route 222, Sunyshore Gym(Guitarist/Ace Trainer), Fuego Ironworks, Jubilife City(Cameraman in PKMN Center), Hearthome City(Cameraman in PKMN Center), Canalave Gym(Worker)
179. Magneton: Jubilife City(Cameraman in PKMN Center), Eterna City(Interviewers in PKMN Center), Hearthome City(Camerman in PKMN Center), Veilstone City(Interviewers in PKMN Center), Canalave Gym(Byron)
180. Magnezone: Eterna City(Interviewers in PKMN Center), Veilstone City(Interviewers in PKMN Center), Victory Road(Bird Keeper)
181. Tangela: Route 214(Collector), Great Marsh, Route 210 North(Veteran)
182. Tangrowth: Victory Road(Veteran)
183. Yanma: Route 214(Collector), Great Marsh
184. Yanmega: Pokémon League(Aaron)
185. Tropius: Route 214(Collector), Great Marsh, Route 216(Ace Trainer)
186. Rhyhorn: Route 214, Iron Island(Hiker), Victory Road
187. Rhydon: Victory Road(Ace Trainer/Wild)
188. Rhyperior: Pokémon League(Bertha)
189. Duskull: Hearthome Gym(Fantina), Route 209, Route 214(Psychic), Lost Tower
190. Dusclops: Route 216(Ace Trainer), Sendoff Spring
191. Dusknoir: Victory Road(Dragon Tamer)
192. Porygon: Receive in Veilstone City, Route 214(Collector)
193. Porygon2: Route 216(Ace Trainer), Veilstone Galactic Building(Scientist)
194. Porygon-Z: Victory Road(Veteran)
195. Scyther: Route 210 South, Route 215, Route 210 North(Ace Trainer/Wild), Route 216(Skier),
196. Scizor: Canalave Gym(Ace Trainer), Pokémon League(Aaron)
197. Elekid: Route 210 South(Pokémon Breeder)
198. Electabuzz: Route 217(Ace Trainer), Route 222, Sunyshore Gym(Ace Trainer)
199. Electivire: Sunyshore Gym(Volkner)
200. Magby: Route 210 South(Pokémon Breeder)
201. Magmar: Route 217(Ace Trainer), Fuego Ironworks(Worker)
202. Magmortar: Pokémon League(Flint)
203. Swinub: Route 216(Skier), Route 217(Skier/Wild), Acuity Lakefront
204. Piloswine: Route 217(Skier), Snowpoint Gym(Ace Trainer/Candice)
205. Mamoswine: Victory Road(Ace Trainer)
206. Snorunt: Route 216(Skier/Wild), Route 217(Skier/Wild), Acuity Lakefront, Snowpoint Gym(Ace Trainer), Lake Acuity
207. Glalie: Snowpoint Gym(Ace Trainer), Victory Road(Ace Trainer)
208. Froslass: Snowpoint Gym(Candice)
209. Absol: Mt. Coronet, Victory Road(Psychic)
210. Giratina: Distortion World

End Spoiler. If you Skipped all that, your probably looking for them the right way. And...the best advice I can give would to be to fight EVERY trainer you encounter, specially the fishermen.

Last edited by Rhapsody on Fri Jun 19, 2009 6:44 pm, edited 2 times in total.

finally added some platinum stuff

Wed Apr 25, 2007 11:30 am
Psychic Trainer
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#059: Evolves from #58 at Level 25
#065: Valley Windworks (Fridays Only)
#114: Solaceon Ruins
#115: Receive an Egg at Iron Island
#134: Routes 205 (Floaroma Town Side), 218, 219, 220, 221, Iron Island, Fuego Ironworks, Valley Windworks, Canalave City-Good Rod: some)
#135: Routes 205 (Floarmoa Town Side), 218, 219, 221, Iron Island, Fuego Ironworks, Valley Windworks, Canalave City-Super Rod: some
Route 220-Super Rod: few
Evolves from Finneon at Level 31

Credit: Official Nintendo Player's Guide

Wed Apr 25, 2007 12:57 pm
Dragon Tamer
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Awesome, thanks for the tips. I'll be sure to hunt for em right away. :D

Wed Apr 25, 2007 1:37 pm
Bug Catcher
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Just in case you haven't found 'em all yet:

#59 can also be found on Iron Island via a trainer battle. That was one of the 2 I was missing, the other being #115, so I was lucky to find it.

Don't think you can go back and challenge them now that you've beaten the gyms, but #65 can be found in the Ghost Gym. At least 1 or 2 trainers should have one.

#134 and #135 should both be found via a Trainer battle somewhere on Route 223. #135 may have been on Victory Road, but I'm pretty sure you can find a trainer with both on the water pathway.

Wed Apr 25, 2007 10:40 pm
blah blah blah
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I also need help. I need #80, #96 and #102.


Thu Apr 26, 2007 10:11 pm
Dragon Tamer
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#80 - Barboach - Route 212, Fisherman.
#96 - Happiny - Route 210, Pokemon Breeder
#102 - Chatot - Route 212, Gentleman. (Or inside game trade at one of the towns.)

Fri Apr 27, 2007 5:34 am
Dragon Tamer
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Sorry for double posting, but could we get this thing locked & stickied cause of the chart? It would really save on hunting for the post if someone was looking for a location.

Done. -FW

Fri Apr 27, 2007 3:17 pm
Dragon Tamer
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Yeah, I used Marriland's FAQ too. I love Marriland, he saved me a ton of time.

Fri Apr 27, 2007 4:13 pm
Dragon Tamer
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Yes. I think the town names aren't, but everything else is.

My Team (It's still under construction.)
Centreri's Annex of Trade
Not first post, but it's somewhere there.

Sat Apr 28, 2007 7:44 am
Ace Trainer
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I just beat the Elite 4, and I almost completed the PokéDex--149 Pokémon, and I'm missing Drifloon.*
PS: I'm posting this on Saturday.

Edit: I got Drifloon--I got my national PokéDex!

My Random Pokémon Generator

Last edited by Saanaito on Sat Apr 28, 2007 6:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sat Apr 28, 2007 4:03 pm
Dragon Tamer
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Change date on DS and it'll change in game.

My Team (It's still under construction.)
Centreri's Annex of Trade
Not first post, but it's somewhere there.

Sat Apr 28, 2007 4:22 pm
Psychic Trainer
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Wait, like the Other Dex in RSE & FRLG you don't need all the Legendaries to get the National Dex? Well, that's a relief, I didn't want to spend all that time trying to catch them..........................there are more legendaries than just Dialga, Palkia, Mesprit, Azelf, & Manaphy, right?

I'll catch them all eventually, but until then, this has been decepticlone.
<center><img src="images/trainercards/decepticlone.png"></center>

Sun Apr 29, 2007 5:16 pm
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yes but they are only obtainable after you get the national dex because you can't reach them without because nintendo wanted to be mean.


Sun Apr 29, 2007 5:24 pm
Bug Catcher
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Will changing the time on the DS (ex. going back to the previous Friday) ruin the game at all?

Sun Apr 29, 2007 5:51 pm
Bug Catcher
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Oops, didn't meant to double post. Sorry about that.

Last edited by Hyperslurpie on Sun Apr 29, 2007 8:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Apr 29, 2007 5:57 pm
Dragon Tamer
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Nope. Not that I noticed.

My Team (It's still under construction.)
Centreri's Annex of Trade
Not first post, but it's somewhere there.

Sun Apr 29, 2007 6:35 pm
Bug Catcher
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Centreri wrote:
Nope. Not that I noticed.

Awesome, I just finished the Sinnoh Dex! :D

Sun Apr 29, 2007 8:18 pm
Ace Trainer
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Good because I was wondering as well let me go and complete my dex then

Sun Apr 29, 2007 8:47 pm
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Hyperslurpie wrote:
Will changing the time on the DS (ex. going back to the previous Friday) ruin the game at all?

you cannot change the date because when you start the file, the time on the DS gets saved into the DS cartridge

Mon Apr 30, 2007 8:06 pm
Dragon Tamer
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Yeah, I noticed that when I changed my DS clock to match my Cell. I couldn't transfer pokemon via Pal Park (only one cartridge) because it needed to get synchronized with the DS time.

Mon Apr 30, 2007 11:13 pm
Ace Trainer
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So the game has an internal clock for palpark snap nintendo got us huh well just have to wait til tomarrow to get the next six pokemon

Adam FC-1160 6566 3194(new FC so add me if you want!)

Thu May 03, 2007 1:39 am
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Music Swashbuckler pretty much has this down pat. If you want a relative time frame for completing the Sinnoh Dex, it's this: If you've fought every trainer you can, and not really bothered about wild Pokemon, after you've beaten the E4 and the Champion, these Pokemon will be the only ones missing from the Sinnoh Dex:

#114 Unown - Solaceon Ruins
#146-148 Soul Trio - the three respective lakes. For the Sinnoh completion you merely need to see Mesprit and catch the other two.
#149 or 150 - Talk to the person opposite gender you in front of Rowan's lab. S/he'll say that the Celestic Town elder has something for you. It's a book that shows the counterpart "continuum legend", i.e. if you have Diamond version the book will show Palkia, while if you have Pearl the book will show Dialga.
Well, hope I helped.



Sat May 05, 2007 1:22 pm
Dragon Tamer
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man thats pretty hard to complete the whole pokedex but good luck.

Wed May 09, 2007 7:25 pm
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What about Heatran, Darkrai, Shaymin and Arceus, and the other Sinnoh Pokemon not listed in the basic Sinnoh Pokedex?

Particularly Arceus, because it has such brilliant stats... or is it another "unobtainable" one, that you need to go to a Nntendo Event for?

Thu May 10, 2007 8:09 am
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DarkAriados wrote:
What about Heatran, Darkrai, Shaymin and Arceus, and the other Sinnoh Pokemon not listed in the basic Sinnoh Pokedex?

Particularly Arceus, because it has such brilliant stats... or is it another "unobtainable" one, that you need to go to a Nntendo Event for?

Those pokes are only able to be encountered after acquiring the National Dex, and some require even more effort. :x

Heatran is attainable within normal gameplay; you can catch it at Stark Mountain (after E4).

Darkrai, Shaymin, and Arceus, however, require you to go to a Nintendo Event or use an Action Replay in order to receive special items that allow you to encounter them.


Thu May 10, 2007 11:36 am
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