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Pearlman15 wrote:
You guys look like ur Swamped. Well, im not much help.

Flygon@ Sumthin
Adamant/252 Spd,252 Atk,6HP
Stone Edge
Dragon Claw

^Basic Sweeper,dunno the Item.
choice scarf would work nicely here. pretty good moveset to go along with scarf as well.

Latios@Soul Dew
Mild/252 Sp.Atk,252 Spd,6 HP.

Yeah, i know its the Wrong Nature, but it being Shiny, cant have everything perfect. I was thinking Dragon Pulse instead of Surf, and maybe Bolt-Beam.
mild is ok (at least you get a good boost in spAtk). boltbeam would fit nicely in there as well, so go with that.

Hariyama@Toxic Orb.
Adamant/252 Atk,252 Spd,6 HP???
Close Combat
Bullet Punch
It will have Guts, and Facade makes it just as powerfull. Dunno about the Spread.
protect is better than fake out IMO for scouting, but keep fake out if you are wary of inner focus-pokes. again, moveset is solid, but the spd EVs wouldnt help much anyway, and bullet punch can override its horrible speed. put them into HP instead (say, 252atk/129HP/129spd)

Gyarados@Focus Sash
Jolly/252 Atk,252 Spd,6Hp.
Dragon Dance

Basic DDanser, stuck on the other moves, works good with E-Vire, which i also have in my Competitive battling PArty.
if you do have E-vire, then focus isnt necessary. EQ/stone edge in the final two spots. if your opponent switches to a electric type, you get a free DD, then you EQ them to death (or switching to E-vire will always be an option)

Gallade@Scope Lens
Adamant/252 Spd,252 Atk,6hp.
Brick Break
Leaf Blade
Psycho Cut

Dunno about this one, maybe i could convert into a Haxer. Need Halp.

=l a gallade. close combat>brick break (kill as much before you die), and EQ/stone edge>x-scissor; stone edge for haxing and fit flying types, or EQ for... since its awesome :D

Dragonite@Parsim Berry
Adamant/252 Spd,252 Atk,6Hp.
Dragon Dance

Another Basic DDancer, dunno about the other moves though.

dont blame you, DD+outrage is all you need. fire/thunderpunch to hit skarms/bronzongs that might get in your way (which is rare, esp. after a DD). EQ can fit in here as well, over waterfall.

wheres the E-vire? take out gallade or any of the dragons (latias is UBER, but flygon cant compete in OU very well). watch out for that ice beam weakness => consider a bulky water, like milotic, or a bronzong/snorlax (w/ thick fat). bronzong to switch in on ice beams and many other attacks (EQ is another common switch-in). snorlax w/ thick fat can also stop ice beam effectively, and can attack back as well.

There, thats that. Please Rate, i welcome CONSTRUCTIVE Critisism.

Wed Oct 17, 2007 3:22 pm
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DaltonTrigger wrote:
I am trying to base my team around Pokemon I like rather than powerful ones, so here's some ideas I have. I can't decide which six or three are my favorites, so I'm planning to just raise a bunch I like, and swap them out as I see fit.

I haven't fully raised this team yet or used the TMs, so I still have time to change strategies if I must.

Edit: I am editing my own post as I come up with my own ideas to improve my team. My current idea is to have fewer Pokemon use weather moves, ie, have just Sunny Day and Hail rather than SD, Hail, SS, and RD. That way I waste fewer rounds adjusting the weather.

{flareon}@Wide Lens (f)
Fire Fang
Iron Tail.

My favorite Pokemon, so I choose her despite how weak she is. The Wide Lens is because her two best moves (Will-O-Wisp and Fire Fang) both miss too often to be reliable. I really don't know what else to do with her as she lacks the staying power to be a Toxic killer and Fire Spin no longer prevents enemies from attacking.
Edit: But with the Wide Lens, Iron Tail might actually hit... maybe. Still undependable, but if Flareon gets forced against a rock type it gives her a chance.
I know this may sound weird, but Rock Smash > Iron Tail. It'll have better coverage, and lower the opponent's defense (lol, surprise). Now, you can either go Protect @Leftovers (sort of like wish-stalling), or Quick Attack, and Return @Choice Band (you get rid of WoW as well, if going with both).

{vaporeon}@Lum Berry (m)
Acid Armor
Aqua Ring
Baton Pass

Typical Baton Pass strategy I suppose. I pretty much have him to pump up his defense, use Aqua Ring, and pass it off to another Pokemon that could benefit from it (namely Leafeon or Flareon, but whomever...)
Looks good. I'd say @Leftovers, but that may be overkill.

{leafeon}@Leftovers (m)
Sunny Day
Leaf Blade
Fourth move...?

My 'tank', I guess. His job is pretty much to try to outlive enemies, especially given my team's tendency toward status effects. Perhaps I'll give him Toxic? Or maybe another strong move to take advantage of his high attack power.

Edit: Looking at his stats more closely, and realizing how weak grass is to so many types, I don't plan to use Leafeon fully as a tank. More like a physical sweeper with just an unusually high defense. Toxic still seems like the most viable fourth move, giving me a slight chance against all but steel types. If only Vaporeon could learn Water Sport...
Vaporeon is the tank, Leafeon is the one that uses Swords Dance and either passes to Flareon, or attacks with Leaf Blade and X-scissor, with last resort.

{butterfree}@??? (f)
Sleep Powder
Dream Eater
Bug Buzz

Sleep Powder is usually 75% accurate, but with Butterfree's Compound Eyes it should hit nearly 100% of the time. Dream Eater and Bug Buzz take advantage of her high special attack while at the same time restoring her HP based on the damage she does... maybe I should give her Big Root? Or maybe replace Bug Buzz with Giga Drain? Whirlwind is of course for pseudo-hazing, annoying enemies, or getting rid of unfavorable type matchups.
Do you like butterfree, I mean, a lot? Yanma/Yanmega can pull this off much better (hypnosis is 70 base, now, so it would be like 92-95% accurate. Hypnosis, Dream Eater, Bug Buzz/Signal Beam, Psychic, Air Slash, Giga Drain, Shadow Ball, Ancient Power. Just saying.

{glaceon}@??? (m)
Shadow Ball

The last move I am unsure of. Possibly Water Pulse in case he gets stuck against a fire type, since it will have the triple benefit of working with his special attack rating, being super effective, ad perhaps confusing.

Edit: To take care of Pokemon that ice doesn't work against, Shadow Ball will use Glaceon's special attack to his advantage. It also gives my team a little extra anti-psychic/ghost.
Water Pulse is good for confusion. Ice Beam > Blizzard, as you don't want Hail (hurts your team). Haze is iffy. Fake Tears is an option instead of Haze - it basically gives you a nasty plot, or forces switches.

{staraptor}@Focus Band (?)
Aerial Ace
Close Combat
Double Team

I chose Aerial Ace over Brave Bird because I wanted my team to have another always-hit move. Gender is a question mark because I haven't bred a good Starly yet.
Double Team is what we know as HAX - basically, tuning the strategy element of the game into a game of craps - based solely on luck. Return > that. Pursuit/Quick Attack can be more useful than endeavour, but your call.

{sandslash}@Bright Powder? (m)
Rock Slide/Throw/whatever
Stealth Rock
Rapid Spin

Not really sure how much I like this. And you know, I find it pretty disappointing how few Pokemon have a way to defend themselves against spikes and traps! At any rate, Stealth Rock would make a good combo with Butterfree's strategy of nailing enemies with status afflictions and swapping them out.

Edit: Not sure about Bright Powder any more, but now using Sandslash as a spiker/sweeper rather than a sandstorm annoyer. It's better this way as it doesn't force my team to waste so many rounds changing the weather. At any rate, my Sandslash's nature and EV gives him high defense and special defense so he should be able to survive a few hits while he does his thing.
Spikes > Stealth Rock, for one pokemon - Tyranitar. Leave this as a T-tar counter, and Put on super-powerful moves - Earthquake is good overall, but brick break comes in handy with reflect/light screen. Poison Jab/Toxic is good for status. Gyro Ball counters dragon dancers (-Speed nature). Brightpwder is too haxy - Use iron ball (in conjunction with Gyro Ball) or Leftovers. Possibility.

{furret}@??? (f)

I have no idea. I tried using things like Me First, but it turned out to stink. She doesn't have the durability to be a Baton Passer, and rarely even lives long enough to use Foresight. Her special attack is HORRENDOUS, so she can't use any special moves really. So far the only thing I do is pretty much have her use Return over and over. It at least does good damage... but I have no idea how to use a Furret. I think I'd stick U-turn on there too, maybe... *sigh*
Trick-banding is an option. Normal CBing is an option. Assist, double battles is an option. The elemental punches are good.

Apologies and thanks to those who read this post. I am sorry to be another n00b n00bing up the forum. Neutral

Leave this for UU and NU battles - they may be your favorites, but Butterfree and Furret are too...bleh. Sorry, no offense. IF you do decide to go UU, switch out Vaporeon for something like...Empoleon or Mantine (aqua ring users) or Buizel (Bulk Up Passer). Your team is easily walled, by the way. Any steel can destroy you.

Wed Oct 17, 2007 8:50 pm
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You can't possibly form a team with 1 Pokemon right? But if you're just looking for a Good Moveset I guess I understand.

hubba wrote:
{tentacruel} @ leftovers/poison barb/???
evs: 129 Def., 129 S. Def, 252 Speed
water pulse
toxic spikes
poison jab

Tentacruel would fit better as a Mixed Sweeper, or an offensive wall to be exact, so here's what I suggest:
Hydro Pump
Ice Beam
Giga Drain
Mirror Coat

For the above movesets you'll have to get a Modest nature
(Tentacruel's Sp. Atk isn't strong at all so you need every little bit you can get...) one with 252 EVs in Spd and Atk in order for it to work at its best.
A nice item for this Tentacruel would be a Leftovers.

Thu Oct 18, 2007 4:28 am
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KOL40 wrote:
sorry, i request another rate, my actual "battle" team this time though:

ninjask@lefties BP'er

swords dance
baton pass
nice moveset. however, with SR, TTar, skarm, tauntridos, and revengvile being the most OU openers in the game right now, ninjask has been watered down a lot. still effective to an extent, but too fragile. 255hp/255spd.

Ttar@lefties sweeping

rock slide
thunder fang
i see what you are getting at with thunder fang but stone edge can do better than SE T-fang. stone edge>rock slide (unless it hits like 25% of the time for you). DDance>thunder fang(if you can), since ninjask will fail more times that you want in DP. 252spd/252atk/6hp.

blastoise@??? spinner

ice beam
R spin
hydro pump/surf
surf in the final spot. it can also double as a hazer, so a possible switch would be haze>ice beam. rest+chesto is a nice combo, since you're asking for an item as well. 252hp/129def/129spDef.

torterra@shell bell (greatly helps recoup lost HP from WH) tank/sweep

leech seed
wood hammer
i've rated a similar torterra, and it just doesnt work. shell bell already isnt a great item, but its there because of an ever worse attack. for a tankish feel, razor leaf/seed bomb(rebreed)>WH, and curse/stealth rock (you dont have a SR-spiker)>crunch. leech seed and EQ are good. 252hp/129def/129spDef if running curse, 252hp/129atk/129def if not.

dragonite@persim berry (should i change FT for brick break?)

DD is a must. after a DD, outrage is simply destructive even to some who resist. thunderpunch and possibly fire/ice punch should be in there as well, so here it goes:

jolly 252atk/252spd/6hp or 252atk/129spd/129hp
dragon dance
thunderpunch (for skarms)
fire punch(for bronzongs)/EQ (DDed EQ is dangerous as well)

infernape@charcoal (i know - i just can't think what else to put) sweeper

swords dance
close combat
flare blitz
grass knot

@life orb since you're running close combat/flare blitz. consider flamethrower>flare blitz to make it a good skarmbliss killer. if not, try to get thunderpunch instead of grass knot, otherwise, keep it. 252spd and divide the rest into atk/spAtk based to your liking.

i pass off ninjask depending on what they are throwing at me. sometimes i pass to TTAR, sometimes torterra, somtimes 'nite. nite stops BP'ers.

what are the best EV spreads for these pokes?

Thu Oct 18, 2007 3:31 pm
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Thanks a lot!!! As far as Torterra and Infernape goes, i was thinking about erasing one of them for the Spiritomb you helped me out with. here she is in case you don't remember:


Dark Pulse
Pain split

so, who's spot should she take?

i was also thinking about swapping Ninjask for Yanmega w/ speed boost to use for BP w/ some offense as well.

Modest - what spread?

Baton pass
Bug Buzz/ Air slash

do you think he would work? i was thinking a slightly less fast Ninja with offensive capabilities.

also, two more things. are all the natures i put good? i have never paid attention to them till now. and secondly, thank you! i really mean it. i know you take a lot of time (if your days are like mine ANY time is a lot of time) dout of your day for this and it is appreciated.

Think you can handle the Shady Park Gym?
<center><img src="images/trainercards/kol40.png"></center>

Thu Oct 18, 2007 4:47 pm
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Last edited by Roar Of Time on Thu Oct 25, 2007 2:57 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Fri Oct 19, 2007 8:42 am
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KOL40 wrote:
Thanks a lot!!! As far as Torterra and Infernape goes, i was thinking about erasing one of them for the Spiritomb you helped me out with. here she is in case you don't remember:


Dark Pulse
Pain split

so, who's spot should she take?

yeah i remember. pretty nice since you were able to mush (lol) together the pressure and tanking qualities of spiritomb. everything is pretty much set here. also, i wouldnt want to miss out on a STABed EQ, but torterra has to go, i mean bad typing and so many other pokes can do better than what it can do (skarm can SR, ludicolo can leech, and any1 can EQ better).

i was also thinking about swapping Ninjask for Yanmega w/ speed boost to use for BP w/ some offense as well.

Modest - what spread?

Baton pass
Bug Buzz/ Air slash

do you think he would work? i was thinking a slightly less fast Ninja with offensive capabilities.
yanmega, from what i can see, doesnt get BP =( its sturdier than ninjask, but too bad it cant BP. how about a scizor? i mean typing is great (only weak against fire; TTar, draggy, or 'nape can switch in well) and the most sturdiest BPer around IMO:

adamant 252atk/129def/129spd (more on this later)
swords dance
baton pass
steel wing/x.scissor
it can BP swords dance AND agility, i mean come on, it doesnt get better than that. steel wing is for the rare chance of raising defense (if you're feeling lucky) or x-scissor [the prefered option] for strong swords danced-STAB to surprise your opponents. also, get your scizor's speed to at least 198 (at lvl100) to outspeed base130-speed pokes after one agility. if your arent afraid of taunters, you can go with roost in the final spot instead, but x-scissor is the most recommended option.

also, two more things. are all the natures i put good? i have never paid attention to them till now. and secondly, thank you! i really mean it. i know you take a lot of time (if your days are like mine ANY time is a lot of time) dout of your day for this and it is appreciated.
yeah no prob... natures you picked out are good, but i feel that IVs are just as important (a 0IV in the boosted stat is a no-no). a personal note from me, i think i spend more time on psypokes than on homework O.o

Fri Oct 19, 2007 3:05 pm
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This team is for Leafgreen, but it could possibly get imported to my diamond, so do what you think is best.

Wing Attack
Swords Dance
Brick Break

Iron Tail
Mega Kick
Thunder Wave

The thing about my Raichu (currently Pikachu) is that -sadly- its attack is better than its special attack. That is why Mega Kick and Iron Tail are in there.

Ice Beam

Persian@Amulet Coin
Pay Day
Aerial Ace
Shadow Ball
Faint Attack/Bite

Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.
~Edgar Allen Poe

Fri Oct 19, 2007 4:34 pm
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Request list wrote:

3 requests. W00t! :!::!::!:

link2213 wrote:
{gyarados} {umbreon} {skarmory} {snorlax} {garchomp} {starmie}

6v6 Standard with Standard Clauses (Item clause off)

Gyarados @ Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 212 HP, 16 Att, 168 Def, 112 Spd
-Dragon Dance

Taunts to mess with the opponent and DD whenever it can.
Decent Tauntridos. No changes necessary, except for a possible stone edge > waterfall, for coverage (EQ + RS has Claydol and Flygon resist, while EQ + Surf has several ice and flying types).

Umbreon @ Leftovers
Ability: Synchronize
Nature: Impish
EVs: 252 HP, 4 Def, 252 Sp Def
-Mean Look
-Baton Pass

Sets up the ML/Yawn trap then curses and passes to lax.
Tempted to say wish > yawn, but no - this looks good.

Skarmory @ Shed Shell
Ability: Keen Eye
Nature: Impish
EVs: 252 HP, 96 Att, 156 Def
-Stealth Rock
-Drill Peck

SR and physical wall
Good. @Shed Shell? No. @Leftovers is better.

Snorlax @ Leftovers
Ability: Thick Fat
Nature: Careful
EVs: 76 HP, 182 Def, 252 Sp Def
-Body Slam

Gets some curse from umbreon then curse/rest as much as possible to own
Snorlax hasn't been used much, have you noticed? Its lack of a healing move has killed it. It fails to survive rests these days, with such powerful moves. Though this is very standard, carry on.

Garchomp @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Sand Veil
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 252 Atk, 224 Spd, 32 Sp Def
-Fire Blast.

Late game sweeper with outrage. Fire blast is for skarm
Standard. Fire blast for skarms, though not sure about crunch :S Stone Edge would be better.

Starmie@ Leftovers
Ability: Natural Cure
Nature: Timid
EVs: 172 HP, 120 Sp Atk, 216 Spd
-Rapid Spin

Anti gyarados and Rapid Spinner/sp sweeper

Basically waht i do with this team is try to get curselax up. umbreon can yawn then curse once or twice then pass to lax who then proceedes to curse and rest whilst trying to kill things. If i dont have lax to pass to, i could always go to skarmory with a curse or two. tauntridos is amazing, and since he is so amazing...i need starmie to protect against him.
As I said, you're horribly lopsided toward the physical. My main point is that umbreon or snorlax need to be switched out in favor of something like Gardevoir, Togekiss, Porygon Z, Gardevoir, etc.

Fri Oct 19, 2007 6:13 pm
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Rate, pm if there are errors etc.

Ghett0 wrote:
Togekiss @ King's Rock
Timid | Serene Grace
EVs : 252 sp def, 252 def, 4 HP

Air Slash
Shadow Ball
Nasty Plot
If you want a Perma Flinching, Killer Togekiss then you'll have to max out its Spd and Sp. Atk. Also, because Togekiss isn't considered "Fast" in competitive battling, (Its Spd is capped at 284, quite "Slow".) you'll have to teach Thunder Wave to make up for it. Since it's a Perma Flincher, there's no need for overwhelming Sp. Atk so replace Nasty Plot with Thunder wave and if you want to counter as many types as possible I guess Aura Sphere (Gives you an Edge against the OU class Tyranitar.) would be better than Flamethrower.

Ninjask @ Leftovers
Jolly | ?????
EVs : 252 spd, 252 def(For the subby)

Swords Dance
Baton Pass
I can see what you're trying to do here but Nunjask has really poor Defensive capabilities and on top of that it isn't a good support Pokmon at all cos it'll most likely get KOed in 1 hit. So here's what I suggest, a Jolly Scyther with Baton Pass, Swords Dance, Endure and Reversal. You'll have to breed this one but it'll be very worthwhile since Scyther is much better than Ninjask in terms of its ability to Survive. In this case, it's a Partial Support, Partial Sweeper (Use Reversal if you're sure the Foe would faint.) depending on situations, so you'll have to max out its Spd and Hp. Just Swords Dance until you know it's going to faint and use Endure. Give it a Salac Berry so that it'll activate and raise your Scyther's Speed before it uses Baton Pass to switch to another pokemon with all the Stat gains. What do you think? pretty neat huh? Much better than a Ninjask.

Note: I'm not really sure if Scyther can learn Both Baton Pass and Reversal via Breeding so if it turns out that Scyther can't learn both, Keep Baton Pass and teach X-Scissors for the empty space.

Garchomp @ Choice Scarf
Adamant | ????
EVs : 252 spd, 252 atk

Dragon Rush
Stone Edge
Another Garchomp with a Choice Scarf....Well, 2 things I'll have you know. 1, Never teach Special Moves to Physical Sweepers. 2, Garchomp...when used as a Sweeper, must have a Jolly Nature along with the Move Swords Dance taught cos it works so well for it. And since its so fast, its Spd is capped at 333 to be exact...I don't see the need to give it a Choice scarf. Here's what I suggest: Swords dance, Dragon Claw, Earthquake and Fire Fang/Rock Slide. This is the Basic moveset any Sweeper Class Garchomp Must have Unless and Only Unless you have a Support Swords Dancer to Back it up, you can do away with Swords dance and Replace it with something else. Ect: Teach Both Rockslide and Fire Fang.

Would this be a good 3on3 team? I also plan on using it for the Battle Tower.

If you do what I suggested you did you should do fine.... :)

Fri Oct 19, 2007 9:07 pm
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nothing to see here... rate deleted by request from roar of time

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Sat Oct 20, 2007 8:28 am
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Well here's my second team:

Charizard @ Salac
252 Atk/Spd , 6 HP
Belly Drum
Fire Fang
Dragon Claw

Swampert @ Chesto/ Lefties
252 Sp Atk/ HP, 6 Def
Surf/ Muddy Water
Stealth Rock
Rest/ Ice Beam

Walerin @ King's Rock
Thick Fat
252 HP/Sp. Def, 6 Sp Atk
Ice Beam

Zangoose @ Toxic Orb
252 Attk/Spd, 6 HP
X Scissor
Fire Punch
Aerial Ace

Raichu @ ???
252 Sp attk/Spd, 6 Spd
Volt Tackle
Focus Blast

Venusaur @ ???
252 Attk/ Sp Def, 6 Def
Leech Seed
Giga Impact

If you can let me know which poke(s) can be moved to fit better in my first team (should be on page 33).


Sat Oct 20, 2007 10:46 am
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gamezfreak94 wrote:
This team is for Leafgreen, but it could possibly get imported to my diamond, so do what you think is best.

Wing Attack
Swords Dance
Brick Break
EQ>wing attack and i think you're set. if you can, get fire punch over flamethrower so you can run a fully-physical chary. @leftovers.

Iron Tail
Mega Kick
Thunder Wave

The thing about my Raichu (currently Pikachu) is that -sadly- its attack is better than its special attack. That is why Mega Kick and Iron Tail are in there.
i am sorry but its about time to rebreed and get another raichu. you can run the annoyer or a special set, but the annoyer is prefered (easier to get) over the special set:

timid 252spAtk/252spd/6hp
sweet kiss
for the more-popular raichu annoyer set, or you can surprise some with a special set:

timid 252spAtk/252spd/6hp
nasty plot
focus blast/surf/HP ice
i feel that raichu must have surf for it to be a special sweeper, i mean a nasty-plotted surf is nothing to laugh at. HP ice/focus blast is the other option if the surf option (from PBR) is outside of your boundaries.

Ice Beam
run a physical set in DP. megahorn and EQ is good. put stone edge and brick break/shadow claw in the other two spots, slap on choice band/scarf and your set.

Persian@Amulet Coin
Pay Day
Aerial Ace
Shadow Ball
Faint Attack/Bite
dunno much about persian, but pay day shouldnt be in a competitive moveset. run a special or physical one (taken from the standard guide, i've never rated or seen a persian before):

Persian @ Leftovers/Shell Bell
252 Sp Atk, 252 Spd, 6 HP
~Nasty Plot
~Shadow Ball
~Hypnosis/HP Fighting/HP Fire

or a physical set:

Persian @ Leftovers
252 Atk, 252 Spd, 6 HP
~Psych Up/Night Slash
~Shadow Claw

Sat Oct 20, 2007 4:32 pm
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Ice Beam


Sunny Day
Brick break


Ice Punch
Wake-Up Slap
Shadow Ball

BT team

Sun Oct 21, 2007 1:27 am
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Hmm...the Raters are having alot of free time recently...
brian wrote:


Ice Beam

For your Information, Snorlax's Sp. Atk is rotten and useless, so Ice beam and Psychic are out. Here's what I suggest: Substitute, Focus Punch, Ice Punch/Crunch and Thunder Punch/Earthquake.


Sunny Day
Brick break

Magmortar works better as a Pure Special Sweeper so Thunder Punch & Brick Break are rejected. Do replace them with Solar Beam (This will make full use of Sunny Day) and Psychic.


Ice Punch
Wake-Up Slap
Shadow Ball

Why teach Ice Punch when you can teach Ice Beam? Jynx has a pathetic Atk, the same thing goes for Wake-Up don't even have a Sleep Inducing move. Do repalce Ice Punch with Ice Beam and Wake-Up Slap with Energy Ball.

BT team

Sun Oct 21, 2007 6:29 am
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undertaker wrote:
Well here's my second team:

Charizard @ Salac
252 Atk/Spd , 6 HP
Belly Drum
Fire Fang
Dragon Claw
This is a good combo - nothing short of Heatran will resist fire + dragon. Well, Fire Punch > Fire Fang for power. But one problem - sub-drum doesn't work. What does it do? Well, it leaves you vulnerable to Rock Blast. It puts you in great danger of dying - you either sub, get hit, drum, and die. Or, sub, get hit with rock blast, no drum, die. Or, drum, get hti, die. Thus, with charizard's defenses (but good speed), choice specs, choice band, and life orb are used more. For specia-zard, its Flamethrower, Dragon Pulse, 2 of: Ancient Power, HP Ground/Grass/Electric, Overheat, Air Slash. Choice Band has a pool of: Dragon Claw, Crunch, Earthquake, Fire Punch, Rock Slide, Aerial Ace.

Swampert @ Chesto/ Lefties
252 Sp Atk/ HP, 6 Def
Surf/ Muddy Water
Stealth Rock
Rest/ Ice Beam
Have you noticed the attack? Huge, compared to the slightly smaller special attack. But the movepool - great. Curse, Earthquake, and two of: Rock Slide/Stone Edge (Ground + Rock has 2 resists - {flygon} and {claydol}, Rest (huge HP), Waterfall (STAB), Avalanche (Salamence, base 120 pretty much). @Leftovers - you have a huge HP, don't bust it. No toxic - thats good for forcing switches, but you'll do better if you curse. There are better spikers (namely those that don't do much else). and you've already seen the argument against special swampert.

Walerin @ King's Rock
Thick Fat
252 HP/Sp. Def, 6 Sp Atk
Ice Beam
Good. Surf > Brine - more PP, and you do stick around. I'm not crazy about snore, though - maybe signal beam. Sassy/Calm nature. @Leftovers.

Zangoose @ Toxic Orb
252 Attk/Spd, 6 HP
X Scissor
Fire Punch
Aerial Ace
Notice Something? Immunity prevents poison :( Return > Facade, Close combat > Aerial Ace (you have x-scissor for grasses, and Goose isn't to combat fighting types). I don't know if I like Fire punch - its ok, but maybe poison jab for status. Adamant or Jolly, your choice.

Raichu @ ???
252 Sp attk/Spd, 6 Spd
Volt Tackle
Focus Blast
Better as a Pikachu, trust me.
Pikachu @Light Ball - +Speed Nature, 252 Speed EVS - 4 of Nasty Plot, Substitute, Thunderbolt, Surf, Hidden Power (Ice/Grass) Grass Knot, Volt Tackle (last I checked, light ball boosts attack as well - if it doesn't don't use volt tackle)
Raichu (if you really can't change) @Leftovers. - Nasty Plot, Thunderbolt, Grass Knot, Thunderwave. Can go with HP Ice, but don't bother. Or, you could hax (not reccomended)- Sweet Kiss, thunderwave, attract, Thunderboly.

Venusaur @ ???
252 Attk/ Sp Def, 6 Def
Leech Seed
Giga Impact
Seed Bomb/Razor Leaf > Giga Drain - keep it physical. Sleep Powder > poison powder - that sleep is way more necessary.
If you can let me know which poke(s) can be moved to fit better in my first team (should be on page 33).
Maybe put Venusaur up front, put down leech seed, and get a free switch-in for Swampert. Keep this in borderline/uu metagame, as this won't stand up to standards. If you do go for UU/BL metagame, take out swampert, as it is considered OU.


WE DID IT!!!!!!! :D :D :D

Sun Oct 21, 2007 7:30 pm
Pokemon Ranger
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Errrr..Why do we Party? Is completing all the rates such a feat? :?

Sun Oct 21, 2007 8:09 pm
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About a month ago, we had like 20 or 30 rates.


By the way people, we are open for more rates.

Sun Oct 21, 2007 10:15 pm
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Hey all it's been a long while. I got Pokemon Pearl awhile back so I just wanted to see how I am doing. I already beat the Pokemon League.

{torterra}@Shell Bell/Impish
~Wood Hammer
~Rock Slide

{lucario}@Life Orb/Lonely
~Swords Dance
~Shadow Claw
~Earth Quake
~Brick Break

~Thunder Fang
~Scary Face

~Brave Bird
~Close Combat
~Return/Quick Attack

~Flame Thrower
~Shadow Ball

~Dragon Claw
~Fire Fang
~Earth Quake
~Swords Dance

Please Rate my Team.


Pokemon Pearl FC:2749 9225 9473

Up for a battle anytime! Just PM me.

Mon Oct 22, 2007 12:42 pm
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Peanut-Lover wrote:

WE DID IT!!!!!!! :D :D :D

i am sure nobody notice, but i wasnt online all day on sunday for a reason :wink:

Pokemaniac wrote:
Hey all it's been a long while. I got Pokemon Pearl awhile back so I just wanted to see how I am doing. I already beat the Pokemon League.

Torterra@Shell Bell/Impish
~Wood Hammer
~Rock Slide
~Cures curse?
curse is good, and EQ as well. this is the 3rd time in recent history that i've seen wood hammer+shell bell, and it isnt gonna work. razor leaf or (if you're up to breeding again) seed bomb. rock slide is OK, but do consider stealth rock to scare away the ice types that may come in your way.

Lucario@Life Orb/Lonely
~Swords Dance
~Shadow Claw
~Earth Quake
~Brick Break
very good moveset here, but since your spAtk isnt affected negatively, consider a mixed sweeper option (thats just me, since i am a fan of aura sphere).

~Thunder Fang
~Scary Face
ice fang>swagger for a boltbeam effect (swagger sucks.) and something>scary face (only other move i can think of is fire fang... luxray's movepool sucks.) @choice band/scarf i guess.

~Brave Bird
~Close Combat
~Return/Quick Attack
brave bird+close combat seems suicidal, so consider life orb. i like return in the last spot. u-turn>agility, since (w/ life orb) you would want to damage as much as you can, and its speed isnt all that bad.

~Flame Thrower
~Shadow Ball
dig and lax lol. i now see why you had dig in the last spot (movepool sucks.)... try will.o.wisp>dig and i guess a rash nature would best fit here.

~Dragon Claw
~Fire Fang
~Earth Quake
~Swords Dance
very nice moveset indeed; just get a jolly nature and you'll be set. also consider stone edge>fire fang, but its all up to you on that one.

Please Rate my Team.

Mon Oct 22, 2007 3:33 pm
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Hey, guys. New team. Thanks for the rate.

Timid / Serene Grace
252 Sp. Atk, 252 Spd, 6 HP
Air Slash
Aura Sphere
Shadow Ball/ Grass Knot
Fire Blast/ Flamethrower

Adamant / Clear Body
252 Atk, 252 Spd, 6 HP
Meteor Mash
Zen Headbutt

Adamant / Flash Fire
252 Atk, 252 Spd, 6 HP
Fire Fang/ Flare Blitz
Aerial Ace/ Crunch
Thunder Fang

Quiet / Sandstream
252 HP, 190 Sp. Atk, 68 Spd
Focus Punch
Ice Beam

Calm / Rain Dish
252 HP, 129 Sp. Def, 129 Def
Rain Dance
Leech Seed
Mega Drain

Sassy / Levitate
252 HP, 129 Sp. Def, 129 Def
Iron Defense
Calm Mind
Gyro Ball/ Flash Cannon/ Extrasensory
Stealth Rock

Thanks again, guys.

Tue Oct 23, 2007 3:56 am
Pokemon Ranger
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Well...a new team...a new if you have problems... :)
hearshotkid.exe wrote:
Hey, guys. New team. Thanks for the rate.

Timid / Serene Grace
252 Sp. Atk, 252 Spd, 6 HP
Air Slash
Aura Sphere
Shadow Ball/ Grass Knot
Fire Blast/ Flamethrower
The moveset is fine...just remember to give it a Choice Scarf.

Adamant / Clear Body
252 Atk, 252 Spd, 6 HP
Meteor Mash
Zen Headbutt
Hmmm...I Know Metegross is quite Slow, but I don't see the need to teach it Agility cos you'll need to use up 1 precious turn to do it...if you're up aganist a Sweeper you'll most likely have a Big Problem. here's an Example: The foe whacks you first with Earthquake, Flamethrower etc. cos it's faster and your Metegross would be left with less than Half its max Hp. Metegross uses Agility and gets to hit first the next turn. The Problem comes in here: If your Metegross can't take out the foe the next turn, it's Dead Meat..err,Steel..errr..whatever. So do replace that with works so much better. :)

Adamant / Flash Fire
252 Atk, 252 Spd, 6 HP
Fire Fang/ Flare Blitz
Aerial Ace/ Crunch
Thunder Fang

Your build is fine but I have here a Special combo that you might want to try out: Reversal, Endure, Agility and Crunch. You might be wondering why I didn't teach a STAB bonus move but like I always say, Ability to counter more Types > STAB Bonuses. Also, for this to work properly, you'll have to give it a Liechi Berry and make sure you use Agility at the start of the battle.

Quiet / Sandstream
252 HP, 190 Sp. Atk, 68 Spd
Focus Punch
Ice Beam

This may work but Tyranitar isn't that Slow so I think this is Better: Dragon Dance, Assurance/Crunch, Earthquake and Stone Edge/Rock Slide/Rest + Chesto Berry combo. The way you use it is Up to you...though if you want to Dragon Dance more I guess the Rest + chesto Berry combo would be better.

Calm / Rain Dish
252 HP, 129 Sp. Def, 129 Def
Rain Dance
Leech Seed
Mega Drain

Why teach mega drain when you can teach Giga drain?

Sassy / Levitate
252 HP, 129 Sp. Def, 129 Def
Iron Defense
Calm Mind
Gyro Ball/ Flash Cannon/ Extrasensory
Stealth Rock

Hmm...I think this moveset should be better : Explosion, Trick room, Gyro Ball and Earthquake/Rock Slide. This is due to the fact that Bronzong is slow and therefore won't be able to tank enough till Calm mind can raise its stats high enough for it to kill. You'll have to get a Brave Nature one if you want this combo work at its best.

Thanks again, guys.

Tue Oct 23, 2007 8:03 am
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hearshotkid.exe wrote:
Hey, guys. New team. Thanks for the rate.

Timid / Serene Grace
252 Sp. Atk, 252 Spd, 6 HP
Air Slash
Aura Sphere
Shadow Ball/ Grass Knot
Fire Blast/ Flamethrower

I guess this could be Scarf/Specs, but Togekiss really works well with support moves like Roost and Thunder Wave. It needs more HP too. Scheme is also an option. Needs Leftovers.

Adamant / Clear Body
252 Atk, 252 Spd, 6 HP
Meteor Mash
Zen Headbutt

Ok, but you don't need max Spd. Give it just enough to reach a stat of 203, and dump the rest in HP. Leftovers and Life Orb both work well here.

Adamant / Flash Fire
252 Atk, 252 Spd, 6 HP
Fire Fang/ Flare Blitz
Aerial Ace/ Crunch
Thunder Fang

Flare Blitz should go over Fire Fang, and Crunch over AA. You can CB or Life Orb it.

Quiet / Sandstream
252 HP, 190 Sp. Atk, 68 Spd
Focus Punch
Ice Beam

Sexcellent Boah. You might want Dark Pulse over either TBolt or Ice Beam, and give it Lefties.

Calm / Rain Dish
252 HP, 129 Sp. Def, 129 Def
Rain Dance
Leech Seed
Mega Drain

Needs Giga Drain >> Mega Drain. You might want to have something else set up Rain Dance, maybe Bronzong @ Wet Rock, so Ludicolo is free to put Substitute, Surf, Protect, or Seismic Toss there. Give it Wet Rock if you keep Rain Dance, otherwise give it Lefties

Sassy / Levitate
252 HP, 129 Sp. Def, 129 Def
Iron Defense
Calm Mind
Gyro Ball/ Flash Cannon/ Extrasensory
Stealth Rock

What's the point of Calm Mind without an attack? Flash Cannon works fine here, in which case you don't need Sassy. You might want Hypnosis/Reflect over Iron Defense or SR.
Thanks again, guys.

Last edited by sanjay120 on Sun Oct 28, 2007 1:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Oct 23, 2007 4:24 pm
Pokemon Ranger
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Errr...2 Different Rates from 2 Different Raters? Hmmm...the person is going to have a hard time choosing... :?

Wed Oct 24, 2007 8:47 am
Dragon Tamer
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{mewtwo} @leftovers

Aura Sphere
Calm Mind

{zapdos} @leftovers

Rain dance
Drill peck

Wed Oct 24, 2007 10:23 pm
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