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 The Final Fantasy EC! 
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mmkay, welcome to Psypoke's first Final Fantasy elimination competition! If you don't know how these things work, go see one of pelligargetic's ECs. Each round will last... one day. Which means there'll be twelve rounds. So, this ends twelve days from now.

A note regarding this particular EC: since there are so many remakes and different versions of the first six games, I've only included one version of each in the EC. This will cover all versions. So, for example, FFI covers the original 8-bit game and the PSOne, Wonderswan, GBA and PSP remakes.

Also, I'm only including actual main series games... and FFX-2, 'cause it's technically main series. If I was to include all the spinoffs, this list wouldn't fit the post, and the EC would still be going on in 2009.

Edit: A clarification on the rules

The game (or games) at the end of the round with the most amount of votes "for" gets immunity; thus, it cannot be booted at the end of the next round, so it needs no votes for or against. The game (or games) with the most number of votes "against" gets booted; thus, it is out of the competition and cannot be voted for or against either.

Any votes not adhering to this rule will be ignored.



Last edited by goldenquagsire on Tue Jan 01, 2008 1:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Wed Dec 26, 2007 3:20 am
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Lite Four
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Final Fantasy III / Final Fantasy II

This vote is pretty obvious, but I'll explain it anyway. FFIII started and uses the brilliant "job system" which was later used in FFV, FFTA, FFT, and FFX-2. It had four customizable "blank slate" characters that could be whoever or whatever you want them to be. It was superior to FFI and especially FFII in every way possible, the only exception being FFI's music. Square also tuned down the difficultly that made FFI and FFII so...unplayable. In FFI (NES), the first five battles take literally HOURS because the game moves so slow. FFII is actually slower. FFIII moved MUCH faster (even though you have to be pretty hardcore to beat the original, I never made it past the second crystal.)

The remakes of FFI and FFII are much better than the originals, moving the game faster, but watering it down so much that is becomes too simple. FFIII's complete revamp preserved the difficultly from the NES game and dished it right back out again in the DS version.

I've pretty much stated my reason for voting off FFII - it's boring, hard, hard, hard, hard and hard. The first battles take hours, and the original game had to be fan translated because it was never released here in the states (same with FFIII.)

When I found a download to the original FFII before FF:DoS was released, I was so happy to finally get to play the original FFII. Unfortunately, that happiness was quickly met with disappointment. When I found out there was an FFIII I had never played (I was confused with the FF3A/FF3J system), I was excited to download it, and wow, that game was awesome from the second I played it. After getting stuck, I found out there was going to be a DS remake, so I could finally own a REAL copy of the game! [Still haven't beat it...damn you Cloud of Darkness...]


Wed Dec 26, 2007 4:21 am
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Final Fantasy IX / Final Fantasy XI

I've fallen in love with the characters from FFIX. Except...not in that way. It's the only game I've actually replayed just to watch the plot unfold again. :)

I was never able to play FFXI. Silly online exclusive idea. :(


Thu Dec 27, 2007 12:11 am
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Well, since pelli votes in his own ECs, I think it's only fair I put my opinion into this matter.

Final Fantasy VI / Final Fantasy X

FFVI is a classic. Its sprites have far more beauty and charm than the dodgy 3D of FFVII, and its characters are far more original and interesting than in many of the following installments. The Esper system is admittedly a little broken, but the battle system is flawless. Unlike previous titles, you actually get a lot of stuff happening in the battle screen other than fighting - for example, Sabin and Cyan's first meeting with Gau. The difficulty is well-balanced, with a good learning curve. Also, the characters are much less static and stuck on certain roles like in FFVII-FFX, but they still all have individual differences and personalities, unlike FFI, II, III and V.

Kefka, however, more than earns the game a vote. He's not a faceless, boring arch-villain like most of the earlier titles' bad guys; neither is he a Generic Long-Haired Anime Guy, like Sephiroth and his ilk. He's a bloody clown with magical powers, a warped mind and a crazy laugh!

The music is also brilliant. The three major battle themes are catchy (in particular, The Fierce Battle), and the other tracks range from the cheery Returners' Theme to the waltz-like Phantom Train to the sad Opera. And then there's Dancing Mad...

FFX on the other hand, doesn't have much going for it. The characters are either total stereotypes (exactly how many times does Yuna get kidnapped over the course of the game?), annoying (Tidus and Rikku spring to mind), nonsensical (so hitting giant birds with footballs kills them! Good logic, Wakka) or plain boring (I've gotten about 10-20 hours into the game and Kimahri still has barely any personality or backstory). Auron, Lulu and Wakka get win points for being cool, but 3 out of 7 isn't very good. ¬¬

The gameplay is a change from the usual ATB that the last six games used, but somehow I prefer the more active battles that most of the other games use. The music is also very good in parts (though the battle theme annoys me), as are the graphics and sphere grid system. However, the dodgy voice acting and unfunny jokes kinda ruin it for me. My vote would've gone for FFX-2, but I've not played it so I thought it'd be better to vote against something I can actually claim isn't that good.


Thu Dec 27, 2007 9:51 am
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Haha I beat Cloud of Darkness a few months ago in FFIII ;D

I just got the DS version (revenant wings) for christmas and its really fun ;] / Well, FFIII is prettymuch the same thing, except with awesomer graphics and more jobs.

Thu Dec 27, 2007 11:31 pm
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Final Fantasy VII / Final Fantasy XI

Well someone had to start it off. Although I could mention a few things like the original game and the movie, I'm voting for the PS2 game, Dirge of Cerberus. I got it for Christmas and it was really cool.

Final Fantasy XI? Well, never played it, and probably never will.


Fri Dec 28, 2007 10:26 am
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Final Fantasy X-2 / Final Fantasy XII.

Criminally underrated by just about everybody. It's not the best Final Fantasy or anything, but it pisses me off how many bash this game for seemingly relying on T&A (it doesn't, although the "Yuna massaging Leblanc" mini-game sucks), having Yuna sing pop songs (she does, but Fina Fantasy has had insert songs since FF7, so what's the big deal?) and departing from the Final Fantasy formula in a number of ways. It sucks that the game doesn't have Summons or more characters, but the Dresspheres, less linear gameplay, continued storyline from FFX (X-2 also has a much deeper story than most people give it credit for), and good graphics, voice acting and music all make FFX-2 a fairly unique installment.

Final Fantasy XII, on the other hand, looks dull on all fronts. The characters look like uninspired rehashes of previous Final Fantasy characters (Vaan is Tidus, Penelo is Selphie, Fran is the token furry character, etc.), the desert setting is completely uninteresting, the overdone "war" storyline and the gameplay's lack of "random battles" seem boring, and there are no familiar summons nor music done by Nobuo. Plus, the graphics don't even look that good. It also looks a lot more "medieval" than VI, VII, VIII, X or X-2, and while it's not as bad as, say, IX, I still prefer the more modern Final Fantasies by far (except FF1 <3). It seems a lot of FFX-2's criticisms could be applied to FFXII, but X-2 seems to be judged a lot more harshly just because it has three female leads and was a sequel.

Fri Dec 28, 2007 10:40 am
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Since it took so long to get any votes, the round was a bit longer than usual.

Boot: FFXI

Begin round 2!


Sat Dec 29, 2007 7:45 am
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Final Fantasy XII / Final Fantasy V

I guess I will try to defend 12 since 7 has immunity... I loved 12 while it did deviate from the classic random battle style that I love, it did have an enjoyable storyline (I love the tactics world), and some good characters (not all) Balthier and Basch for example. The thing I liked most is it let you use whoever you wanted, and make them good at whatever you wanted through the license board.

edit: forgot about immunity sorry

FF 5 was probably the worst installment in the base numbered series. It limited you to 5 characters (one of which was a cross dresser). It is the only one in the numbered series I have not been able to finish because of a generally bad story line and character selection.

<center><img src="images/trainercards/edgat.png"></center>

Last edited by Edgat on Wed Jan 02, 2008 10:37 am, edited 2 times in total.

Sun Dec 30, 2007 2:44 pm
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Final Fantasy V / Final Fantasy II

FFV was amazing. It was on par with the PlayStation FFs (which were the best in my opinion), with it's great story line, plot, and job system. It is superior to FFIV and FFVI in every aspect, except for the characters (which sucked.) FFV was plagued with a HORRIBLE PlayStation port with loading times holding the game back and terrible translation. If you're voting this game off because you've played the PS port, don't even bother. The fan translation of the SNES game and the GBA game capture the awesomeness of this game. It's one of the most underrated FF games, which isn't surprising because Square never released it on the SNES here in America. The job system was brilliant, and I enjoyed developing my character's skills individually instead of being forced to use a certain class.

I already explained my reason for voting off FFII in my previous post, so I won't bother posting it again.


Sun Dec 30, 2007 11:46 pm
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The seventh was the begining of the the FF's 3D games. It also had a great story line. Plus, even by my standards now, it graphics and sounds were great. The combat system was great aswell.
Great graphics, but not a very thrilling story line, characters, or combat system. The combat system was probably the part I hated most. You had to actually lock on to the opponent and got to move around to dodge. It reminded me too much of a MMORPG.

Mon Dec 31, 2007 9:22 am
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Well FFX is one of the very best FF ever created, it has an interesting cast of characters and memorable cities. This was also the first game that I remember were you actually get to keep the summons out for battle instead of doing one attack then disappearing.

As of FFI I'm going off of the Dawn of Souls thing that came out for the gba were the difficulty level was super cut down, I guess so more of the little kids with a GBA could get into FF. There wasn't any spell conversions, also the Black Mage got raped of it's abilities, like being able to use Nuke(Flare)infinite amounts of times. The game was just a disappointment if you played the original.

Last edited by Latios on Tue Jan 01, 2008 5:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Jan 01, 2008 12:56 pm
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I agree with you that DoS is too easy, although I never thought Flare was all that good in the game. Never seems to deal anywhere near as much as my physical warriors.

I think I should rather clarify something about this EC. I dunno how it's generally done, but I've decided to run this on a "highest-lowest" scheme. So, the one with the highest number of votes for gets immunity, and so needs no votes the following round - it cannot be booted, so it needs no votes for or against. The one with the highest number of against gets booted. Thus, Edgat and Munchlax911, your votes are void. Care to edit them?


Tue Jan 01, 2008 1:15 pm
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