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 Subliminal Messages 
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Psychic Trainer
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My friend found a site where it has a whole list of songs with subliminal messages in them. The one song by Queen called Bite the Dust (or something like that) has the subliminal message "It's fun to smoke maronna(sp?)" :shock: Freaky eh? Well this one's better. The supposed Christian band Newsboys has satanic subliminal messages in some of their songs o_O This is one that shocked me the most. The original theme song for pokemon in the part where it says "Gotta Catch em all" backwards, is "I love Satan" :shock: :shock: This shocked me! I'm going to try and point out the site ASAP. I still haven't proven 100%, but he never lies...

Do you know of any subliminal messages in songs or other things?

Wed May 18, 2005 5:01 am
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I think you're talking about this site:

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Wed May 18, 2005 5:10 am
Pokemon Ranger
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The Beatles are the kings of subliminal messages. Pink Floyd also have a few, as do Led Zeppelin, as mentioned before. Your best chances at finding some are death metal and gothic music. Personally, I think most of it is B.S. For example, supposedly if you play a certain part of Stairway to Heaven backwards, you hear something about a tool shed, and serving satan. Well, I listened to the song backwards, and couldn't make anything out. Then, I went to a website which provides the alleged backwards text. Only with the text before my eyes could I actually make out the words in the backwards song. So, I fear that in many cases, these subliminal messages are psychological, and you'll only actually hear them if you are aware of them.

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Wed May 18, 2005 7:49 am
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What's a subliminal messege?


Wed May 18, 2005 1:01 pm
Psychic Trainer
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Nido wrote:
The Beatles are the kings of subliminal messages. Pink Floyd also have a few, as do Led Zeppelin, as mentioned before. Your best chances at finding some are death metal and gothic music. Personally, I think most of it is B.S. For example, supposedly if you play a certain part of Stairway to Heaven backwards, you hear something about a tool shed, and serving satan. Well, I listened to the song backwards, and couldn't make anything out. Then, I went to a website which provides the alleged backwards text. Only with the text before my eyes could I actually make out the words in the backwards song. So, I fear that in many cases, these subliminal messages are psychological, and you'll only actually hear them if you are aware of them.

My friend's brother was really happy and nice. He had a fiance and a house and everything, then one day he picked up a CD which contained some Gothic style music. That night he jumped off the roof of his house :shock: That's why I'm so interested in subliminal messages.

o_O Stairway to Heaven has stuff about that? No wonder that song makes me uncomfortable...

Water Pokemon Master wrote:
What's a subliminal messege?


xD Lol, clever...

Wed May 18, 2005 2:15 pm
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The Geek
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Yeah, all these "subliminal messages" are bogus. I can't hear a thing unless I'm told to listen for it in any of these. Well, with the exception of that Pink Floyd song. XD


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Wed May 18, 2005 2:26 pm
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Jigglypuff wrote:
Yeah, all these "subliminal messages" are bogus. I can't hear a thing unless I'm told to listen for it in any of these. Well, with the exception of that Pink Floyd song. XD

Not bogus. A subliminal message is something that passes through your conciousness. You don't know you are hearing it. It is a rather devious way of influenceing people.....

Wed May 18, 2005 2:32 pm
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Trust me. Listening to Stairway doesn't make me want to worship Satan. I know what the supposed lyrics are, and they're waaaaay beyond a stretch. I can say them along with the song and it just doesn't match up.

All these "subliminal messages" in songs these days are nothing more than paranoid mothers trying to find something to blame for not raising their kids right.


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Wed May 18, 2005 2:39 pm
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Jigglypuff wrote:
Trust me. Listening to Stairway doesn't make me want to worship Satan. I know what the supposed lyrics are, and they're waaaaay beyond a stretch. I can say them along with the song and it just doesn't match up.

All these "subliminal messages" in songs these days are nothing more than paranoid mothers trying to find something to blame for not raising their kids right.

If they do nothing then why put them there? Not all people are affected, but some are. Mothers? It is a guy who made that site.

And on a different note, lad you don't want to worship xD
Seriously though, they do some pretty sick stuff...

Wed May 18, 2005 2:45 pm
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There used to be a really good website with heaps of songs with backward messages and backmasking where it's deliberate. It was but it seems to be down for me now...

Thu May 19, 2005 1:06 am
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Amphy wrote:
There used to be a really good website with heaps of songs with backward messages and backmasking where it's deliberate. It was but it seems to be down for me now...

It is down for me too...thanks anyways though ^_^

Thu May 19, 2005 1:54 pm
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I saw something like that post, it was, caps are the bold words

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Thu May 19, 2005 4:21 pm
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Water Pokemon Master wrote:
What's a subliminal messege?


a sublimanal message is something youshally in adverts or songs to make you by there products or listen to them more. hope it helps.


Fri May 20, 2005 11:41 am
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I believe Water Pok


Fri May 20, 2005 2:01 pm
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Yeah, the Disney stuff is known... in The Rescuers (that's the movie with the two mice, Bernard and Bianca), there is a... well, iffy image (not nearly pornographic, but just as bad for a rated G movie :P) inserted in a few frames of the film. It's nothing that Bernard holds up, but rather when the two mice fly through the city on the albatross, they pass by a bunch of windows, and in one of them is the image. Most of the other Disney stuff, though, is just rumours. The one in The Rescuers, though, is true (there are also things like this in Aladdin and The Little Mermaid). But, I think that there's a fine line between subliminal messages and sick humour. These things were inserted into the films (and, of course, later removed when Disney noticed them) because the animators thought that they were some kind of sick joke (but obviously funny to them... somehow).

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Fri May 20, 2005 2:49 pm
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What's the purpose of inserting sick humour in a kids movie? Well, maybe for the entertainment of sick people....

Well, the Snow White story is on the Curious Guide, I've seen it. And they say its true... Of course, I can't prove it (if I had Slow Motion, I could tell)

Have you seen this one in Lion King?



Fri May 20, 2005 3:14 pm
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I can see it, but I don't have the slightest clue what that's supposed to be... It's definitely a shape, but I can't tell what.

See, I don't consider this subliminal messaging. The message is useless if it doesn't cause a response. Since I can't identify what that's supposed to be, I obviously can't respond to it.


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Fri May 20, 2005 3:17 pm
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JKcinema has a few of these movies, I can't beleive I forgot JKcinema! They're in the UL section.

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Fri May 20, 2005 3:27 pm
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It's written "S*x"...

I guess you cannot identify it visualy....But I know this happened:

There was a project trying to prove subliminal messages do exist and they affect people, and people are not aware of it.

--> Two groups of people were divided. Group A entered the cinema with a movie clear of subliminal messages. Group B entered the cinema with the same movie, however, with a slight subliminal message of Coca-Cola.

--> In the end of the movie, more than 50% of the people of group B went to the bar and bought coke. However, no one of group A did it....

Strange, but true. I learned that subliminal messages attack our subconscious, and not our primary senses (I mean, the images pass so fast you can't realise you've seen them, but they are stored in our brains).

There's also an age difference. Sometimes, what kids notice, adults don't. It is basically what happens with this figure:


A researche revealed that kids cannot identify the couple in their intimity because they don't have such scenario in their memories....Instead, they find 9 dolphins! (have you found them?)




Here they are!


Fri May 20, 2005 3:43 pm
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Galar wrote:
What's the purpose of inserting sick humour in a kids movie? Well, maybe for the entertainment of sick people....

Well, the Snow White story is on the Curious Guide, I've seen it. And they say its true... Of course, I can't prove it (if I had Slow Motion, I could tell)

Have you seen this one in Lion King?


There's an interesting story behind this one... No, it doesn't say what you think it says, Galar. Most people misenterpreted what was meant to be an innocent reference. The cloud actually spells SFX, which is the abbreviation for the name of the company that did the special effects for The Lion King. That's one of the examples of nonsense Disney movie legends.

Galar wrote:
There was a project trying to prove subliminal messages do exist and they affect people, and people are not aware of it.

--> Two groups of people were divided. Group A entered the cinema with a movie clear of subliminal messages. Group B entered the cinema with the same movie, however, with a slight subliminal message of Coca-Cola.

--> In the end of the movie, more than 50% of the people of group B went to the bar and bought coke. However, no one of group A did it....

Strange, but true.

This is a perfect example of an "urban legend". Although many people tend to believe that this sort of test was executed, it was, in fact, not. Other versions of the story say that coke attempted a sneaky advertising trick, by inserting single frame images of coke bottles into films (if anyone has seen Fight Club, they'll know how this is done). Since the image only appears on screen for 1/24 of a second, nobody can really tell what they saw, and the image is embedded into their subconscience - supposedly. In actuality, coke never attempted this as an advertising campaign, and any tests that tried this out provided negative results. The story about the tests is false, and is merely an urban legend.

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Last edited by Nido on Fri May 20, 2005 3:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Fri May 20, 2005 3:49 pm
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Shoo, I've been deceived for such a long time!

But how are we supposed to differ that "E" from a "F"?

Ha, I knew people actually inserted nasty things in Disney movies, but not advertisements!

I have Lion King. I'll try to find this scene again....


Fri May 20, 2005 3:54 pm
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It wasn't meant to be an advertisement, it was meant to be a reference to the company who helped them so much, a subliminal credit if you will. It just went horribly wrong :P The letters aren't really that clear to begin with, that's why the F looks like an E. the X doesn't even look like an X, it looks like a mirrored Y.

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Fri May 20, 2005 4:02 pm
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The first time I saw this, I read "SER"

And then, I read "SEK"

And then....I gave up...

And someone comes to me saying lion king is a lot more pornographic than I thought...

Then, I had to work a bit hard to turn that "K" into a "X"...

I mean, its just confusing....I really can't imagine how a child would react, or what a child think, when, or while watching a movie with subliminal message. I'll try to have this experience and see what happens (hope I don't turn into a serial killer or something...)


Fri May 20, 2005 4:15 pm
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Thing is, normally kids don't pick up on the subliminal messages. Unfortunately, it's usually paranoid parents who pick up on the messages, and then "decide" that their children picked up on the messages as well.

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Fri May 20, 2005 4:18 pm
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I once heard a kid threatened his parents after he watched Aladdin. He said "Aladdin told me to kill my parents", and he tryied to do so...

I don't know if this one is true, I mean, kids think in a....strange way (I also heard a mother was sueing the Pok


Fri May 20, 2005 4:28 pm
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