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 Werewolf VI is over because you all SUCK :[ 
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1) Sparrow - {phanpy}
2) Cherrygrove - {poliwhirl} EATEN - ROUND ONE
3) Poe - {houndour} VOTED OFF - ROUND ONE
4) JsXtm - {latios} VOTED OFF - ROUND THREE
5) Serpentsounds - {pachirisu}
6) Gardevoir~ - {dratini}
7) blazevoir~ - {blaziken} EATEN - ROUND TWO
8) Roar Of Time - {pikachu}
9) Medichamrulez - {gardevoir}
10) Krisp - {nidoking}
11) Sneaky Sneasel - {pidgeot}
12) DragonPhoenix - {tauros} VOTED OFF - ROUND THREE
13) Peanut-Lover - {swampert} VOTED OFF - ROUND TWO
14) Mitch the Dragon Tamer- {solrock}
15) Jaredt222- {bulbasaur} EATEN - ROUND THREE
16) DNA - {claydol} EATEN - ROUND THREE
17) Valentine - {skitty}
18) Dragonite - {vulpix}
19) poplers - {ledyba}
20) ShinyHunter07 - {teddiursa}
21) DarkSoul - {lucario}

So lately all the "xxx needs artwork" threads in this forum are kinda boring me atm ... So I will be hosting another updated version of Werewolf, with twice the number of twists, twice the amount of suspense, but most importantly, SEVEN AND FOUR THIRTEENTHS TIMES the amount of FUN as last time!

(lol copying S_S who copied DP)

There are 15-30 Villagers on a small desert island. They find out two of the villagers are werewolfs. Every night the werewolfs attack one person. Every time a werewolf kills someone the villagers vote who they think the werewolfs are. One person then gets banished. The cycle happens over and over until the werewolfs are banished, or all the villagers have been attacked and killed.

Changes are that we are going to replace Villagers with Pokemon!

(notice how I'm still copying from S_S who copied from DP)

1. People sign up, stating what Pokemon they would like to represent
2. Once we have sufficient numbers, I will randomly choose two (subject to change) werewolves.
3. Werewolves will then decide on a character to eliminate from the game.
4. The host will then tell the remaining contestants to vote.
5. Participants vote, and werewolves are allowed to vote also. Character with the highest number of votes / first to reach a certain number of negative votes shall be eliminated.
6. Repeat step 3-5 over until we have either no werewolves or a winner.
7. If a player leaves in the middle of the game, they still could be a werewolf. If a player who leaves / gets banned happens to be a werewolf I will replace them using I am not going to tell anyone if this does happen.
8. Don't vote until the werewolves have chosen who gets eaten.

Since psybucks still aren't installed back to the forums, as of the moment, the will be no monetary prizes. If it gets put back in soon though, it will be the same as the planned prizes from last time, which was:
Non-FEG left in the game for the longest will receive 100 psybucks from me multipied by the number of rounds they survived. If you're out at round 1, you'll get 150.

(Here's where I start copying from S_S who copied from DP again)

Werewolf FAQs
1. Are you giving clues away in the storyline?
A: What I found with werewolf 3 was that whenever a clue was given out, the werewolf was caught almost IMMEDIATELY, and this ruins the unpredictability of the game. So to answer the question, 'no,' however I may add subtle clues. This is subject to change at any time.

2. Who are the werewolves?
A: If you bother me or anyone else with this question I will ban you from all future werewolf threads.

3. How are the werewolves chosen?
A:, or, if I'm lazy, my ti84+

4. This game is unfair and rigged!!! I'm getting voted off because people hate me!!
A: asjdfoiahego5ay8roygbiv

5. Can I host the next Werewolf?
A: I think it would be best, for clarity purposes, to direct all questions of these nature to me either through PM or IRC. And anyone is welcome to "apply" to host the next game :)

6. What are the twists?
A: Last time I hosted, I messed up doing the twists portion because I was forced to co-host it. This shouldn't be a problem this time, and I have some good ideas :]

There will be either 20 or 21 people before we start (subject to change). Please update your post with the 'sign-up' list as you register.

if your that interested in the first five, look em up yourself ;o

so in short:
1. to play you MUST CHOOSE A POKEMON
2. do not bother ANYONE repeatedly about this game
3. I am picking the werewolves RANDOMLY
4. Register your interest quickly and tell all your friends about this!
5. if you do register please be active (!)
6. keep your hands inside the bars at all times

soooooooooooo let's start things off!



Fri Apr 18, 2008 2:14 pm
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Sparrow - {phanpy}

Fri Apr 18, 2008 2:55 pm
Frontier Brain
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Cool, I missed the last one

Sign Up List
1) Sparrow - {phanpy}
2) Cherrygrove - {poliwhirl}

And what it all comes down to
is that everything's gonna be quite all right

Fri Apr 18, 2008 3:04 pm
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<3. Good times. I remember when we were tight and I took over this for you. Btw lol I'm off probation...

Sign Up List
1) Sparrow - {phanpy}
2) Cherrygrove - {poliwhirl}
3) Poe - {houndour}

EDIT: I just want to emphasize that with past Werewolf games people decided that so-and-so was a werewolf because they had a "type weakness". Remember. EP is choosing the werewolves randomly.

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Last edited by Poe on Fri Apr 18, 2008 3:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Fri Apr 18, 2008 3:10 pm
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As usual, I'll sign up too. I suck at these though...

Sign Up List
1) Sparrow - {phanpy}
2) Cherrygrove - {poliwhirl}
3) Poe - {houndour}
4) JsXtm - {latios}


Fri Apr 18, 2008 3:14 pm
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I've never tried this game, but I suppose now is as good a time as ever.

Sign Up List
1) Sparrow - {phanpy}
2) Cherrygrove - {poliwhirl}
3) Poe - {houndour}
4) JsXtm - {latios}
5) Serpentsounds - {pachirisu}


Fri Apr 18, 2008 3:22 pm
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I suppose I'll play. I wanna be a Dratini. :D

Sign Up List
1) Sparrow - {phanpy}
2) Cherrygrove - {poliwhirl}
3) Poe - {houndour}
4) JsXtm - {latios}
5) Serpentsounds - {pachirisu}
6) Gardevoir~ - {dratini}


Fri Apr 18, 2008 3:31 pm
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I'll enter as Blaziken

Sign Up List
1) Sparrow - {phanpy}
2) Cherrygrove - {poliwhirl}
3) Poe - {houndour}
4) JsXtm - {latios}
5) Serpentsounds - {pachirisu}
6) Gardevoir~ - {dratini}
7) blazevoir~ - {blaziken}


Fri Apr 18, 2008 3:34 pm
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Sign Up List
1) Sparrow - {phanpy}
2) Cherrygrove - {poliwhirl}
3) Poe - {houndour}
4) JsXtm - {latios}
5) Serpentsounds - {pachirisu}
6) Gardevoir~ - {dratini}
7) blazevoir~ - {blaziken}
8) Roar Of Time - {pikachu}

I'll enter as...Pikachu


<Derek> is anyone here ??
<AngrySparrow> No
<Derek> im gonna leave because no one is here
*** Derek has quit (Exit: Psypoke Forever!)

Fri Apr 18, 2008 3:48 pm
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I watched the last one, this sounds good.

Sign Up List
1) Sparrow - {phanpy}
2) Cherrygrove - {poliwhirl}
3) Poe - {houndour}
4) JsXtm - {latios}
5) Serpentsounds - {pachirisu}
6) Gardevoir~ - {dratini}
7) blazevoir~ - {blaziken}
8) Roar Of Time - {pikachu}
9) Medichamrulez - {gardevoir}

Credit to this awesome sig goes to eon.

92% of all competitive battlers think that Skarm, Bliss, and a good 'Chomp is all you need to own things. If you're in the 8% who value creative thinking and originality with your teams, put this in you signature.

Fri Apr 18, 2008 3:56 pm
Lite Four
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I'll be {nidoking} .

Sign Up List
1) Sparrow - {phanpy}
2) Cherrygrove - {poliwhirl}
3) Poe - {houndour}
4) JsXtm - {latios}
5) Serpentsounds - {pachirisu}
6) Gardevoir~ - {dratini}
7) blazevoir~ - {blaziken}
8) Roar Of Time - {pikachu}
9) Medichamrulez - {gardevoir}
10) Krisp {nidoking}


Fri Apr 18, 2008 5:50 pm
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Gee, I wonder who Sneaky SNEASEL will be...

Sign Up List
1) Sparrow - {phanpy}
2) Cherrygrove - {poliwhirl}
3) Poe - {houndour}
4) JsXtm - {latios}
5) Serpentsounds - {pachirisu}
6) Gardevoir~ - {dratini}
7) blazevoir~ - {blaziken}
8) Roar Of Time - {pikachu}
9) Medichamrulez - {gardevoir}
10) Krisp {nidoking}
11) Sneaky Sneasel - {pidgeot}

Hah. Didn't expect that, now did you?


Fri Apr 18, 2008 5:58 pm
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Sign Up List
1) Sparrow - {phanpy}
2) Cherrygrove - {poliwhirl}
3) Poe - {houndour}
4) JsXtm - {latios}
5) Serpentsounds - {pachirisu}
6) Gardevoir~ - {dratini}
7) blazevoir~ - {blaziken}
8) Roar Of Time - {pikachu}
9) Medichamrulez - {gardevoir}
10) Krisp {nidoking}
11) Sneaky Sneasel - {pidgeot}
12) DragonPhoenix - {tauros}

looking forward to cracking into some werewolf fun 8-)

Sponsor a pokemon today to guide them through the knockout tournament! (2,000 Psybucks up for grabs)

Fri Apr 18, 2008 6:32 pm
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Sign Up List:
1) Sparrow - {phanpy}
2) Cherrygrove - {poliwhirl}
3) Poe - {houndour}
4) JsXtm - {latios}
5) Serpentsounds - {pachirisu}
6) Gardevoir~ - {dratini}
7) blazevoir~ - {blaziken}
8) Roar Of Time - {pikachu}
9) Medichamrulez - {gardevoir}
10) Krisp {nidoking}
11) Sneaky Sneasel - {pidgeot}
12) DragonPhoenix - {tauros}
13) Peanut-Lover - {swampert}

I wuvz Swamperts.

Fri Apr 18, 2008 7:38 pm
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Sign Up List:
1) Sparrow - {phanpy}
2) Cherrygrove - {poliwhirl}
3) Poe - {houndour}
4) JsXtm - {latios}
5) Serpentsounds - {pachirisu}
6) Gardevoir~ - {dratini}
7) blazevoir~ - {blaziken}
8) Roar Of Time - {pikachu}
9) Medichamrulez - {gardevoir}
10) Krisp {nidoking}
11) Sneaky Sneasel - {pidgeot}
12) DragonPhoenix - {tauros}
13) Peanut-Lover - {swampert}
14) Mitch the Dragon Tamer- {solrock}


Sat Apr 19, 2008 6:58 am
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I will enter as bulbasaur
1) Sparrow - {phanpy}
2) Cherrygrove - {poliwhirl}
3) Poe - {houndour}
4) JsXtm - {latios}
5) Serpentsounds - {pachirisu}
6) Gardevoir~ - {dratini}
7) blazevoir~ - {blaziken}
8) Roar Of Time - {pikachu}
9) Medichamrulez - {gardevoir}
10) Krisp - {nidoking}
11) Sneaky Sneasel - {pidgeot}
12) DragonPhoenix - {tauros}
13) Peanut-Lover - {swampert}
14) Mitch the Dragon Tamer- {solrock}
15) Jaredt222- {bulbasaur}

Credit does to Medichamrules

Sat Apr 19, 2008 7:55 am
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Claydol's eyes x2 equals the number I will sign up as. How sweet it is!
In other, real, news I'm joining as a Claydol.

1) Sparrow - {phanpy}
2) Cherrygrove - {poliwhirl}
3) Poe - {houndour}
4) JsXtm - {latios}
5) Serpentsounds - {pachirisu}
6) Gardevoir~ - {dratini}
7) blazevoir~ - {blaziken}
8) Roar Of Time - {pikachu}
9) Medichamrulez - {gardevoir}
10) Krisp - {nidoking}
11) Sneaky Sneasel - {pidgeot}
12) DragonPhoenix - {tauros}
13) Peanut-Lover - {swampert}
14) Mitch the Dragon Tamer- {solrock}
15) Jaredt222- {bulbasaur}
16) DNA - {claydol}


Sat Apr 19, 2008 11:25 am
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We need five more people, after that, sign-ups will be officially CLOSED.


Sat Apr 19, 2008 11:39 am
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ep harassed me via IRC to join

i will be skitty woooo

1) Sparrow - {phanpy}
2) Cherrygrove - {poliwhirl}
3) Poe - {houndour}
4) JsXtm - {latios}
5) Serpentsounds - {pachirisu}
6) Gardevoir~ - {dratini}
7) blazevoir~ - {blaziken}
8) Roar Of Time - {pikachu}
9) Medichamrulez - {gardevoir}
10) Krisp - {nidoking}
11) Sneaky Sneasel - {pidgeot}
12) DragonPhoenix - {tauros}
13) Peanut-Lover - {swampert}
14) Mitch the Dragon Tamer- {solrock}
15) Jaredt222- {bulbasaur}
16) DNA - {claydol}
17) Valentine - {skitty}


Sat Apr 19, 2008 4:59 pm
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1) Sparrow - {phanpy}
2) Cherrygrove - {poliwhirl}
3) Poe - {houndour}
4) JsXtm - {latios}
5) Serpentsounds - {pachirisu}
6) Gardevoir~ - {dratini}
7) blazevoir~ - {blaziken}
8) Roar Of Time - {pikachu}
9) Medichamrulez - {gardevoir}
10) Krisp - {nidoking}
11) Sneaky Sneasel - {pidgeot}
12) DragonPhoenix - {tauros}
13) Peanut-Lover - {swampert}
14) Mitch the Dragon Tamer- {solrock}
15) Jaredt222- {bulbasaur}
16) DNA - {claydol}
17) Valentine - {skitty}
18) Dragonite - {vulpix}


Sat Apr 19, 2008 5:24 pm
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1) Sparrow - {phanpy}
2) Cherrygrove - {poliwhirl}
3) Poe - {houndour}
4) JsXtm - {latios}
5) Serpentsounds - {pachirisu}
6) Gardevoir~ - {dratini}
7) blazevoir~ - {blaziken}
8) Roar Of Time - {pikachu}
9) Medichamrulez - {gardevoir}
10) Krisp - {nidoking}
11) Sneaky Sneasel - {pidgeot}
12) DragonPhoenix - {tauros}
13) Peanut-Lover - {swampert}
14) Mitch the Dragon Tamer- {solrock}
15) Jaredt222- {bulbasaur}
16) DNA - {claydol}
17) Valentine - {skitty}
18) Dragonite - {vulpix}
19) poplers - {ledyba}


Sat Apr 19, 2008 9:06 pm
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SH07: {teddiursa}

1) Sparrow - {phanpy}
2) Cherrygrove - {poliwhirl}
3) Poe - {houndour}
4) JsXtm - {latios}
5) Serpentsounds - {pachirisu}
6) Gardevoir~ - {dratini}
7) blazevoir~ - {blaziken}
8) Roar Of Time - {pikachu}
9) Medichamrulez - {gardevoir}
10) Krisp - {nidoking}
11) Sneaky Sneasel - {pidgeot}
12) DragonPhoenix - {tauros}
13) Peanut-Lover - {swampert}
14) Mitch the Dragon Tamer- {solrock}
15) Jaredt222- {bulbasaur}
16) DNA - {claydol}
17) Valentine - {skitty}
18) Dragonite - {vulpix}
19) poplers - {ledyba}
20) ShinyHunter07 - {teddiursa}

I just have one question:
About the voting thing, is it that the people playing pick one person to get eliminated, and the werewolves also eat someone, or do we vote on who the werewolves eat, or what?
Sorry, I'm confused. ):


Sun Apr 20, 2008 12:28 pm
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You vote on who to get out, yes. Both the werewolves vote on who to eat as well, so its 2 contestants per round.


Sun Apr 20, 2008 12:42 pm
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I'll be Lucario if I'm not too late :D {lucario}

1) Sparrow - {phanpy}
2) Cherrygrove - {poliwhirl}
3) Poe - {houndour}
4) JsXtm - {latios}
5) Serpentsounds - {pachirisu}
6) Gardevoir~ - {dratini}
7) blazevoir~ - {blaziken}
8) Roar Of Time - {pikachu}
9) Medichamrulez - {gardevoir}
10) Krisp - {nidoking}
11) Sneaky Sneasel - {pidgeot}
12) DragonPhoenix - {tauros}
13) Peanut-Lover - {swampert}
14) Mitch the Dragon Tamer- {solrock}
15) Jaredt222- {bulbasaur}
16) DNA - {claydol}
17) Valentine - {skitty}
18) Dragonite - {vulpix}
19) poplers - {ledyba}
20) ShinyHunter07 - {teddiursa}
21) DarkSoul - {lucario}

A wound to the soul hurts more than a wound to the flesh.

Sun Apr 20, 2008 12:44 pm
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And with that, signups are OVER.

I am contacting the werewolves now, and shall post again when the time comes, dundundun *eerie music*


Sun Apr 20, 2008 1:36 pm
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