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Vote counts are on the right side of the Pokemon. '

{venusaur} 0/0 {charizard}0/0 {blastoise}0/0 {meganium}0/0 {typhlosion}1/0 {feraligatr}0/1 {sceptile} 0/0 {blaziken} 0/0 {swampert}0/0 {torterra}0/0 {infernape}0/0 {empoleon} 0/0

My vote:

{typhlosion}/ {feraligatr}
Flaming mouse thingy. Big mouse!!!/ Ugly gator.

*****3 Votes for immunity, 3 votes for boot.


ImageIt's very happy to see you! Give this little set of pixels a hug!

Last edited by Fearow on Fri Apr 25, 2008 4:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Apr 22, 2008 10:07 am
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Lets hope this doesn't die like the other elimination challenges.

Swampert / Infernape
I wuvz mudkips and swamperts. Excellent movepool and stats are balanced enough so it can do so many things, but not so balanced that it won't do anything right.
Call me Jim Perdue, but Blaziken > Infernape.

Also, you should say when the first round ends. # of votes, # votes for an immunity, # votes for a kick, or # days.

{venusaur} 0/0
{charizard} 0/0
{blastoise} 0/0
{meganium} 0/0
{typhlosion} 1/0
{feraligatr} 0/1
{sceptile} 0/0
{blaziken} 0/0
{swampert} 1/0
{torterra} 0/0
{infernape} 0/1
{empoleon} 0/0

Tue Apr 22, 2008 6:59 pm
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The standard is usually 5.

Sceptile / Feraligatr

I like him primarily because of his incredible speed and none-too-shabby movepool, making him an ideal candidate for battle (but I have yet to put him into practical use). / Eh, never been much of a fan of this guy. He did get an uber-powerup when DP rolled around though, I do admit that.

{venusaur} 0/0
{charizard} 0/0
{blastoise} 0/0
{meganium} 0/0
{typhlosion} 1/0
{feraligatr} 0/2
{sceptile} 1/0
{blaziken} 0/0
{swampert} 1/0
{torterra} 0/0
{infernape} 0/1
{empoleon} 0/0


Tue Apr 22, 2008 7:40 pm
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Blaziken has always been a favorite of mine/It got my hopes up when I had heard that it was the best starter of the generation. I prefer offensive to defencive.

{venusaur} 0/0
{charizard} 0/0
{blastoise} 0/0
{meganium} 0/1
{typhlosion} 1/0
{feraligatr} 0/2
{sceptile} 1/0
{blaziken} 1/0
{swampert} 1/0
{torterra} 0/0
{infernape} 0/1
{empoleon} 0/0


Wed Apr 23, 2008 4:35 am
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Yeah, we're going with the normal limit of 5 boot/immunity votes to end a round.

{typhlosion}/ {venusaur}

<3 Typhy/It's movepool SUCKS. Most useless starter ever.

{venusaur} 0/1
{charizard} 0/0
{blastoise} 0/0
{meganium} 0/1
{typhlosion} 2/0
{feraligatr} 0/2
{sceptile} 1/0
{blaziken} 1/0
{swampert} 1/0
{torterra} 0/0
{infernape} 0/1
{empoleon} 0/0


Wed Apr 23, 2008 6:23 am
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It's awesome. It looks awesome, has an amazing 11 resistances and only 3 weaknesses./It is a total fail. It's movepool is more like a twitchpuddle, and it carries on the theme of a four-legged grass type. (Which oh so fortunately was later revived by the fabulous Torterra.)


{venusaur} 0/1
{charizard} 0/0
{blastoise} 0/0
{meganium} 0/2
{typhlosion} 2/0
{feraligatr} 0/2
{sceptile} 1/0
{blaziken} 1/0
{swampert} 1/0
{torterra} 0/0
{infernape} 0/1
{empoleon} 1/0

thanks to hammy.

Wed Apr 23, 2008 10:37 am
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{charizard}/ {venusaur}

<3 the 'Zard/No good moves..


{venusaur} 0/1
{charizard} 0/0
{blastoise} 0/0
{meganium} 0/1
{typhlosion} 2/0
{feraligatr} 0/2
{sceptile} 1/0
{blaziken} 1/0
{swampert} 1/0
{torterra} 0/0
{infernape} 0/1
{empoleon} 0/0

Image Image

Wed Apr 23, 2008 1:33 pm
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{blastoise}/ {charizard}

I just love having this guy as a part of my team. It's served me well in my LG game, and has been doing the same if not better in my Pearl version. It does what it needs to do, so it gets my vote./Okay, as much as I love my Charizard, I find it to be too overrated. My brother even went through all the trouble to steal mine and use it as his own, which in doing so he destroyed its moveset. This thing's probally going to get immunity, but I'm just going to give it a boot vote just to be safe.

{venusaur} 0/2
{charizard} 1/1
{blastoise} 1/0
{meganium} 0/1
{typhlosion} 2/0
{feraligatr} 0/2
{sceptile} 1/0
{blaziken} 1/0
{swampert} 1/0
{torterra} 0/0
{infernape} 0/1
{empoleon} 1/0

ImageA r c a d i a¸.·?
w h e r e l e g e n d i s b o r n

Last edited by JsXtm on Sat Apr 26, 2008 12:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Reopened. I personally think voting should be to 5 votes, otherwise it's going to go very fast, but whatever. And Fearow, you did vote twice, therefore the round is still going.

Wed Apr 23, 2008 5:39 pm
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Am I the only one who's realised this has been reopened?

{infernape}/ {meganium}

I just find this guy totally amazing. With three separate roles, all of them working efffectively, I find him far deserving of OU, if not uber (but if he's uber, then Salamence should be higher than uber, because... well, if you know me well, you should be able to guess).

1) With my friends, he is underrated. VERY underrated. Why? Because he looks like a hunchback. That's why. According to my friends, Infernape is a hunchback, therefore its rubbish. They couldn't believe me even when I beat their Kyogre, Groudon AND Darkrai with a NON-EV TRAINED Infernape (Beating that guy was too obvious though, because they were all hacked from Level 99 and that made their stats suck like crap). One of my friends said it was also bad because `its the only Pokemon ever that's affected by my Groudon's Fissure`Quote taken from sometime at lunch, 17th June 2008. Why? Because he's only ever used Fissure on two Pokemon: My Infernape and this other guy's Rayquaza (luckily I was using a Sash-Sword Infernape so I didn't faint). And because Infernape is underrated, I feel sorry for it, and so I like it, so I like it more.

2) Another point is that Infernape has such good offensive stats. Trust me. According to Psypoke's Damage Calculator, Infernape does:

64%-75% with Grass Knot to Careful Swampert
34%-40% with Grass Knot to Calm Suicune
44%-48% with Grass Knot to Calm Starmie
45%-53% with Thundepunch to Impish Gyarados
33%-39% with Tunderpunch to Impish Vaporeon
36%-41% with Grass Knot to Calm Slowbro

The list of threats continues, as does the list of ways Infernape can hit back. Please note that all the targets on the list have MAX DEFENSE AND/OR SPECIAL DEFENSE, AS WELL AS MAX HP. Such stats are extremely rare on `sweeper` threats, such as Starmie, and therefore Infernape would do a lot of damage more. This is also excluding Infernape's most popular item, the Life Orb, with which Infernape can do more damage yet.

3) Infernape is truly the second-best fire type, after Ho-oh (third if you count Arceus). The way the `high-ups` put Pokemon into their tiers is by HOW WELL THEY BATTLE. Although the names are `Overused, Moderatelyused, etc.`, popularity has nothing to do with the position of where they are. Now that I've made that clear, here's my point.

There are only two fire types in the whole of the OU tier, Heatran and Infernape. So why is Infernape better than Heatran, I hear you ask? Simple: Heatran is only OU IF YOU HACK IT. Heatran is caught at Level 70 in the RPGs, therefore making its stats rubbish up to that level. This is a problem for Heatran-users, as the lower the level Heatran is caught at, the better. Level 70 is NOT a good level. This leaves only Infernape, which could be bred as a Chimchar at Level 1 before becoming a Monferno, and then once again an Infernape. `If you don't have Wi-fi, this is another problem, because unless you trade with your friends, you can't get Infernape if you choose Turtwig or Piplup, and if you choose Chimchar it won't be EV-trained`. (Funny, that. Adam knew what EV-traning was, but didn't know how it worked). I then replied to him that you could catch Dittos via the Pokeradar just outside of Canalave City.

And yes, that concludes why I think Infernape deserves my immunity vote./Meganium is a Megaynium :lol: OK, now I'll be serious. Meganium is a UU. In the same tier as Pikachu, Meganium is a horrible battler, no matter how appealing it looks. Meganium's only good stats make it a Tank. And what a good tank it makes when it gets OHKO'd by most CB users. And yes, that concludes why I think Meganium deserves my boot vote.

Les scoreboard that's been inactive for over a month wrote:
{venusaur} 0/2
{charizard} 1/1
{blastoise} 1/0
{meganium} 0/2
{typhlosion} 2/0
{feraligatr} 0/2
{sceptile} 1/0
{blaziken} 1/0
{swampert} 1/0
{torterra} 0/0
{infernape} 1/1
{empoleon} 1/0

P.S. Why isn't anybody voting in my PEC? :(

I have absolutely no time on my hands, so if you're sending me a PM for whatever reason expect to receive a reply in a few years. Try to use my e-mail if you can.

Tue Jun 17, 2008 12:22 pm
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{torterra} / {meganium}

Nobody's touched it, and that typing hasn't been done on a starter before.
Megaynium. lol I liked that.

thanks to hammy.

Mon Jun 23, 2008 2:30 pm
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Ground and water brilliant! Choose Mudkip everytime and Swampert allways seemed to end up in my party :) / Water and steel? Just don't like that at all.

Les scoreboard that's been inactive for alot less than a month wrote:
{venusaur} 0/2
{charizard} 1/1
{blastoise} 1/0
{meganium} 0/2
{typhlosion} 2/0
{feraligatr} 0/3
{sceptile} 1/0
{blaziken} 1/0
{swampert} 2/0
{torterra} 0/0
{infernape} 1/1
{empoleon} 1/1


Tue Jul 01, 2008 10:15 am
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AKART wrote:
There are only two fire types in the whole of the OU tier, Heatran and Infernape. So why is Infernape better than Heatran, I hear you ask? Simple: Heatran is only OU IF YOU HACK IT. Heatran is caught at Level 70 in the RPGs, therefore making its stats rubbish up to that level. This is a problem for Heatran-users, as the lower the level Heatran is caught at, the better. Level 70 is NOT a good level. This leaves only Infernape, which could be bred as a Chimchar at Level 1 before becoming a Monferno, and then once again an Infernape. `If you don't have Wi-fi, this is another problem, because unless you trade with your friends, you can't get Infernape if you choose Turtwig or Piplup, and if you choose Chimchar it won't be EV-trained`. (Funny, that. Adam knew what EV-traning was, but didn't know how it worked). I then replied to him that you could catch Dittos via the Pokeradar just outside of Canalave City.

I whole-heartedly disagree. I, too used to think that catching a Pokemon at level one is better than at level 70, but as I learned more about IVs and EVs, the level at which you catch a Pokemon is completely irrelevant (it's a pain in the butt to EV-train a level 100 though), as long as you EV-train properly. Both Heatran and Infernape are good Pokemon.

My vote: {empoleon}/ {torterra}

Empoleon is generally underestimated, because it is slow, but I think it is a great tank and agility sweeper. It could even use Trick Room well. Empoleon also has lots of resistances and has a good movepool. As for Torterra, I don't know, I don't think any of the starters are total trash. I just had to vote for a Pokemon to boot. He has a 4x weakness to ice, which is really bad, especially if he wants to tank.

Image AIM: Fausch 3173 Courtesy of Afonso! ^_^ Time Zone: UTC -4 (EDT) Record: W:66 L:24 Vs. Will: W:18 L:2 I'm always up for a battle! Sorry guys, I've been busy lately.

Sun Jul 06, 2008 12:59 pm
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Venusaur - 1/1
Charizard - 1/1
Blastoise - 1/0
Meganium - 0/4
Typhlosion - 2/0
Feraligatr - 0/2
Sceptile - 1/0
Blaziken - 1/0
Swampert - 2/0
Torterra - 1/1
Infernape - 1/1
Empoleon - 2/1

I think that the time lapse is enough to declare the round -OVER-

Boot: Megaynium - {meganium} (sorry, just had to)
Immunity: A tie for immunity - {typhlosion} and {swampert} . Empoleon wasnt considered in the tie, because he had a vote against him - the others were pure immunity votes.

{typhlosion} immune
{swampert} immune

My vote - {swampert} / {infernape}
Swampert can single handedly take out Infernape, KOing with EQ.
Infernape is a frail piece of garbage, having less defenses than a piece of paper.

Thu Jul 10, 2008 2:14 pm
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I'll throw in my 2 cents.

{torterra} / {infernape}

Torterra just looks sweet if you ask me. what's not to like about an ankylosarus?
Infernape is just laughable, who the heck designed it's stats? besides which, it's another monkey. don't we have enough monkeys already? Slacking, Primeape, apom, etc.

Curse you all for voting meganium out in the first round. Even more curse for giving that ugly, underpowered, grassweak swamp thing immunity

I'm not here all the time, though I do pop back in occasionally, if you want to contact me, you can dropped me a line at

Wed Sep 24, 2008 2:11 pm
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ZOMG, it's Darth DLA.

Unfortunately, this topic is pretty dead, so I'm locking it.


Wed Sep 24, 2008 2:51 pm
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