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Throwing my team out again (though I don't expect a rating anytime soon, this is more for personal reference.)

If an non-offical rater would like to give an opinion, PM it to me ^^

Modest @ Wise Glasses. Levitate
52HP 200DEF 155S.ATK 103SPEED
-Skill Swap
-Pain Split
-Shadow Ball
-Hidden Power (Fighting) 55-56 Base Power

Lead, Skill swap is usually not greatly useful but can throw back a intimidate, Type absorbs or steal speed boost, then later in the game grab Serene grace Swift Swim or Sand veil (Against Weather teams). Ghost/Fight holds no resistances so she can deal decent damage to all but Normal/Flying, Skarms and S.walls.

The Chef
Modest @ Life Orb. Synchronize
252 S.ATK 200 SPEED 58 HP
-Shadow ball
-Focus Blast
-Charge Beam

Special Sweeper, Charge beam is good for finishing a near KO'ed opponents as well against on an expected switch, Although Calm mind would be better for the latter, charge beam + life orb does semi decent damage on it's common counters. Once again Ghost/Fight holds no resistances and Psychic is STAB.

A moveset I'm thinking of changing him to
Modest @ Salac berry
-Calm mind
-HP fight/ Focus blast

Place him out against something that will switch out and Sub. then if the switch out is:

Calm mind and allow the sub to break, sweep

Sub until the Salac berry kicks in Calm mind then sweep

The problem with this set is that other psychics resist him, esp. Metagross. but it brings down weavile and most of the typical choice scarfers.

Brave @ Black Sludge. Sticky Hold
255ATK 255DEF
-Shadow Sneak
-Poison Jab
-Brick Break

Cursewall, Skill swaping in double battle w/ mismagius's Levitate can be quite helpful. Shadow sneak works great as an unexpected finishing move after cursing and attacking as well as after a cursed Shadow sneak can OHKO a Gengar/Alakazam.

Calm @ Scope Lens. Sniper
252 HP 200 S.ATK 52 ATK
-Ice Beam
-Dragon Pulse
-Focus Energy

A somewhat bulkier Kingdra set, made to take advantage of a up to 33% 3x Crit rate. Luck is somewhat key in this set, but is rather fun to use. Waterfall for mix-sweeping.

Sage (goes in every field)
Adamant @ Muscle band. Iron fist
252ATK 200HP 56DEF
-Ice Punch
-Fire Punch/Thunder Punch
-Close Combat

Agility then CC or Fire/Ice is they resist fight or are 2x or 4x weak.(Yes I'm aware STAB CC does the same as a 2x boosted punch, but the punches can give status and don't drop his Def's) Open to Starmie but can take down Scizor, Fortress, and the typical dragons. 30 S.def IV on top of 110 base allows him to soak a special attack or non-stab psychic. Thunder punch allows him to take out all the popular dual water threats that otherwise resist him, so I have some trouble choosing which punch to use.

Serious (Chosen due to near flawless IV's) @ Thick Fat. Leftovers
252HP 204S.DEF 52ATK
-Body Slam
-Rock Slide
-Heal Bell/Milk Drink

Mil-Tank/Para Flinch abuser. Being normal type allows me to Switch into Ghost attacks used on my Alakazam and Mismagius. Thick fat also allow him to switch in to fire/Ice safely. I'm debating if I should go with Heal Bell for team support or Milk drink to keep him in play longer.

Last edited by MasonTheChef on Sat Jul 19, 2008 7:39 am, edited 3 times in total.

Thu Jun 12, 2008 6:36 am
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I would like to create a great team for WiFi battles and Battle tower. I have chosen the Pokemon but I need help for Attacks, Natures, IVs, EVs, etc. I would like to have a well-balanced team.
As I am not a professional in EV training and stuff, tips will be greatly appreciated.

[ {torchic} > {combusken} > {blaziken} ] @ [Item ?]. [Ability: Blaze]
[Nature ?], [EVs ?] (DVs ?)

[Attack 1] ?
[Attack 2] ?
[Attack 3] ?
[Attack 4] ?
[ {piplup} > {prinplup} > {empoleon} ] @ [Item ?]. [Ability: Torrent]
[Nature ?], [EVs ?] (DVs ?)

[Attack 1] ?
[Attack 2] ?
[Attack 3] ?
[Attack 4] ?
[ {turtwig} > {grotle} > {torterra} ] @ [Item ?]. [Ability: Overgrow]
[Nature ?], [EVs ?] (DVs ?)

[Attack 1] ?
[Attack 2] ?
[Attack 3] ?
[Attack 4] ?
[ {zubat} > {golbat} > {crobat} ] @ [Item ?]. [Ability: Inner Focus]
[Nature ?], [EVs ?] (DVs ?)

[Attack 1] ?
[Attack 2] ?
[Attack 3] ?
[Attack 4] ?
[ {riolu} > {lucario} ] @ [Item ?]. [Ability: ?]
[Nature ?], [EVs ?] (DVs ?)

[Attack 1] ?
[Attack 2] ?
[Attack 3] ?
[Attack 4] ?
[ {gible} > {gabite} > {garchomp} ] @ [Item ?]. [Ability: ?]
[Nature ?], [EVs ?] (DVs ?)

[Attack 1] ?
[Attack 2] ?
[Attack 3] ?
[Attack 4] ?

I really need much help. Thank you in advance. :D

Last edited by Dark Typhlosion on Thu Jun 19, 2008 12:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Jun 19, 2008 8:56 am
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Dark Typhlosion, from what I've heard, having a whole team of sweepers is bad. You're gonna need more than sweepers to win, such as walls, utility, phazers, and sponges. You don't need all of that, but a full team of sweepers is not a very good team.

Image AIM: Fausch 3173 Courtesy of Afonso! ^_^ Time Zone: UTC -4 (EDT) Record: W:66 L:24 Vs. Will: W:18 L:2 I'm always up for a battle! Sorry guys, I've been busy lately.

Thu Jun 19, 2008 9:35 am
Bug Catcher
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Oroness all, I this is the team I would like. I have all the starters currently between 20-30 so I am planning out the movesets at the moment. I'm not into competitive online fighting, but I wanna use these feller's in the battle tower.


Frenzy Plant
Skull Bash
Sludge Bomb


Blast Burn
Swords Dance


Hydro Cannon
Rain Dance
Skull Bash


Volt Tackle
Hidden Power
Focus Punch


Hyper Beam
Giga Impact
Rest X


Dream Eater
Last Resort
Giga Impact

Thu Jun 19, 2008 4:16 pm
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My Team So Far:

Baton Pass
Aerial Ace
Swords Dance

Leaf Blade
Swords Dance
Dragon Claw

Heat Wave
Dragon Pulse
Aerial Ace

Shadow Ball
Energy Ball
Thunder Wave

Thunder Wave
Calm Mind
Water Pulse

Swords Dance
Brick Break

Im Jirachi. Yes, you heard me. Don't Believe me? Fine, go ahead, see if I care. I used to have clear evidence a while ago. Too bad, maybe next time. Eventually, I will meet you again someday in the future, I will know you, but you wont know me.

Fri Jun 20, 2008 6:30 am
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please give me advice on possible items and possible moves for "?"! Thank You!

{torterra} TORTERRA
-Stone Edge

{luxray} LUXRAY
-Thunder Fang

{rapidash} RAPIDASH
w/leftovers,something that stops recoil
-Flare Blitz
-Take Down

{toxicroak} TOXICROAK
-Poison Jab
-Focus Blast
-Mud Bomb
-Dark Pulse

{blastoise} BLASTOISE
-Skull Bash
-Aqua Tail

{bronzong} BRONZONG
w/???-possibly Lagging Tail, for Gyro Ball
-Gyro Ball
-Shadow Ball

Please Reply Quickly. :)

Sat Jun 21, 2008 8:39 am
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Even though these forums seemed to be filled with "fail" and no one seriously reads these anymore, I wanted to post my competitive team in hopes that maybe someone could notice someone was putting decent effort into their team, even if the pokemon choice is a little awkward. (they're all IV bred as well. . . not all 31's across the boards, but decent IVs all around and 28-31 where it counts)

{garchomp} (Naive, 4 hp 252 atk 252 spd) / Yache Berry
-Dragon Claw
-Fire Fang
-Swords Dance
(I know, I know, hypertypical.)

{empoleon} (Calm, 252 hp 252 sdef 4 sa) / Leftovers
-Ice Beam
-Grass Knot
(this is my special tank switch in for things which are effective against garchomp, and generally has good coverage)

{gengar} (Naive, 252 speed 252 special attack 4 hp) / Focus Sash
-Shadow Ball
-Energy Ball
-Focus Blast
(this is my switch in for earthquake/fighting moves that would go towards empoleon. also a pretty beast special sweeper. Should I switch out focus blast for Hypnosis? Please wait to respond until you've seen the team explanation at the bottom)

{ursaring} (Adamant, 252 speed 252 attack, 4 hp) ability: Quick Feet / Toxic Orb
-Close Combat
-Faint Attack
(besides the obvious protect / facadesweep, notably immune to ghost moves aimed at gengar. I was trying to go for a theme of switch-immunities. as you'll see, it leaves double weaknesses (notably to fighting and electric and ground).)

{drapion} (Relaxed, 252 hp 252 defense 4 attack) ability: Battle Armor / Black Sludge
-Knock Off
-Toxic Spikes
(sure, he's not going to kill anything, but this thing is annoying as ****. toxicing and knocking off key items with good prediction on multiple pokemon can really cripple a team. On a side note, this guy and gengar are both on my poison theme team, not posted here for obvious reasons).

{charizard} (Rash, 252 speed 252 special attack, 4 hp) / Choice Specs
-Air Slash
-Dragon Pulse
-Focus Blast

the definition of filler. . . honestly, I didn't know what to put here, i always blank when it comes to special sweepers, and this thing's immunity to ground means i preferenced it over my specs jolteon, even if it adds a 2nd electric weakness. However, Jolteon runs thunderbolt, shadow ball, HP grass (56) and hypar beamzmzmzlolz for lack of a 4th sweep move with specs. . . did I pick the correct one, or should I raise something else entirely? This slot, the phys tank slot, and ursaring are all kinda iffy even though they've all worked for me in trial runs with this team. Ursaring's immunity to ghost seemed good, and the switch in means i don't have to wait for toxic orb to go off a turn after he comes in. Drapeon is there to have a poison tank and effectively "hax" 2 leftovers (maybe my weezing with pain split/protect/ will o wisp/haze would have been better), and charizard i mentioned earlier. I'm worried that the 2x electric, 2x ground and 2x fighting weaknesses make the team unplayable competitively even though it runs immunities to all 3. Obviously Electvire is the huge worry here, hence the +speed on garchomp. The double grass moves are for swampert who can also put huge holes in this team. I'd like to think the movepools do a good job of protecting against the obvious weaknesses, but I would really appreciate the constructive criticism of a moderator.

Any criticism at all would be really helpful. For whoever responds to this intelligently, thank you for your help.

Sun Jun 22, 2008 11:39 am
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My prediction was correct! Rating Centre has died! ?! ?!

Anyways, for Clouded Reason:

The team looks good (to me). I think however, that you need something to destroy Poison in either Drapion or Gengar, since they foil you quite a bit... maybe Psychic over Energy Ball on Gengar?

Maybe Modest for Charizard.

You're welcome, if it helped at all.

The Meadow's End
A new revived fanfic by me :D Come on and read its recent chapters! I'm motivated to continue if others are to read it~ :D

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The Rating Centre CAN'T be dead... can it??

Sun Jun 22, 2008 4:57 pm
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Yeah, oddly enough, my poison team (and this team barring EQ from garchomp) both run into problems against other poison types. . .

gengar would probably switch against them, even if to drapion (for knock off and whirlwind them away). . . a lot of poison types pack leftovers/black sludge, and maybe that would help hinder their effectiveness. The only ones I can think of right now seen in BL/OU are Muk and Weezing, both take huge damage from special attacks. Maybe empoleon as a switch in? I like the idea of having a psychic attack on my team (not just for poison but for fighting, charizard's got the only flying attack), but it just never seems to cover anything. . . maybe i'm underestimating poison and fighting types (lolz coming from the guy with a poison team), but having extra grass moves on gengar just seems too important to pass up. Anyway, a double shadow ball (assuming focus sash eats the first hit) to most poison types is going to K.O. (focus blast on drapion). Thanks for the advice though, poison is one of those types i overlook often when figuring out what my team can / can't handle!

And yea, I've been meaning to re-do charizard for a while now (max speed IV but only like a 20 in special attack (yikes!). . . maybe now I have an excuse haha. I guess I should aim for modest with him, seeing as he's actually capable of taking neutral hits (kind of) and praying to activate blaze.

Thank you so much for your advice! I've been working on "competitive play teams" for a while now, but have been too scared to actually get anyone's opinion on them (for fear of being a total nublet). I'll def. take what you said into consideration!

Sun Jun 22, 2008 5:13 pm
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Yeah, most of my team reached 100 before i figured out EVs.

Togekiss @ expert belt
Naive EVs uknown to me
Serene Grace
Tri attack
ancient power
water pulse

Drapion@Razor Claw
Cross Poison
Fire Fang

just these for now.

May Darkness fall on those who underestimate it...

Mon Jun 23, 2008 3:29 pm
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hey guys, i have trouble picking either {piplup} or {chimchar}. when they reach their final evolutions, {empoleon} and {infernape} they both can be either physical/special sweepers or even both and i see that the can have very good moves. can someone pls explain to me their weaknesses and also show me posible movesets for them to pwn strong pokemon like {garchomp}?

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Mon Jun 23, 2008 7:34 pm
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go with infernape.

Image you know it!

Tue Jun 24, 2008 9:26 am
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agree with NidoKingMe. Empoleon is horrible(personal experience).

May Darkness fall on those who underestimate it...

Tue Jun 24, 2008 11:22 am
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ummm... can you guys rate my bibarel? (it's going to be in a trick room team)

Bibarel @ Leftovers
EVs : 252 HP / 128 Def / 128 SDef
Brave Nature
Ability: Simple
-Defense Curl

any suggestions?


Tue Jun 24, 2008 8:42 pm
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go with infernape.
go with infernape.

agree with NidoKingMe. Empoleon is horrible(personal experience).

{infernape} huh? why is that? aside from being faster than {empoleon} both have posibilities of bing a physical/special sweeper. so can you further elaborate on your choice pls? sorry if i'm asking too much from you.

to the others, pls tell me what you think too.

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Tue Jun 24, 2008 10:58 pm
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{deoxys} @ Quick Claw
Shadow Ball

{deoxys} @ Wide Lens
Psycho Boost
Giga Impact

{darkrai} @ Wide Lens
Roar of Time
Spacial Rend
Dark Void

{groudon} @ Metronome

{mewtwo} @ Leftovers
Fire Blast

{palkia} (My Anti-Darkrai Pokemon) @ Chesto Berry
Aura Sphere
Dragon Claw
Spacial Rend

Shiny Pokemon: Two Togepi, Machop, and Pichu, along with 9 PCP and two Red Gyarados
Trade wants: Good IV Scyther/Scizor and Good IV Pokemon from the Chansey family! I have lots of event Pokemon/TMs/Items for trade!
PM me for a battle!I need Red Shards! I will trade Lugia/Ho-Oh/Other stuff for a Red Shard!

Wed Jun 25, 2008 11:19 am
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ophiuchus wrote:
go with infernape.
go with infernape.

agree with NidoKingMe. Empoleon is horrible(personal experience).

{infernape} huh? why is that? aside from being faster than {empoleon} both have posibilities of bing a physical/special sweeper. so can you further elaborate on your choice pls? sorry if i'm asking too much from you.

to the others, pls tell me what you think too.

its simple. Infernape, when bred with certain pokes, can learn thunderpunch, which is effective against empoleon. not only that but Infernape is part fighting, good against the steel part, and Infernape can learn EQ and powerful fighting moves. Plus Infernape is way faster than empoleon. Is it Clear? If not, then reply and I will try to clarify things.

May Darkness fall on those who underestimate it...

Wed Jun 25, 2008 1:10 pm
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its simple. Infernape, when bred with certain pokes, can learn thunderpunch, which is effective against empoleon. not only that but Infernape is part fighting, good against the steel part, and Infernape can learn EQ and powerful fighting moves. Plus Infernape is way faster than empoleon. Is it Clear? If not, then reply and I will try to clarify things.
ophiuchus wrote:
go with infernape.
go with infernape.

agree with NidoKingMe. Empoleon is horrible(personal experience).

{infernape} huh? why is that? aside from being faster than {empoleon} both have posibilities of bing a physical/special sweeper. so can you further elaborate on your choice pls? sorry if i'm asking too much from you.

to the others, pls tell me what you think too.

its simple. Infernape, when bred with certain pokes, can learn thunderpunch, which is effective against empoleon. not only that but Infernape is part fighting, good against the steel part, and Infernape can learn EQ and powerful fighting moves. Plus Infernape is way faster than empoleon. Is it Clear? If not, then reply and I will try to clarify things.

i see it now. thank you so much but i have another favor to ask, could you tell me 2 things: 1) what are the possible movesets of a physical sweeping {infernape} along with what item it should carry and what nature it has to have? and 2) can you tell me what are the movesets of the special sweeping {infernape} together with what item it should hold and what nature?

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Thu Jun 26, 2008 12:18 am
Bug Catcher
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"i see it now. thank you so much but i have another favor to ask, could you tell me 2 things: 1) what are the possible movesets of a physical sweeping {infernape} along with what item it should carry and what nature it has to have? and 2) can you tell me what are the movesets of the special sweeping {infernape} together with what item it should hold and what nature?"-ophiuchus

(Physical)nature-Adamant/jolly Item-expertbelt/leftovers/shellbell moves-flamewheel/flareblitz, brick break, EQ, thunderpunch
(Special)nature-modest/timid item-expertbelt moves(I can only think of one right now)-Flamethrower

PS-(physical) if flareblitz is your choice, hold leftovers or shellbell(preferred)

May Darkness fall on those who underestimate it...

Thu Jun 26, 2008 11:50 am
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ophiuchus wrote:
hey guys, i have trouble picking either {piplup} or {chimchar}. when they reach their final evolutions, {empoleon} and {infernape} they both can be either physical/special sweepers or even both and i see that the can have very good moves. can someone pls explain to me their weaknesses and also show me posible movesets for them to pwn strong pokemon like {garchomp}?

Infernape is the more popular choice (with good reason too), but I think Empoleon is just as good. He can do all sorts of things, including tanking, sweeping, and some utility. He can sweep after using an agility. He can even be used on a trick room team. Great moves for it include Surf, Ice Beam, and Grass Knot. Those have great type coverage. Too bad it doesn't learn Thunderbolt, otherwise, it'd be perfect (bolt-beam combination is great). Ice Beam can scare away Garchomp. Be careful of Earthquake though. I like the agility sweeper set. It's pretty cool. You can combine that with Petaya berry, substitute, and his torrent ability to make him even more scary. Empoleon is a well-rounded Pokemon, with 11 resistances, he should be sturdy enough to last a while.

Image AIM: Fausch 3173 Courtesy of Afonso! ^_^ Time Zone: UTC -4 (EDT) Record: W:66 L:24 Vs. Will: W:18 L:2 I'm always up for a battle! Sorry guys, I've been busy lately.

Thu Jun 26, 2008 5:56 pm
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(Physical)nature-Adamant/jolly Item-expertbelt/leftovers/shellbell moves-flamewheel/flareblitz, brick break, EQ, thunderpunch

i noticed that you said brick break. my question is why not close combat?

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Fri Jun 27, 2008 3:51 am
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I'd say Close Combat is better, because Infernape already has bad defenses, so it wouldn't matter if it gets dropped. All Brick Break has over Close Combat is that it can shatter screens, which is still good, but Close Combat is more lethal.

Image AIM: Fausch 3173 Courtesy of Afonso! ^_^ Time Zone: UTC -4 (EDT) Record: W:66 L:24 Vs. Will: W:18 L:2 I'm always up for a battle! Sorry guys, I've been busy lately.

Fri Jun 27, 2008 12:23 pm
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ophiuchus wrote:
(Physical)nature-Adamant/jolly Item-expertbelt/leftovers/shellbell moves-flamewheel/flareblitz, brick break, EQ, thunderpunch

i noticed that you said brick break. my question is why not close combat?

Close combat is also good as a last resort(e.g. hp in red zone). But brick break is used to get rid of those screen moves to boost the defenses of tanks and sponges. But its up to you, not me.

May Darkness fall on those who underestimate it...

Fri Jun 27, 2008 1:11 pm
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they still use refect and light screen? wont that be a waste of time considering the fact that it can be countered with just switching the pokemon and using a special sweeper against reflect and a physocal sweeper against light screen?

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Fri Jun 27, 2008 11:16 pm
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Behold Battle Tower! Thy Saviour has come. I have limited knowledge on where to begin...but if God allows it, the Battle Tower shall be revived.:lol: :)

bencarr22 wrote:
hey all this is my new team. it is still in training and i would like some help to try and improve it please help me! lol

{salamence} - Salamence -@ [Life orb]. [Intimidate] --- Physical sweeper - DDMence
[Adamant], [EV-252 Attack, 8 Defense, 56 Sp.def, 194 Speed], [IV-27 Hp, 31 Attack, 30 Defense, 3 Sp.Attack, 18 Sp.Defense, 7 Speed]
[Dragon Claw]
[Dragon Dance]
[Fire Blast]

A Yache Berry would be useful in saving you from Ice Shards by {weaviles}. The best thing to do would be to send Salamence out only when you're certain the Foe doesn't have a Ice Type move or any other Stabbed Super Effective attacks. You have great manipulation of EVs I must say.

This is a classic DDmence set i have used fire blast as my last move to counter those annoying skarmory that would overwise wall Salamence. i am not sure about the item i have put the EV's to try and strenghtn up the weak IV's this will have max attack at 405 and at lvl 100 will have 197 in both Defenses. it will also have 260 speed.

{alakazam} - Alakazam @ [Focus Sash]. [Synchronize] ---- Special Sweeper
[Quiet], [EV-252 Sp.Att, 252Speed, 6 Def]

[Calm Mind]
[Focus Blast]
[Shadow Ball]

I have always liked alakazam and would like to incorporate it into my team as a special sweeper. focus sash allows one calm mind to be put up i think that the moveset covers types quit well but i may have to rebreed this sometime for a better nature! opinions!

Yup, Quiet for a Sweeper is a no can do. Try getting a Timid one instead.

{rhyperior}Rhyperior - @ [Leftovers]. [Solid Rock] --- Tank/Wall/SR user
[Adamant], [EV-252 Att, 252 Def, 6 Sp,Def] i think these are the EV's cant remember though.

[Stealth Rock]

i like my rhyperior and with the backup of Ninjask it is also a respectable sweeper its main use is to set up stealth rock but if Ninjask can get in a swords dance then sweeping is possible the nature is in favour of sweeping.

For a Pokemon who is Slow and has Dual Quad weakneses, Stealth Rock is quite Risky. Your Rhyperior may very well use Stealth Rock and then get KOed before doing anything else. Try teaching Stone Edge and Avalanche instead of Roar and SR. 252 in Hp instead of Def would help to cover its Low Sp. Def.

{ninjask} - Ninjask @ [Liechi Berry]. [Speed Boost] --- Baton Passer --- starter
[Jolly], [EV-252 Speed, 252 HP 6 Def], [IV- 31 Hp, 30 Speed and i cant remember the rest.

[Baton Pass]
[Swords Dance]

tis is a classic ninjask set, substitute until the liechi berry activates then baton pass to my physical sweeper, either Salamence/garchomp or Rhyperior if a substute hold 1 turn i could get in a swords dance for greater effect and maybe even pass a sub.

I use this one cos it's capable of passing more things and might be able to do serious damage to some sweepers.
EVs: 252 Atk & Spd
Item: Focus sash
Nature: Adamant
~Swords Dance
~Aerial Ace
~Baton Pass

{dusknoir} - Dusknoir @ [Leftovers]. [Pressure] --- Mixed Wall
[Careful], [Ev-252 Hp, 194 Def, 64Sp.Def ]

[Pain Split]
[Shadow Sneak]
[Thunder Punch/Fire Punch]

This is my mixed wall the EV's have been distrubuted to give it equal Def and Sp.Def if this is wrong please tell me, Will-O-Wisp is to stop those physical sweepers, shadow sneak give me a priority move and Pain Split is my method for healing. this may be more effective with a lower HP so EV's may have to be changed there too. Thunder/Fire Punch is up for choice. Thunder Punch will get those Gyarados but Fire punch is for those steel types. opinions would be helpful on this.

The EVs spread is fine, but since its attack is so low, you might as well give it this moveset:
~Thunder Wave/WoW
~Confuse Ray
~Pain Split
~Night Shade/Seismic Toss

This set stops Rampaging Sweepers in their tracks, flat.

{vaporeon} - Vaporeon @ [?]. [Water Absorb] need an item might use a shell bell
[Bold], [I cant remember the EV;s but it has 252 in HP]

[Ice Beam]
[Sleep Talk] ? need move

You should try Bold nature along with 252 EVs in Def, 188 in Hp and 68 in Sp. Atk. Teach these: Ice Beam, Surf, Acid Armor and Wish. A Leftovers would be a good item for it.

This pokemon is a sleep talker and my main counter for those annoying dragon types. it is also a bulky water type so will be able to take some hits. i am not sure about the item and would like help on this.

any help would help my team greatly :lol:

Shoutai wrote:
so... i was thinking of a team and came up with 31 pokemon i would use... but mainly these 6... hehehehe

{scizor} @? Technician
Nature: Careful 252 ATK 129 Spd 129 S.Def

Aerial Ace
Swords Dance

Physical Sweeper

I would prefer this set:
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Swarm
Item: Life Orb
~Iron Head
~Brick break

{tyranitar} @? Sand Veil
Hasty 252 atk 252 speed 4 S.Def

Thunder Fang

Physical Sweeper

Try this:
Nature: Jolly
Item: Life Orb/Chople Berry
~Dragon Dance
~Stone Edge
~Crunch/Earthquake/Fire Punch

{toxicroak} @? Anticipation
Adamant 252 Atk 252 Spd 4 HP

Poison Jab
Brick Break
Swords Dance

Physical Sweeper

I think the set is fine, but I'll advise against using Toxicroak in Competitive Play.

{cloyster} @Leftovers Shell Armor
Lax 252 Def 129 S.Def 129 S.Atk

Ice Beam
Iron Defense
Toxic Spikes

Trust me {cloyster} shouldn't be your choice when you have a lot of other Stronger Ice Types to choose from. You can try a {lapras} or a {weavile}. Or if you want a Toxic Spiker and Physical tank {forretress} is a good substitute.

Physical Sponge/Pseudo Annoyer

{charizard} @? Blaze
Modest 252 S.Atk 252 Spd

Dragon Pulse

Special Sweeper

For a Special Sweeping Charizard I would use this:
Nature: Timid/Modest
EVs: 252 Speed & Sp. Atk
Item: Salac berry
~Sunny Day
~Fire Blast/Heat Wave/Flamethrower
~Air Slash/Dragon Pulse

{gengar} @Leftovers Levitate
Timid 252 Spd 129 S.Def 129. S. Atk

Dream Eater
Shadow Ball

Annoyer/Pseudo Special Sweeper

Invest 252 EVs in Sp. Atk instead of splitting it with Sp. Def. Give it a Focus Sash and teach these: Hypnosis, Destiny Bond, Focus Blast and Shadow Ball.

This Team is the first one I created based on my favorites... i Think it turned out pretty well, seeing i have a 9 win record, 2 loss against my friends... The Items are the only thing I dont really know what to put... i thought about simply butting the type plates on a couple of them, but that would be way too simple... but its what I am using for now... if possible a decent set of items plz? and on Tyranitar I am using Dark Pulse as of now, but since he is a Physicla Sweeper i think Dark Pulse isnt the right thing... but i have no idea what else to put... =x

help please?

Spartian wrote:
Here's my new team that I've come upwith any help wouldbe greatly appreciated.

{staraptor} @ Choice Scarf
Jolly | Intimidate
252 Speed, 252 Atk, 6 Hp
~Close Combat
~Brave Bird

For a Choice Scarfer, Adamant would be a better nature.

{weavile} @ Choice Band
Jolly | Pressure
252 Atk, 252 Speed, 6 Hp
~Night Slash
~Brick Break
~Ice Shard

Might be a little Risky if the opponent's a Dragon with a Yache berry. But it should work.

{dragonite} @ Choice Specs
Timid | Inner Focus
252 Sp Atk, 252 Speed, 6 Hp
~Draco Meteor/Dragon Pulse
~Ice Beam
~Thunder Bolt

Draco Meteor should be better than Dragon Pulse. You should try replacing Flamethrower with Fire Blast as it's accuracy isn't bad and deals more damage.

Timid | Adaptability
{porygon-z} @ Lum Berry Life Orb is better.
252 Sp Atk, 252 Speed, 6 Hp
~Tri Attack
~Thunder Bolt
~Ice Beam
~Nasty Plot

Agility should be better than Nasty Plot cos I don't think {porygon-z} can tank much. You KO a Pokemon after Nasty Plotting, the opponent sends in something faster on your weakened {porygon-z} after that and this Pokemon's done for.

{bronzong} @ Chesto
calm | Levitate
252 Sp Def, 252 Hp, 6 Def
~Calm Mind
~Flash Cannon
~Stealth Rock

May I suggest this set?
Nature: Careful/Impish
EVs: 252 Hp, 252 Def/Sp. Def
Item: Light Clay
~Light Screen

{weezing} @ Black Sludge
Bold | Levitate
252 Hp, 129 Def, 129 Sp Atk
~Pain Split
~Sludge Bomb

No comment.

rk9 wrote:
i just started competitive battling and i got issues on covering my teams weaknesses. help me out on changing moves or pokemon replacements. HOLLA HOLLA HOLLA

{gengar} @ Focus Sash
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 6 hp 252 sp. attack 252 speed
Nature Timid
- Shadow Ball
- Hypnosis
- Focus Blast
- Thunderbolt

Lead Pokemon, i try to put em to sleep then hit em hard. My moveset is based on other leads ive faced (weavile and starmie)
Gengar is a wonderful Destiny Bonder. Breed one with destiny Bond if you can. It works Very Well.

{lucario}@ Focus Sash
Ability: Inner Focus
EVs: 6 hp 252 attack 252 speed
Nature Adamant
- Close Combat
- Bullet Punch (Extreme Speed should be a better option)
- Crunch
- Sword Dance

Physical Sweeper, i heard that SD lucario has the ability to own......ya dam right it does. Bullet punch is for priority against faster weak sweepers and STAB makes it stronger.

{gyarados}@ Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 6 hp 252 attack 252 speed
Nature Adamant
- Waterfall
- Ice Fang
- Earthquake
- Dragon Dance

My Pride and joy, this dancing beast owns, after it pops and locks, it destroys most pokemon, i considered a "bulkygyara" but thats not how i want my gyarados to roll.
No real comments here. But Taunt can be a great Alternative for Ice Fang as it'll protect you from Phazers. A Wacan Berry or Life Orb should be of great help too.

{electivire} @ Expert Belt
Ability: Motor Drive
EVs: 6 hp 252 attack 252 speed
Nature Jolly
- Thunder Punch
- Fire Punch
- Cross Chop
- Earthquake

STANDARD. Gyarados's right hand man, if i predict an electric move against gyara, ill switch in this bad boy in and get that speed boost. I love how this pokemon covers the 13 out of 17 types in the game....BYAHH!
This will get owned by Dragons so I suggest you replace Fire Punch with Ice Punch. Low Kick can be a good alternative for Crosss Chop too.

{bronzong}@ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 hp 128 attack 128 defense
Nature Impish
- Gyroball
- Hypnosis
- Earthquake
- Stealth Rock

Physical wall. does a good job.
No comments. Although you can try this if you need support for your other Pokemon:
Nature: Careful/Impish
EVs: 252 Hp, 252 Def/Sp. Def
Item: Light Clay
~Light Screen

{cresselia}@ leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 108 special attack / 148 Special Defense.
Nature Bold
- Chargebeam
- Ice beam (Psychic can be a good alternative and it works better if you're going with Calm mind)
- Toxic (Calm Mind is a better option)
- Moonlight

Sponge/ annoyer. i just hope a sandstorm doesnt start

Can you please PM me with suggestions/changes, thank you

Orpheon wrote:
I have only a half full team so I wanted you to give me some tips on what pokemon that fits good with my three pokes. If you write the movesets, ev-points and what personality they should have would be extra appreciated. And please comment on my three pokes as well;)

This is the Pokemon I currently have in my team.

Metagross @ Life Orb
Ability: Clear body
EVs: 252 HP/244 Atk/12 Def
Nature: Adamant
- Meteor Mash
- Earthquake
- Bullet Punch
- Explosion
No comment.

Jolteon @ Focus Sash (Expert belt/Life Orb should be better items to hold. Or you can try a Choice Specs.)
Ability: Volt Absorb
EVs: 252 Speed/252 spA/6 HP
Nature: Timid
- Thunderbolt
- HP ice
- Shadow Ball
- Swagger (A Big No Can Do. Try Fake Tears, Attract or Baton Pass instead.)

Gyarados @ Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 216 HP/16 Atk/176 Def/100 Speed
Nature: Adamant
- Dragon Dance
- Taunt
- Waterfall
- Ice Fang ( Many uses dragon Pokemon so thats why I have Ice Fang instead of ex Earthquake)
Max Spd and Atk with 252 EVs each. You need to be sure your Speed exceeds 394 after 1 DD so that Joltens ect. can't get you. Ice Fang may not be necessary if you teach Stone Edge.

Phantom?Shadow wrote:
This post is pretty long, but here goes nothing:

I'm not into competitive battling, so I don't have any Tanks/Status Inflicters/Spikers or anything like that. (At least not yet.) My party is all sweepers. I have more than 6 because I'll switch between them.

{dragonite} Adamant Nature @
Item: Yache Berry
EVs: 252 Atk & Spd

~Thunder Punch: Replace with Fire Punch
~Dragon Dance
~Dragon Claw: Replace with Outrage.
If it's a Dragonite with Dragon dance I think Outrage is a must.

{salamence} Adamant Nature @
~Stone Edge/Fire Fang
~Earthquake/Fire Fang
~Dragon Dance
~Dragon Claw

Look at {dragonite} for the EV spread and Item.

Salamence and Dragonite are really similar, so I'll replace them with each other depending on what pokemon I'm going up against. (Battling friends, in-game, or if I start doing competitive battling) Although, since these two dragons can be used for many purposes, I could change their movesets, and use both of them in the same party.

{arcanine} Adamant Nature @
~Aerial Ace/Extreme Speed
~Flame Wheel: Teach Flare Blitz instead.
~Thunder Fang

I could also add Toxic and Roar somewhere in there seeing as I already have so many sweepers. If I did, It'd probably be: Toxic, Roar, Flame Wheel, and Thunder Fang.

{palkia} Timid Nature (Can't breed Palkias) @ Lustrous Orb
~Aura Sphere
~Spacial Rend
No comment.
Could add Ice Beam/Thunderbolt somewhere in there. Probably not though.

{charizard} Modest Nature @
~Air Slash
~Ancient Power
~Flamethrower/Heat wave
~Dragon Pulse

Flamethrower is more accurate,and has a bit less power. Heat Wave is less accurate, bit more power, less PP, and hits both Pokemon in a double battle.
Timid might be a better option cos Charizard isn't that fast.

{torterra} Adamant Nature @
~Razor Leaf: Teach Seed Bomb instead.

{staraptor} Adamant Nature @
~Wing Attack/Aerial Ace
~Fly/Quick attack
~Close Combat

Try this instead:
{staraptor} @ Choice Scarf
Jolly | Intimidate
252 Speed, 252 Atk, 6 Hp
~Close Combat
~Brave Bird

Aerial Ace ignores Evasion/Accuracy modifiers, but Wing Attack has 15 more PP (Although PP doesn't matter that much as I have 50+ PP Ups from the Lottery in Jubilife.) Yes, I know HM's are bad, but I use Fly to travel easier since I actually do the daily/weekly events where I have to fly everywhere, and it's useful sometimes. At least to me.

{luxray} Adamant nature @
~Ice Fang
~Charge/Fire Fang
~Thunder Fang/Spark

Fang flinches, but Spark has more accuracy, bit less power, and more PP. Charge is there for Pokes that are weak to Electric with more def, or Intimidate, but it could be replaced with Fire Fang. It also gives a Sp. Def. boost which can be helpful.
Just stick with the Elemental Fangs. Charge isn't really needed.

{starmie} Modest Nature @
~Ice Beam

I might put Psychic instead of Recover.
No comment.

{floatzel} Adamant Nature @
~Ice Fang
~Brick Break
No comment.

{tyranitar} Adamant Nature @
~Rock Slide
~Ice Fang
~Thunder Fang/Fire Fang

Thunder Fang takes out water types, and fire takes out grass, bug, and steel types. (Out of weaknesses) But Ice Fang can get rid of grass anyways, and bug and steel types aren't used that much except for Bronzong and Ninjask. So Thunder Fang is probably better. Though Dragon Dance could also be an option. I might replace one of the Fangs for Crunch, since I'm lacking Dark moves, and it gets STAB.

This should work better:
Nature: Jolly
Item: Life Orb/Chople Berry
~Dragon Dance
~Stone Edge
~Crunch/Earthquake/Fire Punch

{sceptile} Adamant Nature @
~Swords Dance
~Synthesis/Rock Slide
~Leaf Blade
~Earthquake/Rock Slide

Rock Slide can take out Flying, Fire, and Ice. It can also flinch. Earthquake can take out Fire, and Bug types. (Out of weaknesses)
No comment.

Oh, and for EVs, it's basically the same for all of them, 252 Attack/Sp. Attack, 252 Speed, 6 HP.

Right now, I don't know what to let them hold. Most likely Shell Bells or Leftovers.
Let me know what you think about it, I know it's not that great. PM me or rate it here. Also let me know if you have any suggestions for any other moves for my party. I'd like to know anything you guys have to offer my party, and I came up with them myself while looking at their learnsets on the Psydex. Oh, and also, I'd like to know what you guys think are the best 6. I'd say my best 6 were Dragonite/Salamence, Charizard, Starmie, Sceptile, Staraptor, and Luxray.

For sweepers I think Life Orbs, Expert belts, Choice Scarves/Bands and move power weakening berries work great. You can just ahve both Dragons and kick Luxray out of the team.

EDIT: Just in case I do start competitive battling, I'd like to know which of these would be the best:

{forretress} Calm/Bold Nature @ Leftovers
~Stealth Rock
~Rapid Spin

{skarmory} Impish Nature @ Leftovers
~Drill Peck
~Spikes/Stealth Rocks

{torkoal} Calm/Bold Nature @ Leftovers
~Stealth Rocks

Not sure about the EVs for them, suggestions would be appreciated. I'm thinking about 252 Speed/ HP, and either full in 1 type of defense, or split in both.

A physical walling {skarmory} with max Hp and Def sounds good.


absol12247 wrote:
I don't have much of this team done, im almost finished with EV training for Darkrai, Lugia, absol
Darkrai@razor claw
2 HP, 2 Def, 2 spDef
Rest split in speed and spAtk
Dark Void
Dream Eater
Dark Pulse
Go with 252 EVs in Speed and Sp. Atk.
For the movset I suggest you teach Dark Void, Dark pulse, Double Team and Thunderbolt/Charge Beam.

Absol @BrightPowder, super luck
10 HP, 10 Def, 10 spDef
255 attack, rest in speed
Slash (Teach Psycho Cut instead.)
Night slash
Aerial ace
Stone Edge
I can see you're teaching all high critical rate moves. If so, why not give Absol a Scope Lens to further increase your chances? For EVs, I suggest you max Speed and Atk.

Lugia @kings rock
39 spAtk, 39 speed, 10 HP, split of Def and spDef
Psychic/HP/Hydro Pump (dunno which one, help?)
Calm Mind
Teach Roost instead of Recover and Ice Beam for the 2nd slot. Alternatively, Aeroblast can be replaced with Thunder for a greater type coverage. EVs should be 252 in Speed and Sp. Atk.

Rayquaza @razor fang
No EVs... any suggestions?
dragon pulse

Try this:
Item: Life Orb
Nature: Adamant/Jolly
EVs: 252 Atk, 152 Speed, 100 Hp
~Dragon Dance

I dont have this one, I plan to do this:
Banette @destiny knot
Shadow Claw
Giga Impact
Don't use this.

munchlax @leftovers
Body slam
Focus punch

This is better:
Nature: Careful
EVs: 168 Hp, 120 Def, 220 Sp. Def
Item: Leftovers/Chesto Berry
~Fire Punch

Want good phys sweepers out there, may replace banette
let me know, I want a more balanced team
Try a Garchomp or a Weavile. :wink:

AshKetchanV2 wrote:
Someone plz rate my hail team it worked super well when I first made it but now people are used to theme teams. I need to know what I can do to make mine different from all hail teams.
Abomasnow@focus sash(snow warning)
252 atk 126 def/sp.def 6 hp adament
wood hammer

Get a new one:
Item: Leftovers
Nature: Timid
~Leech Seed
~Grass Knot

Cloyster@ leftovers(skill link)
252 attack 252 hp bold
rapid spin

Not a good choice. Cloyster succumbs to even the weakest of Special Attacks. Try a Glaceon instead:
Nature: Modest
EVs: 252 Hp & Sp. Atk
Item: Occa/Chople berry
~Fake Tears/Attract
~Shaow Ball/Hp (Fighting/Electric)

walrein@leftovers(ice body)
252 def 252 sp.def 6 hp calm

Since there are now a lot more Physical attackers around, I'll suggest you Get a Bold Nature one with 252 EVs in Hp & Def. Also, with healing capabilities like this, it won't hurt to replace Surf with Substitute. This way, you can stall for a very long time.

weavile@life orb(pressure)
252 atk 252 spd jolly
ice shard
ice punch
brick break
night slash
No comment.

252 def 252 sp.d calm
body slam

I'd prefer this set:
Item: Life Orb
EVs: 252 Hp & Def
~Sleep Talk

Or this set:
Item: Chesto berry/Leftovers
EVs: 252 Hp, 60 Atk, 196 Sp. Def

Froslass@wise glasses
242 sp.atk 252 speed 6 sp.def hasty
shadow ball
destiny bond

Get a Timid one instead and give it a Focus sash or a Life Orb. Thunderbolt can be a good alternative for Taunt if you want further type coverage.

Well thats my team plz rate it and give me some tips on how to give it an unexpected edge that even people who have battles a hail team cannot beat.

Since this is a hail team, people will be expecting Blizzard very often and might switch to someone who can wall Blizzard if they're expecting one. You can take advantage of this switches etc. To get the unexpected edge, you'll have to make use of what they're thinking. If you can predict correctly, you might be able to set up or get in some free super effective hits in for free. You'll have to play Mind Games if you want to be unpredictable. The trick doesn't always lie with the Pokemon.

Thank you

Pirate King wrote:
I'm pretty proud of my team, but it's not yet perfect:

Blissey - Light Clay
Shadow Ball
Light Screen

I need to get rid of Earthquake and replace it with a Special move as Blissey's Attack is low, but Special Attack is high.
Try this set:
Nature: Bold
EVs: 252 Hp & Def
Item: Leftovers/Chople Berry
Ability: Serene Grace
~Charge Beam
~Ice Beam

A Chople berry will surprise Pokemon like Infernape who switch in to use Close Combat. Follow it up with a counter and that Infernape's a goner. Most Physical attackers who are unable to 1HKO Blissey get KOed by counter.

Lucario - Black Belt
Dragon Pulse
Aura Sphere

Use this one:
Item: Life Orb
Ability: Inner focus
Nature: Adamant/Jolly
EVs: 252 Atk & Spd, 4Hp
~ Close Combat
~ Swords Dance
~ ExtremeSpeed
~ Crunch / Stone Edge

Torterra - Big Root
Giga Drain
Energy Ball
This one is better:
Item: Life Orb
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 252 Atk & Spd, 4 Hp
~ Rock Polish
~ Earthquake
~ Wood Hammer
~ Stone Edge

Latias - Mind Plate
Psycho Shift
Dragon Pulse
{latias} isn't allowed in competitive play. Try a {gengar} instead.

Skuntank BlackGlasses
Night Slash
Dark Pulse

I don't need Dark Pulse. While it's damage is higher than Night Slash's, Skuntank's Attack is higher than Special Attack, so Night Slash does basically the same damage as Dark Pulse (and it's quicker, too.)
I'll advise against using Skuntank cos it's not that strong. You can try replacing it with a {bronzong}.

Gastrodon - Mystic Water
Body Slam
Ice Beam
No Good. Get a {swampert}, it works much better as a water and Ground type Pokemon.

Wow, I myself can see some weaknesses of my team just by posting it up.
Anyway, that's my team. I'm not gonna battle online yet until I'm happy with my team.

Purple Summer wrote:
My team is o.k., but it's in need of improvement
Your Team looks more like an in-game one to me, I'll tell you some new Pokemon to use if you want to play competitively. :)

Luxray @ Quick Claw

Thunder Fang

For Competitive play I would suggest you use a {raikou} instead.

Empoleon @ [none]

Flash Cannon

Use this build instead:
Item: Petaya Berry
Nature: Modest
EVs:28 Hp, 12 Def, 252 Sp. Atk, 216 Spd
~ Agility
~ Surf / Hydro Pump
~ Ice Beam / Grass Knot
~ Substitute

Rapidash @ [none]

Sunny Day
Fire Blast

For a good Fire Type you might want to get a {heatran} or an {infernape}. Rapidash pales in comparison with them.

Staraptor @ [none]

Aerial Ace

Get a new one:
{staraptor} @ Choice Scarf
Adamant| Intimidate
252 Speed, 252 Atk, 6 Hp
~Close Combat
~Brave Bird

Abomasnow @ Big Root

Grass Knot
Wood Hammer
Ice Shard

This Pokemon isn't prefered in a Non-Hail Team. I suggest you get a {garchomp} instead, along with a {bronzong} and {gyarados} for the last 2 slots. Do read up more on Natures, EVs and IVs before you reconstruct your team. I can see your knowledge on those stuff is very limited. Try posting your team again after you're done with the reconstruction.

Volke wrote:
I haven't finished my team (not even close), but this is what I'm planning to go with.

Edit: My team is almost done. Just need the Gengar. ^_^
Edit 2: My team is complete. Currently leveling up the Gengar.

{jirachi} @ Leftovers
Impish, Serene Grace
EVs: 240 HP / 56 Atk / 76 Def / 136 Spe
Zen Headbutt
Reflect/ Light Screen/ Thunder (Most likely Reflect or Light Screen unless I make a Rain Dance team)

Is Wish alone going to be able to keep my team healthy? Reflect and Light Screen is great support for the team, but I'm not sure which one to use. Reflect can keep Jirachi alive and can ensure Scizor's safety, defense-wise at least. Light Screen will shield from special attacks and can help Scizor's horrid special defense, but I don't know if it'll be enough to be worthwhile.

{scizor} @ Life Orb/Leftovers
Adamant, Swarm
EVs: 110 HP/ 252 Atk/ 148 Spe
Baton Pass
Brick Break/Iron Defense/Swords Dance/Roost/Iron Head/Aerial Ace

I don't know how effective she'll be, but I think she's solid. She's a Baton Passer who can potentially become a late-game Agility Sweeper (this may change if I tinker with her moves). Agility makes her speed 404 (not really sure what it outspeeds and what it doesn't outspeed though). Since Scizor attracts fire like a magnet, my strategy is to use Agility, then Baton Pass to Heatran if the opponent switches to a fire type. The only flaw in this is if a person switches in a phazer (which will be common). I'm currently sticking with Brick Break.

{salamence} @ Choice Specs
Modest, Intimidate
EVs: 252 SpA/ 252 Spe/ 6 HP
Draco Meteor
Hydro Pump
Dragon Pulse

I'm not sure if I should switch this Salamence for a physical one like DDmence. My team doesn't have a physical attacker, except for Scizor, but I'm not sure if she's reliable for that.

{heatran} @ Life Orb
Modest, Flash Fire
EVs: 122 HP/ 252 SpA/ 136 Spe
Metal Sound
Fire Blast
Earth Power
Dragon Pulse

Scizor's best buddy to baton pass to. The EVs are like that because Heatran doesn't have perfect speed IVs (close, 29). Metal Sound helps cause switches (my team lacks that). I was thinking of an alternate moveset to help counter Water types: Sunny Day, Solar Beam, Lava Plume/Fire Blast, Earth Power. I don't know if it's advisable though.

{vaporeon} @ Leftovers
Bold, Water Absorb
EVs: 188 HP / 252 Def / 68 SpA
Ice Beam/ Toxic
Protect/ Yawn

Vaporeon can cover Heatran if they try to attack his water weakness, although they most likely will try to hit his 4x ground weakness, and Vaporeon won't be of much help in that situation. I liked Protect and Yawn, but Protect feels safer.

{gengar} @ Wide Lens (depends with which set I go with)
Modest/ Timid
EVs: 6 HP/ 252 SpA/ 252 Spe
Shadow Ball
Focus Blast

The standard set is what I'll probably go with, but I'm also interested in the Focus Sash set and, seeing as how I'm lacking in the status department, the Double Status set. Curse my indecisiveness!

I have other ideas for the last two slots such as Cresselia taking place of Vaporeon, and Azelf or Electivire taking place of Gengar. My team lacks phazers, statusers, rapid spinners, and stealth rock/spikes setters. But do I need all of that? Blissey and other common threats may be a problem, and I don't know if I have good counters for them.

Your team is fine, I can see from battling you last week. Not bad. Not bad at all... :wink:

77gash77 wrote:
Umm... i know that there are many teams wanting critics and so little r8ers, But if you guys have time, i would like to get a comment for my team... if you have time that is, if you're busy, its okay... :)

Shadow Ball

I think I said this before, replace Psybeam with Morning Sun.

Ice Beam
Ice Fang
Ice Shard / Hail
Water Pulse / Reflect

Try this:
Nature: Modest
EVs: 252 Hp & Sp. Atk
Item: Occa/Chople berry
~Fake Tears/Attract
~Ice Beam/Blizzard(If you're using a Hail Team)
~Shaow Ball/Hp (Fighting/Electric)

{glaceon} doesn't have the Speed or tanking abilities to Taunt/Hail/Reflect properly. Neither does it have the attack to use Avalanche or Ice Shard. This set ensures survivability to deal as much damage as possible...even to Special walls like Blissey.

Thunder Fang
Crunch / Rain Dance (4 100% accuracy of thunder)

3 Electric attacks? You might want to consider replacing Thunder and Thunder fang with the other Elemental Fangs. Keep Crunch.

Dragon Pulse
Dragon Claw
Roar of Time / [?]

Replace Dragon Pulse and Dragon Claw with Ice Beam and Thunderbolt. You can also try replacing Flamethrower with Aura Sphere although it should work fine as it is now.

Hydro Pump / [?]
Waterfall / [?]

For in-game I'll suggest you teach Grass Knot instead of Earthquake and Flash Cannon instead of Waterfall. You can keep Hydro Pump if you feel that a Surf isn't enough to KO a particular pokemon. Or you can replace it with Rain Dance.

{staraptor} - 4 Flying Purposes
Wing Attack
Aerial Ace

[color=#007fFF]Clsoe Combat is a good move, try replacing Wing Attack with it.

The [?] means i;m not sure if it's good to put it there or not.

I'm a newbie when it's about WiFi battles but i've been playing since RBGY versions. There's no range here in Philippines 4 WiFi anyways. And i just wanted to let u know that i have no clue about those IV/EV/DV things and strategies. So if my team has bad moves, well it's because i'm a newbie in WiFi battles and i just focus in-game not about strategies. ^_^

Please Critic IF U HAVE TIME. ^_^[/color]
I think I taught you about EVs ect. before. Hope you'll be able to pick those skills up and become a strong trainer. Good Luck. Hmm...I hope you won't have trouble distinguishing my post and yours...this might really be one of the "Bluest" posts ever.

AKART wrote:
The raters did quite a decent job last time, but that was an experimental team. I'd like the raters to rate this team.

{garchomp} @ Focus Sash/Yache Berry/Life Orb
Trait: Sand Veil
Nature: Jolly
EVs: 252 Att 252 Spd 6 HP
~ Earthquake
~ Dragon Claw
~ Swords Dance
~ Fire Fang

A Swords-Chomp. What item? And should I really have Fire Fang? If not, then I'd be walled by Zong and Skarm.
Moveset's fine. I'd say a Yache berry is best for it. Those Menacing {weavile} will stop you dead in your tracks if you don't have a Yache Berry.

{blissey} @ Leftovers
Trait: Natural Cure
Nature: Bold
EVs: 252 Def 188 HP 70 Sp. Def
~ Softboiled
~ Aromatherapy
~ Counter
~ Ice Beam

Some help with the moveset would be greatly appreciated. There's not much use for Counter because of Electivire's popularity. What should I have as a replacement? Some help with the EVs would also be good.
Counter works wonders on a Blissey. Those who can't 1HKO Blissey with a physical attack will get KOed because of counter. Garchomps, Gyaradoses etc. all fall before Blissey because of Counter. You might want to get a new Blissey with Serene Grace as an abiilty and replace Aromatheray with Charge Beam. To fend off Close Combats, a Chople Berry might come in handy too. The EVs spread should be 252 in Hp & Def, 6 Sp. Def.

{skarmory} @ Leftovers
Trait: Keen Eye
Nature: Impish/Careful
EVs: 252 Def 252 Sp. Def 6 Att
~ Stealth Rock
~ Spikes
~ Roar
~ ???

And the final slot is... What should I have? I was thinking about Drill Peck, but then decided against it. A better nature and EV spread would also be helpful.
Try Brave Bird. You should replace Stealth Rock/Spikes with Roost for survivalbility and a Impish one with 252 EVs in Hp & Def will ensure that you wall Physical Attackers with maximum effect.

{starmie} @ Choice Specs/???
Trait: Natural Cure
Nature: Modest/Timid
EVs: 252 Sp. Att 252 Spd 6 HP
~ Rapid Spin
~ Surf
~ Psychic
~ Grass Knot/Ice Beam/Thunderbolt

I know what you're thinking. I'm an idiot. But Starmie's the only Special Sweeper I could find that also knew Rapid Spin. And the question is, do I need Rapid Spin? Stealth Rock, Spikes and Toxic Spikes are precisely what made Forry OU, and they could be threatening sometimes. If I shouldn't have Rapid Spin, what should I have? I don't care if you replace the whole Pokemon, just give me a decent one that serves a similar role.
This should work fine, don't worry too much about it. You might want the Boltbeam combo though.

{scizor} @ Occa Berry :?/Leftovers :?
Trait: Swarm/The Other One
Nature: ???
EVs: ???
~ Agility
~ Swords Dance
~ Baton Pass
~ X-Scizor

Pretty much an All-out Baton Passer. Give it a Occa berry and the EVs spread should be 252 in Hp & Sp. Def. This will work if you sent it out on a Physical attacker with no Fire Attacks, like perhaps a {weavile]. The Occa berry is there to stall for time if the opponent decides to switch to someone else with Fire attacks.

My big request is: DO NOT REPLACE AGILITY, SOWRDS DANCE OR BATON PASS!!!!! Ture, I may end up being greedy, but that is okay if Bliss freezes them with Ice Beam. They might switch out, which could lead to problems, unless Blissey freezes them as well. Apart from the moveset, I need big help with this guy. This is because he baton-passes to the star of my team:

{salamence} @ ???
Trait: Intimidate
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 252 Att 252 Spd 6 HP
~ Earthquake
~ Dragon Claw
~ Fire Fang
~ Thunder Fang

No change in Nature, no change in EVs, no change in role. Just give me a good item and a decent moveset, and I'll be happy. The majority of battles I have on Shoddy and Netbattle, Salamence ends up sweeping the whole of the opponent's team, Rayquaza or no Rayquaza. A good moveset, a good item, and I'll leave you alone :wink:.
Try a Life Orb or a Focus sash. I'll suggest you replace Thunder fang with Brick Break.

sleepingsnorlax wrote:
my team is in the works, I only have three done (as far a evs and all that stuff)
I wanted to build a team for the battle tower around a snorlax, but I'm not sure if my idea will work or if I'm just gona be wasting tms

{snorlax} @ Chesto Berry (thick fat)
Bashful, 252 HP, 126 Defense, 126 Spec. Def

Body slam / Block

I want to use toxic, but I want something that will be able to take hits and then revive itself to let toxic work, but I dont know if it's worth it to teach it Recycle. (it doesnt know recycle or toxic yet)
Not a very good role for a Snorlax. Try a Curselax instead:
Nature: Careful
EVs: 168 Hp, 120 Def, 220 Sp. Def
Item: Leftovers/Chesto Berry
~Fire Punch

{starmie} @ nevermelt ice (natural care)
Docile, 252 Speed, 126 Defense, 126 Spec. Def

this is just to complement Snorlax's weakness, I thought it would be good against infernape or blaziken, but it's also really good against the dragon sweepers that I always lose against
(might also work against poison types that I can't use toxic on)
You should always try to Max out a Pokemon's potential. Your set however, limits Starmie's capabilities. Do get a Timid Nature one with 252 EVs in Spd & Sp. Atk instead. Also, Camouflage isn't really useful; do replace it with Thunderbolt.

{blissey} @ ?
Hardy, 252 Hp, 126 Defense, 126 Spec. Def

Healing Wish
? (light screen?)
? (some kind of special attack?)

Try this one:
Nature: Bold
EVs: 252 Hp & Def
Item: Leftovers/Chople Berry
Ability: Serene Grace
~Charge Beam
~Ice Beam

I was thinking that I could use blissey to give snorlax and starmie a little extra help staying in there but now I'm thinking that it might be unnessisary. I'm not sure though, so the other option is Gengar:

{gengar} @ spooky plate (levitate)
Modest, 252 speed, 126 defense, 126 spec. def

Hypnosis? (kills me when it doesnt work)
Thunder (also kills me)
Destiny Beyond
Shadow ball

special sweeper? it's defenses are so low that I could cry, I end up sacrificing it more often than I;d like to. I'm still trying to decide what would be best to complement starmie and snorlax, any ideas?
Give Gengar a Focus sash and you won't have to worry too much about getting 1HKOed. Replace Thunder with Focus Blast so that you can cover all types. The Nature should be Timd, the EVs should be 252 in Speed & Special Attack.

pokeseeker wrote:
Here is my party idea:

{scizor} w/ Leftovers; Careful/ Adament
EVs: 92 HP, 252 Atk, 164 Spd
-Swords Dance
-Iron Head
-Baton Pass

Starts with Swords Dance and then can swing for heavy damage or Baton Pass out to someone.
He is a Sweeper/ Baton Passer (Should he stick to one or the other?)
It's better to max out your chances at 1 side then gamble with lower chances at 2 sides. Since your team doesn't have a Pokemon that'll benefit that much from a Baton Pass, I'll suggest you go with a Sweeper set.
I would prefer this set:
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Swarm
Item: Life Orb
~Iron Head
~Brick break

{rhyperior} w/ Choice Band (wait... Life Orb?); Adament
132 HP, 252 ATK, 64 Def, 60 SD
-Stone Edge
-Hammer Arm

You can Try a Jolly nature Rhyperior with 252 EVs in Atk & Spd, along with Rock Polish instead of Hammer Arm. Life Orb would be a better item for this one.

{weavile} w/ Shell Bell; Jolly/ Adament
4 HP, 252 Spd, 252 Atk
-Ice Punch
-Night Slash
-Brick Break
Hmm...Do replace Return with Ice Shard. A Focus Sash or Choice Band should work well with it as well. Jolly is the better nature.

{togekiss} w/ Leftovers; Modest
4 HP, 252 Spd, 252 SA
-Nasty Plot
-Air Slash
-Flame Thrower
This set is usually very risky because Togekiss isn't very fast. I would prefer the more stable set:

Item: Choice Scarf
Nature: Modest
EVs: 252 Spd & Sp. Atk
~Air Slash
~Aura Sphere
~Fire Blast
~Grass Knot
However, if you can try making Scizor a Baton Passer and teach it Iron Defense and Agility, the Nasty Plot Sweeping Togekiss should be better as Togekiss won't have to fear being Slower than other Pokemon and on top of that it can also set up properly.

{pikachu} w/ Lightball; Timid
4 HP, 252 Spd, 252 SA
-Thunder Wave

He could be a Raichu...
No. Not even Raichu is worth it. There are Electrivires and Raikous. Do use them instead.

{cloyster} w/ Lum Berry/ Leftovers; Relaxed
188 HP, 48 Atk, 216 SA, 56 SD
-Ice Beam/ Surf
-Rapid Spin
If you like using UU Pokemon I would suggest a Lapras instead. Otherwise, Masmowine would be a good choice as well. Cloyster is too easily 1HKOed by special attacks.
Thanks for any help! (EDIT: Added additional information!)

MasterChef wrote:
Throwing my team out again (though I don't expect a rating anytime soon, this is more for personal reference.)

If an non-offical rater would like to give an opinion, PM it to me ^^

Modest @ Wise Glasses. Levitate
52HP 200DEF 155S.ATK 103SPEED
-Skill Swap
-Pain Split
-Shadow Ball
-Hidden Power (Fighting) 55-56 Base Power

Mismagius is a wonderful Destiny Bonder. It's sweeping capabilities aren't bad either. So I cam up with this set to max out its potential:
Nature: Timid
EVs: 252 Spd & Sp. Atk, 4 Def
Item: Life Orb/Expert Belt
~Destiny Bond
~Shadow Ball
~Thunderbolt/Energy Ball

Lead, Skill swap is usually not greatly useful but can throw back a intimidate, Type absorbs or steal speed boost, then later in the game grab Serene grace Swift Swim or Sand veil (Against Weather teams). Ghost/Fight holds no resistances so she can deal decent damage to all but Normal/Flying and S.walls.

The Chef
Modest @ Life Orb. Synchronize
252 S.ATK 200 SPEED 58 HP
-Shadow ball
-Focus Blast
-Charge Beam

Special Sweeper, Charge beam is good for finishing a near KO'ed opponents as well against on an expected switch, Although Calm mind would be better for the latter, charge beam + life orb does semi decent damage on it's common counters. Once again Ghost/Fight holds no resistances and Psychic is STAB.
Calm Mind would be better than Charge Beam. You won't want Pokemon to survive remember? Anyway, 252 EVs in Spd is a must.

Brave @ Leftovers. Sticky Hold
255ATK 255DEF
-Shadow Sneak
-Poison Jab
-Brick Break

Cursewall, Skill swaping in double battle w/ mismagius's Levitate can be quite helpful. Shadow sneak works great as an unexpected finishing move after cursing and attacking as well as after a cursed Shadow sneak can OHKO a Gengar/Alakazam.
No comment.

Modest @ Wide Lens. Cloud nine
252 S.ATK 252 SPEED
-Ice Beam
-Hydro pump
-Mud Bomb

Somewhat decent S.sweeper. Hydro pump over surf for better damage. As well as it's protected from leafeon's Sunny day. Mud bomb and Ice beam for type coverage. Disable is great on skarm's whirlwind and bliss's softboiled. I'm debating on making him a Choice scarfer to counter Dragons.
There are {vaporeons}, {milotics}, {gyarados} out there. Why use something weaker when there are plenty of better choices. But if you're interested in UUs then I guess you should go with Hypnosis, Calm Mid, Surf and Ice Beam for the moveset.

Sage (goes in every field)
Adamant @ Muscle band. Iron fist
252ATK 200HP 56DEF
-Ice Punch
-Fire Punch
-Close Combat

Agility then CC or Fire/Ice is they resist fight or or 4x weak. Open to Starmie but can take down Scizor, Fortress, and the typical dragons. 30 S.def IV on top of 110 base allows him to soak a special attack or non-stab psychic.
You won't need Fire Punch when you have a Stabbed Close Combat. Replace it with Mach Punch or Bullet Punch. Again, I'll advise against using Hitmonchan when there are better Fighting types like {lucario} around. Since you can't have more than 1 of each item in a team, I guess a Muscle Band is fine. Otherwise a Life Orb should be better.

Impish @ Leaf guard. Heat rock Lum Berry
252Hp 200S.def 55Atk
-Leaf Blade
-Aerial Ace
-Sunny Day

Tank, Sunny day is a multi-purpose move. It Strengthens Synthesis, Activates leaf guard and removes the common sandstorm. I debate weather to use a Lum berry to make him a status absorber/wall or Heat rock to allow a longer Sunny day (and can boost hitmonchan's fire punch) Aerial ace is for type coverage.
Sunny Day activates Leaf Guard yes, but it also makes enemy Fire Attacks stronger. Not a good idea if you ask me. You should try teaching Swords Dance instead of Sunny Day and Max out its Speed and Attack if you want to sweep properly. I'll say Sceptile will be a better Pokemon if you ask me.

The_Emperor wrote:
Oroness all, I this is the team I would like. I have all the starters currently between 20-30 so I am planning out the movesets at the moment. I'm not into competitive online fighting, but I wanna use these feller's in the battle tower.


Frenzy Plant
Skull Bash
Sludge Bomb
Since there's no Sleep clause in the Battle Tower, you can teach Sleep Powder instead of Skull Bash. Energy Ball should be better than Frenzy Plant.


Blast Burn
Swords Dance
Since it's a Swords Dancer, I'll suggest you do away with Blast Burn and teach Fire Punch. Outrage isn't that good when you don't have Stab, so Earthquake would be a better option.


Hydro Cannon
Rain Dance
Skull Bash
I'll suggest you teach Surf, Ice Beam, Mirror Coat and Rest instead. A Chesto Berry would be a good item for it then.


Volt Tackle
Hidden Power
Focus Punch
Please don't use {pikachu} or even {raichu} for that matter, there are {electrivire} and {raikou} out there that you can choose from.


Hyper Beam
Giga Impact
Rest X

The set below is a competitive set, but it works in the battle tower too. Perhaps even better cos AI usually don't have Pokemon with Roar etc.
Nature: Careful
EVs: 168 Hp, 120 Def, 220 Sp. Def
Item: Leftovers/Chesto Berry
~Fire Punch


Dream Eater
Last Resort
Giga Impact

No can do. Go with Calm Mind/Attract, Morning Sun, Psychic and Shadow Ball.

Matrix35 wrote:
My Team So Far:

Baton Pass
Aerial Ace
Swords Dance
I use a similar one. No comment.

Leaf Blade
Swords Dance
Dragon Claw
No comment.

Heat Wave
Dragon Pulse
Aerial Ace
Charizard won't make a good Mixed sweeper so I suggest you use a Special Sweeper one with Choice Spces, Fire Blast/Overheat, Dragon Pulse, Air Slash and Focus Blast.

Shadow Ball
Energy Ball
Thunder Wave
{alakazam} doesn't have the time to Thunder Wave before sweeping. Teach Calm Mind instead.

Thunder Wave
Calm Mind
Water Pulse
{mespirit} works better with Ice Beam and Thunderbolt instead of Water Pulse and Thunder Wave.

Swords Dance
Brick Break
Swagger is a no can do, replace it with Close Combat. Brick Break you should replace with Shadow Claw and Return works better than Slash most of the time.

superbird wrote:
please give me advice on possible items and possible moves for "?"! Thank You!

{torterra} TORTERRA
Life Orb
-Stone Edge
-Rock Polish

{luxray} LUXRAY
Choice Band
-Thunder Fang
-Discharge: Thunder is better.
-Ice Fang

{rapidash} RAPIDASH
-Flare Blitz
-Bounce: Replace with Megahorn
-Take Down: Replace with Hypnosis

{toxicroak} TOXICROAK
Black Sludge
-Poison Jab
-Focus Blast
-Mud Bomb
-Dark Pulse
Go with Substitute, Focus Punch, Sucker Punch and Stone Edge for the moveset.

{blastoise} BLASTOISE
Chesto Berry
-Skull Bash: Replace with Ice Beam
-Aqua Tail: Replace with Surf
-Mirror Coat

{bronzong} BRONZONG
w/???-possibly Lagging Tail, for Gyro Ball
-Gyro Ball
-Shadow Ball
Give it a Light Clay and teach it Hypnosis, Reflect, Light Screen and Explosion instead.

Please Reply Quickly. :)

Clouded Reason wrote:
Even though these forums seemed to be filled with "fail" and no one seriously reads these anymore, I wanted to post my competitive team in hopes that maybe someone could notice someone was putting decent effort into their team, even if the pokemon choice is a little awkward. (they're all IV bred as well. . . not all 31's across the boards, but decent IVs all around and 28-31 where it counts)

{garchomp} (Naive, 4 hp 252 atk 252 spd) / Yache Berry
-Dragon Claw
-Fire Fang
-Swords Dance
(I know, I know, hypertypical.)
You know, Jolly for the Nature is better.

{empoleon} (Calm, 252 hp 252 sdef 4 sa) / Leftovers
-Ice Beam
-Grass Knot
(this is my special tank switch in for things which are effective against garchomp, and generally has good coverage)
No comment.

{gengar} (Naive, 252 speed 252 special attack 4 hp) / Focus Sash
-Shadow Ball
-Energy Ball
-Focus Blast
(this is my switch in for earthquake/fighting moves that would go towards empoleon. also a pretty beast special sweeper. Should I switch out focus blast for Hypnosis? Please wait to respond until you've seen the team explanation at the bottom)
Please get a Timid one instead and replace Thunderbolt and Energy Ball with Hypnosis and Destiny Bond.

{ursaring} (Adamant, 252 speed 252 attack, 4 hp) ability: Quick Feet / Toxic Orb
-Close Combat
-Faint Attack
(besides the obvious protect / facadesweep, notably immune to ghost moves aimed at gengar. I was trying to go for a theme of switch-immunities. as you'll see, it leaves double weaknesses (notably to fighting and electric and ground).)
I would suggest you replace Protect, Close Combat and Faint Attack with Swords Dance, Crunch and Fire Punch.

{drapion} (Relaxed, 252 hp 252 defense 4 attack) ability: Battle Armor / Black Sludge
-Knock Off
-Toxic Spikes
(sure, he's not going to kill anything, but this thing is annoying as :censored:. toxicing and knocking off key items with good prediction on multiple pokemon can really cripple a team. On a side note, this guy and gengar are both on my poison theme team, not posted here for obvious reasons).
Well, it's fitting for the Role you suggested, so I don't have any comments.

{charizard} (Rash, 252 speed 252 special attack, 4 hp) / Choice Specs
-Air Slash
-Dragon Pulse
-Focus Blast
Timid or Modest should be better.

the definition of filler. . . honestly, I didn't know what to put here, i always blank when it comes to special sweepers, and this thing's immunity to ground means i preferenced it over my specs jolteon, even if it adds a 2nd electric weakness. However, Jolteon runs thunderbolt, shadow ball, HP grass (56) and hypar beamzmzmzlolz for lack of a 4th sweep move with specs. . . did I pick the correct one, or should I raise something else entirely? This slot, the phys tank slot, and ursaring are all kinda iffy even though they've all worked for me in trial runs with this team. Ursaring's immunity to ghost seemed good, and the switch in means i don't have to wait for toxic orb to go off a turn after he comes in. Drapeon is there to have a poison tank and effectively "hax" 2 leftovers (maybe my weezing with pain split/protect/ will o wisp/haze would have been better), and charizard i mentioned earlier. I'm worried that the 2x electric, 2x ground and 2x fighting weaknesses make the team unplayable competitively even though it runs immunities to all 3. Obviously Electvire is the huge worry here, hence the +speed on garchomp. The double grass moves are for swampert who can also put huge holes in this team. I'd like to think the movepools do a good job of protecting against the obvious weaknesses, but I would really appreciate the constructive criticism of a moderator.
Don't try switching in Ursaring on any Pokemon cos its defenses aren't that great and it is a very slow Pokemon. Your team is generally fine, except for the Natures part. If you're looking for a good Special Sweeper, I'll suggest a Togekiss, Infernape or Azelf.

Any criticism at all would be really helpful. For whoever responds to this intelligently, thank you for your help.

Quazarus wrote:
Yeah, most of my team reached 100 before i figured out EVs.

Togekiss @ expert belt
Naive EVs uknown to me
Serene Grace
Tri attack
ancient power
water pulse

Get a new one:
Item: Choice Scarf
Nature: Modest
EVs: 252 Spd & Sp. Atk
~Air Slash
~Aura Sphere
~Fire Blast
~Grass Knot

Drapion@Razor Claw
Cross Poison
Fire Fang
A Jolly nature one with Scope Lens instead will be better. The moveset should be Swords dance, Night Slash, Earthquake and Fire fang.
just these for now.

Cactuar wrote:
{deoxys} @ Quick Claw
Shadow Ball
Why would someone as fast as Deoxys need a Quick Claw? Ice Beam should be better than Extreme Speed.

{deoxys} @ Wide Lens
Psycho Boost
Giga Impact
I'll assume this is an Attack form Deoxys. Go with Ice Beam, Thunder, Super Power and Shadow Ball instead.

{darkrai} @ Wide Lens
Roar of Time
Spacial Rend
Dark Void
Assuming you'll be using this in an uber match with the normal clauses, this movset should be better: Dark Void, Calm Mind, Substitute and Dark Pulse.

{groudon} @ Metronome
Give it a Leftovers instead and teach Swords Dance, Earthquake, Dragon Claw and Fire Punch/Overheat.

{mewtwo} @ Leftovers
Fire Blast

Give it a Life Orb instead and teach Calm Mind, Psychic, Aura Sphere/Ice Beam and Shadow Ball/Thunderbolt.
{palkia} (My Anti-Darkrai Pokemon) @ Chesto Berry
Aura Sphere
Dragon Claw
Spacial Rend

Not really Anti-Darkrai if it decides to hold a Chople Berry. Or if the opponent doesn't have a Darkrai you would've wasted an item slot. give it a Lustrous Orb instead. You already have Spacial Rend, so I think you should replace Dragon Claw with Thunder.

Phew....that was a lot of rates. I wonder if I set the record for the longest post in the whole of Psypokes History. I was quite bored at doing this for so long so pardon me if I made a few mistakes here and there. I rated mostly only what was there, so don't blame me if I didn't add in things when they're not there. I hope I managed to revive the Battle Tower by doing this. :lol:

Last edited by Sapphirath on Sat Jun 28, 2008 11:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sat Jun 28, 2008 8:51 am
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