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 Official RBY Team Rating Thread 
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Bug Catcher
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RBY team, Please Rate I'm playing in a tourney soon

Thunder wave

Body slam
swords dance

thunder wave
ice beam

Mega drain
sleep powder
leech seed

thunder punch
ice punch
fire punch

I gave kazam the 3 punches via tradeback to cover from dragonites and jynxes and any of the 3 phenomonal water types in RBY, wondering if I could substitute rest for T-wave on slowbro

Tue Apr 08, 2008 4:53 pm
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I already rated way2thedawn's team.


Sat Apr 12, 2008 6:59 am
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My Pokemon Red party.
Used for competition with friends and Stadium.


{snorlax} Snorlax
-Body Slam

My main opener. Due to lack of major sweepers in Generation I, Snorlax does well to stand as an opening tank. Body Slam for STAB, Earthquake for the sheer power of it, and Blizzard is simply there to help cover a bit of a Ground weakness three of my Pokemon have, and because Ice Beam and/or Surf coming from Snorlax would do about as much damage as a Rattata's Tackle (exaggeration, but you get the point). Also, Blizzard has a 89.5% accuracy rating in Gen I compared to the 70% from Gen II and up. Rest is of course, for resting.


{gengar} Gengar
-Confuse Ray
-Mega Drain

Annoyer, in its simplest form. Poison, Confuse, and Mega Drain to cover Ground weakness and steal a bit of HP, despite its very low base power. Psychic to exploit its extremely high Special stat. The second best annoyer in Gen I in my opinion, Tangela being my favorite with Toxic/Bind/Growth/Mega Drain and having high Defense and Special. Still considering whether Tangela's multiple weaknesses or Gengar's Psychic weakness is worse.


{alakazam} Alakazam
-Thunder Wave

I feel so bad for the Alakazam of Gen I. My favorite pokemon (Abra actually, but unevolved pokemon are death sentences in competition), the best Special stat without using 00bers, but only one decent special move, Psychic. Recover for recovering, Reflect to boost physical defense, Thunder Wave for paralysis/slowing down the opponent. I'm considering a set-damage attack like Seismic Toss instead of Thunder Wave simply out of pity.


{starmie} Starmie
-Ice Beam

My favorite special sweeper for R/B/Y. With a base Special of 100, it's almost as effective as the Rain Dancing Lanturn of Gen II/III days. No Thunderbolt since Jolteon can take care of that.


{arcanine} Arcanine
-Body Slam

Flamethrower for STAB, Body Slam because of paralysis, Dig because the move is pretty spectacular for non-Earthquaking Pokemon in Gen I with 100 base damage, and Agility for obvious purposes. Kind of a bum choice, I really don't like Fire types. Any suggestions for a replacement?


{jolteon} Jolteon
-Pin Missile
-Thunder Wave

Thunderbolt for STAB, Pin Missile for obvious Psychic removal reasons. The only other Pokemon whose Bug attack will do significant damage is Beedrill, who'll get one-hit KO'd by any Psychic attack in the game. Thunder Wave for paralysis/reducing speed to launch those pins, Agility to increase that speed. A shame he can't be taught Light Screen, really. :/


I tried my best to balance out my attack strengths with my type weaknesses.
The only outstanding "problems" are:

No Normal strength: Not too big of a deal, unless I run into a Chansey. Eek.
No Ghost strength: A bit arbitrary, because all the Ghost types in Gen I are sub-Poison types, which I've got covered five-fold.
Two Bug weaknesses, one strength: Also quite small of a problem, as the type is almost never used aside from Pinsir or the occasional Scyther, whose Special stats would never save them from my Arcanine's Flamethrower.

Thanks in advance for the ratings.

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Thu Apr 24, 2008 9:44 am
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commonroutes wrote:
My Pokemon Red party.
Used for competition with friends and Stadium.


{snorlax} Snorlax
-Body Slam

My main opener. Due to lack of major sweepers in Generation I, Snorlax does well to stand as an opening tank. Body Slam for STAB, Earthquake for the sheer power of it, and Blizzard is simply there to help cover a bit of a Ground weakness three of my Pokemon have, and because Ice Beam and/or Surf coming from Snorlax would do about as much damage as a Rattata's Tackle (exaggeration, but you get the point). Also, Blizzard has a 89.5% accuracy rating in Gen I compared to the 70% from Gen II and up. Rest is of course, for resting.
Right, but Blizzard is too weak coming from a base 65 special. And rest isn't good for the same reason - notice that its only recommended on the Amnesia set. Anyway, Hyper beam is really good, pretty much standard for move #3 on Fisilax. Move #4 is open to your opinions. Rock Slide hits Charizard and Moltres, along with Lapras. But, Surf is good against Golem/Rhydon. When you switch to starmie for the surf, rhydon either body slams on the switch, or subs.


{gengar} Gengar
-Confuse Ray
-Mega Drain

Annoyer, in its simplest form. Poison, Confuse, and Mega Drain to cover Ground weakness and steal a bit of HP, despite its very low base power. Psychic to exploit its extremely high Special stat. The second best annoyer in Gen I in my opinion, Tangela being my favorite with Toxic/Bind/Growth/Mega Drain and having high Defense and Special. Still considering whether Tangela's multiple weaknesses or Gengar's Psychic weakness is worse.
This is your leader. Toxic really sucks in RBY, and the opponent can't be paralyzed afterwards. Confuse Ray is also useless. Hypnosis is a great choice, despite the accuracy issues. Explosion to take out those that don't like dying. Thunderbolt > Mega Drain, as you'll do more to most waters with T-bolt, and most grounds with Psychic.


{alakazam} Alakazam
-Thunder Wave

I feel so bad for the Alakazam of Gen I. My favorite pokemon (Abra actually, but unevolved pokemon are death sentences in competition), the best Special stat without using 00bers, but only one decent special move, Psychic. Recover for recovering, Reflect to boost physical defense, Thunder Wave for paralysis/slowing down the opponent. I'm considering a set-damage attack like Seismic Toss instead of Thunder Wave simply out of pity.
Although it has a great special attack, its movepool is lacking. Slowbro, Exeggutor, Jynx are all excellent alternatives. If you want to keep this though, Seismic Toss > Reflect, as Psychic's pp will die very quickly.


{starmie} Starmie
-Ice Beam

My favorite special sweeper for R/B/Y. With a base Special of 100, it's almost as effective as the Rain Dancing Lanturn of Gen II/III days. No Thunderbolt since Jolteon can take care of that.
I'll be perfectly honest, there are better Psychic users than Starmie, even though it gets STAB. Thunderbolt > Psychic, please.


{arcanine} Arcanine
-Body Slam

Flamethrower for STAB, Body Slam because of paralysis, Dig because the move is pretty spectacular for non-Earthquaking Pokemon in Gen I with 100 base damage, and Agility for obvious purposes. Kind of a bum choice, I really don't like Fire types. Any suggestions for a replacement?
Rhydon has rock slide to deal with bugs, and Zapdos has Drill Peck for grasses. Consider Rhydon as the replacement.


{jolteon} Jolteon
-Pin Missile
-Thunder Wave

Thunderbolt for STAB, Pin Missile for obvious Psychic removal reasons. The only other Pokemon whose Bug attack will do significant damage is Beedrill, who'll get one-hit KO'd by any Psychic attack in the game. Thunder Wave for paralysis/reducing speed to launch those pins, Agility to increase that speed. A shame he can't be taught Light Screen, really. :/
Use Zapdos, it has an EQ immunity. And Drill Peck STABed does more damage coming from Zappy than Pin Missile, maxed, coming from Jolteon. Drill Peck also does a good amount of damage to Chansey.


I tried my best to balance out my attack strengths with my type weaknesses.
The only outstanding "problems" are:

No Normal strength: Not too big of a deal, unless I run into a Chansey. Eek.
No Ghost strength: A bit arbitrary, because all the Ghost types in Gen I are sub-Poison types, which I've got covered five-fold.
Two Bug weaknesses, one strength: Also quite small of a problem, as the type is almost never used aside from Pinsir or the occasional Scyther, whose Special stats would never save them from my Arcanine's Flamethrower.
Rhydon, HyperBeam Lax deal with Chansey. Starmie, Alakazam deal with Tauros. Explosion Gengar takes on Lax. Gengar also takes care of Persian. If you choose to have eggy on your team, thats even better.
Gengar is a pain, but you have EQ from Rhydon, Psychic from Zam.
Bug problem - Scyther and his normal moves pose a huge problem for gengar who is immune (sarcasm), and rhydon who resists normal and KOs with Rock Slide. Pinsir's Submission poses a threat to Rhydon, but not so much either. Seismic toss affects Gengar, So I wouldn't use Gengy as a counter.

Thanks in advance for the ratings.

{gengar} with Hypnosis, T-bolt, Psychic, Explosion
{snorlax} with EQ, Body Slam, Hyper Beam, Surf/Double Edge/Self Destruct.
{starmie} with Surf, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, and Recover
{zapdos} with Drill Peck, Thunderbolt, Thunderwave, and Mimic/Agility
{rhydon} with EQ, Rock Slide, Substitute, and Body Slam
{alakazam} to be switched possibly with {slowbro} / {exeggutor} / {jynx} or to be kept with Psychic, Recover, Thunderwave, Seismic Toss.

Good? Understood?

Sat Apr 26, 2008 8:13 am
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Peanut-Lover wrote:

{gengar} with Hypnosis, T-bolt, Psychic, Explosion
{snorlax} with EQ, Body Slam, Hyper Beam, Surf/Double Edge/Self Destruct.
{starmie} with Surf, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, and Recover
{zapdos} with Drill Peck, Thunderbolt, Thunderwave, and Mimic/Agility
{rhydon} with EQ, Rock Slide, Substitute, and Body Slam
{alakazam} to be switched possibly with {slowbro} / {exeggutor} / {jynx} or to be kept with Psychic, Recover, Thunderwave, Seismic Toss.

Good? Understood?

Yes, and I thank you, but a couple of comments:

Gengar - Yeah, standard, I just tried to do something different.
Snorlax - I will be using this team in Stadium, so Hyper Beam will still recharge after KOs. Possibly EQ, Body Slam, Rock Slide, Self-destruct instead?
Starmie - T-Bolt gives it more coverage, so that works. Especially since...(read next line)
Zapdos - I honestly can't stand using legendaries, no matter how useful Zapdos is due to its typing. Alternatives?
Rhydon - I really don't like its 4x weakness to both Water and Grass, but there is always the opportunity to switch out, so with T-Wave support in mind, I'll try him out.
Alakazam - I would probably be better off with Slowbro, so I'm thinking of just using the standard Tobybro set with a Rest, but should I keep Psychic or Surf, or just get rid of Rest altogether?

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Sat Apr 26, 2008 1:25 pm
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Oh, right. Hyper beam recharges :(

Still may want surf on lax. Again, Rhydon and Golem are OHKOd if I remember correctly.Surf > Rock Slide maybe?

So, you don't like Zapdos? Oh, poo. there are no other really good electrics, except electabuzz with ice punch trade back.

Eggy's better with Rest than toybro. But toybro needs Rest. Maybe no Psychic? Either toybro or LApras - Lapras can use T-bolt and surf effectively, then you could just run Psychic on starmie (contradicting what I said earlier).

Maybe you can use Electabuzz with T-bolt, T-wave, Ice Punch, and Psychic?

Sat Apr 26, 2008 3:15 pm
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Okay, my team currently looks as follows:

{gengar} Gengar

{snorlax} Snorlax
-Body Slam

{starmie} Starmie
-Ice Beam

{rhydon} Rhydon
-Rock Slide
-Body Slam

{lapras} Lapras
-Ice Beam
-Confuse Ray

{exeggutor} Exeggutor
-Mega Drain
-Sleep Powder

Pokemon Red Team: ImageImageImageImageImageImage

Last edited by commonroutes on Mon Apr 28, 2008 8:45 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Sat Apr 26, 2008 3:37 pm
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Well, reading upon a few articles recently...very good work. I wish you good luck.

Just one thing: Rock Slide on snorlax - while this may be tempting as all heck, he doesn't benefit from Flinch, the flyerss will probably take just about as much (if not more) from body slam (ok, maybe not more, but rock slide does miss, and the only fliers you'd need it for are dodrio/charizard).

Mon Apr 28, 2008 6:22 pm
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True, and Surf can be effective when used against Rhydon and Golem, but I still feel Blizzard would be better for type coverage and power, given Snorlax's mediocre Special. :/

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Mon Apr 28, 2008 8:30 pm
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OK so here's my team:

Pay Day
Double Team
Solar Beam
Razor Leaf
Sleep Powder
Mega Drain
Fire Blast
Skull Bash
Mirror Move
Sky Attack
Hyper Beam
Hyper Beam

Last edited by ShotDuck on Fri Aug 08, 2008 12:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Wed May 28, 2008 4:14 pm
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focus blast
cam mind
hidden power water 68 power/recover


force plam
close combat
extreme speed
sword dance


night shade
confuse ray


stealth rocks


rock slide
icef fang
fire fang/thunder fang


batton pass
mean look
tanunt/dark pulse

Sun Jun 29, 2008 8:04 pm
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Sorry dude, this is the Kanto forum. If you are looking for the Kanto Revisited or Hoenn forum, follow one of these links.

These pokemon have nothing to do with Kanto. Kanto pokemon DO NOT include Lucario and they have NO nature. Baton Pass and Will-o-wisp are not good'old attacks from generation I.

Mon Jun 30, 2008 7:15 am
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ShotDuck wrote:
OK so here's my team:

Pay Day
Double Team
Solar Beam
Razor Leaf
Sleep Powder
Mega Drain
Fire Blast
Skull Bash
Mirror Move
Sky Attack
Hyper Beam
Hyper Beam

Pikachu is..strange. change pay day to thunderbolt .

Venusaur Is magnificent! Good combo, I would use sam-kind venusaur!

Charizard is good, no problem!

Blastoise too, no mocking here! rest is very interesting choise, kind funny!

Pidgeot Is so good, I cant blame that!

Mew. Ouch. You cant say a bad word about it!

{nidoking} {vileplume} {pikachu} {haunter} {vaporeon} {hypno}

Kings and queens of my collection!

Fri Jul 18, 2008 11:54 am
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And so, My Team!

-Toxic, DreamEater, Night shade, Hypnosis

-Thundershock, Thunder, Slam, Thunderbolt

-Strenght, Fissure, Horn attack, Rock Slide

-Solar Beam, Swords Dance, Cut, Sleep Powder

-Metronome, Psyhic, Hypnosis, Flash

-Surf, Ice Beam, Aurora Beam, Bubblebeam these guys.........

{nidoking} {vileplume} {pikachu} {haunter} {vaporeon} {hypno}

Kings and queens of my collection!

Fri Jul 18, 2008 12:00 pm
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Heres My Team:

{dodrio} Hyper Beam, Drill Peck, Agility, Body Slam
{electrode} Substitute, Toxic, Explosion, Thunderbolt
{starmie} Surf, Ice Beam, Psycic, Recover
{charizard} Flamethrower, Slash, Body Slam, Reflect
{dugtrio} Slash, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Hyper Beam
{exeggutor} Leach Seed, Sleep Powder, Psycic, Mega Drain

Thu Jul 31, 2008 4:51 pm
Bug Catcher
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I made my team somewhat specifically to battle a friend of mine, but I tried to make it encompassing. All are level 70, no legendaries. First time post, by the way, so let me know if I did anything wrong.

{alakazam} Alakazam
{jolteon} Jolteon
-Thunder Wave
-Pin Missile
{flareon} Flareon
-Body Slam
- Double Team
{snorlax} Snorlax
-Body Slam
{dragonite} Dragonite
-Ice Beam
-Hyper Beam
-Thunder Wave
{cloyster} Cloyster
-Ice Beam

Sun Aug 03, 2008 9:52 am
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Barry wrote:
And so, My Team!

-Toxic, DreamEater, Night shade, Hypnosis

-Thundershock, Thunder, Slam, Thunderbolt

-Strenght, Fissure, Horn attack, Rock Slide

-Solar Beam, Swords Dance, Cut, Sleep Powder

-Metronome, Psyhic, Hypnosis, Flash

-Surf, Ice Beam, Aurora Beam, Bubblebeam these guys.........

Haunter looks good to me, but it might be a good idea to replace night shade by something else

Pikachu: well, you should only keep thunderbolt. Thundershock, thunderbolt and thunder on a same pokémon is really not a good idea. Should put agility or double team because pikachu is really fast.

Nidoking shouldn't have fissure. It has terrible accuracy and only works on pokémon with lower levels. Submission, take down or earthquake instead.

Vileplume: wow, CUT! Cut is really terible in battles, shouldn't give it at all. Try using razor leaf, hig critical hit ratio and no need to charge it. Basicly, vileplume has higher spec than attack, you should replace swords dance by something else.

Hypno: Flash can be a good idea because it reduces accuracy and makes it harder to hit but it might be better to use dream eater or thunder wave.

Vaporeon: Ice beam has higer base power and 10% chance to freeze, so it's a better choice than Aurora beam. Surf is better than bubblebeam, use mist and maybe hyper beam.

Thu Aug 07, 2008 8:23 am
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123gojj wrote:

Heres My Team:

{dodrio} Hyper Beam, Drill Peck, Agility, Body Slam
{electrode} Substitute, Toxic, Explosion, Thunderbolt
{starmie} Surf, Ice Beam, Psycic, Recover
{charizard} Flamethrower, Slash, Body Slam, Reflect
{dugtrio} Slash, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Hyper Beam
{exeggutor} Leach Seed, Sleep Powder, Psycic, Mega Drain

Dordio's good. Nothing to say.

Electrode: Good. But you might consider double team or reflect instead of Substitute

Starmie: Good job.

Charizard: You should use Earthquake over Body Slam.

Dugtrio: Perfect.

Exeggutor: Good job. Using leech seed along with mega drain and sleep powder is really smart.

Wow, I really don't know why you posted in here, your team could own any moment.

I made my team somewhat specifically to battle a friend of mine, but I tried to make it encompassing. All are level 70, no legendaries. First time post, by the way, so let me know if I did anything wrong.

{alakazam} Alakazam
{jolteon} Jolteon
-Thunder Wave
-Pin Missile
{flareon} Flareon
-Body Slam
- Double Team
{snorlax} Snorlax
-Body Slam
{dragonite} Dragonite
-Ice Beam
-Hyper Beam
-Thunder Wave
{cloyster} Cloyster
-Ice Beam

Alakazam: You should use T-wave over Dig

Jolteon: Good. But may be replace t-wave or sand attack by swift

Flareon: Take down instead of Body Slam.

Snorlax: You should use hyper beam instead of psychic. It has higher base power and STAB. Double edge or submission over body slam

Dragonite: Good.

Cloyster: Maybe substitute or toxic instead of supersonic. Supersonic is not very accurate and the target has only 50% chances to hurt itself.

Fri Aug 08, 2008 12:09 pm
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ShotDuck wrote:
123gojj wrote:

Heres My Team:

{dodrio} Hyper Beam, Drill Peck, Agility, Body Slam
{electrode} Substitute, Toxic, Explosion, Thunderbolt
{starmie} Surf, Ice Beam, Psycic, Recover
{charizard} Flamethrower, Slash, Body Slam, Reflect
{dugtrio} Slash, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Hyper Beam
{exeggutor} Leach Seed, Sleep Powder, Psycic, Mega Drain

Dordio's good. Nothing to say.

Electrode: Good. But you might consider double team or reflect instead of Substitute

Starmie: Good job.

Charizard: You should use Earthquake over Body Slam.

Dugtrio: Perfect.

Exeggutor: Good job. Using leech seed along with mega drain and sleep powder is really smart.

Wow, I really don't know why you posted in here, your team could own any moment.

I dunno. I like the movesets individually, they're all pretty much quoted from the standard movesets, but you've got some MAJOR common weaknesses. A pokemon that I personally use a lot, Blastoise, with Ice Beam, Surf, EQ, and Body Slam can nail 5/6 of your team with super effective hits. Just Ice Beam and Surf, two moves commonly used on the same pokemon could nail 2/3 of your team. A Rock/Ground could completely wall your first two pokemon. Completely. Some things can't be avoided, but I think that with some very careful choices you could have some better type coverage.

Some ideas:

{electrode} If you have to have an electric type, is Electrode REALLY your best choice? Looking at his build, he has TWO filler moves, Substitute and Toxic. That's two moves wasted. (Sub is nice though.) Electabuzz is a fantastic electric option. Electabuzz@Thunderbolt/Ice Punch/Psychic/Thunder Wave is a good set. It also gets you Thunder Wave, a guaranteed paralysis, which you didn't have before.

{charizard} Your Charizard is also a point of weakness, bogging down your team with his type. Rock Slide and Surf, two rather common moves, also own two other pokemon on your team. And think about the pokemon who carry those moves. If they have Rock Slide, they WILL have EQ. And if they have Surf the will MOST LIKELY have Ice Beam. Those moves can rip through your team. Rip. Now, if you REALLY want that Reflect you have on there, you could put it on almost anything, but I don't think that's why you have him on your team now is it? Aside from his attack, Charizard is a rather plain choice. A special move and a few normal fillers, and maybe a non-stabbed EQ in there. I can name a lot of pokemon that could pull that off better than that.

{dugtrio} Your Dugtrio, while cool with his amazing critting ability, is very very frail. Not because of the set, but because he's dugtrio. Maybe consider a Rhydon or Golem? Much sturdier, and pretty much the same moveset.

{starmie} / {exeggutor} Also, Starmie and Exeggutor, while cool, have secondary typings and aren't really powerhouses. Something with some OOMPH that can OHKO fast and then do it again and again.

{dodrio} Now I have a soft spot for Dodrio. I don't know what to do with him. IMO he's a very good core to a team, (Other core team members in RBY include pokemon like Alakazam and Chansey.) something to keep the same while support and other sweepers are swapped around. (Lapras is really good support, and some generic sweepers. Double Powder-ers are also good support.)

Now, some pokemon to consider instead of a few of yours:

Blastoise (He's a VERY solid pokemon, can take on a wide range of enemies and has good stats. I don't know what YOU would do with him, but I would check him out, see if you like him. Then again you do have Charizard...)

And some powerhouses like I was talking about:
Gengar (Kind of.)
Mewtwo (If you're in to that kind of thing.)
Dragonite (He takes a bit longer but he gets the job done.

Just some things to consider.

Fri Aug 08, 2008 10:40 pm
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Benjamin wrote:

I dunno. I like the movesets individually, they're all pretty much quoted from the standard movesets, but you've got some MAJOR common weaknesses. A pokemon that I personally use a lot, Blastoise, with Ice Beam, Surf, EQ, and Body Slam can nail 5/6 of your team with super effective hits. Just Ice Beam and Surf, two moves commonly used on the same pokemon could nail 2/3 of your team. A Rock/Ground could completely wall your first two pokemon. Completely. Some things can't be avoided, but I think that with some very careful choices you could have some better type coverage.

Right, I only checked for the personal moves and I didn't really think about checking the team.
Some ideas:

{electrode} If you have to have an electric type, is Electrode REALLY your best choice? Looking at his build, he has TWO filler moves, Substitute and Toxic. That's two moves wasted. (Sub is nice though.) Electabuzz is a fantastic electric option. Electabuzz@Thunderbolt/Ice Punch/Psychic/Thunder Wave is a good set. It also gets you Thunder Wave, a guaranteed paralysis, which you didn't have before.

The problem is that Electabuzz is not available in Yellow without trading. Of course, we don't know what version he has but today it's not common to see someone who wants (and can) trade an Electabuzz.
{charizard} Your Charizard is also a point of weakness, bogging down your team with his type. Rock Slide and Surf, two rather common moves, also own two other pokemon on your team. And think about the pokemon who carry those moves. If they have Rock Slide, they WILL have EQ. And if they have Surf the will MOST LIKELY have Ice Beam. Those moves can rip through your team. Rip. Now, if you REALLY want that Reflect you have on there, you could put it on almost anything, but I don't think that's why you have him on your team now is it? Aside from his attack, Charizard is a rather plain choice. A special move and a few normal fillers, and maybe a non-stabbed EQ in there. I can name a lot of pokemon that could pull that off better than that.

Right, a pokémon with Rock Slide could own 3 of your pokemon easily, and that's considering this pokémon does not have any other damaging move.

{dugtrio} Your Dugtrio, while cool with his amazing critting ability, is very very frail. Not because of the set, but because he's dugtrio. Maybe consider a Rhydon or Golem? Much sturdier, and pretty much the same moveset.

Good idea, knowing Rhydon can learn Surf, STAB EQ, Fire Blast and T-Bolt. But for Golem, it's hard to find one.

{starmie} / {exeggutor} Also, Starmie and Exeggutor, while cool, have secondary typings and aren't really powerhouses. Something with some OOMPH that can OHKO fast and then do it again and again.

{dodrio} Now I have a soft spot for Dodrio. I don't know what to do with him. IMO he's a very good core to a team, (Other core team members in RBY include pokemon like Alakazam and Chansey.) something to keep the same while support and other sweepers are swapped around. (Lapras is really good support, and some generic sweepers. Double Powder-ers are also good support.)

Now, some pokemon to consider instead of a few of yours:

Blastoise (He's a VERY solid pokemon, can take on a wide range of enemies and has good stats. I don't know what YOU would do with him, but I would check him out, see if you like him. Then again you do have Charizard...)

Once again, Machamp and electabuzz are not that easy to find.

And some powerhouses like I was talking about:
Gengar (Kind of.)
Mewtwo (If you're in to that kind of thing.)
Dragonite (He takes a bit longer but he gets the job done.

Alakazam and Gengar are hard to find too, but they are in fact very good choices.

Just some things to consider.

I'll think about rating the team in general now.

Sat Aug 09, 2008 11:36 am
Bug Catcher
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I need a critique guys (:

1. Blizzard
2. Warp
3. Surf
4. Reflect

1. Earthquake
2. Rock Slide
3. Mega Punch
3. Fire Blast

1. Hypnosis
2. Psychic
3. Ice Punch
4. Confuse Ray

1. Toxic
2. Growth
3. Mega Drain
4. Body Slam

1. Thunderbolt
2. Ice Beam
3. Softboiled
4. Reflect

1. Thunderbolt
2. Seismic Toss
3. Thunder Wave
4. Reflect

*pikachu's for show hahaha, but i can't seem to find a replacement nonetheless (:
& i don't believe in kamikazi's and fire blast's for lol's XP suggestions would be nice there

Mon Oct 20, 2008 12:44 am
Psychic Trainer
Psychic Trainer
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Location: I am inside your soul. It's actually really comfortable in here.
I just got my Pokémon Red, and this is the first team I ever made for Gen. I.

- Razor Leaf
- Sleep Powder
- Swords Dance
- Body Slam

Swords Dancer. Venusaur Uses Sleep Powder and then Swords Dance while the opponent is asleep/ switching, then sweeps with Body Slam and Razor Leaf.

- Clamp
- Blizzard
- Hyper Beam
- Explosion

Clamper. Uses Clamp to immobilize opponent, then hits with Blizzard or Hyper Beam. Uses Explosion as a last resort.

- Surf
- Thunderbolt/Thunder
- Hyper Beam
- Fire Blast

Sweeper. Uses Surf/Thunderbolt/Fire Blast for type coverage, and Hyper Beam is to hit what the others don't.

I need help about using T-Bolt or the stronger Thunder and Fire Blast. I don't know if I should use Power over Accuracy, or Accuracy over power.

- Meditate
- Counter
- Substitute
- Hi Jump Kick

Physical attacker. Uses Substitute first, then Meditate under Substitute protection. Hitmonlee has Counter to hit the foe back with twice the power.

- Psychic
- Thunderwave/Reflect
- Hypnosis
- Rest

Hypno Uses Hypnosis to put the foe to sleep, then uses Reflect to boost defense. Uses Rest when on low health.

- Body Slam
- Earthquake
- Hyper Beam
- Selfdestruct

Physical Snorlax. Hyper Beam is a finishing move to take out weakened Pokémon. When about to faint, Snorlax takes out the opponent with Selfdestruct.

{glaceon} {leafeon} {weavile} {sceptile} {charizard} {azelf} {mesprit} {uxie}

Tue Dec 16, 2008 5:22 pm
Dragon Tamer
Dragon Tamer
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Kurusu Lapras wrote:
I just got my Pokémon Red, and this is the first team I ever made for Gen. I.

- Razor Leaf
- Sleep Powder
- Swords Dance
- Body Slam

Swords Dancer. Venusaur Uses Sleep Powder and then Swords Dance while the opponent is asleep/ switching, then sweeps with Body Slam and Razor Leaf.

Use growth instead of swords dance, and sweep with razor leaf

I would lose body slam for some healing move, so giga drain would be my pick

- Clamp
- Blizzard
- Hyper Beam
- Explosion

Clamper. Uses Clamp to immobilize opponent, then hits with Blizzard or Hyper Beam. Uses Explosion as a last resort.

you might wanna look at victreebel with wrap, stun spore, razor leaf, and Body slam.
stun spore to paralyze, and now use wrap, and you move faster than them, so when you finish with "attack continues" you can use it again before they have a chance to ht you, and use razor leaf to finish them off, or body slam (body slam is in there because it looks decent, but feel free to drop it)

- Surf
- Thunderbolt/Thunder
- Hyper Beam
- Fire Blast

Sweeper. Uses Surf/Thunderbolt/Fire Blast for type coverage, and Hyper Beam is to hit what the others don't.

I need help about using T-Bolt or the stronger Thunder and Fire Blast. I don't know if I should use Power over Accuracy, or Accuracy over power.

I would use Lapras with psychic, surf, sing, and ice beam instead, because it then has 2 stab moves, and it can kill most anything with that moveset

- Meditate
- Counter
- Substitute
- Hi Jump Kick

Physical attacker. Uses Substitute first, then Meditate under Substitute protection. Hitmonlee has Counter to hit the foe back with twice the power.

substitution costs hp, and counter requires to be hit to deal damage... and you don't have any move that can heal, so you will lose all hp while trying to deal damage if you use counter... use hi jump kick instead of counter, and I therefore recommend toxic instead, and lol as they die while you charge up.

- Psychic
- Thunderwave/Reflect
- Hypnosis
- Rest

Hypno Uses Hypnosis to put the foe to sleep, then uses Reflect to boost defense. Uses Rest when on low health.

thunder wave and hypnosis is a bit redundant because only one status effect can be in effect at a time. I recommend dream eater instead of thunder wave, so you can heal with out sleeping, and you get a stab, therefore rest should be replaced with something like double team so that you can boost you evasiveness as they sleep, and when they wake up, sleep them again until your evasiveness is maxed out, then dream eater if you need to heal, or psychic them

- Body Slam
- Earthquake
- Hyper Beam
- Selfdestruct

Physical Snorlax. Hyper Beam is a finishing move to take out weakened Pokémon. When about to faint, Snorlax takes out the opponent with Selfdestruct.
hyper beam is normally a bad choice, but in r/b/y it is decent as long as the pokemon using it is normal so it gets a stab bonus
rest instead of selfdestruct.(snorlax is a giant HP wall, and being able to instantly regain all it's health is amazing! and therefore selfdestruct is pointless when you can heal yourself instead

"Stab" is a bonus for using an attack of the same type as the user, resulting in a boost in the attack's power
(same. type. attack. bonus)

I had cool Images, but I can't get the format to work, So they are stuck on my computer.
[img] ... ardrej.png [/img]

Sat Jan 24, 2009 6:41 pm
Bug Catcher
Bug Catcher

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Hey all. I've recently gotten back into the RBY games with some friends and have been trying to devise some good teams. The only restrictions we've agreed on are no glitches/cheats (e.g. over lvl 100, moves on pokemon that can't learn them) and no Mew, MewTwo, or legendary birds. I've read a few online guides and my current idea for a team is as follows:

{jynx} Jynx
-Lovely Kiss

Lovely Kiss is basically the reason for me choosing Jynx over Alakazam. This is going to be the first one on the field. Psychic and Blizzard are two excellent moves to take advantage of STAB, and Mimic is there for fun and lols.

{starmie} Starmie
-Thunder Wave

Starmie is one of my personal favorites; versatile, fast, and deadly. Other versions have been exploited for their TMs, which is how Jynx and Starmie will both have Psychic. I wouldn't mind replacing Surf with Blizzard or Thunderbolt, but I'd have to train a new Starmie, which is a minor inconvenience.

{persian} Persian
-Body Slam
-Bubble Beam

I noticed this particular moveset on this site and thought it was awesome, so I blatantly ripped it off. Slash and Hyperbeam are no-brainers. Slash will crit like every time and hyperbeam is a sick finishing move, and both benefit from STAB. Body Slam for paralysis and bubble beam for rock/ground types.

{jolteon} Jolteon
-Pin Missile

My favorite electric type. Basically standard stuff here. Agility I don't really find that useful, it doesn't seem to help with crits at all, and may as well be replaced by something more useful. Suggestions?

{tauros} Tauros
-Horn Drill
-Fire Blast

Tauros is whatever moves you teach it. I figure it will be fun as a way to keep my opponents on their toes. I'm open to whatever suggestions anyone has for alternatives here.

{golem} Golem

Golem is awesome. I prefer him over Rhydon because of Explosion. I can't decide what a good 4th move would be. I feel like it should be something that would help improve his longetivity before he goes out in a blaze of glory. Suggestions?

Other Pokemon I've considered are Slowbro, Execcutor, and Cloyster (w/clam & toxic for the annoyance factor). I could see myself replacing practically anything on this team except for Jynx and Jolteon. Feel free to suggest something to address a gaping weakness that I've overlooked or something. Thanks!

Sat Mar 28, 2009 5:14 pm
Pokemon Ranger
Pokemon Ranger
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Just posting my team from Pokemon Red.

~Sleep Powder
~Body Slam
~Solar Beam

Basic moveset here. Put the foe to sleep and use Growth several times. Attack with Solar Beam, and Body Slam as a main attack.

~Earth Quake
~Rock Slide

Just takes out the opponents Pokemon with strong attack. When it has taken enough damage I just use Explosion.

~Pin Missile
~Sand Attack

Sand Attack the opponent for the accuracy to fall. Sweeps away with Thunder.

~Ice Beam
~Confuse Ray
~Body Slam

Annoyer set. Start off with Confuse Ray and keep using Body Slam until the foe has been paralyzed.

~Body Slam
~Earth Quake
~Rock Slide

My Snorlax basically just inflicts as much damage as possible before going down.

~Drill Peck
~Tri Attack

Uses Agility to speed up against faster opponents. Sweeps away with Drill Peck and Tri Attack.


Pokemon Pearl FC:2749 9225 9473

Up for a battle anytime! Just PM me.

Sun Apr 12, 2009 7:45 pm
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