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 Pokémon Generation 3.5 
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Pokemon Ranger
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"No... No... Where is it?" Emily asked, Hoothoot and Blaze tailing her.
"Emily?" Charlie asked.
"You again?" Emily replied. "Eh, do you know where any sentrets are?" she asked.
"Hoot hoot..." Hoothoot said, pointing at one in the near distance.
"Be quiet." Emily said to hoothoot. "Alright, you're mine!" she said, running off.

I'm not going with the group. I'd MUCH prefer being solo, often running in with you guys.

Mon Oct 13, 2008 10:22 am
Fails at life
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Solo is cool but can you meet up with us at the next city ,permanently, where something is gonna happen. Also Angelo {rotom}.




Mon Oct 13, 2008 10:25 am
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Yeah, course. I'm always gonna be with the group when main events are happening.

"BLAZE! FLAMETHROWER!" Emily shouted, Blaze letting loose a breath of flame unto the sentret.
"SENTERERET!" It screamed.
"NOW! HOOTHOOT! CATCH IT AND BRING IT OVER HERE!" she shouted. Hoothoot sped forward and grabbed the sentret by it's claws, bringing it back.
"Now, hold it!" Emily said, throwing a pokeball at the sentret.

Mon Oct 13, 2008 10:31 am
Dragon Tamer
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i {froslass} myself because i am missing too much of this because i actually have a life :lol: a very busy one. so take me out

Mon Oct 13, 2008 11:07 am
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Bug Catcher
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I Made a big post that took about 15 mins so I am just summing up what happond

I got a pinecoand it was the easyist catch ever
And I Gave emily 4 Noodles

92 noodles

Image ImageImageImage

Mon Oct 13, 2008 11:09 am
Pokemon Ranger
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The ball dropped, and made no movement. Sentret was most likely too hurt to put up resistance.
"Now, who's up for snacks?" Emily asked her team, sending out Sentret.
"Emily, there's no food source for humans until the next town." Charlie said.
"WHAT?!?" Emily shouted. "Fine, I'll tag along with you guys until we reach the next frying fork."

Mon Oct 13, 2008 11:20 am
Bug Catcher
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((This all seems too rigged out...I drop, thank for having me though))

<3 {celebi} <3Image <3 {celebi} <3

Mon Oct 13, 2008 11:50 am
Fails at life
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"Guys Midnight has had to go. She/He (I can't remember) has to got back to here family in Kanto as one of here relatives is deeply ill. ...Moving swiftly on. Lets head to Route 1002!"

We walked over the bridge and we were shocked a to what we saw. A huge amazing field. With a view of Lavender City in the Distance. Oh O
There wa san object moving in the distance. It was a big pickup truck. Team Rapture was driving. With grunts in the back coming right for us. Issac Driving. It got closer. "Okay gang! Its Team Rapture!" There was 3 grunts (One For Josh, Shiny and Lordtomato) and Issac.

"You guys take the Grunts me & Emily we will handle Issac."




Mon Oct 13, 2008 12:13 pm
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Emily smiled. "That guy again?" she said confidently.
"Go into the river, Swift." she whispered to sentret. "Blaze! Birdeye!" she shouted, preparing for battle.

Swift = Sentret
Birdeye = Hoothoot

Mon Oct 13, 2008 12:20 pm
Bug Catcher
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Hyperjack123 wrote:
"Guys Midnight has had to go. She/He (I can't remember) has to got back to here family in Kanto as one of here relatives is deeply ill. ...Moving swiftly on. Lets head to Route 1002!"

We walked over the bridge and we were shocked a to what we saw. A huge amazing field. With a view of Lavender City in the Distance. Oh O
There wa san object moving in the distance. It was a big pickup truck. Team Rapture was driving. With grunts in the back coming right for us. Issac Driving. It got closer. "Okay gang! Its Team Rapture!" There was 3 grunts (One For Josh, Thunder and Lordtomato) and Issac.

"You guys take the Grunts me & Emily we will handle Issac."

"sweet Ness Its up to you"
Wait for It to attack you...
Ness Is the hoothoot new name

Image ImageImageImage

Mon Oct 13, 2008 12:50 pm
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((Ahhhh Matt, stay in! You can't leave me here >.<
Besides, I wanted to beat your Oddish just like our match last night lol))

There was a job to be done. Isaac drove himself and 3 other Rapture members on a transportation mission to Lavender City. There was supposedly a peaceful exchange in production. This, however, was classified. "Well, welll, well....what do we have here?" He pulled thre truck over in front of the kids. "We meet again I see? Team Rapture, scatter!" The goons lept from the back and each approached one of the kids. "I believe we have somewhat of a score to settle..." He turned to the goons. "I'll take these two, the rest of you...dispose of them..." He had a devious smirk. The other goons cracked their knuckles and each pulled out black pokeballs.

ImageImage[/url] Let's be friends?

Mon Oct 13, 2008 2:39 pm
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Ace Trainer
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Aethan saw the guy approaching.
"Zuby! Heat Wave! Now!"
Zuby's wings glowed red and he flapped fast and hard.
A blast of fire leapt across and hit the man in the chest.

"oh sorry, was I sposed to wait until you released your pokemon?" Aethan asked the groaning man.
"heh. guess we can do this that way too."

Another goon sprang from behind. "GO Poochyena!"

{absol} {gardevoir} {salamence} {crobat} {skitty} {glaceon}
yay skitty!
olim est virgo Troiana
quae incensus cogitat grama esse bonus.
incendit per noctam,
et sic excitavit;
invenit veru magnum ano.

Mon Oct 13, 2008 6:15 pm
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((Huh? Zubats can't learn Heat Wave))

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Last edited by Saint_Jimmy on Mon Oct 13, 2008 6:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Oct 13, 2008 6:24 pm
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Pokemon Ranger
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((What am I, copped liver? I'll just pretend there's another grunt.))

DX followed the group along. The eventually reached a field with an amazing view, only to be interupted by...Team Rapture. Three grunts and their leader attacked.

Eevee bounded forward in front of one of the grunts, ready for battle.

"Will do, Charlie. Let's move."

The grunt tossed a Pokeball into the air, revealing a Ghastly. The ghost type floated around Eevee.

"Eevee, don't get phased! Use Shadow Ball!"

Eevee faced the ghastly and unleashed a ball of dark energy on it.

"Ghastly, double team!"

The ghastly split into five pokemon. Eevee's previous attack destroyed one, leaving four left.

"Uh oh..."

The ghastly stood there, not moving even slightly. DX knew that the clones couldn't move, but the real thing wasn't moving either. He needed a way to take them out at once. He suddenly had an idea.

"Eevee, use shadow ball and run forward as fast as you can!"

Eevee was confused as to what his plan was, but did so. She eventually was mere yards away from the Ghastly, and directly below the shadow ball.

"Iron tail it!"

Eevee struck the ball of energy, spliting it into tiny bits of energy. They couldn't deal damage, but they were enough to take out the copies.

"Shadow ball!"

Eevee struck the remaining pokemon with shadow ball, ending the battle.

Mon Oct 13, 2008 6:28 pm
Ace Trainer
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{platinum tutor. ftw! oops i took two. but i zuby fails so it's all good neh?}

"Zuby, go for a poison fang!" shouted Aethan
Zubat homed in on the poochyena and dove.
"Poochyena! Howl!"
The Poochyena roared and Zubat was knocked off course.
"Drat, Zuby, double team, and then heat wave!"
Zubat flew around poochyena very quickly, until it appeaered there were multiple copies. Poochyena growled and leapt at them, missing Zubat.
"Now, Zuby!"
Zubat stopped, wings glowing red, and launched another heatwave.
Poochyena dodged it and cam back with a bite, clutching at Zubat.
"Zuby, now that you're in close quarters, poison fang!"
Zubat attacked, and poochyena fell back, weak and badly poisoned.

"Poochyena, come back!" ordered the grunt. "I won't forget what you did, no i won't!" he shouted and ran away.

Zubat fluttered triumphantly into air and then collapsed.

"Oh no, Zubat's hurt. we need to do something!" called Aethan to the others.

{absol} {gardevoir} {salamence} {crobat} {skitty} {glaceon}
yay skitty!
olim est virgo Troiana
quae incensus cogitat grama esse bonus.
incendit per noctam,
et sic excitavit;
invenit veru magnum ano.

Mon Oct 13, 2008 7:41 pm
Pokemon Ranger
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DX glanced over and noticed that Aethan's zubat had been injured. He ran over.

"Let's see..." He said as he looked at it.

"That bite attack was pretty bad...I should be able to handle it."

He proceeded to take out bandages and begin work. Within a few minutes, he had stopped all the bleeding.

"We'll have to get him to a Pokemon Center before he can come out again."

DX turned to face the remaining grunts.

Tue Oct 14, 2008 3:47 am
Pokemon Ranger
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DX glanced over and noticed that Aethan's zubat had been injured. He ran over.

"Let's see..." He said as he looked at it.

"That bite attack was pretty bad...I should be able to handle it."

He proceeded to take out bandages and begin work. Within a few minutes, he had stopped all the bleeding.

"We'll have to get him to a Pokemon Center before he can come out again."

DX turned to face the remaining grunts.

Tue Oct 14, 2008 3:47 am
Ace Trainer
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I had something but the internet farted and deleted it... sorry no post at the moment.

{absol} {gardevoir} {salamence} {crobat} {skitty} {glaceon}
yay skitty!
olim est virgo Troiana
quae incensus cogitat grama esse bonus.
incendit per noctam,
et sic excitavit;
invenit veru magnum ano.

Tue Oct 14, 2008 4:49 am
Ace Trainer
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"Thanks, DX. I guess this is where having more than one pokemon comes in handy huh? Zuby, how are you feeling?" Aethan asked.

Zubat chittered happily and sort of flopped around on the ground in a pathetic attempt to fly.

"Oh well. Come on, up you get."
Aethan picked up Zubat in his arms.

"So... what now?"

{absol} {gardevoir} {salamence} {crobat} {skitty} {glaceon}
yay skitty!
olim est virgo Troiana
quae incensus cogitat grama esse bonus.
incendit per noctam,
et sic excitavit;
invenit veru magnum ano.

Tue Oct 14, 2008 4:52 am
Pokemon Ranger
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"It's you." Emily said, smiling. "Lets settle this. Blaze, destroy the getaway veichle. Birdeye, guard the bridge." She said. Suddenly, Blaze burst the tyres and torched the van Isaac had been driving. Birdeye swooped over to the bridge.
"Blaze, back here." Emily said. "Isaac, Charlie, ready yourselves."

Tue Oct 14, 2008 10:30 am
Fails at life
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"Teddiursa you are in." Teddiursa jumped into battle.




Tue Oct 14, 2008 10:37 am
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((XD thanks for letting me defend it...))

Isaac glanced over at the truck and shrugged. "So what, you still only have the same tricks as before!" He tossed two pokeballs out revealing Spearow and Ekans. "Let's see how well you fair now...Ekans, Sludge Bomb!" It pelted Blaze with a large ball of sludge from its mouth, knocking it to the ground. "Spearow, go take out that Hoothoot!" "Spear!" It soared fast through the air, diving straight for the tiny owl.

ImageImage[/url] Let's be friends?

Tue Oct 14, 2008 1:21 pm
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Hoothoot isn't fighting, y'know.

Birdeye flew up and dodged it, while Blaze regained it's ground. It was rather hurt, but still standing. "Blaze! Flamethrower into ekans' mouth!" Emily shouted. A breath of flame darted towards ekans' open mouth.

Tue Oct 14, 2008 1:25 pm
Fails at life
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"Teddiursa Metronome!" *Waving Hands* Teddy Lauched a massive Ice Beam. That knocked the Spearow of course."
"Now Teddiursa Shadow Claw The Ekans!"




Tue Oct 14, 2008 1:46 pm
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Aethan was cheering the battle on.
"Yea! give that spearow what he deserves!"

Suddenly the bushes nearby rustled and a small cubone rolled out and rushed toward the fray, waving his bone club.

"Hey! Get back here! you're gonna get hurt!!! Zuby, I'm sorry, but you're gonna have to go back into your Pokeball. Hey! Cubone! get back here!"
Zubat returned to the pokeball with a flash of light, and Aethan ran after the Cubone. Teddiursa had just launched a shadow claw and the small Cubone was heading straight into it.
Aethan threw himself, caught the Cubone in his arms and rolled away.
The Cubone struggled, trying to escape and join the battle.

"Calm down, lil guy, what's up? I know they're bad guys, but without any sense of direction, you're just gonna get injured."
Cubone started crying.
"Oh no... say, where's your family?"
Cubone started crying harder and pointed at the van.
"What?!?!?! They didn't! Here, I'll help tell you what to do, so you won't get hurt, ok?"
Cubone stopped crying and nodded, readjusted his helmet and got ready for battle.

"Hey, Team Watsurname! I think this little Pokemon has some issues with your way of life! And he's pretty angry!" Aethan shouted.

{absol} {gardevoir} {salamence} {crobat} {skitty} {glaceon}
yay skitty!
olim est virgo Troiana
quae incensus cogitat grama esse bonus.
incendit per noctam,
et sic excitavit;
invenit veru magnum ano.

Tue Oct 14, 2008 3:26 pm
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