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This is for UU. Don't rate it unless you actually know stuff about the UU metagame. Seriously.

{girafarig} @ Leftovers
Modest - 252 HP, 32 Def, 160 SA, 64 Spd
Inner Focus
- Grass Knot
- Magic Coat
- Psychic
- Wish

Anti-Lead and Supporter. Inner Focus blocks the Fake Out leads (Persian, Hitmontop, etc.), Magic Coat blocks status leads (Venusaur, Frosslass, etc.), and Wish helps scout and support the team members who can't heal themselves on their own.

{swellow} @ Flame Orb
Jolly - 252 Atk, 252 Spd, 6 SD
- Brave Bird
- Facade
- Quick Attack
- U-Turn

Physical Sweeper. Flame Orb protects against unwanted statuses (read: freeze, sleep, and paralysis), and activates Guts and Facade, which benefits from Guts, STAB, and the status affliction boost to go from a measly 70 power to an awesome 315 power. Very nice. Brave Bird is for ghosts, Quick Attack is to pick off stuff that's weakened, and U-Turn is to get away from the walls (mainly the rock/steels)

{gastrodon-east} @ Leftovers
Relaxed - 212 HP, 252 Def, 44 SA
Sticky Hold
- Earthquake
- Ice Beam
- Recover
- Surf

UU Swampert with the benefit of Recover. Need I say more?

{absol} @ Scope Lens
Adamant - 252 Atk, 252 Spd, 6 Def
Super Luck
- Psycho Cut
- Sucker Punch
- Superpower
- Swords Dance

Physical Sweeper. Come in on something that would get scared off, Swords Dance up, and proceed to hurt something badly. Superpower is to deal with steels, while Psycho Cut takes care of fighters.

{jynx} @ Leftovers
Timid - 252 SA, 252 Spd, 6 SD
- Calm Mind
- Ice Beam
- Lovely Kiss
- Substitute

Special Sweeper. Use Kiss to start off, then Sub and Calm Mind up. Once a decent number of Calm Minds has been reached, sweep with Ice Beam. Makes a great finisher.

{vileplume} @ Black Sludge
Calm - 244 HP, 136 Def, 128 SD
- Leech Seed
- Sludge Bomb
- Stun Spore
- Substitute

SubSeeder. The process is simple - Stun, Sub, Seed, Stall. Sludge Bomb gets a (usually) SE STAB hit on the grasses who are immune to Leech Seed.


Sat Jan 03, 2009 5:07 pm
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Valentine wrote:
I'm using Smogon movesets for all of them, and while I'm open to critique on each individual pokemon, I would rather get a rater's opinion on the team as a whole. Would it work well together, or no?

Gyarados looks like a nuissance if it gets a dragon dance in. Smogon suggested using a Dugtrio alongside Jynx, and it could replace Porygon-Z if you decide to use it. That way you have another physical sweeper. The team looks alright though (a little on the frail side, but alright).

Image AIM: Fausch 3173 Courtesy of Afonso! ^_^ Time Zone: UTC -4 (EDT) Record: W:66 L:24 Vs. Will: W:18 L:2 I'm always up for a battle! Sorry guys, I've been busy lately.

Sun Jan 04, 2009 6:55 pm
Bug Catcher
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hello, this is my first time using forums..

this is my doubles battle tower team, with whom i hope to get 100 victories..
im open to move, nature, item, and even pokemon replacement suggestions!

Latias@expert belt(how much does this inc power?)

serious:clear body



like guitar hero? me too.

Mon Jan 05, 2009 6:01 pm
Dragon Tamer
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Please rate my first functional team


Sand Stream
252 hp / 16 atk / 152 def / 88 spdef
Stealth Rock
Ice Fang
Slack Off

Poison Heal
Toxic Orb
44 hp / 252 atk / 212 spd
Focus Punch
Leech Seed

Choice Scarf
80 hp / 252 atk/ 176 spd
Dragon Claw
Fire Blast

Keen Eye
252 hp / 96 atk / 152 def / 8 spd
Brave Bird

Clear Body
Expert Belt
252 hp / 124 atk / 132 spd
Hidden Power – Fire
Meteor Mash
Grass Knot

Senere Grace
240 hp / 56 atk / 76 def / 136 spd
Zen Headbutt

Mon Jan 05, 2009 11:37 pm
Bug Catcher
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Please rate my team: 1 being worst 10 being best. also suggestions on moves are appreciated. thanks


confuse ray

seismic toss/stealth rock

drillpeck/roost/hpice <- u decide :)
heat wave ftw

{machamp} with no guard
stone edge

shadowsneak/ shadow punch <- u decide :)
confuse ray

Wed Jan 07, 2009 4:40 pm
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CamelTower wrote:
hello, this is my first time using forums..

this is my doubles battle tower team, with whom i hope to get 100 victories..
im open to move, nature, item, and even pokemon replacement suggestions!

If this is just for the in-game battle tower, then EVs, IVs, and natures aren't as big of an issue, but EV training and IV breeding makes the battle tower a heck of a lot easier.

Latias@expert belt(how much does this inc power?)

Timid is the best nature for either of the Lati twins, but Mild works. I would suggest Dragon Pulse over Psychic, because although both are good STAB options for Latias, Dragon Pulse is resisted only by steels, and it hits everything else for neutral damage (hits dragons super-effectively). You could use Calm Mind over Ice Beam if you want. Makes it more powerful. Replace Expert Belt with Soul Dew. Expert Belt only boosts damage by 1.2 (20%), and that's only if you do super-effective hits. Soul Dew boosts either Latios's or Latias's [u]SpA AND SpD stat by 1.5 (50%). If you don't have it, then Life Orb works just as well, since you have recover. Use Latios if you have him over Latias, because Latios has a higher base SpA stat, while Latias has a higher base SpD stat. Either one is fine though.

serious:clear body

Get rid of Sludge Bomb and Psychic. Give it Agility and Thunderpunch/Explosion. Use Agility first so that it's faster than everything, then hammer away with Earthquake (it's a good thing Latias levitates). Explosion is good if you pair it up with Gengar or another ghost type, so you can take out 2 pokemon instantly. Get an adamant one, or one that boosts attack. Adamant is preferred though. Serious boosts nothing.


Rash is a decent nature, although it could be better if it had been modest, or better yet, timid. Get rid of Thunder and Shockwave for Hidden Power Ice/Grass. Give it Calm Mind and Substitute. It's difficult to get the right hidden power for it though, which makes it somewhat bad in the battle tower, since it doesn't know a good variety of moves.

I would suggest breeding for an Elekid that knows the egg moves Cross Chop and Ice Punch. Teach it Thunderpunch and Earthquake, and give it an Expert Belt, and you'll have yourself a powerful fighter. Those 4 moves hits 13 out of the 17 types in the game for super-effective damage. Get an adamant one, or at least one that boosts attack (except for ones that drops speed, since Electivire needs all the speed he can get).


You can try Sunny Day, Solarbeam, Fireblast/Flamethrower (pick one), and roost/Morning Sun. Modest nature is preferred, but Mild works too, since it boosts the important stat. Heatrock or Life Orb are good items to give it. Charcoal, like magnet, only boosts 1.1 (10%). If you don't want to rely on Sunny Day, then you can use U-Turn/Will-o-Wisp/Hidden Power Fighting/Ice. Moltres, like Raikou, is lacking in options.

That's all I have time for today. :? I'll edit if I get a chance to rate other's teams.

Image AIM: Fausch 3173 Courtesy of Afonso! ^_^ Time Zone: UTC -4 (EDT) Record: W:66 L:24 Vs. Will: W:18 L:2 I'm always up for a battle! Sorry guys, I've been busy lately.

Sat Jan 10, 2009 4:09 pm
Dragon Tamer
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I also have a team for the battle tower (double battle) that I would like rated.

Flower Gift
Heat Rock
Flower Gift
252 Sp Atk/ 252 Sp Def/ 6 HP
Grass Whistle/Synthesis
Solar Beam
Sunny Day
Worry Seed

Life Orb
252 Sp Atk/ 252 Spe/ 6 HP
Solar Beam
Dragon Pulse
Heat Wave
Sunny Day

252 Spe/ 188 Def/ 68 Sp Def
Leech Seed
Sleep Powder
Worry Seed

IDK, whatever nature the one I have is
Slow Start
Super Belt
252 HP/ 252 Atk/ 6 Spe
Ice Punch
Thunder Punch

Thank you

Fri Jan 16, 2009 7:11 pm
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I've waited a whole month for a rate. Please rate my last team. Thanks in advance.

I have absolutely no time on my hands, so if you're sending me a PM for whatever reason expect to receive a reply in a few years. Try to use my e-mail if you can.

Sat Jan 17, 2009 3:11 am
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AKART wrote:

I would like to give you this VERY important message before I post this team.


{lickilicky} @ Choice Band
Nature: Adamant
Trait: Own Tempo
EVs: 252 Att, 252 HP, 6 Def
~ Explosion
~ (None)
~ (None)
~ (None)

STAB Explosion with the Choice Band gives off a shot stronger than a Metagross'. The max HP is to give it as much survivabiity as possible, to make up for a horrible Speed.

Go ahead and tack on Return, Earthquake and Aqua Tail/Fire Punch into the next three slots. You never know when you'll need. Three blank slots is guaranteed to be worthless, whereas three "useless" moves has at least a small chance of usage.

{rattata} @ Focus Sash (Lv. 1)
Nature: Jolly
Trait: Guts
EVs: 252 Att, 252 Spd, 6 HP
~ Endeavor
~ Quick Attack
~ (None)
~ (None)

Not much to say about this one. Although F.E.A.R. is unreliable, I am using it to mainly scare off a lot of the predators of competitive play. As long as those Dusknoirs stay away, this should work pretty well, especially for those newbs/n00bs that think they know everything.

I have one of these, except it's Adamant, and I didn't EV train it. Give it Pursuit for some potential mindgaming; if your opponent knows what F.E.A.R. is then they might switch out (predicting a Quick Attack) after you've endeavored them. (then again you could always just use endeavor on the switch, unless they switch to a ghost). Give it Super Fang just so you could have it; lol, you never know when you'll run out of Endeavor PP's, or maybe some noob will use spite/pp-draining move on you. Unfortunately, you're going to have to rebreed (and consequently re-EV-train) if you want to have those moves and keep it at level 1.

{claydol} @ Full Incense
Nature: Impish
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP, 129 Def, 129 Sp. Def
~ Rapid Spin
~ Stealth Rock
~ Trick
~ Earthquake

In some ways, this is the most important member of my `rubbish` team. Rapid Spin is required to remove any Stealth Rock from the field. As most Stealth Rockers are suicide leads (e.g. Aerodactyl, Azelf), Claydol could come in later to remove the rocks. Claydol should be expecting some sort of sweeper to come in, so Trick with Full Incense is a good crippler of Infernape. Claydol can also set up Stealth Rocks of his own.

No changes. You can give it a Scarf/Band/Specs so that your opponent will be locked in. Certain sweepers (esp. stat-uppers) and support Pokemon will be ruined.

{dunsparce} @ Choice Scarf
Nature: Jolly
Trait: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 Spd, 252 HP, 6 Att
~ Ice Beam
~ Bite
~ Astonish
~ Headbutt

At first glance, you would have thought I got the moves from, but in fact, this is the best I could make from a flinchhaxxer. Bite, Astonish and Headbutt all have a 60% chance of flinch, and Ice Beam is the key part of my strategy. 20% chance of freeze is enough to beat Blissey to the punch, and Choice Scarf with a Jolly Nature guarantees the outspeeding of Timid Lucario/Porygon-Z with the Life Orb. With a little bit of luck, faster sweepers will be finding themselves holding a Full Incense from Claydol. The point is to freeze the opponent, and switch to:

Get rid of Astonish for Rock Slide. More power, better coverage, same effect. It's a little less accurate, but hey, sacrifices must be made. Besides, you already have two other moves with the same effect. You can capitalize on Serene Grace by giving it Body Slam/Thunder Wave or other moves with different effects. Looks alright for the purpose that it'll be serving. These are suggestions and ideas (the rockslide is, IMO, mandatory).

{ambipom} @ Focus Sash
Nature: Jolly
Trait: Technician
EVs: 252 Spd, 252 Att, 6 HP
~ Agility
~ Swords Dance
~ Baton Pass
~ Return

Dunsparce freezes, and out comes Ambipom. Ambipom can set up with one Agility, and then Swords Dance up as much as possible. If some higher threat arrives, it's all down to Return, and if I feel it's time I baton-pass to the star of my team:

I can see having it survive for two turns being somewhat troublesome. If the enemy was asleep/paralyzed/confused (Dunsparce w/ yawn?), then it'd ease setting up.

{cranidos} @ Focus Sash
Nature: Jolly
Trait: Mold Breaker
EVs: 252 Att, 252 Spd, 6 HP
~ Rock Slide
~ Earthquake
~ Fire Punch
~ Head Smash

Bang. A Cranidos with a baton-passed Agility and Swords Dance. Not nice to end up fighting. Rock Slide and Earthquake are my main ones here, and Focus Sash protects Cranidos during the baton-pass in. Mold Breaker says good-bye to Weezing and his other levitating friends.

Unless you're trying to make a point with Cranidos, I'd go with Rampardos. Head Smash would be useless, especially since it hinders Focus Sash. Headbutt/Zen Headbutt/Stomp are pretty decent alternatives. Endeavor is too.

Remember, I am not going competitive with this too much, just that I am proving a point. Thanks in advance.

It's kinda weird trying to rate this team. The question going through my head when I looked at your team is, "By what standard should I rate this?" I mean, will you only be using this against noobs? I know you'll be fighting some, but if you'll use this team exclusively against terrible players (which most likely means they don't EV train), then I can't really talk about such weaknesses, like say, your weakness to Lucario (either one of its abilities will cripple you, unless you manage to freeze it). Your team has a major weakness to fighting type moves, and Tyranitar will ruin focus sash, which is half of your team. Unless proven otherwise, I don't think this team will stack up to opposing teams. You're welcome to try though, and you never know, you might net that one win. Overall, looks like it'll serve your purpose. Beware trying to go up against a regular team of EVed pokemon.

Image AIM: Fausch 3173 Courtesy of Afonso! ^_^ Time Zone: UTC -4 (EDT) Record: W:66 L:24 Vs. Will: W:18 L:2 I'm always up for a battle! Sorry guys, I've been busy lately.

Sat Jan 17, 2009 9:28 pm
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Hi, this team I think got lost in the whole, many RMTs, no raters thing during last summerish. I am going to just repost.

Forget that last team I posted. This is the one I want to focus on now.

Gengar @Life Orb
252 SpA / 6 HP/ 252 Spe
Shadow Ball
Focus Blast

Obviously a standard Gengar, my special sweeper. I currently have a Wide Lens on it for Focus Blast, but Life Orb hopefully would give that extra bit of power to OHKO what I need it to. I got it leading because it really can't take any hits.

Crobat @Leftovers
252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Spe
Aerial Ace
Mean Look

I am going with the Trapper set for this Crobat. Hopefully his speed is able to keep them from switching and keeps them asleep when he U-turns to the pokemon that is best suited for beating the trapped pokemon.

Dugtrio @ Life Orb
252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Aerial Ace
Rock Slide
Night Slash

Got him to put some ease on Crobat's mean look with his ability. I chose the Life Orb rather than the choice route for the use of different moves. I picked Rock Slide over Stone Edge for the fliching aspect.

Weavile @Choice Band
40 HP / 252 Atk / 216 Spe
Ice Shard
Brick Break
Night Slash

Goin for the physical sweeper with this one. Choice band because with all the switching that could be happening in this team, the downside to the item won't be much of problem.

Weezing @Leftovers
252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe
Sludge Bomb
Pain Splint

This is my defense sponge. Will-o-wisp with give some DoT that could be helpful. Haze will help with statuses.

Snorlax @Leftovers
244 HP / 28 Def / 236 SpD
Sleep Talk
Bod Slam

More of my special wall. As good as Blissey is, I just can't bring myself to use it. Its just personal preference. To me it is boring using only the best. I could be sounding like a hypocrite considering the rest of my team, but I just see Blissey on most teams I have looked at and I don't want to use it.

Gengar and Crobat are two personal favorites of mine, so I am really not to keen on replacing either of them, but suggestions on making them work better are welcome. I don't want to use any of the legendaries in my teams. Personal preference. And I have already spoken my thoughts on Blissey. I know that three are poison and poison tends to be weak, but the speed of mine, other than my defensive ones hopefully will make up for some of the weaknesses that are in the team. I hope this gets me a little more cred, I really put some thought into this.


Sun Jan 18, 2009 12:13 pm
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[quote="CamelTower"]hello, this is my first time using forums..

this is my doubles battle tower team, with whom i hope to get 100 victories..
im open to move, nature, item, and even pokemon replacement suggestions!

no offence but if u don EV train u cant even beat 50 trainers in the batle tower n try 2 have different type of moves n have 1 or 2 defensive pkm in ur team n also try 2 use only physical moves or special moves 4 ur sweepers so that u can have higher EV 4 atk or sp.atk........that's all but if i wrote anything that make u sad or anything sry...

Wed Jan 21, 2009 6:43 am
Dragon Tamer
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Can somebody rate my either of my teams?

If you want an electric, try zapdos or even better, rotom. That way you can use earthquake while its on the field, and with rotom, explosion too

Sat Jan 24, 2009 8:38 am
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Hello rate requesters, I am sorry for my recent lack of rates, school work has been building up to my exams. I ask you to be patient, and stop asking for your team to be rated, they all will be in time. Below is a list for rates, mostly for my convienence, please PM if I missed you out.

Eevee Queen of Night
Max_LKC Not needed now
Valentine] Has left
Wilesthegreat (singles)
Wilesthegreat (Battle Tower)

I will try to do these in the next week, with Volke's help. If not, I may ask one of the mods to add a new rater, to help clear this backlog.

Friend Code:4553 8643 1605
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And Umberia from Afonso. Click my sig if you want one like it

Last edited by conman2k8 on Sun Feb 08, 2009 7:24 am, edited 2 times in total.

Sat Jan 24, 2009 2:10 pm
Dragon Tamer
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I only need the sandstorm singles and battle tower (sunny day) doubles teams done, the rain dance team was scraped.
The singles team held up good in shoddy, but I have much to test doubles teams on.

Sat Jan 24, 2009 10:30 pm
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Hey, I'm building a team and I want to use a Seviper in it.

What do you think is a better set, or do you have any other suggestions:
{seviper} @ Life Orb
Modest (+Sp Atk/- Atk)
256 Sp Atk/256 Spd/4 Hp
-Sludge Bomb
-Giga Drain
-Glare (to make up for not-so-good speed and for para-hax)

{seviper} @ Choice Scarf
Hasty (+Spd/-Def)
256 Spd/128 Atk/ 128 Sp Atk/4 Hp
-Sludge Bomb

Please help me with this.


Tue Jan 27, 2009 10:13 am
Bug Catcher
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Ok this a single wifi battle team please rate team.

Swampert @ leftovers
Quiet - Torrent
HP - 252 D - 216 SpA - 52
~ Stealth Rock
~ EQ
~ Surf
~ Ice Beam

Skarmory @ Lum Berry
Impish - Keen Eye
HP - 252 D - 156 A - 96 Speed - 4
~ Drill Peck
~ Toxic
~ Spikes
~ Roost

Ludicolo @ Leftovers
Calm - Swift Swim
HP - 204 SpD - 124 Speed - 104 SpA - 76
~ Rain Dance
~ Leech Seed
~ Ice Beam
~ Grass Knot

Kingdra @ Leftovers
Modest - Swift Swim
SpA - 252 Speed - 164 HP - 92
~ Rain Dance
~ Yawn
~ Surf
~ Dragon Pulse

Alakazam @ Focus Sash
Timid - Synchronize
SpA - 252 Speed - 252 HP - 4
~ Psychic
~ Shadow Ball
~ Focus Blast
~ Charge Beam

Lucario @ Life Orb
Adamant - Steadfast
A - 252 Speed - 252 HP - 4
~ Swords Dance
~ Close Combat
~ Crunch
~ Extreme Speed

Thanks for all the help

Fri Jan 30, 2009 2:30 pm
Bug Catcher
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Azelf @ Focus Sash | Levitate
Naive | 4 HP | 252 SA | 252 Spd
Stealth Rock | Psychic | Taunt | Explosion

Empoleon @ Leftovers | Torrent
Calm | 252 HP | 252 SD | 4 SA
Surf | Ice Beam | Stealth Rock | Roar

Skarmory @ Leftovers/Shed Skin | Sturdy
Impish | 252 HP | 64 Att | 176 Def | 16 Spd
Drill Peck | Spikes | Whirlwind | Roost

Tyranitar @ Leftovers | Sand Stream
Adamant | 4 HP | 252 Att | 252 Spd
Crunch | Stone Edge | Earthquake | Dragon Dance

Garchomp @ Life Orb | Sand Veil
Jolly | 4 HP | 252 Att | 252 Spd
Earthquake | Dragon Claw | Substitute (Stone Edge?) | Swords Dance

I want to work out some obvious kinks in this team before I spend a ton of time making it. First of all, you probably noticed that I have three Pokemon with entrance hazards, two of which with phazing moves, but no Rapid Spinner. I also have no special sweeper.
-Which entry hazard should I ditch? I'm thinking either Empoleon's or Azelf's, but I don't know what I'd replace it with. I'm willing to replace Empoleon entirely for a good Rapid Spinner/Special Sponge (Tentacruel?) if that's necessary. Also considering Vaporeon for Wish/Sub/BP support.
-I need an idea for a Special Sweeper. I'd prefer something with Flamethrower/Fire Blast to take out opposing Skarmorys, since it looks like Skarmory walls me pretty badly. I'd also need something to make up for the coverage I lose if I ditch Empoleon. One option is Nasty Plot Azelf with something like Nasty Plot, Psychic, Flamethrower, and Thunderbolt, but then I need a new lead.

Note: I realize Garchomp is uber. I'll probably use something else in his place eventually. The only reason I have him in there is because I want to give him a try and I'll often be battling people I know personally, who won't care that much. I also used a non-EV trained, crap nature one before the E4 and thought it was pretty good, even with Slash, Crunch, and Dig.

{azelf} {empoleon} {skarmory} {tyranitar} {garchomp}
Currently: breeding!

Sun Feb 01, 2009 9:07 pm
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Sorry I haven't rated, broke my foot, so I haven't had a chance to rate. I promise they will be done soon.

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And Umberia from Afonso. Click my sig if you want one like it

Tue Feb 03, 2009 5:32 am
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I'm having a major prob choosing a tanker..............none of my frez has DS so i cant hav dusknoir n i don hav wi-fi either n my internet connection 2 slow cuz my mom don 1 2 change 2 wireless cuz she said it effect my studies n there's no way i'm getting it this year cuz i got way low marks during last year test......n i desperately need a electric type atk so i decided 2 choose some other tanker but i cant seem 2 choose between them can any1 help me pick???

Probopass@leftovers nature:relaxed ability:Sturdy
Lock on
Zap cannon
Earth power
Stealth rock

it already has high defences so i don think it needs much more of it but spatk on the other hand needs a lot of work i don think i need to worry about pp that much since that i gave ppmax 2 zap cannon n ppup 2 earth pwr since that i cant find anymore ppmax the thing is having fighting n ground type attacks x4??? that is the thing that worries me n i hav a lucario that has the same weakness 2.......n i wan a physical tanker since that i hav milotic as a special 1

Aggron@leftovers nature:sassy ability:Sturdy
EV: 252SPDEF 200HP 58ATK
Ice punch/ avalanche
thunder punch
metal brust
aerial ace/ stealth rock/ double team/ iron def

same thing wif probopass has 2 much 4x weaknesses but this 1 better cuz has metal brust n other super efective attacks 2 counter it but i cant learn drain punch so it aint good 4 it n it's Spdef aint sky high so it might be a prob

Bastiodon@leftovers nature:relaxed ability:Sturdy
EV: 200HP 200ATK 110SPATk
Metal Brust
Gyro ball

i don like this 1 much it's Def is good but hav the same prob as the 2 others above(man all good tankers has 4x weaknesses>.<) n above all low atk stats aint good even 4 a tanker if it cant offence it cant wipe up strong pkm either thunder is 4 water pkm n paralysing but wif his low became my least favorite choise

Bronzong@lefovers nature: relaxed ability: levititate
Gyro ball
charge beam

i lyk this 1 the best but the only thing is lyk i said i NEED an electric type atk but bronzong spatk aint high i can only rely onluck 4 it 2 increase my spatk stat although it has less weaknesses its stats r lower than the 1st 2

still that's all the pkm i can think of now hope that u all can help me pick a pkm or any other pkm that isnt list here that has reasonable stats n thx
ps: i don lyk using legendary pkm cuz i think its kindda cheating using a pkm wif way higher stats than normal pkm so pls don suggest me 2 use legendary pkm

Wed Feb 04, 2009 8:08 pm
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Eevee Queen of Night wrote:
Ok, kind of winging it here. This is a "Seven Deadly Sins Eeveelution Team" and it's meant to have seven Pokemon for competitive battling where I can change the team around to suit my need. I don't have Diamond yet, so the Pokemon all mentioned here are on my Emerald. Also, I can breed for better natures if needed. This is just the current group I have on Emerald. The nicknames are included because I want the Eeveelutions to stay the same as the ones I picked.

Wrath - Flareon @Fire Plate? Flash Fire
Quirky, No EVs yet because I don't know what's good.


Fire Fang
Iron Tail
Good choice on the Physical attacks, but not such a good nature. Why not use Adamant to boost that Attack stat, and use Choice Band to again put the Attack up. If you decide to use the Choice set, Return and Superpower over Attract and Iron Tail (It may hit hard, but its poor accuracy is a let down). EVs should be: 76HP, 252 ATK, 180 SPD

Sloth - Vaporeon @Splash Plate? Water Absorb
Careful, No EVs yet because I don't know what's good.


Aqua Ring
Baton Pass
Ice Beam

Nice idea, trying to pass healing to another Pokémon. However, if that is what you want, use a Bold nature (to take more hits) and change Aqua Ring to Wish (Better healing). The item is Leftovers (keep Vappy around longer) and EV spread like: 188 HP, 252 Def, 68 SP Atk

Envy - Umbreon @Leftovers, Synchronize
Gentle, No EVs yet because I don't know what's good.


Mean Look
Confuse Ray
Shadow Ball

Hmm, little bit confused with this one. I assume you intend on trapping the foe, then watching as it falls to Toxic. However, I fail to see the need for Confuse Ray, to which I suggest Baton Pass, and Shadow Ball to Payback (then he gets STAB). That way you can switch to a counter, or set up a sweeper. EVs: 252 HP, 92 SP Def, 164 SPD and a careful nature.

Lust - Espeon @Lum Berry, Synchronize
Careful, No EVs yet because I don't know what's good.


Future Sight
Calm Mind

To make this a nice Special Attacker, use a Timid nature and try and get Hidden Power Fighting for Return. Future Sight I reccomend changing to Signal Beam or Baton Pass, the first to hit Psycics hard, the second to avoid Pursuit. EVs: 6 HP, 252 SP ATK, 252 SPD

Pride - Jolteon @Spark Plate? Volt Absorb
Mild, No EVs yet because I don't know what's good.


Thunder Fang
Baton Pass
Double Team

I assume you don't play by Evasion Clause then, because Double Team is banned from almost every battle. Even though it can make a great difference, try Substitute over it, to make the most of the fastest SubPasses in the game. Thunderbolt over Thunder Fang, to make the most of a decent SP ATK. Agility isn't needed on this team as such, so try Hidden Power Ice, on a Timid Jolteon. Lefties again here. EVs 6 HP, 252 SP ATK, 252 SPD.

Gluttony - Leafeon @Grass Plate? Leaf Guard
Brave, No EVs yet because I don't know what's good.


Magical Leaf
Last Resort
Sunny Day

Nice try at a Sweeper set, but Leafeons poor SP ATK makes Solarbeam pointless. I think if you want a Sweeper, it would have to be purely Physical. A Jolly natured one with the moves Leaf Blade, Return and Sword Dance offers the best coverage, with Quick Attack (finish off quicker foes), X-scissor (OHKO opposing Grass Types) and Synthesis(recover from Life Orb damage) as options for the last slot. As mentioned, Life Orb to boost the damage dealt. EVs: 252 ATK, 4 Def, 252 SPD

Greed - Glaceon @Ice Plate? Snow Cloak
Impish, No EVs yet because I don't know what's good.


Ice Fang
Mirror Coat
Ice Shard

Glaceon has a better SP Atk stat, so Ice Beam for Ice FAng to make the most of it, with Hidden Power Fighting for Mirror Coat. Now that Glaceon covers every Pokémon with at least neatral damge, throw in Wish for support, over Bite. Ice Shard is a tricky one, the benafit of a priority move might be a good idea, but you may want to try Fake Tears. A Modest nature to make the most of that SP atk, and EVs of: 208 HP, 252 ATK, 48 SPD.

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Fri Feb 06, 2009 4:30 am
Bug Catcher
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Hey. :D so, this can be rated...whenever, i know things sometimes stagnate here...anyways, i mainly want help with my normals, and then any additional advice for the fires and waters.

Blaziken~Adamant-scope lens
sky uppercut
shadow claw
blaze kick

Ludicolo~calm-shell bell
ice beam
mega drain
nature power

Lanturn~calm-lustrous orb
thunder wave

Zangoose~jolly-razor claw
swords dance
close combat

Ursaring~adamant-silk scarf
hammer arm
faint attack

sludge bomb

Just an idea...would it be better to have a special zangoose instead of phys.?
*i'd love to have this team primed to beat down my boyfriend's team on valentines day <3*

Ask me nicely, or you're not getting your pants back.

Mon Feb 09, 2009 5:02 pm
Dragon Tamer
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Right. So...

I've decided to start working on the Battle Tower now, so I'm just giving this team I've thought up.

{bronzong} @ Occa Berry
Nature: Careful
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP 129 Def 129 Sp Def
~ Stealth Rock
~ Hypnosis
~ Gyro Ball
~ Earthquake

(Yeah, I suck at Bronzong movesets) SR is the main function of the guy. He makes sure that Focus Sash doesn't end up screwing my Salamence, and can put the opponent to sleep and switch straight to Salamence. Alternatively, and most of the time, I set up SR, Hypnosis the opponent and switch to:

{jumpluff} @ Heat Rock
Nature: Jolly
Trait: Chlorophyll
EVs: 252 Spd 252 HP 6 Att
~ Sunny Day
~ Leech Seed
~ Sleep Powder
~ U-Turn

In a world where no one switches, Jumpluff is incredibly useful. After Sunny Day, Jumpluff can blaze ahead of Ninjask with well over 300 speed, and perhaps Leech Seed the opponent. By now, if the opponent has woken up, I put them to sleep again, hit them in the face and run:

{salamence} @ Focus Sash
Nature: Adamant
Trait: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Att 252 Spd 6 HP
~ Dragon Dance
~ Dragon Claw
~ Earthquake
~ Fire Fang (powered up by Sunny Day. I don't need Fire Blast, hah!)

Don't make me change the nature, because this Salamence has been in my possesion since Emerald, and I happened to migrate it a few weeks before my Emerald broke. Phew. Anyway, Dragon Dance up until the opponent wakes up and knocks some damage into me, weakened by Intimidate. I then knock some damage into them, which will probably knock them out. They then send out another Pokémon that I knock out. In the unlucky event that a Weavile arrives, I let the Weavile kill me, and then I own them all with my Bronzong.

I originally thought of using a Dugtrio as a main Stealth Rocker, until I realized my hilarious weakness to Weavile. Any other weaknesses, feel free to change the Pokémon in my team except for Salamence, as long as I keep the ability to Dragon Dance several times before the opponent comes out of its little nap.

Thanks in advance.

I have absolutely no time on my hands, so if you're sending me a PM for whatever reason expect to receive a reply in a few years. Try to use my e-mail if you can.

Wed Feb 11, 2009 11:32 am
Bug Catcher
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Torterra @ Miracle Seed, Overgrow,
Razor Leaf
Rock Smash

Rapidash @ None, Flash Fire,
Fire Blast,

Lucario @ Fist Plate, Inner Focus,
Rock Climb
Dragon Pulse
Aura Sphere

Luxray @ Magnet, Intimidate,
Thunder Fang

Murkrow @ Wise Glasses, Super Luck,
Wing Attack,
Shadow Ball
Faint Attack

Alakazam @ None, Inner Focus,
Hidden Power,
Psycho Cut
Iron Tail

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Sat Feb 14, 2009 8:58 pm
Psychic Trainer
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KiraraDemon wrote:
Murkrow @ Wise Glasses, Super Luck,
Wing Attack,
Shadow Ball
Faint Attack

Alakazam @ None, Inner Focus,
Hidden Power,
Psycho Cut
Iron Tail

Lyk i said b4 ur pkm won do u any gud if u don train EV's n have the right nature but if u aren't planning 2 battle other ppl it's fine..........n alakazam is more of a special sweeper it has low atk stats so psycho cut n iron tail won do any gud n murkrow can evolve into hunchkrow(spelling mabye wrong) in case if u don noe. n i'm not rating just giving advice i got scolded 4 doing the same thing in the hoen region

Sun Feb 15, 2009 5:28 am
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Tue Feb 17, 2009 7:34 pm
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