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Psychic Trainer
Joined: Wed Jan 04, 2006 5:33 pm Posts: 53 Location: Long Island, New york
I am a huge Pokemon fan! I love Pokemon a lot, don't get me wrong-but it feels like something's missing.
When I was on youtube I saw a video for the new Black and White games. I was very excited at first but then I saw the trainer characters. I noticed that the girl was wearing those really (for lack of better words) trampy shorts (no their called underwear). I was offened by that! I know it's a "fashion thing" but, as I see it, it's a franchise for children and it always has been. My friend on youtube and I got some nasty private messages from ignorant people telling us that we were immature or they just cursed at us because they couldn't see our point of view.
How my friend KJ and I see why the trainer girl's style is offensive to us (before you read we understand that some girls just dress like that to "fit in" and do not go by the following so don't say we're stereo typing):
1. Girls dress like that to get attention from men (if you what I mean)
2. You only really see teenaged girls or harlots (most appropriate word I can think of) wear those
3. Just because everyone else is wearing that doesn't mean you should wear that
4. Fashion is not the most important thing in life
5. Those "jeans" completely ruin the point of wearing clothes
6. This is a change for the worse
How we see Pokemon:
1. Pokemon is a safe show for children to watch
2. Pokemon is fun and apropriate for all ages (meaning for the WHOLE family)
3. Pokemon has good subimlinal messages
4. Most of the Pokemon characters set a good example for children
5. It's unique (not like most of the garbage on tv at the time)
6. It's easy to understand/comprehend
7. There's no offensive language or subjects in it
8. It offers the card game for older fans
9. It introduces the Japanese tradition to it's fans (got us in to Anime)
Not only that but it feels like it's missing something. Okay well in our opinion it's missing a lot. We are classic lovers (in other words the older the better). We miss Ash's old voice (4 Kids ruins everything!!!), the old hat, were'd Bulbasaur go, the new voices are horrible, the 3D makes it look crappy and where'd the love and the paitence go into making the show?
I feel that these changes are for the worse!
I am still going to wear Ash's hat everyday, get a Houndoom tattoo, carry my Pokewalker with me everyday and tell people that Pokemon is one of my most favorite things but I am boycotting the new games.
I'm glad I go this off of my chest. =3
Fri Aug 13, 2010 1:21 pm |
Joined: Wed Aug 04, 2004 3:29 am Posts: 1581 Location: Purple Ranger
So basically you're "boycotting" these games because the female character's shorts are too short? You have the right to your opinion and everything, but aren't you overreacting just a little? Why not pick the male character instead? We've even seen the characters in different outfits because the games have seasons now, and that might have been only her summer outfit. I doubt anybody in the franchise's target demographic batted an eye at her shorts because they're not interested in sex and probably didn't even notice, and they certainly wouldn't care about any of things you brought up about the ways women dress. And why is the BW girl's outfit so risque or a sign that she's trying to fit in with the fashion of other girls when that hideous beast Misty is wearing a tiny baby tee and jean shorts that are just as short in the anime? Candice lives in a city with yearlong snow and yet it looks like she's wearing a tissue over her girl parts.
I'm also not really sure where your rant about the anime was going, especially claiming that "4Kids ruins everything," when 4Kids hasn't had a hand in the dubbing of Pokemon in over four years. After that it pretty much de-evolved into rant about nostalgia. Ash's hat changing is not a big deal and he can't have the same Pokemon forever because that would be boring. All of the decisions in the show are made knowing that the fanbase is cyclic. They bring in new fans and reboot in time for the next wave. It's not fair to the older diehard fans, but it's the ways things are and people either accepted it or stopped watching long ago.
Fri Aug 13, 2010 1:51 pm |
Lite Four
Joined: Sun May 29, 2005 6:21 pm Posts: 3471
| realize there are only three gym leaders with "super short" shorts, right? Misty, Whitney, and Candice. Most of the female gym leaders are wearing PANTS, including ALL of the Hoenn ones and Maylene. I'm really against censorship and I have to disagree with you because my thoughts are 1) if you're hot, go ahead and wear those kinds of shorts and 2) as long as you're not a FATTY it's totally acceptable to show yourself off. Now, obviously Misty is against my #1 rule, but Whitney and Candice are fine. Pokemon is no exception, quite frankly I don't care if it's a "kids" franchise, the minds of children will not explode if they see Candice bounce up and down wearing a super short skirt in Platinum.
That's just my opinion though, I never saw a problem and personally I never put much thought into it before it was brought up.
Fri Aug 13, 2010 4:44 pm |
Bug Catcher
Joined: Tue Sep 14, 2010 4:11 pm Posts: 1
I agree with Plusle 100%. But I can also see where you two are going. As for me I believe in censorship-fully! I am not buying the new game either. I find the way most girls dress offensive and degrading too. Just because they are skinny does not mean they can show off their thighs! Eww!
Tue Sep 14, 2010 4:21 pm |
Dragon Tamer
Joined: Thu Jul 30, 2009 11:59 am Posts: 113 Location: I cannot disclose this information as it might endanger our units in the feild
yeah we respect your feelings on this but you can't very well lead a sheltered life and that art is promotional only, the avatar in the game will look like all the rest, the top of their head
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Tue Sep 14, 2010 7:02 pm |
Ace Trainer
Joined: Sat Aug 07, 2010 11:59 am Posts: 253
It's pokemon I doubt ten year olds are gonna be like: "Oooh that sprite has sexy thighs" I mean come on people. These games come from japan for gods sake.... their standards are a bit sketchy... (underwear in vending machines anyone?). But that doesn't matter so what if the sprites shorts are short. Once again it's a game designed for 10 yr olds if you don't like the way the shorts look don't buy the game or stop checking out the sprites. (Oh I'm not trying to start a flame war, I'm just incredibly blunt [wham ice punch to the face] ;D)
This has been a public service announcement by D_S
Tue Sep 14, 2010 7:08 pm |
Pokemon Ranger
Joined: Mon Jan 11, 2010 10:51 pm Posts: 617 Location: hiding in my hoenn secret base
DS is right
@ the orginal poster:
you clearly were attracted to her for some fantastical reason and are feeling guilty/ creeped out by yourself. 99.8975 % of people wont see her like that and certainly not the kids. This isnt 1950 any more. Get over it.
I didnt even notice the girls shorts and had to go back and see. Your making a big thing out of Nothing.
please don't start a flame war btw- I am going to be out of town for 5 days so I'm not going to be checking this site.
_________________ Veni Vidi Vici
I post AoE 3 on YouTube. Look up BigThunderMan.
Tue Sep 14, 2010 9:52 pm |
Pokemon Master
Joined: Mon May 03, 2010 5:43 pm Posts: 1312
Plusle wrote: 2. You only really see teenaged girls or harlots (most appropriate word I can think of) wear those The protagonists could very well be teenagers this time around. They're older, remember?? Either way, I can see what you mean; when I got back to the states, I was kinda shocked at how many girls ran around wearing super short shorts (not that i'm complaining, mind you  ), but if it's the fashion, it's the fashion. And I know you wrote your rant before we knew the games were in New York, but that's probably somewhere along the lines of how the Japanese view the typical American girl. *shrug* they're probably not that far off the mark, either, lol.
Wed Sep 15, 2010 4:40 am |
Pokemon Ranger
Joined: Mon Jan 11, 2010 10:51 pm Posts: 617 Location: hiding in my hoenn secret base
rex09 wrote: And I know you wrote your rant before we knew the games were in New York, but that's probably somewhere along the lines of how the Japanese view the typical American girl. *shrug* they're probably not that far off the mark, either, lol. no american girls are not more slutty than japanese girls. Girls are girls where-ever, some will be sluts some will not be.
_________________ Veni Vidi Vici
I post AoE 3 on YouTube. Look up BigThunderMan.
Wed Sep 15, 2010 12:36 pm |
Pokemon Master
Joined: Mon May 03, 2010 5:43 pm Posts: 1312
KingErick wrote: rex09 wrote: And I know you wrote your rant before we knew the games were in New York, but that's probably somewhere along the lines of how the Japanese view the typical American girl. *shrug* they're probably not that far off the mark, either, lol. no american girls are not more slutty than japanese girls. Girls are girls where-ever, some will be sluts some will not be. ummm... i never called any of them sluts.... i was talking fashion-wise X__X. but i can see how you would get that idea from what i said, lol.
Wed Sep 15, 2010 2:36 pm |
Lawence Codye
Psypoke Maniac
Joined: Sat Jan 02, 2010 6:17 pm Posts: 2512 Location: With the 3 guides of time, deciding the fate of it...
Well regardless we can all agree that what's in the opening post is not even a somewhat good reason to boycott the games...
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Wed Sep 15, 2010 3:47 pm |
Ace Trainer
Joined: Sun Apr 18, 2010 6:27 am Posts: 287 Location: on Psypoke
your geting upset over a video game sprite realy thats thats i cant think of a word for it
Wed Sep 15, 2010 4:06 pm |
Ace Trainer
Joined: Tue Jul 13, 2010 7:29 pm Posts: 289 Location: i'm not tellng where i live, Stalker....
alright. i get what your saying that it's bad for little kids to see this. i went to se my little brother a few days ago, i saw a few 4-5'th graders wearing skimpy Jeans (and you shiuld just see the girl's at my school. maby it's becaust my city's right on the beach, (Sweeet Dude!) but it's not common for a teenage girl to wear cargo shorts and a baggy shirt.
Wed Sep 15, 2010 5:04 pm |
Gym Leader
Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2005 11:04 am Posts: 1320 Location: Sky Tower
I honestly don't believe the target audience (or their parents) will complain about that. You're overreacting and being way too serious about a children's videogame. Don't put that many nasty thoughts into something that's completely innocent/not even supposed to possess all those subjects you mentioned as arguments (that are very narrow-minded and silly, excuse me). Conservatism is okay, but it seems like you're taking it a little too far.
Wed Sep 15, 2010 5:06 pm |
Dragon Tamer
Joined: Thu Feb 25, 2010 6:38 pm Posts: 164
its fine. I have no problem witht the girl's shorts. I dont wear them myself, but this is just a game. In my opinion the game is more about the Pokemon, so i really dont think it matters much what the Player character is wearing. It would be bad if the outfit showed maybe too much cleavage or something, but they arent gonna do that in a game meant for children.
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Wed Sep 15, 2010 9:22 pm |
Pokemon Master
Joined: Sun Jan 13, 2008 5:02 am Posts: 1577 Location: Michigan
Welcome to Japan's fashion style, where style/appearance triumph over sense and functionality.
Thu Sep 16, 2010 4:00 am |
Pokemon Master
Joined: Mon May 03, 2010 5:43 pm Posts: 1312
MasterChef wrote: Welcome to Japan's fashion style, where style/appearance triumph over sense and functionality. America's like that too. Why would you wear high heels other than to look good?? You can't walk up stairs (easily) in them, and i've been told that they make your feet hurt like crazy. But they get worn all the time. Just sayin'. 
Thu Sep 16, 2010 4:57 am |
Pokemon Ranger
Joined: Mon Jul 12, 2010 2:42 am Posts: 587 Location: Lurking around..
I don't really mind about anything that involves style or fashion. I only mind about the game. If you don't like the clothes, let it be. They probably won't change the design.
Thu Sep 16, 2010 5:35 am |
Lite Four
Joined: Sun May 29, 2005 6:21 pm Posts: 3471
By the way, the 4th post in this thread is OP's alternate account. It's pretty bad when you have to create a second account just to agree with yourself!

What a slut, I guess Plusle won't be playing Black & White next year! This girl is way worse than Misty, Candice, OR Whitney lol
Thu Sep 16, 2010 10:56 am |
Pokemon Ranger
Joined: Wed Jun 30, 2010 10:05 pm Posts: 581 Location: The Land of Ooo
Krisp wrote: By the way, the 4th post in this thread is OP's alternate account. It's pretty bad when you have to create a second account just to agree with yourself!

What a slut, I guess Plusle won't be playing Black & White next year! This girl is way worse than Misty, Candice, OR Whitney lol That is pretty sad, and DAMN. She is worse, she even has a little band around her thigh, but that's not SUCH A bad thing  ANYWAYS, who cares if she is wearing short shorts. It's going to happen, things won't always stay the same, fashion is constantly changing and if that means showing more skin, then that's how its gonna be. It's the perverts now a days thats wrong with the world! lol.
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Thu Sep 16, 2010 2:19 pm |
Pokemon Master
Joined: Mon May 03, 2010 5:43 pm Posts: 1312
Krisp wrote: By the way, the 4th post in this thread is OP's alternate account. It's pretty bad when you have to create a second account just to agree with yourself! i lol'd and that trainer/gym leader is HAWT 
Thu Sep 16, 2010 2:25 pm |
Pokemon Ranger
Joined: Mon Jul 12, 2010 2:42 am Posts: 587 Location: Lurking around..
Krisp wrote: By the way, the 4th post in this thread is OP's alternate account. It's pretty bad when you have to create a second account just to agree with yourself! What? That's not a good thing to do, is OP the one who made this thread? Man. Magikarps_Beast wrote: It's the perverts now a days thats wrong with the world! lol. Indeed it is, perverts is the one who makes normal things scandalous.
Thu Sep 16, 2010 8:14 pm |
Psychic Trainer
Joined: Thu Jul 29, 2010 9:16 am Posts: 59 Location: Isshu
rex09 wrote: and that trainer/gym leader is HAWT  Yes, she is[: along with some others *Cough Cynthia,Clair&FlanneryCough* Krisp wrote: By the way, the 4th post in this thread is OP's alternate account. It's pretty bad when you have to create a second account just to agree with yourself! Yes, that is pretty sad. Magikarps_Beast wrote: It's the perverts now a days thats wrong with the world! lol. Yes, yes we are[: JK, but yeah, it kinda is
Sat Sep 18, 2010 8:26 am |
Dragon Tamer
Joined: Sat Nov 01, 2008 10:37 pm Posts: 105 Location: BRIAN FELLOW'S SAFARI PLANET
Plusle wrote: I'm glad I got this off of my chest. =3 If it were her top that looked 'slutty,' then I would definitely make a joke about this. Anyway, I don't see the problem with someone wearing short shorts. Girls that are around the age as the girl trainer do it all the time in real life, and they're not sluts because of it. It's not like this is the first pokemon character (or character from any other video game targeted to all audiences) that's dressed like this either.
_________________ UU team
Tue Sep 21, 2010 12:08 pm |
Dragon Tamer
Joined: Fri Jul 09, 2010 7:48 pm Posts: 185
disregarding Appearances of characters I'm perfectly willing to try it I have some apathy towards it but i'm willing to try it to test out the ones I like
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Wed Sep 22, 2010 5:03 pm |