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 I need some help with assigning EV's (explained) 
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Bug Catcher
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i saw the thing with the breloom, and the test, but i need some extra help, i would like someone to tell me which EV's would be good to train these pokemon with. This is my roar/stealthrock team, everything is explained. you see i don't know how to balance EV's to my pokemon,like how much to train each stat. So can someone assign them for me, the explain how to assign them.

Shell bell
Sandstorm Stealth Rock
Roar Explosion
Strategy: Golem will first Stealth Rock, then Sandstorm. It will then Roar the opponents to death, and when it goes to low hp, it explodes. and the bell to receive 2x as much hp, because it is dealing damage for sandstorm, and stealth rock for the roar.

Black Belt
Swords Dance Close Combat
Aura Sphere Roar
Strategy: He will either Roar the opponent to death, or buff himself up with Swords Dance and then Pwn with his powerful Fighting attacks, which are enforced by his Black Belt.

muscle band
Focus Energy Blaze Kick
Roar Slash
Strategy: It can roar, or deal a lot of Critical hits, thanks to the three factors involved, the high-critical ratio by focus energy of his attacks, the muscle band powers blaze kick, and slash up to a great crit. strike plus an extra boost.

wish protect
toxic aura sphere
Strategy: basically to stall damage, use toxic, then use wish and protect, wish to heal next turn and alternate protect, and protect to not receive further damage, while not losing health, toxic completely kills the opponent, but if the opponent is steel type, use aura sphere for super effectiveness, because poison is un-affective against steel types.

wise glasses
thunderbolt rapid spin
surf ice beam
strategy: to vary in type take down, and get rid of spikes, stealth rock, ect. surf takes fire, ground, and rock thunderbolt takes flying,and water, and finally ice beam takes grass, dragon, flying, and ground.


rest curse
body slam earthquake

Strategy: Use curse to increase attack, and defense, then use body slam, to possibly paralyze, or use earthquake to faint. strong sweepers, like heatran, then use rest for full heal!


visit my graffix mart, you can use them if you want, but if you do, please give me credit.

Mon Oct 18, 2010 3:53 pm
Pokemon Ranger
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First of all, Sandstorm and Stealth Rock aren't real damaging moves, even though they do damage. So, Shell Bell does not work. Leftovers will help.
If you want to use that, I think, for Golem, it should be:
252 HP, 128 Atk., 126 Sp. Def., 6 Def. (as Golems have lots of defense already)
Lucario: Not good with Roar. Try Bullet Punch, Close Combat, Swords Dance, and Crunch, with Adamant Nature.
The IVs should be: 252 Atk., 129 Def., 129 Sp. Def. Item should be Expert Belt or Life Orb. (or Choice Band/Choice Scarf)
For Blaziken, personally, as I use one, I'd say Fire Punch/Blaze Kick, Sky Uppercut, Earthquake, and Flamethrower, but that's for a mixed sweeper. Either way, roar isn't good on a physical sweeper. Muscle Band is good. Keep it. For attacks, I suggest Blaze Kick, Thunderpunch, Superpower, and Agility/Swords Dance/Mirror Move. These will help you to beat many Pokemon up. IVs: 252 Atk., 252 Speed, 6 HP with Adamant or Impish Nature.
For Togekiss, try for Air Slash instead of Aura Sphere, as Air Slash is a STAB move (does more damage to opponents because Air Slash is Flying, and Togekiss is part flying). And for IVs: 252 HP, 129 Sp. Def., 129 Sp. Atk. with a Bold Nature.
For Starmie, good moves. Try for Psychic instead of Thunderbolt, but if you like Thunderbolt better, that's okay too. Timid Nature with Choice Specs would be good here, but if you use Rapid Spin, you'll need the Wise Glasses. Try for 252 Sp. Atk., 252 Speed, 6 HP.
Snorlax's moves are good, except I recommend having Chesto Berry for it, as you're using rest. The other moves are good. As you said, you want a defense against Heatran, so have a Careful Nature Snorlax (-Sp. Atk./+Sp. Def.) with 252 HP, 252 Atk., 6 Def.
Your team is good, but you're lacking your own defense against rapid spinners, as Golem has the SR-spiking. Try for a Gengar or a Dusknoir instead of Blaziken or Lucario, as you have two physical Fighting type Pokemon. For Gengar, use a Timid Nature, 252 Speed, 252 Sp. Atk., 6 HP, with Thunderbolt/Psychic, Shadow Ball, Confuse Ray, and Sludge Bomb. For Dusknoir, use an Impish Nature with 252 HP, 129 Sp. Def., 129 Def. and Will O Wisp, Shadow Sneak, Pain Split, and Ice Punch/Fire Punch/Thunderpunch and Leftovers for the item.

Mon Oct 18, 2010 5:22 pm
Bug Catcher
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what? how would that help vs. rapid spinners, its going to use it anyway? please explain...


visit my graffix mart, you can use them if you want, but if you do, please give me credit.

Tue Oct 19, 2010 12:12 pm
Ace Trainer
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muten there is a team rating centre that many of us here use and we have several raters to help you with your team however you need 25 post at least to post there so don't go off right now posting there

@ torchie if someones team is in the wrong place don't rate it just tell them about the rating centre.

pm me for a battle my fc is 4297 5662 5505

Tue Oct 19, 2010 12:38 pm
Bug Catcher
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k thanks much, in new so sorry lol


visit my graffix mart, you can use them if you want, but if you do, please give me credit.

Tue Oct 19, 2010 12:52 pm
Bug Catcher
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sorry for posting, but how does that deffend against rapid spinners


visit my graffix mart, you can use them if you want, but if you do, please give me credit.

Tue Nov 09, 2010 2:15 pm
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Rapid Spin is a normal type move, which isn't effective against ghost types. RS has to do its damage for the hazard-removing effect to occur, so if it is used on a ghost type it won't work at all. Its similar to how you can't paralyze a ground type by using Thunder Wave on it.

The questions have been answered, so I'm locking this topic now.


Tue Nov 09, 2010 6:26 pm
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