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 Tsunami/Earthquake hits Japan, Gamefreak OK 
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Pokemon Ranger
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This link goes to Bulbapedias updating page.
But I was glad to hear that gamefreak and other pokemon staff made it out OK from the Earthquake


Sat Mar 12, 2011 10:19 pm
Psypoke Maniac
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I am so glad that they made it out of the disaster with their lives, I had no idea up to now that they were even caught up in it...

Gamefreak & all it's games are safe which is fantastic...

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Sun Mar 13, 2011 12:51 pm
Super Saiyan
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oh no not my precious pokemon

Humanity worries me...


Sun Mar 13, 2011 2:26 pm
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Pokemon Ranger
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hey I'm just as worried about everyone else its just that they aren't specific people.


Sun Mar 13, 2011 5:41 pm
Pokemon Master
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Wow, are you serious?? I'm more worried about the thousands of people who might be injured or dead than the people who design my videogames.

I'm just glad that I know my relatives and friends in Japan are all OK. Food and electricity are issues, but they're doing well for now.


Sun Mar 13, 2011 9:18 pm
Ace Trainer
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I don't care as much about the games as I am about the people. Thank god for the people who are alright. I have relatives in Japan, and I just recently found out that they are fine. I think the whole nuclear crisis going on could have been avoided with more preparation for a worst-case scenario, but that unfortunately was not the case.

I'm back!

Sun Mar 13, 2011 9:37 pm
The Geek
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Steel_Eel wrote:
I think the whole nuclear crisis going on could have been avoided with more preparation for a worst-case scenario, but that unfortunately was not the case.

How much more prepared would you like them to be? It's only as issue because the primary and secondary systems BOTH got taken out in an instant from a quake on a scale never before experienced in their country, and the emergency TERTIARY backup systems were designed under the assumption that either primary or secondary systems could be brought back online in a limited time frame.

These facilities were built to withstand the common earthquakes that hit Japan - from my understanding, less than a 6.0 - but you can't seriously expect them to have anticipated the magnitude of this quake? Assuming that the 6.0 I've been reading as a general cap on the intensity of a Japanese quake is accurate, that means this one was literally 1000 times as strong as they typically deal with. You honestly think they should have been prepared for something on that scale?

Thankfully, if you avoid the ridiculously overhyped media, the stories coming out of Japan are mostly positive. Emergency systems that were in place were executed flawlessly, with the exception of the impossibly unlikely scenario of a complete obliteration of the backup systems at the aforementioned nuclear power plant.

This is a tragic disaster, that's certain. Compare it to the quakes that have struck elsewhere in the Pacific recently, however. Look at New Zealand for example - the damage from the quake there was much more severe. Hopefully, the devastation in the Pacific is over with.


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Mon Mar 14, 2011 1:13 am
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Serpentsounds wrote:
oh no not my precious pokemon

Humanity worries me...


Really the only reason I looked at this was because of the "Gamefreak OK".
/vXv\ wrote:
But I was glad to hear that gamefreak and other pokemon staff made it out OK from the Earthquake

Yes, I have comments. I don't think Gamefreak and all the Pokemon staff making it out is really THAT important. Yeah, it's nice they're safe, but there is tons of other people dying, losing their homes and families and you're all happy cause Gamefreak wasn't hurt.

It doesn't matter if they aren't specific people, they still matter just as much. They shouldn't be recognized as nobodies, because they're struggling to keep themselves up right now.

I don't really know anyone in Japan, but a person in my class who was a bestfriend in my childhood, well his grandparents live in Hawaii and they're in trouble too so I've been paying attention to both because I knew his family very well when I was a kid.

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Mon Mar 14, 2011 12:24 pm
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/vXv\ wrote:
hey I'm just as worried about everyone else its just that they aren't specific people.

They are specific people, the only difference between the others and the ones from GameFreak is that you have no personal stake in the others. The other people affected by this quake in Japan are specific people in others lives.

Japan is not the only one that has been influenced by this quake. Other countries have been affected by it, New Zealand like Jigglypuff pointed out, and even California in the US was hit with an eight foot wave. The only thing we can hope for is that all this quaking is done with.

I suck at WiFi battling.

Mon Mar 14, 2011 1:17 pm
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Unforuntetly, the disaster isnt over yet. There is still a 70% chance that they could be hit with a magniyude 7 quake (not sure if that has changed). And then there's the small problem of a nuclear meltdown. If that happens, japan's not he only country to be affected. For example:

I read somewhere that British colombia (west coeast of canada) is getting some iodine tablets ready just in case things go nuclear in Japan.

Hopefully Nothing more will come of this and the japan quake doesnt signal of something more to come in the ring of fire.

A glass is never empty it will always be full of air, unless its in a vacuum, THEN its empty.

Tue Mar 15, 2011 7:24 am
Psypoke Maniac
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I care for more then that like the people in general who were effected by this disaster but I can only care about those people so much & this was honestly about GameFreak specifically so I commented as such, it was unavoidable...

& Humanity should worry everyone & all the time(but that is something else for another time)...

3DS Friend Code = 4441 - 9336 - 3527
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Tue Mar 15, 2011 10:33 am
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My parents showed me this link; it explains pretty well why a nuclear meltdown may not be as likely as we think. I haven't had time to read the posts above it, or get caught up on news about the reactors themselves, but since this guy is a researcher at MIT, I'll bet on it being reliable.

Oh, and for those with friends or family in Japan, AT&T is making all calls (via cellphone) to Japan free. For an AT&T landline, up to 60 minutes can be redeemed (of call time to Japan) when you get your phone bill. We're taking advantage of this, so getting the word out is probably a pretty good idea.

Hopefully, the world helps respond to New Zealand, Japan, Hawaii, and all the other places that were hard-hit as well as they responded to Haiti and Katrina.


Tue Mar 15, 2011 5:42 pm
Pokemon Ranger
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Can't remember when, but earlier today... okay, last night (it's past midnight for me now), the nuclear radiation has been found in Tokyo itself >_< I'm just hoping that all the people there will be okay. They've got serious water and food issues, as I've seen on Korean Channel News, but they're collaborating with each other well. Be safe!

Tue Mar 15, 2011 10:36 pm
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R.I.P the people that die . i reall hope hawaii and NZ is ok... i am myself in india and EQ danger has been alerted. hopefull pacific will be fine....

Mon Mar 28, 2011 8:43 am
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