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 Places to EV train in Black/White 
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Bug Catcher
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So I was looking through the psydex comparing pokemon's EV's they reward with their location, and their appeqrance rate. So far I've found that route 1 has 100% chance to reward 1 attack EV since only patrat and lilipup show up. I have also found that celestial tower is good for Special Attack EV's with only litwick and elgyem showing up. I'm looking for good places to train speed, defense, and HP if any1 finds good place for those, I would love to know. thanks, and I hope this helps you guys.

Mon Apr 04, 2011 8:58 pm
Bug Catcher
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Audinos. They give 2 hp EVs, and they're available everywhere. However, they're only available in the shaking grass.

Mon Apr 04, 2011 9:19 pm
Bug Catcher
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yeah, audino's aren't exactly efficient. theyre great little surprises for exp early in the game though.

Mon Apr 04, 2011 9:50 pm
Pokemon Ranger
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HP: Stunfisk in Iccirus City (surf on puddles)
Atk: Route 1 Lillipup and Patrat
Def: Wellspring Cave Roggenrola (only 50%)
SpAtk: Celestial Tower Litwick
SpDef: Driftveil City Frillish (surf)
Speed: Route 3 Basculin (surf)


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Tue Apr 05, 2011 3:30 am
Pokemon Master
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For me Iccuris City is GREAT for Hp ev's Politoad and Stunfisk give 2 HP ev's EACH. Its more reliable then audinos.

For attack I go to Dragon spiral tower. druddigon/tranquil both give 2 att ev's and meinshoo gives 1.

Speed marvelous bridge. Not only does swanna give 2 speed Ev's but I cna also find the stats wings.

A glass is never empty it will always be full of air, unless its in a vacuum, THEN its empty.

Tue Apr 05, 2011 5:41 am
Bug Catcher
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Thanks guys. I usually use route 1 instead of dragon spiral tower, since any weaker Pokemon can be trained there. Your help is really appreciated :)

Tue Apr 05, 2011 12:23 pm
Bug Catcher
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Yeah. Audinos are not efficient at all. I just blurted one out. This advice will help me out a lot too, so thanks!

Tue Apr 05, 2011 2:15 pm
Dragon Tamer
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A better choice for defense is Relic Castle, still a 50% rate of finding Yamask/Cofagrius however you don't have to deal with roggenrolla's sturdy ability which is a relief.

Any better places than this?

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Tue Apr 05, 2011 10:13 pm
Ace Trainer
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Ace wrote:
HP: Stunfisk in Iccirus City (surf on puddles)
Atk: Route 1 Lillipup and Patrat
Def: Wellspring Cave Roggenrola (only 50%)
SpAtk: Celestial Tower Litwick
SpDef: Driftveil City Frillish (surf)
Speed: Route 3 Basculin (surf)

Listen to this.
Ethereal Ice wrote:
A better choice for defense is Relic Castle, still a 50% rate of finding Yamask/Cofagrius however you don't have to deal with roggenrolla's sturdy ability which is a relief.

With this aswell.

There is no better place for defense.

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Wed Apr 06, 2011 1:47 pm
Ace Trainer
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This is great, guys. Now I can get training on all my teams. (I make tons of teams. One for every occasion. Yeah.) Thanks!
However, there's gotta be a better place for Defense than Relic Castle. Only 50%? It's like the Is-the-cup-half-full-or-half-empty? things. (Personally, I think it's half filled, but that's besides the point.) I need more assurance than 50% to raise my defensive tanks. And by defensive tanks, I mean Shuckle. Shuckle must be strong enough in Defense. You don't want poor Shuckle to die, do you? Do you? :cry:

Pokemon Factoid: All computer-controlled Pokemon have Serene Grace, Compoundeyes, and Super Luck at the same time.
Click the eggs/hatchlings or die. (There may be none, but you should click them anyway.)

Tue Apr 12, 2011 1:54 pm
Ace Trainer
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Mr. Dude wrote:
This is great, guys. Now I can get training on all my teams. (I make tons of teams. One for every occasion. Yeah.) Thanks!
However, there's gotta be a better place for Defense than Relic Castle. Only 50%? It's like the Is-the-cup-half-full-or-half-empty? things. (Personally, I think it's half filled, but that's besides the point.) I need more assurance than 50% to raise my defensive tanks. And by defensive tanks, I mean Shuckle. Shuckle must be strong enough in Defense. You don't want poor Shuckle to die, do you? Do you? :cry:

No I don't care about ur shuclke :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

But seriously, there are no better places. Just use a EXP share and run away from the other 50%

Soul Silver: FC: 1033-7425-8991 Name: Andrew
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Tue Apr 12, 2011 3:42 pm
Pokemon Master
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Yeah there isnt thatmany pokes for def Ev in B/W. Here's some oif the pokes that give you DEF EV's from my personal list of pokes to us to EV train.

Roggenrola DEF+1
SeWadddle DEF+1
Swadloon DEF+2
Venipede DEF+1
Whirlipede DEF+2
Dwebble DEF+1
Yamask DEF+1
Cofagrigas DEF+2
Ferroseed DEF+1
Klink DEF+1
Shelmet DEF+1

I personally try and get as many stat wing as possible. As such I spend a bit og time at the driftville drawbridge and marveouls bridge.

A glass is never empty it will always be full of air, unless its in a vacuum, THEN its empty.

Tue Apr 12, 2011 4:15 pm
Bug Catcher
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I feel like they really dropped the ball on EV training for defense. No use moaning about it though :D

Tue Apr 12, 2011 6:24 pm
Ace Trainer
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I also just want to add that for Def EVs, Boldore is also 50% in Milstrone Cave, but it also gives an Atk EV.
So If you want both Atk and Def, train their.
There is 50% Boldore (+1 Atk, +1 Def)
about 30% Axew (+1 Atk)
and maybe 20% Woobat (???)

Soul Silver: FC: 1033-7425-8991 Name: Andrew
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Sun Apr 17, 2011 11:33 am
Pokemon Master
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Woobat is speed, +1 if I remeber correctly, wait lemme check my list, *looks Ev list*, yep Woobat is speed +1 and Swoobat is speed +2.

A glass is never empty it will always be full of air, unless its in a vacuum, THEN its empty.

Mon Apr 18, 2011 5:26 am
Psypoke Maniac
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There is a better spot for HPs for those that are interested & can deal with post story pokemon in some fashion...

Route 14 is a Great Spot for HP EV training as it has the rare patch in general that contains either Audino(2HP) or the rarer Wigglytuff(3HP)...

It also has Drifblim(2HP), Tropius(2HP) & Jigglypuff(2HP) to make it even better, however...

It also has Golduck(2SPATK) & Beheeyem(2SPATK) but also Altaria(2SPDEF), Shuckle(1DEF & 1SPDEF) & Mienshao(2ATK) as well + whatever is catchable by means of Surfing or Fishing...

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Fri May 06, 2011 9:11 pm
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You know for defense evs you could just have the pokemon you're training equip the band that gives defense evs and have it faint pokemon that you already trained evs on it(for example if you were previously training on hitpoints and now you're training defense, just attack the pokemon that give hitpoint evs) for and if it still has pokerus it'll get 8 defense evs per ko.

I know this means you would get evs on 1 stat all the way to the max I think but since I don't really care about that I do this.

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Sun May 22, 2011 8:46 am
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