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 The Celestian [ Open to All. ] 
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Psychic Trainer
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Welcome to the Celestian, a place where one can roleplay and write out the actions of the pokemon trainer alter-ego, as well as their pokemon if they so choose. A place where those trainers may go and hang out, relax, meet other trainers and pokemon as well as enjoy a meal. There is however a section outback called the Rail Yard, a place where discarded and old abandoned train cars rest. Who knows what you'll find. The object is to simply enjoy ones self, explore and let your imagination wander.

The rules are simple.
- Your IC [ In Character ], but if your OoC [ Out of Character ] Please state so.
- No Godmoding, be fair or it isn't fun. I.E: No.. you aren't level 100 or higher. Yes, we may be good at the game but if someone decides to 'battle' you in character to bash them with one move and call it that, there's strategy to it. Think it out in your head first, don't just say "Charmander hits Zubat with flamethrower and Zubat falls to the ground." But like a regular game don't make it drag on and on.
- Please, no bashing, flaming, spamming or advertising. Advertisements could be allowed if you ask, depending on what, could be posted on the front page. With permission.
- Now, I can understand one liners if you're in a rush or you're lacking something to write, but please, make it interesting. I'm not a big stickler for spelling, not everyone is perfect but at least reread the post so you know it makes sense. Make an effort, it'll be rewarded.
- Well, I believe that's it for rules for now but an update will be made when new rules are issued.

As one walks a long dusty road, the trees in the surrounding area slowly starting to thin and whither near the edges of a long stretch of narrow unused and aging railway, they will notice that sitting isolated, bold and small in front of towering metal cargo bins staked high upon each other, was a newly renovated cabin looking structure. Upon closer inspection, the building is much bigger then it looks, and definitely not made out of logs. It stands at about twenty five feet tall, two floors for different surroundings. The outside walls were made out of a dark grayish green color stone, staked up high. The roof was styled to taper to a point, allowing the ventilation of a giant pillar that ran right up the middle of the building. This pillar was a giant black smoke stack that went along with the fire places on the two floors. The fire places went around the pillar, sections having been knocked out for the ventilation and supported by more of the gray stone.

Upon further inspection when you walk into the building, you notice dark hard wood flooring, such is on both floors. The first floor, booths line the walls, leading down a few steps, booths line the outside circle around the pillar. A intricately designed rug circles around the fire place. At the back, designed from darkened woods and faded glass, a bar stands where one can order an assortment of drinks and foods.

To either sides are expanding halls, lined with doors for suites.

The upstairs, accessible by a metal spiraling stair case to the far right and left corners leads to a large, open area. The middle of the floor is donned with colorful rainbow like squares. Colorful disco balls and spotlights line the open black ceiling, revealing the open beams and duct work. This would appear to be a dance floor. Near the far wall on the right, a large wall length jukebox with a large variety of music sits. Along the walls small ledge tables sit, tall bar stools sit along with them.

If one were to look out back at the abandoned rail cars, one would notice some small.. damages, due to plenty of battles and encounters. Perhaps wild poke are hiding in their new man made homes. What lurks in the dark? You decide.

So we welcome you to the Celestian. No need for a profile introduction merely post and enjoy. Try to remain within character however, OoC chatter is fine as long as its separated with brackets or something. Though that doesn't mean its to be excessive.


Last edited by Noxious Nyx on Tue Jun 21, 2011 3:11 pm, edited 3 times in total.

Wed Apr 27, 2011 4:45 pm
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Fri Apr 29, 2011 3:16 pm
Psychic Trainer
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Sitting on a ledge on the main floor beside the low burning fire, enjoying a glass of her favorite soda, Syfr yawned lightly as the light jazzy tune droned on in the background. Cleo, her long time partner and friend, sat curled up in the glow of the fire. This loyal Ninetales had traveled with her from Johto straight through to Unova, was indeed pampered. This Pokemon coat was was sleek, dyed black and red from an underground barber back in Goldenrod City, seemed to add more of a darker feel to this particular pokemon. However, it enjoyed its treatment. For this particular pokemon had never let her down.

Off in the back, a little baby houndour was up to causing mischief. Causing Cleo's ear's to twitch, however she didn't stir. Syfr on the other hand, gave a sigh and stood up to go retrieve him.


Fri Apr 29, 2011 3:29 pm
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Walking around the corner of the back kitchens, to her horror.. stood the baby houndour, covered in flour and some strange.. black gooey substance, stared up at her innocently and bounded around the corner behind her. Turning to go after the pokemon, the houndour would look back only to bump square into the Ninetales, who sat proudly in front of the pokemon swishing her tails from side to side, looking at him sternly.
By then, a new pokemon had arrived, a sweet little water type to clean up the mess. A ducklett had been released, and splashed the houndour with a small water gun. Not to do damage, merely clean him off.
Obviously not impressed, the now clean houndour would proceed in chasing the ducklett.


Fri Apr 29, 2011 3:55 pm
Bug Catcher
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Gabriel strolled briskly into the large building. His hair was a dark brownish colour, slightly long. Some said it suited him. Others said it looked silly. He was a young man, seventeen, roughly, but being short and slender made him look younger. You could see that he wore a stylish coat, too long, and jeans. An umbreon trailed at his feet. It looked like it had a close connection to him. Gabriel glanced at the umbreon briefly and said something quietly to him. He then smiled, childlike, almost, and proceeded along the corridor. He headed to the bar, thirsty and hungry.

Wed May 04, 2011 2:07 pm
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Running around in circles around the fireplace, the young baby houndour continued to chase the ducklett. The older looking Ninetales merely yawned and licked her paw, setting it down she would look at the newcomer with her dark red eyes intently, emitting a sound of welcome. Her tails swishing back and forth.
Upon the sight of movement in the corner of his eye, the baby houndour would draw its attention to Cleo's many tails. Springing forth to nip at them playfully while Cleo's attention was drawn. Cleo was calm for a moment, her eyes slowly narrowed then without warning, she would give a great sweep with all nine of her tails and brush the pokemon away toward its trainer, who would catch it in her arms upon rising to greet the newcomer.
"Good evening, and welcome to the Celestian. How may I help you?"


Wed May 04, 2011 6:41 pm
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Gabriel smiled and spoke to the woman. His voice was a strange mixture of quiet and happy, "Ah, hello." He nodded politely. "Please - please can I have a food and drink please? I've been travelling for a while and, well, me and Umbrie are very tired, even if Umbry refuses to show it." He chuckled slightly and the umbreon's rings glowed yellow for a second. "And can I have somewhere to stay for a while? Maybe overnight? I - I have money, of course." The umbreon pawed around curiously and examined the ninetales. The umbreon radiated an air of confidence and defensiveness.

Thu May 05, 2011 1:32 pm
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The young houndour froze, looking up at the young man curiously, then shifted its attention to the Umbreon, squirming a bit to be let go to greet the newcomer. Syfr would smile, nodding her head softly when the young man had finished speaking. Smiling as she spoke, she would set the young pokemon down after giving him a few pets upon the head.

"Sure thing. What can I get for you? On the house."

Traveling was indeed pretty rough, she knew this too. Travelers usually ate and slept there for free, as long as the rooms were kept neat when they departed. Moving further into the room, she would slip behind the bar, the doors to the kitchens behind her. The odd clang and sing song occasionally crept out.

"Anything in particular? Munchlax is a fantastic cook."

While the two spoke, Cleo sat proudly infront of the fireplace, returning the Umbreons gaze cautiously. The houndour however, 'sprang' or rather.. flopped, between the two, giving a yip to the newcomer.


Thu May 05, 2011 5:28 pm
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"Erm..." Said Gabriel, "Please could I have, uh... Food for four pokemon, and some water for myself? Thanks. You're... Very generous, I guess. I've been travelling a few days since I last had somewhere good to rest." Gabriel sat down on the bar stool, although it took him considerable effort to do so. His umbreon regarded the houndour inquisitively, then circled around the two other pokemon a few times, regarding its surroundings curiously.

Fri May 06, 2011 9:10 am
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Nodding, she would turn and poke her head into the kitchen. "Traveler's Hat and four Looney nests, Muncho."
A muffled sound, then the clashing of pots n pans. The yellow hands of an ambipom flying wildly in the air.
Turning her attention to the newcomer, she'd smile.
"Well, stay as long as you like. And rooms are down the halls on the left or right side on the main floor."
Gesturing to two doors on either side, she'd get to work on making him a smoothie, and four others designed for pokemon.
"Here you are."

Cleo would stand up, watching the umbreon and houndour, who was following after the umbreon with a new meaning of personal space. Sniffing at it curiously. The Ninetales would merely yawn, flicking her black dyed tails and casually walk behind them giving the other pokemon their space.


Fri May 06, 2011 2:55 pm
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Gabriel nodded gratefully. He took out a few pokeballs at his belt and, one by one, released three other pokemon, presumably to give them some free time to rest, play and relax. He then went to a more comfortable chair in the bar and sat in it, resting his tiny frame.

A leafeon, an eevee and a jolteon joined the umbreon, pandering up to it happily. It was quite apparent that the umbreon was the more dominant, and possibly the oldest, member of the quartet, whilst the eevee seemed to be the youngest, most juvenile member of the group. The eevee pawed over playfully to the young houndour, whilst the other three communicated, clearly having spent a lot of time with each other.

Sat May 07, 2011 9:08 am
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Smiling lightly, she'd pour the smoothies into glasses, handing the young man his and setting the other four on a tray beside him.
"Um.. not sure how you'd like to give these to them. If you don't like them, I can make something else."
Smiling, she'd look at the leafeon he'd released.
"Oh, how adorable, I've a glaceon myself. Though... she has a tendancy to like sleeping in my coolers.."
Giving a small sigh, she'd give a small boot to the white door below her, presumed to be the cooler. A startled sound came from inside before the door opened and Chance poked her head out, giving a sound of excited welcome.
Smiling lightly, she pat the pokemon on the head before lifting her out of the cooler. The light blue pokemon seemed to enjoy the attention before she was set down. Where upon reaching the ground, she'd run around to the other side to sniff the newcomer before giving a sound of greeting, and what seemed like a smile. Sauntering off shortly after to greet the others. The Ninetales was indeed the oldest of her own party as well, glaceon was in the middle. However, there were quite a few pokemon in the celestian.
The smell of steak being cooked wafted out from the kitchens, followed by other delicious smells.
"My name is Syfr."


Sat May 07, 2011 2:16 pm
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Gabriel nodded, smiling, "Oh, erm, Gabriel. That's my name." He grinned childishly. "It's a nice place you have here, how did it start?" Gabriel drank thirstily, clearly having been on the road for a long time. He dusted off his coat slightly. "Where did you get your glaceon from? I'm still wondering what would suit my youngest member the most." He gestured to the eevee.

The leafeon and jolteon looked at the glaceon, interested. They clearly liked to be surrounded by a company of pokemon similar to themselves. The eevee alternated wildly between trying to play excitedly with the houndour, and nudging the umbreon with its nose. The umbreon lay on the floor, tired, rings glowing occasionally. It looked like it preferred to be out at night, or like it had a strong independent streak. Despite this, it glanced at Gabriel every now and again, fiercely loyal.

Wed May 11, 2011 8:38 am
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Smiling inwardly, she sat on a stool behind the bar as the ambipom brought out two platters. One for the young man Gabriel, and the other had four other platters. Each smelt delicious, colorful and all around yummy. The trainers was a juicy steak burger with the caramelized onions and the trimmings. Home cut french fries with a bit of melted cheese and a side salad with marinated chicken and a sweet sesame seed dressing. The four smaller platters each had was seemed to be small little burgers, especially designed for pokemon, the same style of french fries and instead of salad, a mixture of different fruits and berries.

Setting the trainers plate beside the young man, the ambipom would then set the other tray on a small, low level table by the fire four the other pokemon before returning back to the kitchen.
The ducklett would swoop down, landing on the far side of the bar to observe while the Ninetales would curl up on the rug by the fire, giving the other s time to eat and enjoy. The houndour, after pouncing at the young eevees tail, would sit back on the floor, tilting his head off to the side.

"Well... I was exploring a few years ago with Ninetales and an egg, and I guess we hadn't thought of how quick the weather could changed. We found this place in time before the snow hit, and decided to make a shelter out of a few containers. When the snow finally cleared, we decided to stay and just.. rebuild it. It took quite a while, but with the help of my other pokemon pals, the Celestian stands today. When we were finally finished, houndour joined us. He may still look small, but.. he's pretty tough for a bratty little guy." Taking a sip of her own smoothie, she regarded the pokemon softly. Then looked at Cleo before speaking. "That one over there has been with me since she was a wee vulpix. The very first pokemon I ever had, only ever to see the inside of a pokeball once unless desperately needed. I think both her and I prefer it that way. That and.. the first couple times when we were young and didn't see eye to eye.. boy did she have a bite. But she's the most loyal a partner I could ask."


Thu May 12, 2011 4:05 pm
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Gabriel nodded, "Oh, that's an interesting story..." He looked towards his umbreon and talked with a smile on his face, "Umbry has been a companion ever since i was a small child. I guess... It was hard for him to trust me first as well, but eventually he did. Umbry has alway had quite the independent streak." He smiled thinly and the umbreon, a testament to his words, glanced at him, curled up next to the fire. "Bolt and Ostre... I met them both roughly at the same time. Bolt evolved just before I set foot upon my troubles. Ostre evolved after I started. They both get on well together." Ostre and Bolt sat, content, communicating in their own way. "And the baby of the group, I guess," Continued Gabriel, "Is my newest Eevee, still not nicknamed yet. I found him on my travels, I'm still not sure what he'll become yet though. I'm not certain enough of his personality. Fo now, I guess he's happy being Eevee." He smiled at Syfr. "Do you get many guests?"

OOC: On a non related note, I apologise for my absence, caused due to a heavy exam period. Now I'm on study leave, and should hopefully have more time.

Fri May 27, 2011 3:43 pm
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Looks pretty neat, I'll jump in.

Pulling his jacket a little tighter over a plain white, button-up shirt, Claudio Smith squinted through the trees and espied a tall pointed spire, spewing smoke against the background of a setting sun. He walked closer to get a better view, and glimpsed what appeared to be large containers behind the peculiar building.
Noting the obvious inhabitants, he reached for his belt, pulling out a Pokeball. Whilst it was most probably safe, Claudio had learnt that it was always better to err on the side of caution. Depressing the small white button on the side, a flash of white faded to reveal a hulking blue and grey beast, a Carracosta. Feeling somewhat more confident, he placed the Pokeball back into its slot and continued on.
It was no time before he arrived at the door, noting the wasteland of scrap metal in all its glory. His keen eyes noted several shadows flitting back and forth. Wild Pokemon. Now that he was closer, Claudio could smell food cooking inside, and hear the yelps of playful Pokemon. He turned to the turtle Pokemon behind him.
"Keep on your toes, Baal, we don't know what's inside."
The Carracosta grunted, and raised its enormous arms into a more ready position. Tentatively, Claudio placed his hand on the door handle, then, in one quick motion, he pushed the door open to reveal two people seated on bar stools, and a crowd of Pokemon on the floor. All stopped and looked at him, and realising that they weren't a threat, Claudio walked in, Baal following close. Closing the door with a click, he walked up to the bar and placed an elbow on it.
"Do you have an opening for a Trainer to stay, and perhaps get some food and drink for me and my Pokemon?" said Claudio in a formal and slightly aristocratic tone, gesturing to Baal standing tall and intimidating behind him.


Mon May 30, 2011 6:31 am
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Cleo's dark ears twitched as she sensed someone near the door, standing, her tails swished as she moved infront of the young houndour and eevee, airing on the side of caution until she could see who it was, her dark red eyes seemed to give off a slight glow as a sound similar to a low growl resonated from deep in her throat. Naturally a protective pokemon, she watched the door as the two walked in.
Syfr looked at Cleo calmly before glancing back at the door. Nodding softly, she smiled.
"Why yes, we do have some extra rooms. As well as food. And for you question Mr. Gabriel, I've just recently opened to the public. Not many people come by."
Taking out two keys from under the counter, she'd set the first infront of Gabriel and the second where the other man had taken residence.
"What can I get for you?"
Cleo on the other hand, kept her eye on the other pokemon, choosing to now sit beside the two younger ones, closer to the new comer. Her head tilting curiously.


Mon May 30, 2011 5:13 pm
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Claudio relaxed. Just a regular inn.
Taking the key and placing it in the inside pocket of his jacket, he turned back to the lady, who he now recognised as the innkeeper. "For my Pokemon, four of whatever's going good, and for myself just a glass of water for the moment, thank you."
Claudio turned to Baal behind him and, standing on his toes, whispered something in his ear. The huge turtle grunted once again and lowered its arms, looking around the room in a more relaxed posture. It shuffled towards the fireplace and stood warily watching the peculiarly-coloured Ninetales out of the corner of its eye.
Reaching for his belt, Claudio popped out the remaining three Pokeballs and pressed the buttons, illuminating the room for a brief second in blinding white. As the glare cleared, three more Pokemon were added to the crowd. The small, slender figure of a Sneasel scurried over to a hatch on the floor, presumably sensing the colder temperatures it preferred, and sat atop it. In contrast, a Solrock floated up to head height and hovered over to the fireplace to rest next to Baal, motionless. Finally, with a flap of leathery wings, a Gligar flew up to a beam on the ceiling and hung there by its tail, examining the assortment of Pokemon that spanned the floor.


Mon May 30, 2011 8:26 pm
Bug Catcher
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(This place looks nice, ill try it out<--- OoC)

Cynthia Otter looked about to collapse. Her long red hair was knotted in many places, and the Shuppet who stood beside her looked weak as well. She looked bad now, but she was really a very kind person with a passion for battling. The Espeon who also limped beside her had been injured in some way. She was glad she had only brought 3 pokemon... anymore and she probably wouldn't have made it to this hotel kind of place. Suddenly, her 3rd pokemon, Luxray burst out of a bush. This Luxray was most like Cynthia Otter, she was also kind but with a passion for battling. Cynthia rushed into the Celestian and went into the queue behind the reception. Luxray looked at the other pokemon, and decided that Ninetales would be the most sensible, so she kinda hung around her, so she would'nt have to deal with the likes of Eevee's playfulness. As for Espeon, she went over and felt a strong energy radiating from Umbreon. (the way Espeons known as the sun eevee evolution, and Umbreons known as the moon eevee evolution.) Espeon went and introduced her self to the other Eevee evolutions. Shuppet had a rather mad nature. He was nicknamed Shuppy, as that was the sound he made. "Shuppy! Shuppy!" repeated Shuppy, sitting on Cynthia's shoulder.


Random talking.
What if nothing meant something, then would anything mean nothing? But then something would be pointless, but if nothing means anything then points would be pointless! AGH! Why is life so confusing???
Nothing. Just... nothing. :3

Tue May 31, 2011 8:46 am
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[ Ooooo. Now we're getting somewhere. Just what I like to see. n.n And good afternoon everyone. ]

Syfr nodded to the young gentleman, glancing back at the kitchens. "Chef, another four for these lovely new arrivals." Standing as she spoke, she would get him a glass of water and set it infront of him. "Nothing to eat for yourself, sir?" Looking up to see the young lady enter, she would smile softly. "Hello there, can I get you or your pokemon anything?"

The young Glaceon, known as Chance, would slip over to the Sneasel, sniffing the other ice pokemon, she would then give a small happy sound before using icebeam on part of the floor, making what appeared to be a ice like table for one to sit or lay on. The glaceon, feeling proud and satisfied, set a paw on the corner.
Cleo watched the water type carefully before giving a great sweep of her tails, and licking her paw with her eyes closed. However, when the young luxray moved closer, she'd pop open an eye, lift her head and give a welcome like sound. "Niiiine."
The young ducklett sitting at the bar seemed to have paled at the sight of the electric pokemon, being both water and flying... and having the cowardly nature of well... a pigeon, the ducklett high tailed it to the kitchens, where it would seem to be safer if not for the random food object and utensils flying through the air no thanks to Munchlax and his speedy cooking skills.
It would appear, sitting off in the darkness of the rafters, that another bird like pokemon was present, although much larger, this particular bird had a hard time expanding his wings inside the building comfortably. Hopping down with a thud and the scrap of talons, this proud, scarred Braviary would approach the other pokemon. Ruffling his wings into a more comfortable position, this bird stood tall. Looking at the other pokemon, her would incline his head before looking up at the gligar and solrock in the air then down at the ground. Obviously unimpressed with his current standing, the pokemon gave a sound of disdain before sulking.

Syfr would sigh, that particular pokemon was a bit of a brat. Always had been since he was a rufflet.
"Oh Tyr.. just be mindful of where your flying this time. No more accidents."


Tue May 31, 2011 1:17 pm
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Cynthia walks up to the counter. "May I order a room?" she asks in her high sweet voice. She apologizes for the state she is in. The Shuppet flies about the lady in the reception. "Shuppy!" says Shuppy happily. This particular Shuppet loved to make friends with both pokemon and humans.


Random talking.
What if nothing meant something, then would anything mean nothing? But then something would be pointless, but if nothing means anything then points would be pointless! AGH! Why is life so confusing???
Nothing. Just... nothing. :3

Tue May 31, 2011 1:42 pm
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As for Luxray, she smiles at ninetales and says "Lux, lux!" Which in pokemon language: your fur is very nice. Espeon goes and says Hi to Chance. Espeon is injured, but she'd rather be making friends than sitting ina pokemon centre. Luxray calls up to the Ducklett and says Don't worry I wont hurt you... just dont go all hyper on me. (OoC Noxiourous [i cant spell it sorry] Nyx can you add in your next message whether your on or not? Thanks)


Random talking.
What if nothing meant something, then would anything mean nothing? But then something would be pointless, but if nothing means anything then points would be pointless! AGH! Why is life so confusing???
Nothing. Just... nothing. :3

Tue May 31, 2011 2:03 pm
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[ I'm on, m'dear. Surprised, but on. :3 Usually I post, then come back the next day and reply to more posts. Pretty quiet near the beginning. ]

Syfr smiled at the young lady, pulling the third key out from under the counter and setting it infront of her. "Of course, of course. Can I get you and your pokemon anything to eat? I'm sure you must be starving." Giggling lightly, she looked up at the shuppet, "Why hello there cutie."

All one would see of the ducklett is his little blue head slowly rise from the bottom of the order window. Slowly, and steadily, then... it quacked and ducked back down to walk out from under the double doors. Grazing the top of his head on them as he passed. Cleo, the Ninetales, would give a swish of her black and red tails, giving a happy sound. ' Thank you. I got it dyed in Goldenrod. Syfr thought it'd be neat, and once I got used to the idea.. its pretty neat. All the rage back in that town, apparently." Poking his nose out from under Cleo's many tails, the young houndour gave a small yip up at the Luxray. 'Hiiiii'


Tue May 31, 2011 2:16 pm
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"Oh why yes please." Cynthia says. Luxray jumps in surprise. Oh just you she says now grinning. Shuppet smiles at getting attention. (OoC I have to go now. Please answer this question befoer I go though. My time is 1 hour after Psypoke time. Like now it says 9:26 pm, im 10:26pm. Will you be on between 8:00 am in psypoke time or after? Thats the first minute Ill be on. Or Ill lie in and get up before 9:00am psyupoke time... Maybe.) Update: Nvm i gottaa go.


Random talking.
What if nothing meant something, then would anything mean nothing? But then something would be pointless, but if nothing means anything then points would be pointless! AGH! Why is life so confusing???
Nothing. Just... nothing. :3

Tue May 31, 2011 2:27 pm
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[ Uh.... well... it's going on the three thirty in the afternoon where I am, so... I may be. It would appear you're seven hours ahead of me, so maybeh. O-o Never was very good with syncing mine with different sites. But I'll reply to anyone who posts. ]

The ninetail's tilted her head, a jumpy electric pokemon. The pokemon would give her version of a smile before giving the houndour a light scruff and placed him infront of them. The baby pokemon would merely run in circles chasing his tail.
Nodding, Syfr turned back to the kitchen. "Another three pokemon platters and a Travelers Hat, please."


Tue May 31, 2011 2:35 pm
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