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 DW, Legendary, Events, Shiny, & Normal to trade.11/11/11 
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Bug Catcher
Bug Catcher
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Joined: Wed Aug 04, 2010 4:12 pm
Posts: 6
Location: Resembool
Pokemon: Cacnea
Preferred Nature: Only Adamant
Ability: Sand Veil
Male Nickname: -
Female Nickname: -
Preferred Gender: -
Place of Egg Hatch: (I can do almost anyplace in Sinnoh) -
Specific egg moves: Seed Bomb
Payment: Articuno, Uxie, Entei, Latios, Moltres


Mon Jan 31, 2011 5:47 pm
Psychic Trainer
Psychic Trainer
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February Special #1 - Shiny Pokemon with the colors of Red, Pink and Purple(according to psypokes psydex) -Half off.
February Special #2 - Almost any item will work instead of nuggets - but must not repeat any items.
Winter Special #1 - If you have older Events(2000 - 2009) I don't have you can get 2 (basic) shinies or a (base 10) shiny for said event.
Basic shinies do not have any specifics when you order them.

Pacific Time Zone (UTC-8) and I work graveyard. So the best time to contact me is 8am-12noon(I might be working outside) or 8pm-9:30pm Mon-Sat.
Pearl - Loki 3180 2509 3375

-I am a Shiny Breeder and can breed one if you PM me.
My Shiny Trading thread:

Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:48 am
Psychic Trainer
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Happy V-day all. Just giving all you artists a chance to get a free "basic" shiny. What do I mean? Well with March being the start of the College Basketball Championship - "March Madness" and having St Patty's Day - I'm feeling a little green.

Starting on March 1st, I am looking for sprites, banners, drawings, etc of Pokemon wearing / playing Basketball with Michigan State Colors. This is not limited to Basketball, but Football, Hockey and Baseball.

There is a catch, however. The pokemon you want me to breed for you must be the one you submitted. You can color the pokemon in their normal colors or in their shiny colors - it's up to you. If you want more than 1 (up to 5) you can submit a team/action drawing or you can send x number individual sprites/drawings.

After the Month of March is over I will post(maybe with help) all the requests I have received and people can vote on the one that either looks the best or represents Michigan State Sports the most (Two categories ). The One who receives the most votes in either category by the end of April will receive a Free Shiny* of their choice.

So if you are a sprite maker or artist and want a free shiny, start creating it now and submit it in March.

*The Winner Shiny can have any specifics(gender, nature, egg moves, etc) for free.

###EDIT### - A Basic shiny has no specifics, it's basically the first Shiny of that species I get.

Pacific Time Zone (UTC-8) and I work graveyard. So the best time to contact me is 8am-12noon(I might be working outside) or 8pm-9:30pm Mon-Sat.
Pearl - Loki 3180 2509 3375

-I am a Shiny Breeder and can breed one if you PM me.
My Shiny Trading thread:

Last edited by MallratDogma on Tue Feb 15, 2011 11:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Feb 14, 2011 12:16 am
Bug Catcher
Bug Catcher
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Joined: Mon Feb 14, 2011 8:57 am
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Pokemon: S.Beldum
Preferred Nature: Prefer Hardy, Docile, Serious, Bashful, Quirky, or Quiet
Ability: N/A
Male Nickname: No nickname
Female Nickname: No nickname
Preferred Gender: N/A
Place of Egg Hatch: Anywhere
Specific egg moves: None
Payment: Nuggets or Rare Candies

Mon Feb 14, 2011 9:44 am
Pokemon Ranger
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Shiny Lileep {lileep}
M/F Nickname: Crinoid
specific nature: Relaxed
specific egg move: Recover (breed with corsola)
Location: Oreburg Mine
Payment: Nuggets


Tue Feb 15, 2011 7:45 pm
Bug Catcher
Bug Catcher

Joined: Sun Jan 23, 2011 10:58 am
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Would you trade Bahumut, (the shiny bagon), for a toys r us Regigigas?

Thu Feb 17, 2011 6:00 pm
Psychic Trainer
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Now excepting artwork for the March special.

Pacific Time Zone (UTC-8) and I work graveyard. So the best time to contact me is 8am-12noon(I might be working outside) or 8pm-9:30pm Mon-Sat.
Pearl - Loki 3180 2509 3375

-I am a Shiny Breeder and can breed one if you PM me.
My Shiny Trading thread:

Tue Mar 01, 2011 10:53 am
Psychic Trainer
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Please know - that I am unable to do Gen 5 shinies at this time. Once I can, you will be notified. I can however trade a shiny to your Gen 5 game and will accept UT Gen 5 Legendaries.

I can still breed normals of any Gen 5 pokemon in American or in Japanese.

Pacific Time Zone (UTC-8) and I work graveyard. So the best time to contact me is 8am-12noon(I might be working outside) or 8pm-9:30pm Mon-Sat.
Pearl - Loki 3180 2509 3375

-I am a Shiny Breeder and can breed one if you PM me.
My Shiny Trading thread:

Sat Mar 05, 2011 3:44 pm
Psychic Trainer
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I want to trade a trash for a trash in Black and White. This is to get the items from the man in the Castilia PC.

If you want to trade - DO NOT POST, but message me or email me at I will delete this post once I am done with the trading.
My Current Black FC is 3825 7890 4764

Pacific Time Zone (UTC-8) and I work graveyard. So the best time to contact me is 8am-12noon(I might be working outside) or 8pm-9:30pm Mon-Sat.
Pearl - Loki 3180 2509 3375

-I am a Shiny Breeder and can breed one if you PM me.
My Shiny Trading thread:

Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:33 pm
Pokemon Ranger
Pokemon Ranger
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Location: In a Secret Hideout
Shiny charmander Image
M/F Nickname: CH3 NO2 (Nitromethane)
specific nature: Timid
Location: N/A
Notes: I'll pay extra for Good IVs in SA and SP (Greater than 26)
Payment: Nuggets

Trade through HGSS but if you want I'll do a trash trade as well.


Tue Mar 22, 2011 1:09 pm
Bug Catcher
Bug Catcher

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Hey I was wondering if you take the ancient items for B/W.

Mon Apr 04, 2011 6:13 pm
Psychic Trainer
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Until this site gets fixed - And I mean by it running faster(because I hate waiting 10 minutes, just to see a stupid "my Fc is blah blah blah" that could be written in a post) and when the mail system gets fixed( meaning; were I can actually read it and not have a white background{that blinds my eyes} and having the text be a light blue{which you can't even read}

If it continues for too long - I will probably just leave this sight.

In the meantime you can email me at if you want/need anything. And remember I can get you anything that is legal(I don't hack, cheat, clone) on any Gen 4 or Gen 5 game. Also must have something pokemon related in the title - because if I don't know your email and your title says something like "hi", then it will not be opened and thrown away.

Pacific Time Zone (UTC-8) and I work graveyard. So the best time to contact me is 8am-12noon(I might be working outside) or 8pm-9:30pm Mon-Sat.
Pearl - Loki 3180 2509 3375

-I am a Shiny Breeder and can breed one if you PM me.
My Shiny Trading thread:

Tue Apr 05, 2011 5:40 pm
Psychic Trainer
Psychic Trainer
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New Monthly Specials
May Special #1 - A free S.Feebas with any order. Code=M1FF
May Special #2 - 3 shiny Feebas for the price of one. Code=M3F1

Must ask for code BEFORE we settle on the trade (not when we actually trade).

Pacific Time Zone (UTC-8) and I work graveyard. So the best time to contact me is 8am-12noon(I might be working outside) or 8pm-9:30pm Mon-Sat.
Pearl - Loki 3180 2509 3375

-I am a Shiny Breeder and can breed one if you PM me.
My Shiny Trading thread:

Thu May 05, 2011 2:34 am
Psychic Trainer
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Since I can't get into the dream world(for reasons unknown), I am in need of Every Dreamworld pokemon with a hidden ability. So if you have a female DW pokemon that I don't have yet (As I get more and need less - I'll post the ones I still need) I will breed you a free basic shiny Pokemon of your choice(must be from Gen 4).

Post, PM or Email me at if you want to help me out.

The ones I currently still need are the following:
Growlithe, Marill, Sudowoodo, Girafarig, Miltank, Zigzagoon, Electrike, Castform, Pachirisu, Skitty, Smeargle, Burmy, Krabby, Staryu, Kabuto, Barboach, Qwilfish, Mantine, Luvdisc, Buizel, Finneon, Tentacool, Lileep, Anorith, Tropius, Chatot.

The ones I have deals for are:
Pidgey, Spearow, Yanma, Aerodactyl, Gligar, Butterfree, Zubat, Staravia, Delibird, Feebas, Shellos, Corsola, Natu, Poliwag.

Pacific Time Zone (UTC-8) and I work graveyard. So the best time to contact me is 8am-12noon(I might be working outside) or 8pm-9:30pm Mon-Sat.
Pearl - Loki 3180 2509 3375

-I am a Shiny Breeder and can breed one if you PM me.
My Shiny Trading thread:

Last edited by MallratDogma on Tue Jun 21, 2011 11:29 pm, edited 10 times in total.

Wed May 11, 2011 12:54 am
Bug Catcher
Bug Catcher
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Um, I know you are a shiny breeder, but, I was wondering if maybe you had a Shiny Jirachi. or maybe if you dont, If i could get a shiny Ponyta. I dont care about gender, but can you can nickname it Fireheart. Um, sorry if i bothered you. Thank you.

Thu May 12, 2011 6:55 pm
Psychic Trainer
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I guess I'm starting to work Graveyard tonight, so it will take me a little longer to complete orders and then My trading schedule will be in my Sig.

Pacific Time Zone (UTC-8) and I work graveyard. So the best time to contact me is 8am-12noon(I might be working outside) or 8pm-9:30pm Mon-Sat.
Pearl - Loki 3180 2509 3375

-I am a Shiny Breeder and can breed one if you PM me.
My Shiny Trading thread:

Wed May 25, 2011 12:28 pm
Bug Catcher
Bug Catcher
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Do you think i could get a basic shiny spiritomb from the 2011 special :D

HG FC- JESSY 3911 1990 1196
W FC- Jessy 4470 1647 0219
please pm me if you have any shiny's that you could trade me :)

Sun May 29, 2011 8:37 am
Psychic Trainer
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I wrote you message, apparently you are one of those people that doesn't check their messages.

Pacific Time Zone (UTC-8) and I work graveyard. So the best time to contact me is 8am-12noon(I might be working outside) or 8pm-9:30pm Mon-Sat.
Pearl - Loki 3180 2509 3375

-I am a Shiny Breeder and can breed one if you PM me.
My Shiny Trading thread:

Mon May 30, 2011 11:39 pm
Bug Catcher
Bug Catcher
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Oh, my bad. I changed my mind on the spiritomb, sorry.

HG FC- JESSY 3911 1990 1196
W FC- Jessy 4470 1647 0219
please pm me if you have any shiny's that you could trade me :)

Tue May 31, 2011 1:09 pm
Psychic Trainer
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June Special #1 - A free shiny pineco, budew, porygon, yanma or beldum with order or on-hand trade. You do not get to pick which is free, but you need to pick a number between 00-99 and enter it in the code at the question marks - that number will generate which you get. Limit of 2. Code=JF??

June Special #2 - A June 23 born S.Larvitar for 2 Star Pieces or Rare Bones or one of each Happy Birthday Jr. Code=JBL2

Must ask for Code BEFORE we settle on the trade (not when we actually trade).

Pacific Time Zone (UTC-8) and I work graveyard. So the best time to contact me is 8am-12noon(I might be working outside) or 8pm-9:30pm Mon-Sat.
Pearl - Loki 3180 2509 3375

-I am a Shiny Breeder and can breed one if you PM me.
My Shiny Trading thread:

Wed Jun 01, 2011 1:50 am
Pokemon Trainer
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I want a Janta's Golurk, I know that they aren't being distribuited yet but I'm only saying because the first one that PM me can ask for any item and Pokemon my only difficultation is the iv but I can try. Then the chalenge is set. I will check the PM at the third day of distribuition of them. :) :violin: :)


Sat Jun 11, 2011 1:16 pm
Psychic Trainer
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Since I can't get into the dream world(for reasons unknown), I am in need of Every Dreamworld pokemon with a hidden ability. So if you have a female DW pokemon that I don't have yet (As I get more and need less - I'll post the ones I still need) I will breed you a free basic shiny Pokemon of your choice(must be from Gen 4).

Post, PM or Email me at if you want to help me out.

The ones I currently still need are the following:
Growlithe, Marill, Sudowoodo, Girafarig, Miltank, Zigzagoon, Electrike, Castform, Pachirisu, Vulpix, Skitty, Smeargle, Burmy, Goldeen/Seaking, Omanyte, Kabuto, Barboach, Qwilfish, Mantine, Relicanth, Luvdisc, Buizel, Finneon, Tentacool, Lileep, Anorith, Chatot.

The ones I have deals for are:
Aerodactyl, Gligar, Tropius, krabby.

Pacific Time Zone (UTC-8) and I work graveyard. So the best time to contact me is 8am-12noon(I might be working outside) or 8pm-9:30pm Mon-Sat.
Pearl - Loki 3180 2509 3375

-I am a Shiny Breeder and can breed one if you PM me.
My Shiny Trading thread:

Last edited by MallratDogma on Sat Jul 09, 2011 8:37 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Tue Jun 21, 2011 11:32 pm
Psychic Trainer
Psychic Trainer
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Joined: Wed Mar 30, 2011 6:06 pm
Posts: 54
Pokemon: shiny eevee
Preferred Nature:naughty
Male Nickname: EVOLRION
Female Nickname:none
Preferred Gender:male
Place of Egg Hatch: any
Specific egg moves: none
Payment:Tropius, Electrike, Zigzagoon, all holding s.p. each.

if its more just tell me the diffrence in day of trade in star piece
fc=Elks 0261 1536 5943

p.s. Eevee is for my soul silver game so please remeber that thanks again.

soulsilver fc Elks 2666 5019 6010
White fc ELKS 4985 5562 7373
Black fc CORE 4684 9432 3917

Last edited by Elkswood on Mon Jul 11, 2011 4:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Fri Jul 08, 2011 8:49 am
Ace Trainer
Ace Trainer
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Joined: Thu May 26, 2011 3:55 pm
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Location: redfield kansas united states of amarica.
prefered nature: rash only
male nickname:none
female nickname:none
gender: none
place of hatch:none
egg moves: none
pament: 2 pp up, 2 nugget, 1 splash plate.

is that good i am not available this week but next week i am free most of the time

current games - X & Y
also White2 and HeartGold but not play them at this time.

3DS FC: 0104-0278-1948


deviantART wrote:
They do it to trigger fan-fictions. Fur da lulz. Cuz you know how those fan stories can get... *shudders*

So the writers put things in the show just so they can read our screwed-up fanfics? That explains everything

Fri Jul 08, 2011 3:21 pm
Bug Catcher
Bug Catcher
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Joined: Sat Jul 09, 2011 11:23 am
Posts: 10
Location: Sinnoh
Pokemon: Shiny Eevee
Preferred Nature: Any
Ability: Any
Male Nickname: NONE
Female Nickname: NONE
Preferred Gender: Any
Place of Egg Hatch: Any
Specific egg moves: None
Payment: Shiny Ponyta (UT) Random Encouter, Latios, Latias. Masterball. Pick what you like.

Image Image Image Image Image Image
PM me for battle.
Heart Gold: Abade 1248-9447-4288

Sat Jul 09, 2011 11:55 am
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