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You single handedly gave Lugia its immunity. Did you know that? I would also have voted Kyurem down but...
{rayquaza} / {venusaur}
Rayquaza was the first EPIC dragon mascot that they had. Venusaur is a poser and must die.
Rayquaza: There can only be ONE green mascot!!!
There is a possibility I've become a) crazy, b) obsessed with making sure Venusaur doesn't make it, or c) both. In which case, please, where is the nearest psych ward?

"As I look up from the ground
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Sat Jan 28, 2012 10:12 pm
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AEP: Master Trainer wrote:
{rayquaza} up / {groudon} down

Rayquaza looks spectacular, especially when it's shiny, and since I have a "mediator" personality, its backstory appeals to me... And while it is not fair, Groudon actually being one of my favorites to use, I think its typing is absolutely horrible, since it doesn't get STAB on the Fire-type moves that I have on it... And Kyogre wipes the floor with it, and that is perhaps the most one-sided Legendary battle (between mascots) of any Gen... Sorry Groudon.

Somehow or other I will get my voice heard! :P

AEPMT ;) 8-) :mrgreen:

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Sat Jan 28, 2012 11:17 pm
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{pikachu} up, must be the easiest to feed / {palkia} down, it is vaguely phallic

Whoever wins... has to change into a yellow outfit, okay?

Sun Jan 29, 2012 3:14 am
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*****NOT A VOTE*****
@AEP: Sorry about last time. It is partially my fault. I'll count it this time.
@Skeleton: You can't vote for pikachu. It's dead. Try resubmitting a new vote.
@Everyone: Try to keep count of who is losing and winning and how much votes they have. Also, DON'T VOTE FOR PIKACHU OR LUGIA!!! Lugia has immunity and Pika is dead. That is why it says HEADSHOT next to it.

"As I look up from the ground
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Sun Jan 29, 2012 8:02 am
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{ho-oh} / {venusaur}
Ho-oh is fire/flying. Compare that to Venusaur, which is Grass only. C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER + HEADSHOT!!!

"As I look up from the ground
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Last edited by Haunted Water on Wed Feb 01, 2012 1:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Jan 29, 2012 8:18 pm
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{groudon} / Image
Still voting for him. It was pretty cool in the whole jirachi movie, but I have practicly no memories of it / Also till voting against Kyurem. Also, he's not the best in competitive battling: its rather outclassed by other pokes


Sun Jan 29, 2012 8:51 pm
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I concur! Kyurem is horrible. Also, since it is 12:06am where I am right now...
{blastoise} / {venusaur}
Blastoise is turtle. A FREAKING TURTLE!!! Not to mention cannons. CANNONS!!! Venusaur is ugly and must die.

"As I look up from the ground
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Sun Jan 29, 2012 10:08 pm
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Venusaur {venusaur} / Blastoise {blastoise}
- Venusaur is amazing and must live. Not to mention I'm currently playing with Ivysaur in a fan game.
- Big fat ugly turtle with inorganic cannons must die. DIE!


Sun Jan 29, 2012 10:28 pm
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Now that the above is out of the way, (although I guess I could still vote again) what is the updated scoreboard? It would be easier to figure out who I still might want to vote for without going back to the earlier page...

AEPMT ;) 8-) :mrgreen:

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Tue Jan 31, 2012 10:04 am
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Samurott wrote:
Ho-oh is fire/flying. Compare that to Venusaur, which is Grass only. C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER + HEADSHOT!!!

No it isn't, it's grass/poison :U

Whoever wins... has to change into a yellow outfit, okay?

Tue Jan 31, 2012 12:52 pm
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Venusaur / Ho-oh

Because green > rainbow



Tue Jan 31, 2012 1:43 pm
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{venusaur} / Kyurem

Stayin alive ... 8-) / 9/11 should not be put in a video game primarily intended for children

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Tue Jan 31, 2012 2:06 pm
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{palkia} / {venusaur}

One of my favourite mascots and to be honest I like the design.
Been around one round too long. Not to mention that I really don't like Venusaur.


Tue Jan 31, 2012 2:14 pm
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twistedturtwig wrote:
9/11 should not be put in a video game primarily intended for children

I assume you're talking about this Cracked article, to which I reply that 1) there is no desert swirling around Ground Zero, 2) Kyurem isn't even found on the same peninsula as the Desert Resort, and 3) Kyurem is 9'10", not 9'11".

Don't use Cracked for your facts, kids.


Tue Jan 31, 2012 2:39 pm
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*****NOT A VOTE*****
@AEPMT: Ok. I'll post tomorrow.
@Everyone: Don't vote for Venusaur until I update the score. I fear immunity for it.

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Tue Jan 31, 2012 7:43 pm
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The Scoreboard:
Bastoise - 1/1
Charizard - 0/0
Pika - 1/5 HEADSHOT! Dead
Lugia - 3/0 YOU MAY PASS! Immune
Ho-oh - 1/1
Suicune - 0/0
Groudon - 1/1
Kyogre - 0/0
Rayquaza - 2/0
Venusaur - 3/4
Dialga - 0/0
Palkia - 1/1
Giratina - 0/0
Reshiram - 0/0
Zekrom - 0/0
Kyurem - 0/3

There's your update. Please one more down vote for venusaur.

"As I look up from the ground
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Wed Feb 01, 2012 1:05 pm
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{charizard} / {venusaur}
Its my favorite starter, even though its rather overated. It was also the star in my first rundown of Firered. / Least favorite so far. Also, Leafgreen isn't one of my main games.


Wed Feb 01, 2012 3:40 pm
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YES!!! OMGOMGOMG!!! Thanks, S-r!!! *Gives 5 Psybucks*
Finally!!! That Green poser is eliminated!!! I hope that poser is eliminated.
That marks the end of Round 2. Lugia isn't immune anymore and Pikachu is still dead. Shuckle-rock$ cooked (avatar: Chandelure. Get it?) Venusaur, then ate it's leaves (Shuckle is a bug). EPIC KILL!!!
I'll post the scoreboard tomorrow. Round 3 starts at 12am, your time (i.e.: Eventhough it is 630pm where I am, Brits can vote in thirty minutes, and so on). I'll say in the next round begins. Immunity for this round goes to...
Uh-oh. *frowns* Venusaur dominated this round. He has the most immunity votes, so I guess I'll PM one of the mods to get out of this predicament. Until next time.

PS: The reason why I'm giving Psybucks to S-r is because he delivered the final blow and that made my day week!

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Wed Feb 01, 2012 4:40 pm
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Guys, Bad news! *sniff* Venusaur *sniff* gets immunity!!! *sob*
Ok, so now that the prick is gone this next level, the runner-up in boot votes is...
Kyurem. So for this next one, Venusaur moves to Round 3 and Kyurem gets locked up. Start Round 3 now. Yaaaayyyyyy :p.

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Thu Feb 02, 2012 8:36 pm
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Huh, I thought Venusaur would get booted :?
Still, Kyurem did lose, so I'm good

Image / Image
He's got a force field and a flexible plan, he's got a date with fate in a black sedan, he plays fast forward for as long as he can, but he won't need a bed - HE'S A DIGITAL 'MON YEA! Anyway, before B/W I used to be a Reshiram fan, but now I'm liking Zekrom now. It has a cooler typing, its black design looks cool, and he has an awesome unobtainable shiny sprite. / Ironic for the boot vote? It's my least favorite so far now, and like I said, I prefer Zekrom now


Fri Feb 03, 2012 2:42 pm
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There's always Round 5 when that frickin rat comes back. But, who will I vote for now? Go with boosting {blastoise} that way SL can't boot before Venusaur does. Also, sorry about contridicting your vote, but...
Reshiram / Zekrom
I have Black. Also, look at my name and look at the typing. Damn electric dragon. Meh, I'll kill you with Sammi anyways.

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Fri Feb 03, 2012 8:36 pm
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Venasaur: In it to win it!

U mad bro?



It looks cool, not to mention it's what a Dragon type should look like/Aesthetically displeasing to me, and I dislike the fire type

I had read about it on a completely different site. I haven't even seen the site Cracked until you put the link in your post. And you say there's no desert around Ground Zero, but there's no mountains in New York anywhere either. The games weren't meant to resemble the actual place exactly. Try to lay off. There's no need to correct every little detail I might have.

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Fri Feb 03, 2012 8:59 pm
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Venusaur was killed. ಠ益ಠ
Then it was resurrected. o_O
Then the muuuuch-better Kyurem is killed. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Also, I have no idea what Samurott is talking about me and that fat 'shellfish'.

Kyogre {kyogre} / Blastoise {blastoise}
Same reasons as before:
- Kyogre is a mighty beast with great design and excellent ability and massive power that subdues (nearly) everything.
- Come on, I've been booting this thing so many time I've ran out of hateful adjectives.


Fri Feb 03, 2012 9:12 pm
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*****NOT A VOTE*****
@Twist: Nope. I'm not mad one bit :p.
@ShinyLucario: I never said it was you specifically (I said SL. Just cause you vote Blastoise down all the time and have SL in your initials doesn't mean I was talking about you, eventhough I was). Also, shouldn't you be worrying about your pec, you know, since it is slowly dying? Blastoise will not get voted out before Venusaur!!!

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Fri Feb 03, 2012 9:21 pm
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Yes it will. Blastoise doesn't have much longer. :twisted:

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Sat Feb 04, 2012 7:23 am
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