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 Kid Icarus: Uprising 
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Art Commentator
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This game is fun. It's like Star Fox meets Zelda, or something. I'm actually more annoyed by the camera than the controls, which I feel are fine. One of my favorite parts is the Weapon Fusion system. After some tinkering, I got a Drill Arm with a ***** ranged attack rating! It's so useful, and I'm a huge Gurren Lagann fan, so I'll problably keep it forever.

Anyway, what do you guys/gals think of the game?

These past years have been great, and this community was a great one. Key word being was. Since my birthday last year, the site hasn't updated at all, and people have been slowly trickling away from the forums over the weeks. I've had this site as my internet homepage for ages, and I anxiously awaited the resurgence that I hoped would come. But it never came. So, it is with a heavy heart that I announce my permanent leave of Psypoke. As a moderator, I wished only the best for everyone here, and worked to maintain a jolly environment where everyone could discuss cartoon monsters in peace. Now, I wish all those who happen to be reading this message good luck in whatever endeavors you have chosen to pursue, and that your futures be bright.

Mektar out.

Sat Mar 24, 2012 1:40 pm
Pokemon Master
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What platform is for? Because I am interested in this game but, oddly, cant find it in the ds section.

"As I look up from the ground
I see darkness all around
And I'm lost but can be found up in the sky

Sat Mar 24, 2012 4:35 pm
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It's a 3DS title. It comes with a stand in case your hands are too wimpy to hold the thing as you play. In my opinion, It's certainly among the top 5 games out on the system.

These past years have been great, and this community was a great one. Key word being was. Since my birthday last year, the site hasn't updated at all, and people have been slowly trickling away from the forums over the weeks. I've had this site as my internet homepage for ages, and I anxiously awaited the resurgence that I hoped would come. But it never came. So, it is with a heavy heart that I announce my permanent leave of Psypoke. As a moderator, I wished only the best for everyone here, and worked to maintain a jolly environment where everyone could discuss cartoon monsters in peace. Now, I wish all those who happen to be reading this message good luck in whatever endeavors you have chosen to pursue, and that your futures be bright.

Mektar out.

Sat Mar 24, 2012 6:40 pm
Pokemon Ranger
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I cannot wait to get this! It looks EPIC!

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Sat Mar 24, 2012 9:22 pm
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Ace Trainer
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It's pretty cool. And I love how chatty (and meta) Pit is. The voice acting is great, and it's about time a Nintendo hero does more than smile and nod.

Whoever wins... has to change into a yellow outfit, okay?

Sun Mar 25, 2012 7:26 pm
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Dragon Tamer
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Honestly I was only excited for it cos as soon as it came out Project SORA starts of the Wii U/3DS supersmash game XD EEEEEEEE! *shrieks in delight* naww but back on topic, the game feels nice, I think it flows very well, lots of fun :)

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Fire Water Earth Wind

Mon Mar 26, 2012 8:47 am
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I had to customize my controls pretty heavily...being left-handed has it's drawbacks, I suppose. Eventually, I got used to it, and am very much enjoying the game. Online play is hectic, but I love it! Definitely a must have for the system.

~*Shiny Hunter*~

Persistence ends resistence.

3DS FC: 5069-4148-2325 (please PM to exchange)
Poison Friend Safari: Seviper, Ariados, and Whirlipede.

Wed Mar 28, 2012 5:25 am
Bug Catcher
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Kid Icarus: Uprising is the best game on the 3DS right now. I mean, games like Ocarina of Time 3D, MGS3 Snake Eater, Super Mario 3D Land, and Mario Kart 7 are all good, they just either feel rushed and unpolished (the two Mario games), or are enchanced remakes of popular games (Zelda, Metal Gear Solid 3). Kid Icarus is neither unpolished or a remake, and it has some of the most fresh ideas for a game that I've seen in a long time. You can tell that they put a lot of love into it, with all of it's features, great acting, and lovable characters (my favorite is Thantos Highlight to view spoiler.
and Hades is cool, too). Beat all of the chapters two days after launch, and it was epic throughout. It has to be expierenced fresh; all I'll say is that there are a lot of plot twists. Knowing what will happen thanks to spoilers just ruins the mood IMO.


Sorry for the low post count, I barely go on here. XD

Thu Mar 29, 2012 8:44 am
Ace Trainer
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On Super Mario 3D Land's behalf, I have to disagree. It's one of the best Mario games yet, and definitely the best in recent history if New SMB Wii isn't (they've been getting steadily better and better since Mario Party went on hiatus, anybody else think so?)

Not to say Uprising isn't or is better. Just to say how much I love 3D Land.

Whoever wins... has to change into a yellow outfit, okay?

Thu Mar 29, 2012 1:07 pm
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Dragon Tamer
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3D land was wonderful, and it was actually challenging from time to time, haven't had that in a mario game for flippin ages! but back on topic, yeh I think it is a major selling point for the 3DS, and i'm glad nintendo was finally able to come up with a good first party game that didn't have "Zelda" "Mario" "Metroid" or "Pokemon" somewhere in the title, nice to see a new face :)

Eat, Sleep, Play video games, Contact Juggle, Play music, REPEAT!

Fire Water Earth Wind

Thu Mar 29, 2012 5:54 pm
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I just came up with a few funny weapon ideas:

Power Palm (Power Glove)
Golf Club (self explanatory)
Key Blade (reference to Kingdom Hearts)

These past years have been great, and this community was a great one. Key word being was. Since my birthday last year, the site hasn't updated at all, and people have been slowly trickling away from the forums over the weeks. I've had this site as my internet homepage for ages, and I anxiously awaited the resurgence that I hoped would come. But it never came. So, it is with a heavy heart that I announce my permanent leave of Psypoke. As a moderator, I wished only the best for everyone here, and worked to maintain a jolly environment where everyone could discuss cartoon monsters in peace. Now, I wish all those who happen to be reading this message good luck in whatever endeavors you have chosen to pursue, and that your futures be bright.

Mektar out.

Tue Apr 03, 2012 6:28 pm
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I must reiterate just how good online play is. I honestly didn't expect it to amount to much, but it truly does make the game feel more complete - not to mention it gives much more worth to the weapon creation system than solo play does.

Agreed on the point about the game being polished. The story was amazing, and the music was even better! The references to the classic were also an amusing touch that brought back a lot of memories. I hope you all pre-ordered and got the free download!

~*Shiny Hunter*~

Persistence ends resistence.

3DS FC: 5069-4148-2325 (please PM to exchange)
Poison Friend Safari: Seviper, Ariados, and Whirlipede.

Wed Apr 11, 2012 8:23 am
Pokemon Ranger
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Awesome game. I'm currently trying to complete all the treasure hunts. Unfortunately, together mode doesn't work for me :cry:
Current weapon: Violet Palm; 4.5 range and melee; +3 health/+1 poison/+2 standing cont. fire/+1 melee dash attack/+3 heart bonus/-1 overall defense
All in all, amazing weapon. Good homing, added health and hearts, and it poisons foes! Only problem is the -1 defense :(

Edit: I can use together mode now, but only on Wednesdays and every second weekend.

My Gallery Last update: 19 July (Fake Card)

Wed Apr 11, 2012 12:24 pm
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FYI, my username in Uprising is Vash (the Stampede), not Scott or Mektar. So if you see me, walk up and say hi (so I can hit you in the face with my EDIT: Ogre Club :twisted: ).

These past years have been great, and this community was a great one. Key word being was. Since my birthday last year, the site hasn't updated at all, and people have been slowly trickling away from the forums over the weeks. I've had this site as my internet homepage for ages, and I anxiously awaited the resurgence that I hoped would come. But it never came. So, it is with a heavy heart that I announce my permanent leave of Psypoke. As a moderator, I wished only the best for everyone here, and worked to maintain a jolly environment where everyone could discuss cartoon monsters in peace. Now, I wish all those who happen to be reading this message good luck in whatever endeavors you have chosen to pursue, and that your futures be bright.

Mektar out.

Sat Apr 21, 2012 11:02 am
Pokemon Ranger
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Got it a few days ago, and beat the main story quickly. The remaining treasure hunt challenges aren't easy, though. I think my current weapon is an Angel Bow with ***(emptystar) ranged and ***** melee. I also have a ***** ranged Kracken Arm as backup.
I have to say, though, Highlight to view spoiler.
the Ring of Chaos chapter surprised me. I wasn't expecting for the story to skip three years and have Pit turned in too a ring.
On a side note, has anyone else found all of the Zodiac chambers?

"We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses." -Abraham Lincoln
"You can't argue with all the fools in the world- it's best to let them have their way and trick them while they're not looking." -Brom
Credit to Jester for the avatar!

Sat May 05, 2012 6:24 am
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Yes, and I have 98% completion. Playing a chapter on intensity 9 is not easy :[

These past years have been great, and this community was a great one. Key word being was. Since my birthday last year, the site hasn't updated at all, and people have been slowly trickling away from the forums over the weeks. I've had this site as my internet homepage for ages, and I anxiously awaited the resurgence that I hoped would come. But it never came. So, it is with a heavy heart that I announce my permanent leave of Psypoke. As a moderator, I wished only the best for everyone here, and worked to maintain a jolly environment where everyone could discuss cartoon monsters in peace. Now, I wish all those who happen to be reading this message good luck in whatever endeavors you have chosen to pursue, and that your futures be bright.

Mektar out.

Sat May 05, 2012 6:27 am
Pokemon Ranger
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Started playing the game again; now I have an Aquarius blade with four and a half stars in Melee and Ranged. It has +1 to Melee defense, health, evasion, melee combo, and knockback recovery, and -3 to speed (also have an Aurum blade with six stars melee with +4 to melee dash attacks). I'm trying to beat all the chapters on intensity 5.0 before I even attempt 9.0. I'm at 90.4% completion. My powers are Mega Laser level one, Explosive Flame level one, Meteor Shower level three, and Health Recovery level three.
Minus some Hades treasure hunt challenges, the hardest ones for me to complete are the ones where you have to beat a boss in Crisis mode. I always end up recovering right before I beat them, whether it's on intensity 0.0, 2.0, 5.0, or 7.5.
I have yet to obtain Viridi Claws (I should have them soon) , the Aurum Bow, Centurion Orbitars, or the Palutena Bow (I should also have this soon). I think I have the other weapons unlocked, though.

"We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses." -Abraham Lincoln
"You can't argue with all the fools in the world- it's best to let them have their way and trick them while they're not looking." -Brom
Credit to Jester for the avatar!

Thu Nov 22, 2012 9:05 am
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