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 Should the Pokedex be reorganized? 
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Pokemon Master
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In the main pokemon games, Pokemon are put in the pokedex by generation. But sometimes... they decide to make a new evo for a pokemon, and put it far away, in another generation.

#41 Zubat - #42 Golbat -> #169 Crobat
There's 126 Pokemon between Golbat and Crobat.

By reorganizing the pokedex, we could be able to put Crobat beside Golbat, and many others, like Sneasel and Weavile, happiny and Chansey, etc.

And since the 6th Gen is coming... do you think it's a good idea?

Thanks DragoBoy for this awesome sig and Mektar for the astonishing avatar!!!

Mon Jun 24, 2013 3:25 pm
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As long as they do it correctly, and try to stick to certain guidelines.
Gen II's dex was a heart attack until I learned how to revert it back to original order.

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I see darkness all around
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Mon Jun 24, 2013 4:10 pm
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Haunted Water wrote:
Gen II's dex was a heart attack until I learned how to revert it back to original order.

Wow.... it's a mess o_O
No logical order at all... but at least Crobat is beside Golbat! ;)

Thanks DragoBoy for this awesome sig and Mektar for the astonishing avatar!!!

Mon Jun 24, 2013 8:58 pm
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Maybe for the Kalos regional dex we'll have another jumbled up pokedex listing, with (just a possible example) the Elekid line all together and Zangoose ahead of Farfetch'D. I think for the national pokedex they'll stick with the original format with Pichu being way behind Pikachu and Raichu as always, along with the other possible examples. Or maybe they'll edit it, who knows? However the way it is is obviously designed to distinguish the generations.

Mon Jun 24, 2013 9:15 pm
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Regional Pokedex scrambles are already stupid. Keep it the way it is; it sorts Pokemon based on what Gen they were introduced. Unova's was the only one I could really bear because it was in the same order as the National Dex, AND in the same order they appeared in the game. All the others (Kanto excluded for obvious reasons) were hellish to deal with.

I already deal with enough stupidity with this "[region] Pokedex" nonsense. There is no need to know the number of a Pokemon in more than 1 Pokedex. The National Pokedex must remain a static unchanging standard to be able to refer back to.

Because then Bellossom becomes #51 and everything after that just gets weirder.


Tue Jun 25, 2013 4:23 pm
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Well... This probally Really Stupid, and people will be yelling NO! NO! NO! NIDORINO! NO! NO! NO! NO! (?) at me, but what if we organized it by the type of the first poke in a evolution line, and organized THAT by the region of that same first poke of the evo line? For example, Ralts would be sorted into the psychic category, and then further sorted as a Hoen Psychic Pokemon. Then, you would have Kirlia, Gardivior, and Gallade trailing behind Ralts.
But then, what order would the types go into, especially with fairy type antagonizing older pokemon like Rapidash?
What about the dual-type Evo. line beginers, like Dwebble? Where would they go?
You see why I put the beginning part on.

-The Cutest Kirlia

Resident shipper girl of Psypokes. Also writes noncanon fanfic, Forest of Secrets may not actually be worked on again, though. . . much too busy.

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Last edited by CuteKirlia on Wed Sep 25, 2013 4:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Jul 16, 2013 12:21 pm
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Honestly it isn't a bad overall idea and the TCG sorts Pokemon in a similar manner where the Pokemon are arranged by type first and then by National Dex number, with split families put all together, i.e. Swinub, Piloswine and Mamoswine would all come together before Snorunt, Glalie and Froslass. For dual-types, they could just go by the primary type (i.e. the first type listed in the Pokedex) since those are the "main" types of each Pokemon. So Rhyhorn, a Ground/Rock Pokemon, would be in the Ground category and Geodude, a Rock/Ground Pokemon, would be in the Rock category.


Thu Jul 18, 2013 12:12 pm
Pokemon Ranger
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While I'm not against the idea, I don't think that the Pokédex needs to be reorganised, and I don't think it ever will.
What may happen is a new Pokédex function that sorts Pokémon by type and Evolution line.
Frost wrote:
For dual-types, they could just go by the primary type (i.e. the first type listed in the Pokedex) since those are the "main" types of each Pokemon. So Rhyhorn, a Ground/Rock Pokemon, would be in the Ground category and Geodude, a Rock/Ground Pokemon, would be in the Rock category.

What about {swablu} Normal/Flying and {altaria} Dragon/Flying. Altaria wouldn't belong in the Normal Category, even though it evolves from a Pokemon with Normal as its primary type.

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Last edited by DragoBoy on Thu Jul 18, 2013 2:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Jul 18, 2013 2:15 pm
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DragoBoy wrote:
While I'm not against the idea, I don't think that the Pokédex needs to be reorganised, and I don't think it ever will.
What may happen is a new Pokédex function that sorts Pokémon by type and Evolution line.
Frost wrote:
For dual-types, they could just go by the primary type (i.e. the first type listed in the Pokedex) since those are the "main" types of each Pokemon. So Rhyhorn, a Ground/Rock Pokemon, would be in the Ground category and Geodude, a Rock/Ground Pokemon, would be in the Rock category.

What about {swablu} Normal/Flying and {altaria} Dragon/Flying. altaria wouldn't belong in the Normal Category, even though it evolves from a Pokemon with Normal as its primary type.

They could toss it in Flying since it's the only type they have in common.

I'll think of something to put here soon.

Last edited by Different55 on Thu Jul 18, 2013 5:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Jul 18, 2013 2:29 pm
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Different55 wrote:
They could toss it in Flying since it's the only type they have in common.

But that goes against the idea of using their primary types.
They could just change it so that they're Flying/Normal and Flying/Dragon, and then they'd fit in the Flying Category.

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Thu Jul 18, 2013 2:35 pm
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Like I said, Swablu would go where it goes, by it's first type like you suggested I guess, Normal, then Sinnoh Normals, and Altaria would automatically trail behind it. Drago's idea works too, make Flying type go first for them both, and sort them based on that.
Wait, Swablu and Altaria are from Sinnoh, right? Not sure. :mrgreen:

-The Cutest Kirlia

Resident shipper girl of Psypokes. Also writes noncanon fanfic, Forest of Secrets may not actually be worked on again, though. . . much too busy.

Pokemon Y FC; 0989-2247-7711

Last edited by CuteKirlia on Wed Sep 25, 2013 4:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Jul 18, 2013 5:35 pm
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CuteKirlia wrote:
Like I said, Swablu would go where it goes, by it's first type like you suggested I guess, Normal, then Sinnoh Normals, and Altaria would automatically trail behind it. Drago's idea works too, make Flying type go first for them both, and sort them based on that.
Wait, Swablu and Altaria are from Sinnoh, right? Not sure. :mrgreen:

They are hoenn pokemon.

I'll think of something to put here soon.

Last edited by Different55 on Fri Jul 19, 2013 11:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Jul 18, 2013 9:07 pm
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Pokemon Ranger
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Oh... This is why no one calls me a genuis. :lol:

-The Cutest Kirlia

Resident shipper girl of Psypokes. Also writes noncanon fanfic, Forest of Secrets may not actually be worked on again, though. . . much too busy.

Pokemon Y FC; 0989-2247-7711

Fri Jul 19, 2013 7:36 am
Bug Catcher
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I think that in the next pokemon games the national pokedex should be reorganized. Mainly because I think that all pokemon that evolve should have their evolutions right next to each other. For examaple
Magby's evolutions are all over the place. Magamar is in the 1st gen, Magby's in the 2nd gen. and Magmortar is in the 4th gen. I just think it would be a lot easier to navigate through if everyones evolution were right next to each other.

Mon Dec 15, 2014 12:23 am
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oviously as the pokemon evolutions are scattered

just give me the fire type starters and i will beat you all
fighting fire with fire.
everything is solved with fire
tihis means that dragons are always the answer
they will make the worldhave something it never had befor


Sun May 31, 2015 12:38 pm
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