I wouldnt have thought this was possible, but its been a good day or so since I've been able to find my XP share. I did release a Pokemon that I totally did not need into the wild the other day.
I'd think the game wouldve warned me or not allowed me to give away an item like that, or maybe to release a Poke into the wild while holding such an item...? Could I be wrong? Could I be the biggest idiot in the world? Dont answer that.
As far as you know, is there any way to obtain a replacement XP Share in Pearl? I'm near the end of the game but daaaaayum! I mean...its my XP Share! Come on. lol
The only other place besides the PC that I would think of that it could possibly be would be the nursery, and I have nothing there, nor have I for over a week. I went into the PC and did the "move items" thing. Did it a couple of times just to check myself.
I am so mad at me, too because it reallly took me awhile to get the hang of this whole thing. I had just gotten the 6th gym badge and am at about 130 in me Pokedex so I'm guessing that when I hit 150 something cool happens. (Its my first Pokemon game, I dunno)
If anybody knows - or if there is a way to just get a replacement... yikes! Let me know? Thanks!