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 The Fake Pokémon Pokédex 
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Dragon Tamer
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Ha HA, He is done!
Second Half
The Picture here is really a origami Stag beetle but It looked like my vision of him
EDIT: A bit Small. I'll try to fix...

Image<img src="images/trainercards/pokeseeker.png">

Thu Jul 14, 2005 5:26 pm
Psychic Trainer
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is there room for more fake pokemon?
I may submit one, but I first wanna finish his picture.
which reminds me.. how do you add a picture to your post?

scythers. cause they're green.

Sun Jul 17, 2005 10:14 am
Pokemon Ranger
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To add the picture you use this code:


And then insert the url adress for example:


Then close it with


And you end up with


And then when you see your post you'll have the image:


I have a tendansy to confuse so I hope you understood.


Sun Jul 17, 2005 10:34 am
Psychic Trainer
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nope, that was very clear, thank you.
now let's see..
numbers 468-470 if possible.
evolution chain: sofur lv18->Dofur
Dofur lv38-> Snoter

source of name: soft fur.
species: pupy

Habitat: snowy plains
Height: 2fit 4in, 0.7 m
Weight: 6.40 ibs, 2.9 kg
Ability: Hustle
Colour: white

scythers. cause they're green.

Last edited by scyther_girl on Sun Jul 24, 2005 9:26 am, edited 3 times in total.

Sun Jul 17, 2005 4:01 pm
Psychic Trainer
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yay! my fakes were added!

scythers. cause they're green.

Tue Jul 19, 2005 1:42 pm
Pokemon Ranger
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Of course they were. But I'd like to point out a few things.

Egg Moves: Endure, Ice ball, Hail.

Other Moves:
Dunno.. do you mean breed moves?
breeding moves

Egg moves and Breeding Moves are the same. They are those passed on to the baby from the male, right? Then they ARE the same. Unless therte's another group of moves you're talking about. Which is unlikely.

breeding moves
Aerial Ace (breed with {absol})

TM/HM Compatability:(for all 3 pokemon)
33 Reflect
40 Aerial Ace
44 Rest

As AA is a TM, you do not need to include this in the Egg moves. TMs are naturally transferred when you breed. Since the breeding rules state that the TMs as well as the Egg Moves are both form the male, one of those examples is redundant.

TM/HM Compatability:(for all 3 pokemon)
32 Double team
46 thief
33 Reflect
40 Ariel Ace
44 Rest
45 Attract
46 thief
49 snatch

Somehow, Thief is listed twice.

Egg Group: Water/Dark

What IS the Dark Egg Group? Mightyena is in the Ground Egg Group (also known as Field egg group), and so is Absol. Water? Water what? There are 3 Water egg groups, Water 1, 2, and 3. Sharpedo and Remoraid are both in the Water 2 group, if that's what you mean.

Howl (breed with {mightyena})
Odur sleuth(breed with {poochyena})
Focus Energy(breed with {carvanha})
Scary face(breed with {sharpedo})

Why put Mightyena and Poochyena separately? And Sharpedo and Carvanha?

Not to sound like a critic. Sorry.

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Wed Jul 20, 2005 1:39 am
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Psychic Trainer
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ok, I'm new to this, thanks for helping me.
I'll try to fix that.
firstly, the breeding group. I believe Ice are usualy able to breed with water, I'll choose water1. and {sharpedo} is not in it, so no scary face/focus energy.
I didn't know there wasn't Dark breed-group. maybe I need to make it with the Ground group? includes {mightyena} {absol} and some Ice types like {dewgong}.
I don't get the Egg move thing.. why should I write the breeding moves again? and what if there are more than 4? :?
I'm left with:
Egg moves:
Haze -breed with {remoraid}
Odur sleuth- breed with {mightyena}
and I'll add:
Glare- breed with {arbok} (it's also in Ground)

and I got it. other moves= learned by move toturs.
other moves:
Body slam
Mud slap

scythers. cause they're green.

Wed Jul 20, 2005 12:27 pm
Pokemon Ranger
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scyther_girl wrote:
yay! my fakes were added!

Yep, I always add worthy Pok


Wed Jul 20, 2005 12:51 pm
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More Eevee Evolutions here!!

NAME: Moondeon
DESCRIPTION: Think a light blue Umbreon (minus the circles) with a mauve moon-shaped mask sorta thing (like Entei has), mauve paws and a mauve moon on the end of it's tail. Red-orange eyes
SPECIES: Moonbeam
TYPE: Ice/Dark
HT: 2"15'
WT: 58.38Ibs
ABILITY: Moonlight - raises the power of Recover, Wish and Moonlight

DIAMOND: Moondeon is said to have descended from the stars with the first ever Pokemon. It is loyal to all whom it trusts.
PEARL: A quiet Pokemon that is rare to make any noise. It is said to have come from space.

COLOR: blue
SHINY: gold
EVOLUTION: Eevee + Moonstone
ATTACKS: Ice Beam, Bite, Crystal Fire (Atk 95 Acc 80 Pp 15 Type Ice - Fires freezing flames at the opponent. May freeze), Sneak (Atk 75 Acc -- Pp 20 Type Dark - Silently attacks from below without fail. May cause flinching)

NAME: Sundeon
DESCRIPTION: Again, like a golden Umbreon (no circles) with a deep orange sun-shaped mask, orange paws and an orange sun on its tail. Jade-blu eyes.
SPECIES: Sunbeam
TYPE: Fire/Light
HT: 2"13'
WT: 58.28Ibs
ABILITY: Sunshine - raises the power of Recover, Wish and Morning Sun

DIAMOND: A Pokemon rumored in legends to bring sunshine to any land. It quickly befriends all other creatures.
PEARL: Sundeon has been thought of as the god of the sun. It was thought to have come directly from the sun's core.

COLOR: yellow
SHINY: blue
EVOLUTION: Eevee + Sunstone
ATTACKS: Flamethrower, Bite, Blast Burn, Amuse (Atk 40 Acc 100 Pp 20 Type Light - Frolics in front of the opponent and then strikes suddenly. Lowers Df)

I have pictures of them, but i don't know how to get a picture from my computer onto the website

If you're reading this, you're looking through old posts, getting nostalgic... send me an email, if you want. I'd love to hear from you. flareyworks (a) gmail

Fri Jul 22, 2005 5:54 am
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Dragon Tamer
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Name: Solron

Number (If Any): 632

Type: Fire/Steel

Species: Solar

Habitat: Unknown

Height (Either ft & in, metres or just an estimate): 5'07"

Weight (Either lbs & oz, kg or just an estimate): 1500 LBS

Ability: Levitate

Colour: Yellow/Red/Orange

Background Info/Pok

Last edited by Grass King on Mon Jul 25, 2005 2:54 am, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Jul 24, 2005 3:07 am
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The Dex Has Been Updated.


Updates will not be as frequent as normal from now on.


Please, can Undeadcutlet who created the Fire Type starters create the third one.


Sun Jul 24, 2005 4:52 am
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scyther_girl wrote:
Egg Moves: Endure, Ice ball, Hail.

Tutored Moves: ?????
Haze- breed with {remoraid}
Odur Sleuth -breed with {mightyena}
Glare- breed with {arbok}

NONONO! When you breed a poke and it gets the move from the father it is an egg move! A Tutored move is one form the Move Tutors throughout the region like Thunder Wave, Mega Punch, Mega Kick, Mimic, etc!

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Sun Jul 24, 2005 5:00 am
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sorry, I was sure I edited the earlier post.
now it's fixed.
I don't know what's between OTHER moves and TOTURED moves. so I combined {dewgong} and {houndoom}'s Toutured moves as apeared in the pokedex. :D
*is a smart ass*

scythers. cause they're green.

Sun Jul 24, 2005 9:31 am
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Location: England, with the greasy fry ups.
Name: Gerrioick (Gerr - ee - oick)

Number (If Any): 653

Type: Grass

Species: Plant

Habitat: Unknown

Height (Either ft & in, metres or just an estimate): 2"7

Weight (Either lbs & oz, kg or just an estimate): 20kg

Ability: Levitate


Background Info/Pok

Coca Cola, 2 Litres a day, keep ma batteries onnnn.

Sun Jul 24, 2005 1:09 pm
Dragon Tamer
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Name: Jeatolt

Looks like: {jolteon} + {vulpix}

Number (If Any): 633

Type: Fire/Electric

Species: Thunder Flame

Habitat: Unknown

Height (Either ft & in, metres or just an estimate): 6'6"

Weight (Either lbs & oz, kg or just an estimate): 1.3 Kg

Ability: Volt Absorb/Flash Fire

Colour: Yellow/Red/Brown

Background Info/Pok

Sun Jul 24, 2005 2:39 pm
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You've got some pretty cool Pokemon happening there, Grass King

If you're reading this, you're looking through old posts, getting nostalgic... send me an email, if you want. I'd love to hear from you. flareyworks (a) gmail

Mon Jul 25, 2005 2:29 pm
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Dragon Tamer
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Name: Daselia

Looks like: {roselia} + {bellossom}

Number (If Any): 635

Type: Grass

Species: Flower

Habitat: Fields

Height (Either ft & in, metres or just an estimate): 5'6"

Weight (Either lbs & oz, kg or just an estimate): 698 LBS

Ability: Overgrow

Colour: Yellow/Green

Background Info/Pok

Last edited by Grass King on Mon Aug 01, 2005 1:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Jul 26, 2005 2:52 am
Bug Catcher
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whats a daselia :?:

Thu Jul 28, 2005 12:13 am
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Umm...this place is THE FAKE POKEDEXNot the real pokedex. They are making up fake pokemon, you get it? Daselia is not a real thing, it is a made up pokemon--teh....there everything explained-

Image<img src="images/trainercards/Goldenprince.png">

Thu Jul 28, 2005 12:17 am
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chitto- the cheating pokemon.
Name: Chitto
species: cheater
habitat: none. breed two mawiles holding silk scarf.
Height: 1ft 0.3m
Weight: 10 lbs 3.5 kg
Ability: steel will
When hp is red, Attack power is squared.(if you had 20 atk, it'll become 400)
Colour: orange
pearl:This rare pokemon is very loyal to it's trainer, but cheats everything else.
his fast hands makes him a great pokemon for thieves.
Diamond: It can over speed even a scyther. it is very timid and rarely seen.

Shiny Colour: white
Effort Value: +1 speed
Item Held When Recieved: Quick claw
Evolution Chain: Chitto lv30 --> Mawile
Level Up Attacks:
1 splash
1 tail whip
3 sand attack
9 charm
15 double team
19 screech
27 fake tears

base states:
attck: 1
def: 75
sp.Atk: 50
sp.def : 50
spd: 300

learn set

Body slam
counfuse Ray
Focus punch
Ice punch
Mega punch
secret power
sweet kiss

breeding group: Fairy/Ground
Egg moves: tickle, sword dance, psych up, ancient power.
TM compability: the 3 punches, snatch and thief. along with the basic moves: protect/ attract/ hidden power/ secret power.
HM compability: none.

I'm working on a picture for it!
note: his attack state is like {shedinja} hp.
but level him up until he has 10 attck, and his ability makes it 100.(EV train to 20,and have 400) :D
the Attack power is halved with each succsesfull hit.

quick sketch:

scythers. cause they're green.

Last edited by scyther_girl on Sun Jul 31, 2005 3:37 am, edited 1 time in total.

Fri Jul 29, 2005 8:12 am
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NAME: Chintei
EVOLUTION: Chintei -->Fire Stone --> Entei
TYPE: Fire/Light

Diamond: It is said to have been born in the heart of a volcano. Its cry is weak and timid

Pearl: A Chintei is renowned for finding and staying with a worthy trainer. It breathes small embers when scared.

ATTACKS: Flamethrower, Amuse (Atk 40 Acc 100 Pp 20 Type Light - Frolics in front of the opponent and then strikes suddenly. Lowers Df), Tickle, Ember

COLOR: Brown (See Avator)

If you're reading this, you're looking through old posts, getting nostalgic... send me an email, if you want. I'd love to hear from you. flareyworks (a) gmail

Sat Jul 30, 2005 11:16 pm
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Dragon Tamer
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Name: Dragonscyth

Looks like:Image

Number (If Any): 636

Type: Dragon/Bug

Species: Scyth

Habitat: Forests

Height (Either ft & in, metres or just an estimate): 25'6"

Weight (Either lbs & oz, kg or just an estimate): 600 KG

Ability: Intimidate

Colour: Orange/Green

Background Info/Pok

Mon Aug 01, 2005 2:45 pm
Dragon Tamer
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Name: Conker
Number (If Any): #521
Type: water/dragon
Species: dragon
Habitat: ???
Height (Either ft & in, metres or just an estimate): ??
Weight (Either lbs & oz, kg or just an estimate): ??
Ability: guts:raises attack when low hp
Colour: black
Background Info/Pok

hey....yah...this place just isn't the same anymore....yah gone for good now....just thought i would stop by.....see yah in the future.....

Sat Aug 06, 2005 8:50 am
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you guys have great ideas!

Fri Sep 23, 2005 7:14 pm
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Location: on top of the indigo plateu
name:Image thundeon.
speces: dark thunder dog
ability:dark storm-powers dark and thunder moves and causes a storm in battles

said to be as fast as lightning, it shares a rivelry with rioku.

cololor:black, yellow
evolutions: umbreon-thunder stone

levle up attacks:

lv 1 volt tackle
lv 5 pursute
lv 9 thunder shock
lv 13 bite
lv 19 faint attack
lv 25 theaf
lv 29 meteor mash
lv 36 crunch
lv 42 eruption
lv 47 fire blast
lv 52 thunder storm(an attack that gets more powerful when thers a storm)
lv69 zap cannon
lv79 disserpear(a one hit ko on weaker pkmn)
lv92 luster purge
lv100 thunder destruton(atk:500 the ultamate thunder attack)

egg group see eevee

egg moves see umpreon

tutor move: none

tm compaterbillity

all exept ground moves


Sat Sep 24, 2005 1:28 pm
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