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 New Pokemon RP 
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Ace Trainer
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Location: Controling the Waves with Rukario, becoming one with each other

ok, this rp takes place in no specific region, you can make up a place if it serves a purpose (like a hometown, or a side-gym). 4th generation pokemon that have been announced can also be used, just give them attacks that are possible. Rukario is also an option (steel-fighting) just give him/her attacks that are possible. 1 legandary/uber per person, so that there is no god-moding and so that there is enough to go around. Size is a factor. A pidgey can not carry a 10 year old across a valley and a squirtle can carry us across an ocean. The pokemon must have surf to carry you across the water (and be big enough) and have rock smash to break a rock, well you understand.Squirtle can still have surf but for attacking pokemon, same with other small pokes.

The rules of pokemon applys: 6 pokemon per trainer, only 4 attacks. The attacks can be a possible one and be one of the same type, even if it doesnt have it for example: Umbreon (dark type) can't learn Beat Up (dark type move) but there both dark so you can do that. Battling will be like the anime. You can use an electric attack to conduct the water and so on. Pokemon are like people. You can let them out whenever you feel like it. No level hundreds until a certain time. No stats such as Sp. atk or def. The level of the pokemon does not determine strength. It only determines if it is strong enough to evolve. No level up moves(so it can be fun). The Pokemon ability must be 1 the pokemon has, no mixing and matching to suit needs. The evo-stage does not determine strength. A lot of people like the pre-evos of some pokemon more then there evo's. T catch a pokemon you must be in a place where they would be. For example, you can't catch torkoal in an icy region,same with legandarys,
no articuno in a desert.

The profile must include the following things: Name, age,gender, height (not manditory),apperance, breif history,the names (or pics) of the six pokemon, their attacks, ability, gender, level. You dont have to be a trainer, you can be any thing (breeder, hotel owner, thief)as long as it serves a purpose. The battle's will need a lot of detail. You must describe how the attacks looks and how your pokemon reacts. Let the opponent have a chance to dodge unless the move is like a non-miss one. Opponents: be realistic when attempting to dodge an attack. You can not dodge a acc:100 attack every turn. So just be as realistic as possible, and have fun:

Name: Eric
Occupation: Pokemon trainer and fisher man.
Appearance: Black cap with a picture of a master ball on it. Black fingerless gloves. Blue shorts. Knapsack. Black shirt with the a picture of a sillouette ( < excuse spelling) of rukario hovering over an ocean with waves crashing everywhere.
History: Eric was born and raised on a small group of islands west of cinnabar. His island was home to Rukario. When eric turned 7 he recieved an egg, containing a {squirtle}. As he grew older his skill as a trainer grew. when he turned 11 he was taken to the mountain where Rukario was held and he captured him.
Pokemon: 18,6 with him, Rukario is at his island, protecting them.


{blastoise} name: tank level:71
hydro pump
skull bash
ice beam

{treecko} name:WaterMelon level:15
bullet seed

{altaria} name: Jet level:47
dragon dance
dragon claw
aerial ace

{zangoose} level: 29
crush claw
fury swipes

{umbreon} level: 34 name: Lunar
take down
quick attack
moon light

{cyndaquil} lv. 5
crush claw
Eric walked along a dirt road, kicking sand. He was incredibly bored. Since he left his island, his pokemon had grown weaker. He hadnt had a battle in 4 months, and had only had a wild pokemon battle then. He saw a mountain and walked up to the entrance. There was some light. hE walked in....

Image Image ImageSig: Eon, Avy:Tyranny

Last edited by RukarioManiac on Wed Aug 10, 2005 11:42 am, edited 4 times in total.

Mon Aug 01, 2005 2:21 pm
Dragon Tamer
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Name : Leafy McGrass

Gender : Male

Occupation : Pokemon trainer and part-time breeder.

Age : 14

Height : 4'8"

Appearance : Green eyes and hair. Trainers, blue jeans and a green shirt.

History: Raised by his grandparents, who ran a Daycare center he learned about pokemon breeding so he began his journey with two eggs, that he had breed himself, and a pokemon he was given from wattson the gym leader in Mauville.

Future : Try to catch Entei {entei}

Pokemon :

Name : Bulb
Gender : Male
Level : 14
Attacks : Thunder

Name : Clamp
Gender : Male
Level : 5
Attacks : Water gun
Rain Dance
Water Pulse

Name : Karate
Gender : Male
Level : 5
Attacks : Low Kick
Focus Punch

Last edited by Grass King on Sat Oct 29, 2005 12:59 am, edited 2 times in total.

Wed Aug 03, 2005 3:28 am
Ace Trainer
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Guess its not the right time to make an RP, anyone else wanna join?

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Sun Aug 07, 2005 7:50 pm
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Leafy was walking along to Slateport city, with Bulb at his side. But all of a suden a wild {minun} jumped out of the bushes. He was then followed by a {plusle}. It looked like they were ready for a 2-on-2 battle.
"You want a battle, you got one!" Leafy shouted at the two pokemon. "Come on out Karate!!" he shouted as he threw a pokeball and a {machop} came out. "Alright Karate use Focus Punch while Bulb uses Charge then spark!" As Bulb began charging, Karate hit {minun} with a Focused Punch sending back into the bushes, then Bulb used spark on the {plusle} which also sent back into the bushes. "Good job guys!" Leafy said to his pokemon, "Return Karate," just as his {machop} returned back to its pokeball.

Mon Aug 08, 2005 3:31 pm
Ace Trainer
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Location: Controling the Waves with Rukario, becoming one with each other
Thank you Grass King!!!! maybe if we keep going more people will join....

Eric entered the cave and found himself looking at a giant lamp. A hiker was there. Wierd he thought. He left the cave. the egg in his back pack was shaking violently. He saw the ocean on a mountain. Slateport was close by. The full moon shone brightly. He sent out his eevee amd waited........

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Mon Aug 08, 2005 11:49 pm
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A couple of hours later Leafy and Bulb arrived in Slateport city. They were hoping to train and catch another pokemon for there team with an old fishing rod he was given by one of the inhabitants of Dewford town during a vacation there. He wasnt very good but he would surly manage to catch something. He went up to the waters edge and sent out his fishing rod, and began to wait, then all of a sudden he had got a bate he pulled on the rod to reveal a tentacool.
Leafy shouted "Go Clamp, use water pulse then bubblebeam!" but before it could use bubble beam, the tentacool dissapeared in the water.
"Thats an impresive shellder would you consider trading it?" asked a mysterious voice behind Leafy that made him jump. "Well," the voice said when Leafy turned around, it was a tall man with a suit who had watched him during his battle, "Okay then, if its okay with Clamp," Clamp who had been sat on Leafy's shoulder nodded, "But it just hatched a few days ago," Leafy told the man, "Thats Okay the pokemon i'm going to swap you only hatched yesterday," Leafy had a grin on his face and said, "What pokemon is it?" Then the man replied "An Absol but ive not given him a nickname but you can, by the way he knows Cut, Flash, Rock Smash and Strength." "Thats brilliant!" Leafy exclaimed. "So lets go and trade." When they had traded he had bid good bye to Clamp and had Welcomed Absol who he decided he would call Pain, and it turned out that its paws, face and the slice on its head were red. They then went back to fishing and very soon the hooked a Magikarp, "Go Bulb, use Thunder and after that hit it with Spark!" After the two attacks it had fainted.Leafy shouted "Go Pokeball!" and then it was captured.
Later that day when he was training his {magikarp} by having it tackle his other pokemon it suddenly began to glow and it evolved into a {gyarados}. "Wow!!!" Leafy shouted as he looked at his newly evolved pokemon. "I think i'll call u Rage!"

Tue Aug 09, 2005 2:17 am
Ace Trainer
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Location: Controling the Waves with Rukario, becoming one with each other
" hey eevee, do you like that?" his eevee nodded in approval. Suddenly a
{nuzleaf} popped out of the trees, looking like if it wanted to battle. "Ok," said Eric, thinking he'll finally have his long awaited Umbreon. "Eevee use quick attack". It shot out hitting the {nuzleaf} straight in the face. It got up and ran at eevee, attempting a tackle attack. "eevee dodge". It hopped to the left just missing it. But the nuzleaf stopped and started glowing white. It grew taller and fatter. It evolved into a {shiftry}. "Ok, eevee use quick attack again." It shot forward. How ever, just before it hit it, the shiftry jumped up. Then it landed and shot a bullet seed at eevee. Eevee fell down and was hurt. He stood back up and ran at the {shiftry} with force that Eric never saw her use. It hit the shiftry hard and it was knocked sense-less. eevee was a little shaken up but it was fine. "Whoa, that was a Take Down attack, cool". Suddenly his Eevee turned a bright white, and grew. "Yes, i knew it would evolve soon!!!". It stopped glowing. Eevee wasnt there. In its place was a dark dog. " Yes, Hello, Umbreon." "Umbreon". it said. "Im gonna call you Lunar ok." The Umbreon nodded. Suddenly, his backpack started shaking violently. Eric took the egg out and watched it. It had small cracks and something was coming out. he could see to feet. Suddenly, flames burst out, knocing off the egg shell. In its place was a {cyndaquil} ". "Awesome, i got a cindaquil and an Umbreon, it must be my lucky day." the {cyndaquil} was looking around. "Hey {cyndaquil} ". It looked at Eric with a confused look. "Im your new trainer, Eric." The cindaquil still looked confused. " Umm.... im your new trainer. I will train you and battle you, and you, well uh, fight." It smiled and ran at Eric, then jumped into his arms. " So, what do you want me to call you?" The cindaquill looked confused again. "Not the brightest pokemon are you?" The cindaquil made an angry face and lit up its back. Eric dropped it and looked at his gloves. They were torched. :idea: he thought. "Im gonna call you torch, ok." " Cinda cinda quil". it said as it nodded in approval. he opened his knapsack and took out a luxury ball. "Ok, here this id your pokeball." It was put in the pokeball. "Eric returned his new {umbreon} and walked off. **profile updated**

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Tue Aug 09, 2005 12:17 pm
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Leafy headed back up route 110 to a fork in the road he took the left turn which led him to a lake. He sent out Rage to carry him acrossthe lake to route 103. When he landed he saw a group of Treecko in a near by tree. He shouted, "Go Bulb!" as Bulb came out of his pokeball. "Bulb use Thunder on that Treecko in the middle," as the smallest of the pokemon dodged the attack "Wow he is good!" He shouted, "Bulb use thunder again!" But before he could fire the attack he began to glow and evolved into a Flaffy. By now the Treecko he attacked was within 2m of him. "Do u want to come and travel with me?" he asked the Treecko, who nodded.

Tue Aug 09, 2005 2:10 pm
Ace Trainer
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Location: Controling the Waves with Rukario, becoming one with each other
he headed to the Pokemon center in Olivine. next to the door was a man with an Abra. " Hey, you, kid, you wanna head somewhere?" " Um, yeah actually" "Where?" "to um...PearBranch Island." "Ok, thats about 3 miles from here, so that will be $900 dollars." "Wow, your expensive." Eric opened up his wallet and took out 900 dollars. He gave it to him. "Ok, abra, teleport us to PearBranch isand!" Eric saw a bright blue flash. Before he knew it he was at the Pokemon center in PearBranch Island, his home-town. he walked up to the town entrance, and saw Gerald, the guard. His {aipom} and {tangela} were next to him. eric tried walking through but a bunch of vines stopped him. "excuse me where is your entrance to the city?" Eric didnt know what he was supposed to do. He took of his hat and as soon as the guard saw his face, he was ecxited. "oh man, eric, im so sorry, welcome back." "its ok gerald, just doing your job." The {aipom} opened the gate. he walked to his house and as soon as he opened the door, he saw his whole family in there. His mom, big bro, his lis sister, and his dad, with the family pet, {corphish} greeted him. he greeted them all. Then he asked his dad where Rukario was at. "He is at the top of the mountain". "Ok, im gonna go get him and go, OK?. "Sure by Eric, good to see ya". He left and ran up to the mountain. the village elder was meditating on a rock, with his {shedinja} above him. The village elder looked up and smiled. Eric took out a strange looking flute. He put a circle of powder around him. He started playing the flute. After a while, the waves crashed up, and landed all around him. Every element was going crazy. Suddenly a wave crashed up and landed in front of Eric. In front of him, stood Rukario, in all his might.

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Tue Aug 09, 2005 4:17 pm
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Leafy Carried on towards Oldale town where he could rest for the night. The next morning he set out south to go to Littleroot town where he would get his pokedex from Prof Birch.

Current Pokemon:

Name : Bulb
Gender : Male
Level : 15
Attacks : Thunder

Name : Pain
Gender : Female
Level : 6
Attacks : Cut
Rock Smash

Name : Karate
Gender : Male
Level : 9
Attacks : Low Kick
Focus Punch

Name: Rage
Gender: Male
Level: 25
Attacks: Surf
Hydro Pump

Name: Vine
Gender: Male
Level: 6
Attacks: Pound
Giga Drain

Last edited by Grass King on Wed Aug 10, 2005 12:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Aug 10, 2005 2:02 am
Ace Trainer
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Location: Controling the Waves with Rukario, becoming one with each other
Rukario stared at him with dark red eyes. Then He looked up and smiled. he gave eric a friendly punch. He hit eric knocking him down. "hey, what the heck was that for". Rukario scratched his head and apologized. " hey, i heading for a tournament, and I need you to come with me". Rukario looked at the elder. The elder looked at him. Then he said: "its OK, nothing ever happens on this little island." Rukario nodded in approval. Eric got the master ball out of his knapsack. "ok, Rukario return". A blue light came out of the ball and grabbed rukario. " wait, I neeed to leave someone here." he looked at his belt and thought. Im gonna leave 2 pokemon herehe thought. He brought out his bike and pedaled down to the pokemon center. "hello, Nurse Joy". "hello, Eric nice to see you back". " Good to be back." "Sure is, so, did you need help with something?" "Yeah, could you teleport 2 of my pokemon to proffesor. Oak?" "sure, just gimme the pokeballs". "Ok, thanks." "Your welcome". He grabbed the balls containing his {altaria} and his {zangoose}. "here ya go." She grabbed the balls. She put them on a telaportation rackand contacted professor. oak. She teleported the balls over to him. "Ok, eric do you want any of your pokemon?" "Oh, no thank you." "Ok, bye Prof. oak". She turned off the machine. "ok, bye Nurse Joy" "Bye, comeback anytime:. he then walked home.
Current team:

{blastoise} name: tank level:71
hydro pump
skull bash
ice beam

{treecko} name: watermelon level: 15
bullet seed

{umbreon} --shiny-- name: Lunar level:34
take down
moon light
quick attack

{cyndaquil} name: torch level: 5
crush claw

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Wed Aug 10, 2005 11:41 am
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When he reached Littleroot, he let out all of his pokemon, apart from Rage, to get a bit of fresh air. He knocked on the lab door and Prof Birch answered. "Hello how can I help you?" the professer asked. "Oh, i'm here to pick up my pokedex," Leafy replied. "So you are the new trainer and I see you have caught quiet alot of pokemon. You even have a treecko! Oh please come in." Leafy entered followed by his pokemon he was taken to the back of the lab.

Last edited by Grass King on Thu Aug 11, 2005 5:05 am, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Aug 10, 2005 12:45 pm
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Location: Controling the Waves with Rukario, becoming one with each other
He went to the shorline of the island. "Go, Tank!". He threw an ultraball out and a {blastoise} came out. " Hey Tank, i need you to carry me across the water". "Blaaaaast!" His {blastoise} jumped in the water. Eric jumped on him. his blastoise moved across the water slowly at first, then he was going pretty fast. he saw a {wailord} jump out and cause a huge have. he was close to his destination......

Image Image ImageSig: Eon, Avy:Tyranny

Last edited by RukarioManiac on Thu Aug 11, 2005 1:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Aug 10, 2005 3:02 pm
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At the back of the lab was an area where Leafys pokedex was kept waiting for him. "Here you go," Prof. Birch said to Leafy as he picked up the only pokdex left. "Thanks alot!" Leafy replied as he was handed it.

Thu Aug 11, 2005 5:04 am
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Location: Controling the Waves with Rukario, becoming one with each other
He landed in Slateport Harbor. he was walking when he felt a pinch on his foot. "Ahh......what the heck was that?". A {corphish} popped out of the sand. It looked strong. "hey what the heck.....go away...shoo". It fired a bubblebeam. "You ahh.....go WaterMelon" he threw a pokebal and his {treecko} popped out. " Watermelon use bulletseed". he fired little yellow pellets at the {corphish}. It got hit directly. It got back up. It started glowing. It grew and then evolved into a {crawdaunt}. " Uh-oh. watermelon use pound. it slamed its fist down on it. It got back up and used a crush claw. it hit {treecko} directly. {treecko} got back up. It's mouth started glowing. It shot 3 green balls at the {crawdaunt} and when it hit, they broke up and went back to treecko. "Awesome, a giga drain attack." the Crawdaunt fell to the floor. It was knocked out. Suddenly, his treecko started glowing. After a while it evolved. It was now a {grovyle}.
"awesome. Watermeoln return". he withdrew it and walked on.

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Thu Aug 11, 2005 1:17 pm
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Leafy left the lab and headed north, towards Odale once again.

Sat Aug 13, 2005 3:04 pm
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he was now in slateport and started buying many things. "Now to go to my secret base."

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Sun Aug 14, 2005 3:15 pm
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Hope its not too late to join the rp
Name: Drake
Occupation: Pokemon Ranger
Age: 15
Apearance: Red Hat, Red jacket with black tree mark on the back, black jeans, rope attached to his belt.
Height: Quite Tall
History: When he was 10 he caught a Teddiursa in the Safari Zone with his father. When Team Rocket ambushed him and stole his fathers pokemon. When Drake awoke he was in berry forest. He saw he still had his teddiursa, but his father was no where to be seen so he swore revenge on Team Rocket for taking his father away.

{Uraring} called Ultra Level 65
Hyper beam
Seismic Toss

Ariados Called Swarm level 37
Spider web
Night shade
Fury Swipes

Pikachu called Zap level 30
Secret power

Growlithe level 40
Flame wheel
Take down

Entei Level 50
Fire blast
Calm mind
sunny day
Drake watched from his secret base as a Team Rocket Grunt walked past looking around for something. Drake decided to follow the grunt and see what he was up to.

Last edited by Samr14 on Sat Oct 29, 2005 6:32 am, edited 2 times in total.

Sat Aug 20, 2005 6:23 am
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Ace Trainer
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w00t! someone joined!!! its never to late to join my RP. 8)

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Sat Aug 20, 2005 12:32 pm
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As Drake stepped out into the path the rocket grunt turn around and shouted "Arbok sludge bomb". Drake dived back into a bush and yelled "Go Swarm, use spider web" a thick silky web shot out and coverd the arbok. "Now Ultra HYPER BEAM!" in a flash his ursaring stood there and sent a massive beam of energy at the arbok. "No my arbok, the boss is gonna kill me" the grunt turned and started to run. As a growilthe stepped out in front of him "Growithe use Take down." It pouced on the rocket grunt. Drake ran forward Tied him up and asked him where he was going he replied Odale Town. Drake Stood and smiled Odale wasn't far soon he would get his revenge. He withdrew his growithe and sprinted off toward petalburg city.

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Sun Aug 21, 2005 1:32 am
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Please. no ULTRA moves
He hopped oopened a flap in a bush. he jumped in. "Ahh, good to be home". he fed his pokemon, healed them, and then left. he jumped out.
he saw a huge explosion in the west. it looked like it was in Oldale town." hey, Rukario, look at this" he jumped out of the bush. He was focusing on something. "There is something wrong there." "Go check it out will ya?" "He nodded. It started running over there. He jumped and landed in front. "Oh well". his {cyndaquil} was on his shoulder. "Ok, Torch lets go." They started running over to Oldale town. ( a little later ) he was on a path to Petalburg city. he saw a trainer in front of him. His jaket had a tree mark on its back. "A pokemon ranger" he wispered to himself. "Helo, excuse me, do you know what caused that explosion?"

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Mon Aug 22, 2005 11:18 am
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Ultra is the Ursarings name
Drake turned and saw a Kid with a cydaquil on his shoulder which he thought wwas strange as he looked more like a water pokemon trainer then anything else. Damn he thought Team Rocket are already here. " Look Kid unless you got anything stronger than a cydaquill you better run cause Team Rocket are here" as he said that Rukario stepped out of the shadows "WHAT is that your Rukario? if it is follow me and help me stop Team Rocket, What do ya say" just then another explosion went off. "So now decide" When he finished he carried on running towards Odale Town.

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Mon Aug 22, 2005 12:55 pm
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Opps, forgot about that
He looked at Rukario and smiled. "Yeah, ill help you" he ran behind him, his Rukario running ahead. "Rukario, go, *huff, puff* check it out." It jumped up and went way ahead. team Rocket he thought what are they doing here? I thought they stayed in Johto? he was angered. team Rocket had destroyed his house in Johto. he then rememered. he was gonna help that man. he seemed very angry, and very sad. he might need my help he thought, and kept on running.

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Mon Aug 22, 2005 5:29 pm
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When they reached odale town everything was burning and a group of team rockets were piling up lots of pokeballs. Drake grabbed all the pokeballs from his belt yelling "go all of you". They all apeared in a line infront of him when a dark figure stepped out in front of the pile of pokeballs and laughed "what a weak set of pokemon HA HA HA!, but i have no time for this" He Graabbed a Black pokeball from his waist and shouted "GO MEWTWO!" it apeared in a big flash and faced Drake. How can i beat this he thought.

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Tue Aug 23, 2005 11:08 am
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Im gonna have to make a move for Rukario here.
"Rukario, Wave Blitz!" Out of the blue, a blue ball of energy came out and hit the mewtwo. It fell to it flew back and hit a treee. "Torch, use Crush claw!" . It ran at the mewtwo and slammed it with its paw. he then grabbed a pokeball out of his belt. "Watermelon, use bullet seed!" it fired little green pelllets at that mewtwo. " hey, i got your back" Eric said to the ranger.

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Tue Aug 23, 2005 11:49 am
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